Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1953, p. 6

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Pleasant Again Sunny and Cool With Flush Wind Grind weather prevailed for the entire week with perfect three by for Fair change came on Sunday with nln urly but clearing later No trust In been reported yet in town but it has been cool since the run and today indi cate fresh breeze veering 3nd mostly sunny but cool Temperatures were High Law Sept 21 Sept 28 12 Sept 29 61 Sept 30 Oct Oct Oct 16 Oct Two interested IFair Visitors Examine Prize Winninngunior Exhibits ommwmwuwmmmw be bald aboulguf Icccnt years telephone Mrs ISLE or write in your address ltl St ltot can my the ltllictlvc lmk ct IIID wmncni Dutclmrl at 2138 acclicn at the Barrio Exhibition appllcatlon to th and the quality ll its cxhlliilk VillttnlSlrttl While it Was Itomcwlnlt IllMppolul The crcntlw Iirt rlzirscs alv 1m In to are tlw Wtaklllg IImlmclai chlldrcn from 51X to twch yours trill closers not lllllllllllOlllllci of mgr from local and lllblnct Himcn tlm nrtlclcs nu liltpliz wcxu so ltcmnly ultlacllyc and null shown flint thc Munro haw l5 girut dull to bc proud of in limit of fair vlsltors lhc Wmmul lIietItulv Spccml lhv allmcliw himkfrls room stilling with matching kll chm curtIIiIu bxmklmt clullu 1m towels dull cloths pol lIolIlIIs mt mm mm mum Mud llllitllil lpulmn hospitality llIll cttibruiilricd izlulrs Imi othcr my mum pyl mm WIS displnu cunning mm and tlly IIII vmtors IIiul unswcrlug craftsclunlluwll llll llil Illll Cniik qucsllous thut varicdhlmm the ink lllltl cunning Illlllll in stop 301 MW Ill bw Sm WM mm aumdcd liSl mm for the brut nu hum lll uqu ll lllllllll tlII 3h Mm MW WIWN Cum Rmk mvnt booths could obtnln cxtra Th wm ml supplies for thc 0tlIl0V Cilitlfldi Incmonps of ilw 11mm Fun of slifvlnilkaytlndh dlpalrnmt mm immiy years back UIIlIl hulking MN Cmqmu mg NW Little Boy Lost wits one it View muum hm was lhcir problcms on lIIdny nflmnonn whm MM The lIltlc buy in qucstiozi was all School for ilw lug lllV Thou lvwwmrc Wml Wills gm WM mwumm ngc and must uucuuuuunlcutlvc ox along the lino III llw MI and on ccpt for rcvculmg his nicknnnic and his futhcrs ulckmunc and the fact that hc llvcd down ll louc Iz In lippmmnu to llll ltllIx ll mmmvmw hm Mn Ms Elna Sewinlvlachincs were dc Amen To gain rul lmlxht mlo thc Hrlklllzt lichimi tlic llnrric lair all you have to do l5 In Socrc taIyManagcr Illll Mulcumsuns Of licc lil thc Iur grounds for few hows llIs olllct abslslllllls It avcmcd to Inc Wcrc called upon to do all sorts of amazing things llc silks nluyiug long tllSIlllltl calls all OIcI tlic bg lair grounds llllvl for backgrounds bringing out the beauty of roses and other flowersg in various containers largcpcd estal bowl Of glad and otherli flowers and neat cedar hedge JR fun as background set on stands and cowA 10 across the front director of The Kingston Daily Russ Cook chose oral set pieces Whig Standard and The Petcrboro Showmg wreamv Pillow galelDaily Examiner who Will be the ajar and 055 In me my speaker at tonights dinner meet ground was large llshpond with mg of the KIWins Club arm Afrlclm Violet Intenperscd be Bert Cowan is the lst Vlcprm ton and New Stones on idem of the Canadian Circul Managers Association Vice dar used to advantage NixHealth AIumInum was shown dent of the Federation of Cam Advertising and Sales Clubs and in the same row with Barries Pugh Charge for part me vicepresident of Radio Station CJBQ Belleville The OCCBSIOn is at the booth Brown Co Display National Newspaper Week Brown CO one