Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1953, p. 16

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Beverly Lovatr rmduiigiaf WW mates comm Merlybwwu Violet den Running my 3va gym Black With Mr and MJ Ernest Dales vi Mr arid Mrs William Hurt Jacky Iowden RelayBeverty were Senior Boy LOW Jacky Lowden Janet Mc rhggd aggnnlirsmmmg Mullin Norms Heathcote 113123 Terry Emma and MT 100 yardswhfervin wedlock Alwvllolland Lorna Black V3105 Mm Chris Beware and Ma mmnn 05 1858 3am 3w AHQUS 5th Field Results Weekend and Sunday visitors Dawson City area in the Yukon lfhe slides were made up by young clergyman who had Spent Ea surmner doing muslonary wch garcund Dawson City The fascin atiug scenery work of the church land gold mining operations were educational and entertaining Mrs vhgan Sgwiujihulm Scase Anne Sham Vinan flour Wimam Han Ckstwn Danny Lowden Standing broadm and Mfg Sine 01 Mervin Bullock Konstan Roth 0f Tcmmo 95 35 Keith Dempcter Running broad with Mr and Mrs Leonard Mcrvln Mallock Konstnn Roth 0M Allan Bush Running highKori stan Roth Mervin Mall Ram say Cameron Relay an Bush Konsten Roth Keith Dempoter and Barry who have been in at the corner of Pater and Ame mi Cw l1 ed ver Streets moved to their new homeghmmmn Smjmgieneme 03 Lawson 81 hm has Mr Malibu then made the pres been completed The architectural mum Mr and Mrs Simpscn design is very ubiquc and lociSi =ul Much tmw Ago rt Vary cumfottuble es ME gt $21 pupil from Mrs Simpsons Sum Mrs William Rarch MS FRYidzly School class presented her 59 Nt 3m Patricia Weir Riel Rowathland Florence Comner star Flora Knight Junior Ban 50 yankRichard Duckworh Roy Carson Bobby Lynn Stand ing broadsBuy Carson Ronnie Wel1er Richard Duckworth Running broadmflichard Duck Miss Aileen Gardener Russell and Howard attended the fair in autumn FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES VIBE For Butte amt District DOMEsnc and COMMERCIAL WEEKEND 120 Refrigeration Co 118 Dunlap St Near Mulcastcr Phone 2059 OPEN FRI TILL pm chased thc residence from Mr and with bouqm 01 nowers In his Mrs Hall on Queen Street East and moved in on Monday To Beside in Orlllla Mr and Mrs Chcstrr Baker and family have moved to Orl121 Bust wishes 11 extezidcd to 311 11 their new homcs Family Day at Sl Johns 011 Sunday mormng St Johns lUllllJI Church thcrc was large Ullgltilltll IMF the dimly i1 scrvicc 21 Was cutiducicd l1 thc Suhd School supcnnlcttdcnt Vic cli lllll Miss Evelyn illbctl John Dickinson 11d Ralph Irigellon mistmu Rcv ILtyIJllL MA DD spoke on the 1113310 Iitld 11 Northlrn Rho dcsiu shuwmg few pictures 01 the people and homcs there Farewell Party 01 vttllltldlly cvcruug Supt fill tlic cmigrcmtiun and Sunday School of Wyclgffc Anglican Church hold furcucll purty in honor 11 Mr and Mrs F1c Simp moving to Ilatric Crawford Co Est mums ion1111mm 1919 IllH TORONTO SIOCK EXCHANGE Municipal and Corporation Bccutltlcs 9llDunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2143 Evening 2388 Dirt11 Wlics Do you have the BILL BLUES 2511 my Canada Wcll cheer up You can pay your fuel bill fur with prompt cash loan from PC Thousands of others do Fast incday scrvicc $50 to 81000 on your own signature Up 1924 months to repay OLD FINANCE 28 Dunlop St Westcom floor phono 5S29 BARRIE ONT OIILLIA BRANCH 55 Mlulnugu 5L Eul and act whom 11 laddress Mr Matson referred to gthe great contribution Mr and Mrs Simpson and their famlly had szdc to the work of Wycliffe Church especially the Sunday lSchuol Mr Suupson bcing the lsupcriiitcudcm and Mrs Simpson iclass teacher The cheerful will izrigucss and faithfulness with lwhich they did their work they cxprussion of Christian lovc they were proscrich With two oil paint 11115 which wool with sincere lpruycr Mr Simpson expressed 1hr sinccrc appreciation