Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1953, p. 14

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Esmy oor 1953 Winn Km Dave Momshw spent the weekend with mother Mrs Hurling Miss Marjorie Wilkinson Spent recent weekcnd With her 11001ch Mrs Wilkinson Mrs 383 Wilkinson and soul Tommy were in the village on Friday rcncwing old acquaintancc Mums Helen and Doris hlnpcs Barrio spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mr ltcrzn ert Mapca Capt and lttrs Km Maya and daughter Joy Ann of Camp Bob den spent the ucckcnd with inc farmers parents Mr and Mrs George Noyce Mrs Bert Harman and son Enc ol Eugenia Falls arc winding 11 few days visiting the fmnlfvr mother Mrs James Millul and Mr and Mrs llcih Harman Recent Guests Recent gucstlt at Mr and Mr Charlie Rugsclls wore on Sundav lust Mr and Mrs Lloyd on ningham and dnuuhtvr Jinn of Barrie Mr and Mrs llnrold l0lllti sell of Schombcyg vintuu Mr ini Mrs llusscllnnd Mrs Rur aell Friday visitors vcic Dr uizl Mrs George Pollock lhoiold Recent visitors with Edward Webb Mr and Mr Jamm av cm of Pickurlug visited the 11 terstathcr on Sunday alco Mr Webbs daughter Mrs llcrbcit ERobcrt Ncys and Mr thc down Hounsome and Mr llounsome of Bradford were Sunday visitors Mr and Mrs Clem Cole Detroit were callers on Sunday at Mrs Sam Coles Visiting At Kettltby Mr and Mrs Wesley lliudlc and doughtc Frances spent Sunday at Kettlcby visiting Mrs llindlcs brother and sistcxuinlaw hr and Mrs Norman Greensldcs Mri Stun Cole is spending fcw iuys violing relatives in Aurora Mr and Mr Tom Msycs spent wcekrnd in Toronto visiting iclutivcx M15 Graham spcul Sunday Ln Toronto visitng her dnughtcr MM Vioch Graham Mrs Mayox and Mrs William Walker spout Monday in Tolonto Mr and ML luorgc MJyCS Spent Friday in Toronto dll lirilcr Toronto spent Saturday in toxin Trip To cst Mr and hits Arnold left Monthly 01 motor trip Wort 3nd to lhc Com for tw vccks and tall icturn hourc by lt Soclil Iivvnlng The WA of the AllllltLlIl Church uc making Nuns to rtlclill cvcn iizj uzd uricty rillt ll tch llllgtll hall on Friday evening Oct livciyorlc Lltlllt no charge Mlsxlon Ilund and Iluhy Lind combined inccling of the Uni cd huLph Ruby Build and Mission illand will hclzl lust Monday lftcr noon in tch school room of the church with about 10 printout Whilc thc childrcn and their 1110 thcrs wczc itswiulilinit Mrs McKee lcd 2711 lLt lhc moot tolgtllp scr Cioigc Paris in panics with Mrs opcncd led by IA graduation ccrcimmy from Baby Band to STET SON HATS 895 and l095 ADAM HATS 5595 and 750 mums Mission Band was con ducted by Mrs Albcit licll while Mrs Kcllogg told by means of flnnnclgrziph thc story of an African girl Sonpx wcrc lcd by Miss Marion Wchh dclicious lunch was scrvcd by mcmbcrs of the Etcnihg Auxiliary and thc nlccting closcd with friendship circle and the singing of taps Institute Meeting The Vomtns Institute mccting was held in the town hall on Thursday Oct with 31 members and seven visitors prcscnt Mrs Patton the president opened the meeting by all singing the Ode with Mrs Robert Riley 11 lhc piano This was followed by the Mary Stewart Collcct and the Lords Prayer in unison Minutes Correspondence and thank you cards were read and the roll call answered with Work like best in the 1191119 Items 01 businessdis cussed inclLidcd Vlhnutfiiual llzill owccn party on Saturday even ing Oct 31 The committee of Its dig pleasant luaniousway to tdecllhe jasper Wa oujihe Continental limited Canadian Nationals liable daily link between Montreal OttawaToronIo nib Winnipeg Saskatoon Edmonton Insper mid Vacuum Canadas magnicent Scenic beauty greets you with new adventure