Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1953, p. 15

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How WOULD YOU LIKE ma FILTER QUEEN With every demonstrztlon given or arranged by Oct 13 we give ticket for free draw for brand new Filter ueen The Chance Of Lifetime mqu when You Thmk 010 MM CLEANER think at the new HEALTH UNIT No bag on stick No bag in tank No concealed cloth filter to be regularly re moved and cleaned The FILTER QUEEN method of separating dirt from the air stream ls unique and far not any other system in household cleaners dirememher only FILTER IEEN has the dirt storage capacity to go for weeks without emptying with out losing high velocity suc lion CALI IIIIY It TRACY Emmi QUEEN guns or BARRIE Phono 3482 vaennurst spent wch ng Strcui ends Take Up Residence Herc Flight Lieutenant and Mrs 316 Lhnon and son and daught E33211 Borden have up rr deuce in Fred IApaLtxnents here Improving STEEWTFIIome Her many friends am so glad Edna 51ng Spring sj nine here atom what Ln luclur dulgnosed as lam attack of polzo Motor Trip To Ottawa Mr and Mrs Palmer and Mrs Spence enjoyed 131 wcek on mutt trip through Muskoka and to Ottawa Rally Day And Promotions Rally Day and promotion scr vm vcic held In St James Uni lcd Church Oct with the sup icrintcndcnt Roy Goodfcllow Ln charge The program of the Rally Day SCtVlCL which had 115 its theme iGtrMakc Discnllcs of All Nations was followed lliLs in troduced the new in Nolthcrn Rhodesia Africa Mrs Harold Robertson told tint story gowa Begins New and tho dramatization Second Chance in the Copper Bell was presented by Amelizt Webb Glenn Smith Mrs Ferguson Mrs It Good fellow and Lloyd Cumming The juziior LlCLiSOS repented Psalm 122 and the primary kindergarten and nursery classes sang three hyan tAu additional primgry class lias lbccn formed with hrs Fergu us roachcr Good Showing At Barrie Fair Congratulations to all those who tcntcrcd things at the Barrie Fair land received prizes Also to those lmcmbcrs of the Womens Institute for their cfforts in splendid dis play Aftci several years without propcr facilities tbc ladies are to Foi tlie best coal and service in town Enioy better value and service and greater healing comfort1 CALI IHE SARJEANI tIMITED Street Plum 2415in icture New fl 900 Tzike it easy young lady but polythene oneof chgmismysmodem lightweight plastics is the secret of glare weight lifting act Shes holding 934 pound polythene carboy usedfor by and transport of chemicals More familiar uscsof versatile ythene are in flexible handy squeeze bottles and protective min bargainsfruit alld vegetables WNDOWCLEANINGS WHlllf saysthis pretty young Ligament that of work Lib con ckIy and when sq Available in smart colorsblue green know glint dipping in caged are ultraabsorbent the 11 ueezecl dry they do double duty as chamms CIL Cellulose Sponge saves he lot the water pail because these surfaces cover large areas coral yellow land but You can gelipu suit loudetcgm blond Origin dud wooljooking wet and still rgtoiliTneut outer oranges orthl ind wool blendedfubrlcs quickly loso unsightlyiwurikles tEANAPIAN INDUSTRIES BEEP3 it and be conga did effort lens we llulhuliand Mr Trim Orangov Judged At Lindsay Eric Jackman was the Dual Purpor lury rm Motor Trip and vtrs Fr Elljllellt vqcckcnd on Luau tlr nu Line Negblgtors On Monday Supt lit the lltl line neighbor indics of Mr lIazl icc gathered at hcr home for friendly attcrnoun and to Show theirdppreci ion of tuning had her for ncghbo Mr Frank Murphy read 1in nppmpzi dress and Mrs Wicc was with two pretty cull lIIlll before leaving Lhc lanc to inch her home in Stroud near Penemng Minister The members of thc Prusbytcrizm Church had the plunmrc of iltlllt ing Rcv Charles Cnrtcr of Pun tanguishcnc wlulc Itcv Muir was preaching attulVtlSaly Corriecs Mr Carter took his text from the gospel of Matthew The ground on which stand is Iloly Ground Rally Day Oct ll Sunday Oct 11 is to be the Rally Day survives in the Presby tcrian Church with Sabbath School and church meeting together in the church at pm The Communion of thc Lords Supper will be divpcnscd on Sun day Oct 13 Mr and Mrs James Leonard were in Toronto on Monday at tending the funeral of their aunt Mrs James Bowman Mr and Mrs Campbell 51nd Donald and Mr and Mrs John Cowou and Gordon attended anniversary services at Dunedin on Sunday Centennial of Kildarc Mr and Mrs James Leonard will be at home to their friends and neighbors on Saturday and Sunday Oct 10 and 11 from two to ve oclock in the afternoon andfrom seven oclock in the evening on the occasion of 10 years since William Leonard groa grandfather of Mr Leonard set tlcd on the Crown Land in 1853 The farm is known as Kildare Farm and has bccn in the Leon ard family continuously Mr and Mrs Ross Newman and gum oHamiLtouspentthe weekend with Mrs Newmans par ents Mr and Mrs George Sharing Mr and Mrs Seymour Kell spent Sunday at Dwight Nelsons Mr and Mrs Robert McDonald and family