of the gift and assured everyone that it was inot cosy to break away either from the community or the fol Iouship of Wycliffe Church lunch was scrvcd by the ladies of the parish and the rector closed with family prayers and the benc diction New Township Clerk Robcrtson who recently resigned as township road super intendent which office he had fill cd successfully for many years has bccn appointed by Flos Council as clerk and his office will be Ill the butt township building just east of the main section of the village WI Met at Mrs Copelands The Elmvalc Womens Institute held their first meeting of the fall ut the summer home of Mrs Ar thur Copeland ClVIcw Cottage Wusaga Beach with an attendance of 12 The president Mrs Bert llowlcy was in the chair and opcncd the meeting with the 10dc and the Lords Prayer Mrs Archer was acting secretary and road the minutes and correspond 011cc and matters of business which had occurred since the Juneucct mg Programs for the year were given out Mrs Copeland read an article on BrigGen Crit chlcy written for Macleans by Beverley Baxter and entitled Fabulous Canadian Roll call brought forth many fine reports as members told of interesting times in their summer vacation contest on pics you know providcd fun and was won by Mrs Stephen son and Mrs Copeland Meeting closed and was followed by pot luck supper which was enjoyed The October meeting will be held at Mrs James Beardsalls Elm vale when Mrs Little will peak on her trip to England an the Coronation Visitors welcome Mrs Watson Toronto spent few days with her mother Mrs Boardsall 0n Motor Trip Mrs James Furlong Miss Mar ion Furlong and Mr and Mrs Stanley Furlong are on motor will be greatly missed As small DONT LOOK at this photo too longyou might be hypno tizcd Better still take in the show being staged Friday and Saturday nights Oct audit by these experts of the hypno tic arts Steiner the gentleman land Gusdal Internation ally knowu they are the only hypnotic team in the world The show starts at 830 at the Oddfellows Temple Collier Street Barrie trip to Timmins Suult Sic Marie 21nd Pontiac Michigan Miss Mary Ritchie Reg Oril liu returned after spending some time with her mother Mrs Ritchie Mrs Laura Hart Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Iloudcn Miss Maxine Ritchie Toronto and Eugene Barrywcre guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Ritchie Mr and Mrs George Fraser spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Rutlaud Elrlck Al World Series James Reid Bernard Stone Allt vin and Allard Reynolds and Phon Sibbald left by car to attend the World Series in New York Vernon Jordan Toronto renew ed friendships here on Friday Miss Joy Bertram Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Reg Bertram Mr and Mrs John Finlick To lronto were weekend guests of Rev and Mrs Malson Miss Kelsey Toronto is spending few days with Mr and Mrs Matson Mrs Gossling spent few days with relatives in Barrie Mr and Mrs Montlc Ritchie Mrs Douglas Naismlth and son Barry and Mrs Tom Ritchie spent Sunday with friends in Orillia Mr and Mrs Ken Knox spent couple of days at Buffalo Mr and Mrs Maurice Belland daughter Wendy Spent the week with relatives in Toronto Miss Heather Forces Hamilton new Studebaker IllaSlurllinglowprice ugnumvl Alltlic Studebaker of made sensational scores the 1953Mcbllgas Run spoils The mostadvanced automobile in Canada outgrenade that will Sensitional Studebdker roperuting crummy lawns Big frodelln al priglit aWayand find out 119w little it costs toown Canadas must talked about car willie strikingly original 1953 Studebaker Come lnandsec for yourself the serrations low prices that gamma in every new Etudel rbnkmdwummnlhudrmi be Outstanding for years loviuutel Easy iiuymumd Come in and gooutvfor an