of Barries oldest established firms had complete assortment of sprays and insecticides for farm and gardcni also bulbs Master feeds poultry equipment garden tractors power mowers and leaf sweepers Jewellery By Webbs For the first time in many years there was an attractive display of jewellery cutlery toilet articles and luggage shown by Webbs ch cllcry Allandalc one of the long lest cslabilshed in town An in teresting feature was set in rep licn of the worlds most famous precious stones and all cut in the same markings as the original Manager Mike Wiedcr was in charge hmucht hack father Clarence Brown and brother Allan Brown were among the top exhibitors in the Barrie Exhibition Donna is holding the first prize sheaf of oats entered in the Junior Fair by Elwood Jerry RR Stayner lNTllRESlEll FAIR VISITORS were Gull Curruthers lcii ofBurrlc examining the novelty table centre that won Laura Amlcrsoii of flu kcstonc first prize in the Barrie Junior luli and 190 111 Brown ongalston right whose section Of cottage wall showing the use of AllTime Aluminum bundled locally by Roy Tomlinson builder and distributed by Clark of Orillla Sewing Machines Chickens and Eggs Chickens were plentiful on the market Saturday and included large chickens and capons at 60 1b smaller size at 55c and down to 45c aceording to sim Fowl sold at 40c lb Eggs were in good demand at unchanged prices rang ing from 35c for pccwces to 80 for extra large Frmts Vegetables few late but choice thimb berries were 25c pint box and lie for quarts Fairly large canta loupes with rich flavor sold for 10c each late variety pears Flem ish Beauty and others were 75c basket apples were the same price in Wealilihy Gravcnstein McIntosh Reds and other kinds Crabopples still held their price of 75c basket and sold well The potato price is still 35c basket onions 40cgnd 50c carrots in small supplyfoc basket beets the same LwnilIOCS 40c to 50c and greens 40c Tuinlps are small at four for 25c Swiss chard 30c basket Baking and Novelties Bread buns cakes pics tarts dale cookies cup cakes doughnuts and other dainties were appetizing wmammmmmquwawwuwuu 12L Magulres Honey Maguire Apiarics had large display of honey in comb and ex tracted and also very interest ing swarm of bees which had chosen to hive up on tree branch They were rounded up and were shown in case where they had Allandalc Hardware Robinson Hudware Next on the lcft was the largo llll of Allumlnlc llurdwurc fciIt urlug Kclvinutor clcclric refriger lulors and ranges Inglis and Easy lclcctric vaslicrs lhilco tclcvlsion umwmwmmm gt ZKWMSM Friday allciumyi ll hml lllllllttl Illh 1y llic Idll hul lmkcd lIhc nl mans HumI mm It ultra lull Iliiul Iud lu had bcgun to enjoy llu Sllltllll llltlllltlll cultSc If tho ldtlx Isl Imuh Iluliill shuncrcd on huu from all MIle llL but tlm cII Mm jusl lnl lt HnN much for tho lmiivs lliv pride of Ili AK the melon vlg not lll llltJlI ll liyltzkynwf 3333g0rul monstmmd in another booth Ncllplunllhilul lllliixmllilWWIMC bull mml llllfvllllllil lnckums Motors ICnlcmmi ml hcutcis and also floor for new type grain drill 400 glacglm 1181111an Sgltzelund 10 up will in loot told scrcrnl sad tales iiii 0n mumlug ihc main liltgtn lluud furnaces Edwin Norman and lrv sprcadcr Glcncoc plow hydraulic 121 lobby my 01 hido 35 Into pcriurmcrs manner and dc cl llJiIli luu lhc Ilrsl rim lug McLaclIlzin were in charge operated sow and the Farinall 11 gillifdiuo ms tr The vlnncr at the tin piIro or IInullv was haulcd off by twolplny lll thv lcil nus that of Jackl ytiilc Dun Tuit demonstrated Easy