every mile while you relax in heal comfort of attractive bedrooms standard irid stvsloe erglounges and coaches Delicious meals in mmive zing cats served with Canadian Nationals nodal courtesy and ellicie points you can have archive on ugdnllng your bottom and pliiiiisuro arrangment at major sell car waiting for you JIM pllom your locolConianotlonul Pmungur Agent EVERETT Congrutulations to Miss Orva Kiemao and Calvin Haddock who vtll bc married in the Anglican Church on Saturday Oct at at pm Those shing at the Robbim home on Sunday wore Mr and Mrs Bcctou of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Joseph Dolinskl and Jn Anne of Toronto MIS Wilkinson and Mrs Henry Chequmlc and family spent lch wcckend with clouds in T1 onto Manled At Alliston Congratulations and best vlshc to Mr and Mrs Robert Anderson of Toronto who vcr married in Allislon Unilcd hur on Fridny cvcning at seven oclock Mr 55153 Moukmanuaizd Mrs Riley were to contact schools in the nmr Community to thc pro gxznll Mrs ll Smith and Mrs Frank Brolley to buy pzizcs Mrs ouc and Mix Kidd to cou lnct judgcs loc mcdical kit in thc Mliools to bc rcplcnishcd WI onvcntion In Barrie On the lith and ltlth of Octobcr the County WI will lllCtl with Mrs Patton and Mrs Cole and myouc else who might cnrc io 40 dclcggutcs Dis lzict cunfcyvnci to bc hold in the town hull Ln lOliSlOWll at 10 Illll to p111 probably in Nov cmbcr cach brunch to bring llicil own lunch ookstown to supply lcu milk and sugar Tho diatricl annual is to be held in llillil and the roll call is to bc umvcrcd ulth couple dressed tin on old lllllt costume Nix It oufm district direc tor guvc it most interesting and llllllltll account of thc district board mating in Cookslown Mrs ll Purkcr and Mrs Graham WtlC converters of the program which was on Economics llllltl Ilmlth lhcy opened with duct Thanksgiving Prayer by Mrs Itobcrt Riley and MRS Zolla iBrollcy accompanied by Mrs iSmith it tho piano Mrs EGra illilm gave the current evcnts and Miss licuc McMnster piano solo glhis was followed by an educa tiolizll demonstration givcn by Russell Bloomeld of the Corner Cupboard in Barrie Among the things he spoke of was it pays to use the very best ingredients in cvcrythlpg one makes How to prepare llings and mix icings and demonstrated how to make tlmvcrs of different kinds edg ings for cakes birds and fruit and etc The meeting closed with the Queen illld social hour enjoyed over 21 delicious lunch and cup of tea ltoas Social Group The Ross Social Group met at the home of Mrs Dorothy John son on Thursday Oct The meeting opened with the president Mrs Dermolt leading the Lurds Prayer in unison The Wthhwlasmneenpm read and adopted The roll call was answered by 13 members and two guests One quilt was quilted and several quilt blocks were handed in Committees were cho sen to look after the pot luck supper Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Batters Mrs Braden and Mrs Ramsay The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Wares on Tuesday Oct 13 Mr and Mrs McMaster and Miss Irene McMaster spent Sunday in Toronto visiting Mr and Mrs Earl McMaster Home ForNWeekend Miss Patricia Evans Miss Aud rey Campbell John Leadlay Ken neth Coburn and Mr and Mrs Nixon Toronto Sunday guestscof Mr and Mrs Kidd were Mr and Mrs George Andrews and daughter Marsha of Owen Sound and Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd and son DaTid Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack McLean Mr and Mrs Tom Armstgong and Mrs Key Toronto were sun day visitors with Mr and Mrs Bruce McLean Anderson is the son of Mr Ind Mrs Robert Anderson in Salton chevron and