un forgettable drive in the Stude baker you llkebest Thentrtidem in your present car fo top al Iowance and drive liq in your oWn thrillingmw Studebaker CommapdbbvssorChampionb Come in todayand become proud Studebaker owner alliurSlitdrlial Miracle Ride end ma foreign car ail in body types Canndlancomurf and handling and longer wheelbarch cud widcrtrcadsl afnities of gifts for big visiblhly Iliadhugging safely up turn cud curvrsf dutrlrarbmllr mivnl tsuunvuum mduutmonddvolr 11111611 3654 Junior Plowing Match Held At Gilford South Simcoc Ilowmcns Itsl socialion and the South Simcoc Junior Farmers sponsored coach ing and junior plowing match again his year This event was held at the farm of Bob Allc Gil ford on Sept 28 The main purpose of the day was to create an interest in good plow ing and to Show how to set the plow and dcvclcp good plowing There were 18 boys fromSimcoc County entered these mostly com ing from the high schools in the district Barrie Collegiate had 10 boys entered Banting Memorial High School Alliston had five and lherc was one each from Brad ford and Left0y There were also few Junior Farmers and public school boys entered Gardham Tran Markham lhc official coach and Among others present to assist in the coaching were Blythe McCon kcy Stroud and Robcrt Campbell Churchill directors of the South Simcoe Plowmcns Association Results of the plowing done by was judge spent the weekend with her grand parents Rev and Mrs Slubbs Mr and Mrs are spending week with friends in Toronto Mrs Lloyd Knight and children Orlllia spent the weekend with Mrs Fergus Rowat Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ritchie and Carnahan atNiagaia Falls and Buffalo Patient in Midland Hospital MrsJamcs Stone spent few days The many friends of Mrs Wil liam Keeley will be sorry to hear she is 21 patient in St Andrews Hospital Midland All hope to see her home soon Vsitors with Mr and Mrs Gossllng were Mr and Mrs Fred Oakes Nancy and Marlie of To ronto und Mr and Mrs David Gossling Sault Ste Marie 0111 The besluf Sturgeon Lefray Ramsay Cameron Danny Holland Danny Inwden Bobby Hiltz Ross Fitz Senior Gills 75 yzirdsnhluiiel Vincent Di annc Blackburn Lauralic Boyer Bull throwEileen Berard Dianne Blackburn Dorothy DeBcck Stan ding broadMuriel Vincent Di anne Blackburn Dorothy DeBcck Running broadMDianneBlzickburn Muriel Vincent Dorothy DeBeck Running highMuriel Vincent Dorothy Dchck Eiiccn Bcrard llclayDiaune Blackburn Dorothy DcBcck Lauralle Boyer Muriel Vincent Lynn Robbins Pat Regan Eileen Bcrard Pat Chislctl Informatith Boys 75 yardsBob Whyfe Keith Mc Master Garry McCullough Hop slcmeob Whyte Garry McCul lough Leonard Duckworth Stand ing broadBob Whytc Garry Mc Cullough Leonard Duclcworth Running broadBob Whyte Keith McMirster Robert Jackson Run ning highKeith McMastcr Leon ard Duckworlh Bob thyte Re lgMb Whyte Keith McMastcr Garry McCullough Bobby Milne Bob Elliot Robert Jackson Ron nie Columbus Eddie Regan Roger Britncll Bob Turcoltcj Brian Gumhill Horst Karlcin Intermediate Girls 50 yardsBeverly Lovatt Jacky Lowdcn Janet McMulliu Ball flirowVlolct Scasc Jacky Low dcn Flora Knight Standing broad the competitors were as follows Class for lhoso who had plow ed at match before lst Keith Robinson Cookstown RR who also made the best crown 2nd Charles Ireland Banting Memor ial High School 3rd Art Maw and Bob McCartney Barrie Colleg late this entry also had the best finish 4111 Jack Hambly Brad ford High School 5th Arthur Johnston Stuyner 6th Allan Hooper and Walker Hunter Bar rie 7111 Don Leslie and John Dunsmore Barrie Class for those who had not plowed in match before lst Jim Heuchon Beelon who also had the best crown 2nd Rodger who also had the best finish 3rd Allan Jackson and John Ferris Barrie 4th Mer vin Broley and Beverley