tractor mm the new flout hilcu rig ladlcq pulKCl mlnlninl Ill Illl rounlcriuirts vcll fcd and as wt mu Motors llmric with $lllllll001lltlllSllClS This was demonstrated showmg ginger Scwmg Machines wcrc loathcrcmltl Tclilm tm Ruth uniound lllllltlll mudvls of now 1933 Studi the method of detaching the unit demonstrath farther down the 10 11 WAIST Mu clinker cars and featuring an ill 1m Id Ifmlsmn being towed right from the NW and also Coolemmr Refrigerators 10 ll ji lIC 3Iihi uintuhlc lliclr Illltlll cuuycrll him 0f cum mm 35 crs scat drivd away and back up using IOOdStulfs frOm Butter Cou ll lll flu Ix Klwallls AUXIllarY 59 lM01 llll 10 bultlgti 6591 819 TCW Pd to another unit and the coupling sumcrs Foods Ltd and with film Iisllllrlnlllhl HT lllhl Ellis clinicc of color lhcsv curs mciflillllld fllhmflulurcscciit tllgllgmiw is automatic shown zsx tll msa argc on are ML at Intelm Down at the corner Tudhope Of hum Ill to 10 lip lud lll tlul Inge slgn liatlur Sevillwlnslll thil mainlian Seplem el mudcm pummn know flu Itdllllfd Air Slmdculumm 01m has produced and dcvuoped only hag rangcg angeueg heap world mm OHM Jackson was um uumng dud 150 Cluiks Rom Tl mmplete machines in 770 days 615 Came plates and other111 popu cm on Iu mch UC Uppel in charge display lurnishings including gloat vm one every 10 days cles made by that origestablished starting on Saturday mnllllllll lc my of dram mmormx 10m McCormick farm equipment was rm ml Fm Hmm Wop hm hltliiliois of llu mens nlxil lunlv Len14 chairs solo show and Bemy Brothers farm hhkm SHIN wm Cl Ill Mimi Chill NO1 bSds Smldmm Chmls Panelyw equipment and the Gaidenall In the centre of the Oldebsme built huge comb on the Fe W10 ll dclicmus pol luck supper at the dmellc suitcs Nmrn lilc and other mm was large Showing by Robinsnnlmains of the branch with consyd mm mm to NM WW mm Calm krcd Pifher Garage and Farm Hardware Barrie with AM ROb erable honey stored cacli ch lll lrimc cf lalcsimmsdm fuming Sm items with Owner Bill Clark in charge Shell Marloncltcs To the right Of the main gate was ll vcry attractive murionettc show for the kiddies with seats provided and with super loud NUplla He spcukcr all presented by the Shell Oil Co and arranged thrquglf local drnlclsr Service showed the GOOdlEOnOli inson find T8d Elliotson in charge Engraving on jewellery was done ycr standard diesel tractor and femurmgMCClary washers ranges at Another booth and near to the other farm equipment incluing and retrlgeralorsl Coleman Space large display of Alsco Aluminum side delivery rakes Spreaders for heaters Coffield washers dryers doors and storm and combination age harvesters and large County and Ironers Moflatt ranges rt indows These were shown on size sprayer Mr Pifher stated fllgeratols and freezers suitable set pieces of part walls that one machine for the display and home sections had lobe rushed out on an order The rm has just recently open that morning ed upadown town store on the For the Jl Case Company the south side of Dunlop Street East T3 thc mint of ltlu tum hm Fa Supplies and Services was Pratt Sewing mach nes were 1381 rows ma 3y wwn represented by Charles Church monslrated by IMP and Mrs 011 UPCHDNCI 13310081 311m dealwnh display of uactom com Laurence of Midland for Barrics fmmg the NC mm and bki blues Spreaders and other mach Fleming ilnd Graham Wilh many of them were the dIspluys of farm mos and com forage harvester novcl ideas in actual machine colilpmcnl and silo loader work by this flexible type of sew Thcn came mg machine Mincsing with Waterloo Minnea7 polisMoline tractors