visited Mr and Mrs Irving Cooper and Mrs Anderson who is ill with her daughter Mrs Cooper BELLE EwART Mrs Dolph Trombley and son Troznbley Toronto were Sunday visitors With Mr and Mrs Trombley Mr and Mrs bmce Jack Oak Ridges spent Sunday at their cot tage here Mrs Innis North Bay spent the weekend with Mrs Trom bley $he Late Maude Fre erick Arthur Maude died at his late residence 127 Northcliffe Blvd Toronto on Thursday Oct 1953 beloved husband of Mar garet When and dear father of William Maude Service was The muuui county Black and Day Spot 30 it conned with Smart Far and best placed by Judge lf Siiccdilllc ilfmnicr mitcr of thc gt3me wtw Jamaal fugue Alldtutl whale the misc breeder was Mc gut All131ol with Koch illlii Thornton as runnerup CHkll Benton took the grand championing fol on nzs tvumlni tmuor year 112 Bond llztvcn Rug Apple Dipi loom who son of tch notedi vturksman In Inkng the juniori Clillltlsll$lllp Diplomat repeatch his win of your ago He alluvial Lxciptionul development sticovh anocthncss for his age acmth cscrvc Junior and vc grand champion was is gtrilcmgly smooth dairy bull with gzca blood of shotlidcz llcnaftcn Trumpeter The cow cizlsscs wch strong will Jame McCiguc taking the unto and grand championship on his winner 11 tch class dry cows tour yczirxt old and over Glcnufton Mona Axic Axic combincd with lltl daughter Idcgt1nr Rug Applt Axic who stood third in class and was Judgcd the bot uddercd fc mile of the show to win the spcclt in cuss for dam and doughtcr imd chumpion hult grcal ca dcpth of hi llll texture of uhr The tcttt grand chum cCagueS junior bull calf who piohp award cht to the Will ner in the c1393 for milking cows four ycurs and over DclMzir Noblcssc Daisy Bcth shown by Dclmcr Wilson Son Alhslon strong contcndcc for champion ship honors was the winning milk ing twoyczirold Shown by James McCague Lodcstar Princess Fayne who was grzldcd very good as twoycurold and has developcd mnrvellously well since her junior championship win at this show last year Elmer Stoltz Alliston showed the junior champion female win ning with the first prize junior heifer Monte Brnc Trademark Pictje who is very classy youngtcr strong straight and smooth Thc rcscrvc junior award went to Ccrswcll on his first prize heifer calf Bond Haven Sceptre Juliette In the group classes James Mc Cnguc had the winning senior get ofsirc on the get of Montvic Rag Apple Marksman while McCaguc took the junior getof sirc class on the get of Glenafton nggel James McCazucalsu had the winning progeny of dam and the first prize graded herd while McCague showed the first prize junior herd Gordon Brethet Son Tottenham exhibited the first prize senior bull calf Jermey Barrie the first prize dry twoyearold Dclmer Wilson Son the winning senior yearling Cochrane the first prize sen ior heifer calf Other exhibitors included Wilcox Sons Bee ton Victor Ross Oro Station Harold Robertson Stroud and Cal vin Ireland Everett Ireland and Ross were showmg for the first time Winner of spec ial class for 4H Calf Club calvgs was Donald Btethet Tottenham who placed Second with his calf in the open class Donald also won the Showmanship avvard held at Jerrett Funeral Chapel on Monday at pm Interment in Prospect Cemetery Mr and M18 Blundell and family have moved to Belfountain Here on Way to Ottawa Quaniz Winnipeg visited his brother Quautz last week on his way to Ottawa Moore spentthe weekend in Colliugwood with his daughter Mrs Green Old Landmark Destroyed Oneof the oldest landmarks formrly the Appleby Estate was destroyed by fire on Sundayaf teruoon Although the Innisfil Township fire brigade arrived at the scene as soon as possible after sth re was discovered and dida splendid job ofsavlng surrounding buildings th old homestead was demolished Itwas fortunate the re brigade had sufficient hose to reach the Jake Lets hope they have plenty for all eventuallties Mr Robertson uE MW v0 LLL ml tva MASO LFx NM AN meg HE Slow FL we wanna SWEETER AND SHE HAD To ktDAT 95 if Tm Migrant 857 LOVE sure THEE CROCOWE 15 no mums TO THESE Wu lOoema GONE THEY Alli5 Elem wt WHO CAN BACKUP HIE OPINION RE new SKEETER voup BETTER GET IN THE out 017 THAT H3155 WULLYE SWEEP THEMFCLE OOHMIWEXCITEMENT AM 72165 116 CHIS 02 Walt Kelly 111ng AMT 15 we owe um 71125 KIDSmm new zcn AHHANBOME non we afVmfv owe SMALL ml AM ALvuys DEMI1 ONCE Alums one To Eumsz WTH WKIND 6021721515 sz MAMSELLE aur HES PLANNIN COME BACK HERE JUNIOR Aro WLENOID ATTlTUDE TOMAN mm we 16 radialONE mFE whos ALL THE EXCITEMENTZ MUGGS uosmsxm AN UMPPE WfwmelTH 5m yen KNer our rm mesurwm you me gem1155 mm awayp mm PEARL Beadssh so GALLANT sucu TENDEIZIEUCH GAY THOUGHT You WERE TRYHG TO TEACH JUNIOR no BRING IN THEawait Wm lg nil iWELLHE 57w tutti 111 WW 5m TktLL LlVEN up we SWARRY ALL 216m GEJA M1177 61027512 At lMJRYtNeTO fIEACH HIM THAT co the TO READNGS Auo you KW sues ALWAYS Wino THE FACT om noummmmv cwmes Eo ma

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