Cochrane Barrie 5th Bob Lisk and Albert Baker Banting Momonlal High School Allislon This event certainly brought forth the fact that there are boys from Simcoe County who are still interested in Allie art of good plow ing From this the South Simcoe learn to enter in the InterCounty Class at the International Plowing Match was chosen This team will town and Charles Ireland Ever ett Association are holding their plow ing match on Oct 17 on the farm of Norman Mayes Stroud As further service the Pinw mens Association is sponsoring bus trip to the International Plow ing Match on Friday Oct Cost of the trip will be $325 per per son 21nd tickets may be purchased from the Department of Agricul ture Allistoit Blythe McConkey Stroud Frank Cowan Thornton Bob Campell Churchill and John Elennell Bradfortll mouthing includes LCoke On Thanksgiving you want the best of everythingfonyour family anduguestngNaturally that includes CocaCola servedfirmly cold tin its own bottle Put numbtum it I91315emanationmum our consist of Keith Robinson Cooks The South Simcoe Plowmensv worth Roy Carson Ronnie Web ster Running high Richard DuclcworthiBdin Jefferies Ronnie Webster Relaywlloy Carson Richard Duckworth Ron Webster Bobby Lynn Billy Elliot Aubrey Robbins Ricky Collins Arthur Roth Johnny Duckworih Andy Milne Gordon Lec Lawrence Pace Junior Girls 40 yardsJosie Louden ShitEa Baltzcr Muriel Dcmpotcr Slild ing broadMary Elliott Josie Lowdcn Barbara Duckworth Running brwd8hiela Baltzcr Muriel Dcmpster Juan Scasc Run ning highJosic Lowden Diane Price Shirley Carson Relay Joste Lowden Mary Elliott Mur iel Dcmpsler Kathleen Arnem Shirley Carson Diane Turcottc Maisie Scase June Gibbs Barbara Duckworth Diane VanDricsshc Lucy Luk zewski Valerie Thompsou Highest in Each Group Senior boyKonstan Roth run nerup Mervin Malloek Senior girlMuriel Vincent Di anne Blackburn Intermediate Keith McMastcr Intermediate girlBcvcrly vatt Jackie Lowdcn Junior boyRichard Duckwortli Roy Carson Junior girlJosie Lowdcn Mur icl Dcmpstcr and Mary Elliott tied L0 to break as any Barrie on Salurday MT and Mrs Murray Wilson were visitors on Sunday with M1 and Mrs Linwood Sturgeon Oscar Sutherland spent Sundav at Huntsville Miss Laura Barnes Barrie spent theweekend with her sister MM Ritchie Mr and Mrs Robert Bell Wood stock spent the weekend at Ernlo Bells Midland Foundry Defence Contract van and it is expected boyBob Whytc Midland Foundry and Machine C0 $120000 Dcpartmcnt of National lDefence production contract for thc manufacture of jacks for the Ltd has been awarded servicing of the latest type of adian fighter aircraft Of new design recently velopcd by the Midland firm the jacks are now in production that delivery will be complete by theyear end Both No and No plants of the comptu will be utilized and some expansion of the present staff of 65 is expected Also in production at Midland foundry and now being tested by major oil companies is new line of rotary air compresms which it is stated are much superior to the present piston type Your Partnerin Helping Canada Grow Your BNS Manageris good man to know In Barrie he is Hancock Best BuulnSpace Heaters SAVE $5000 to $6000 r15 Deluxe Moon 153 Vsuv THIS cums SPACE HEATER NOW mo GET son at AUTOMATIC numosur Sung Home owners This Evans Deluxe oilfired Home Hooter Helen an abundance of clean warm fair with no fuss or muss Low in first cost if burns low cost fuel oilond has the lowest operating cost of cmT other type of oilfired unit Conbe installedin few Jnilnules in small homes cabinsL stores and Shops Heater regular $12995 Plus Heatwave Power Blower $4000 bqc $161135 smut $11935 resusAstow gas $150 wsguv smut noun $7 13 13093 unfit gramme PENEIANGJBOTTLING co in rr reuetsnrmnuu radu

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