Mrs Anderson um the former Helen Switzer daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Swinenot Alliston Bob is operator for the Canadlco Pacic Railway itWesl Tomato After chart wedding 113p the hoppy couple will talk up icriidincc in Toronto United Anniversuy Anniven nry servitcs in the Unl ted Church were well attended Rev Spoor delivered an inapiriug lliilgc in the after noon with socclal singing by tho choir and Mr Tummon of Alliston At the cvcuing service Rev Mr Shlltun cf Alliston delivered very inspiring ncssago with 5pc ciul singing by Mr lunlmou and 310 choir Ms and Mrr William Moore Toronto spznt the weekend at their home how My and Mrs Joseph Gordon re lurncd homo aftcr spending con plc of days with their daughter and soninlaw at Baxter Mrs Ilarry Robbins accompan icd by Mrs ll Wilson and Char lcs Robbins spout Thursday In Toronto lnt Doyle Alliston and Gerald Ftllltl Toronto both Opelatom on the CPR visitcd Notval Rob bins on Saturday Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs To ionto spent Sundny at their pal cntzil home how NEW LOWELL United Anniversary Anniversary scrvicc will be bold in the Unitcd Church Sun dny Oct 11 at 11 um and 730 pm Spcakcr Rev Mr Smith of Cicemorc Special music by the choir Everybody wclcomc Death of Mrs Len Woods The sympathy of the commun ity goes out to the Woods family in thc passing of loving mother Mrs Lou Woods Funeral was held on Tuesday Oct Mr and Mrs John Barker are visiting Mr and Mrs llubbertof Iv Mr Cook some time Shoemaker Attend Barrio Fair Quite number from here at tended Barrie Fair Friday and Saturday Mrs Dave Duff is spending some time with Mr and Mrs McLeod and fnlnily in Toronto Mrs Longmlr Bereaved Sympathy goes to Mrs Long mire in the sudden passing of her mother Celebrates 93rd Birthday Mrs Coultpr held special aft ernoon ten 01 her mother Mrs Corbett who celebrated hey 93rd birthday Shc received mady uselt ful presents Tea was served by her daughter Mrs Ida Coultec and granddaughter Mrs Sam Coul ternn Mrs Speck Mr and Mrs Frank Rowe and Mr and Mrs cith Prvosseg an family of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs Mansbridge GILIiORD Visitors with Mrs Grenville Hughes during the week Drwand Mrs Wagg Miss Elizabeth Knee shaw Toronto Mr and Mrs Ward Longworthy Regina Mrs Jones and daughter Toronto Mrs Del Turner Orillia Callers at the Leonard Gibbons home this week were Mr and Mrs Alvin Fyfe Orillia Mr and Mrs Gibbons and Peter Le froy Miss Edna Moore Toronto glitss Margaret McEvoy New York ny Mr and Mrs Wade Ancaster were weekend callers at Frank Hughes and Girvan Sawyers Mr 3nd Mrs Lou Neilly Sr spent IWO days with Mr and Mrs Stallifec in Plattsvllle ome From England Welcome home to Mrs William of with Hamilton spent Mr and Mrs Gorham who had been five months with relatives in England Welcome home also to Mrs Frank Todd who also has been MIDHURST HES Bake Sale at Met Midhurst Home and School AsiSUdaS Will 151 316 Wm tum Carr also Mraud Mm Chat side sedation are holding mice 33 at Barrie icket Saturday Oct 10 Will all parents have their contribulto ready at oclock Friday evening car will pick them up Friday night or curly Saturday morning 8001 Principal loswak Regular inciting of thc Home nndchool Association In the Snip day Stllitlllufilll Tuesday Oct 13 at oclock Topic Education Bowpabn principal of BDCI writ be the speaker Etcryonc cordially invited Presentation to Mrs Sutton Mrs Thomas Sutton who has resided on the second line for many years ha gone to llvc cc limo with her iugltccr Mm Mair in Barrie In appreciation 3f many years ct hrr association among us the ncighbors prcscntcd nor with beautiful leather hand bag with but visLcs for contin lucd good health Back to Sunduy School Back to Sundiiy Schooll willy is being sponsored in Midhhrst similar to the Kiwanis drive in Barrie Thcrc arc thmc class room in Midhurst Miss Hills Mrs Newsons and Mrs Stuarts The day school teachers will tabu latc on percentage basis cf heir nttcndnncc who wcro at Sun day School It wll bc reported in this column the results of thc iollowing Sunduys Oct 11 and 13 Boys and girls try to make your school room the high scorci Rally Day and Thanksgiving Rally Day and lltanhgiving being observed Ill 1030 on Oct ll Parents are cordially invith to at Ecnd and bring all preschoolers Mr and Mrs Robert Ficldhousc Sunday with and children spent Mrs Ficldhousc Harvest Home Service The Harvest Home service at St Pauls on Sunday was well attendv ed Rcv WI NcwtonSmith of Ethics Loni BIG BAY POINT Reserve Your Date Now FALL BANQUETS cumsmms PARTIES No larty Too Small Call MRS WAGHORN PHONE 58r121 Stroud hiu ironic herb uouows Mr and Mn Melville Holt spent islaft and amnin on Saturday Mr and Mrs pump Wright Katmai Fair ville Pin Move To State and couple of days at Catcdon an are ltvmg at thtir sum aNiagara Falls last week Bowden spent inc wcekendi Eng9 to Hounsomc and Mrs Jim White spam to days States Rccencwisitors with Mr and Mrs Aubccy Jarvis Ed Hammett of and Toronto Mrs George Nevins anccs Murphv of Bcctnn son Earl and friend Mip Mr and Mrs Roy South visited Mr and Mrs ROSS Matthews at Thistlctow on Eunday Mr and Mrs William Carr visit 51va DmwT MANAGE 54 Dunlap 8t ram BONE Ailnminlc gave an inSpiring ad drum The junior choir of St Llccrgcs ChurchAllandalc rend olczl lovely nuthcn Mrs FitEditousc cf litholt lltLll Orlllid vsrz zil ict cd mom it non unitmt Humber Swings mr Omn Hr an Mrs Joseph Candy Mrs Tutor cvnmouw We Isllngton have sold thEJnhporne and em tag here before moving to mp so high in protein th 50 inexpensive You get yourimoncys worth with Cnnadim cheddur Thcrc isno waste It keeps wcll YOu out use it in many lowcosr yct delicious ways for the main dish for soup dessert or tasty snacks 11 any imc Yes Canadian cheddnris 7a really economical food Ycry superior food say the nu ritionists of Canadian cheddar chc 51 rumprte protein its nice lur cheapest source of rhisrcsscntinlqFurthermore its high in calcium and phosphorus and good source of vitamins and Il riboflavin Yes its truly packed with For our Marie Frasersrec loaft food values I450 mm been recipes write Mini mobs SERVICE amino 10 Huron Street Toronto several months in England phiE ANY DAuTioli And neitherwould my Dad He know the value companys team in looking after no as to He would be Without it So many wise men 0day rely on the expectation ml cozopcggrlooof trust company Write to Mooldet heiddBlueprlnt For You FamilyI conclugmmc aspect 0an vacuum hrs Loire 0f mSurvoys indicate that there are more than 20000000 motorists who would rather oWn Cadillac than any other motor ear This is doubtless the greatest cndorsement ievcrgivcn oh automobilefit not the greatest ever received by aanmanufzioturd prbdut But we think you will agreefomcyou havovlsited our showioom what it jis ani endorsement riChly deserved The Eadillac iSvsupremcly be utiful itointeriorsare graciousand luxuriouiialmost beyonddescription andleLcncomes to er formancewilllgfthisisby far the greatest Standard of the WOrldticvil built Ifyou are among the millions who hold Cadillac nsiyguclrst love betterstop in Che look and one rideandwe think you will angethatgthisls the perfect yczir to make your ortoaldmams coinetrue Tc

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