combines also PairbanksMorse hammer mills and power lawn mowers For the well known Massey Harris products Bruce Cum ming had large showing of trac tors Spreaders oneway discs and seeders large 80vcombine owned by Cecil Sutton and Sons of Shanty Bay was used for dem onstration CObcy Spreaders with power takeoff and 1151 power saws were also shown Near the arena Harold Jory Mo tOIs BaleId Street showed the Vanguard Voyageur autos and also the Nash new models Com mander and Statesman Surge milkers were demonstralc ed for Babson Brothels of Toronto School The pupils Will 13m liowl mm Ngmm meeting In Slllllt All lililt lllS 135 ux mm WM WNW mm Luriwpoudcuu road lhc vallcls or key races whichch meow mudcd IMR Earl Autumn we like mi mumm lcttcrs from the Barrie luunbcr he weun Mic ol Cmumcrcc cmounlnl Commut wa toe and the Town Council for the coobcratum of tlio mmlmry dur Xvacry wcbpablowmlrum will not b6 able to take mdrc llianE mp PM NR1 andmm fhkr up hmmuaiu or the tlkllllltl bIImdm 11dfn attic Million in connection llll the ySItJt ad Mrs an Rodmmd oiigu gum ma hummide knlxl lltc mrmllun muuuilcc incboon gt Haw Balrm wk place he as pllssiblc Althllllilllx in hoi Hm mm dorm nlmal lm sammav Swwmm 19 1833 cm Tuclmhki lwud also ximc llumkmc lllt mwhirw muck mo 3ch rdlqi auxiliary for llS gift of Slat IO mm Bewcn warns the cost of installing track formed mo fownmlm od mm in mid 20 mm 10 Tlic bride in powder blue mintu flowr was In land was wearing white accessories At the same tlmc llic normallth fro lxulusnl comnullcc Is Opening NS cronuvc rgmm ndokjund cal53m roses She m1 clamp for children in tlic True mm lwq lllllll bvlic Shirl Reid MW Tlllllll Fume OITO Dluc Hall on tho morning of 831 mm Toronto who was wearing royal rcscnt fir the nicclu urday0ctcbcrlr Tho mstructrcss blue with navy acccssorics wrll again be Mrs James llrlrvic Four ncw mcmbcm Mrs Ray Dlh bois Mrs Home Pratt Mm mu 01 MN mm 35 and the oppmtunuy Of having ham Lam my MR Scphmg gromusmau new sedan hydromaticwith power ill were intloductd and welcomed by WNDUOH f110ld til the ID 151ml and new bOdy de Mrs lxighton Clarke and Mm homo of the brides brotheriIilnwl513nmS lIycu can get In with the law Cutler and sieicr Mr and Mn Lou Pea lmrw my lllcmms lhc trcnxurcr rcporlcd recoipr cork in Bcllc Ewart vhcrc the mfommtmn Mm class Im of Slllfll from 1ch Juno tea with mother of the bride received in has WWII most succerul Tllllm balaucc on hand of SHIRTS which navy blucy Wearing comics 01 includes 320 of the llowcr fund vhuc mus Thc grooms mother The president CXDNSSNI apprccia who also mccivedwas wearing lion to Mrs Craig for the navy suit with coimgc of White 350 of her home for the tca and roscs mulled vol9 for Later dic biidcland gram left lll including fresh dairy butter at 65c ange lemon and grapefruit at 30c and 40c jar Honey in white amber and gold en The Thanksgiving market will will be on display and Sale Handmade anticles for children Jackman Display William Jackman electrical plumbing and heating of 20 Owen Street showed electrical home ap pliancesydeep freezers home freez ers and refrigerators also ranges and rangetlcs automatic home heaters and Chinook oil furnaces Harry Buchanan of Barrie had display which brightened and per fumed that section of the arena of many lovely African violets grown by himself and Of 43 diff erent tints Next to this was great assort ment of shellcraft on sale in ear rings and other designs made up from tropical shells by an outside rm Better Health Cookware was shown in another display at the west side with afrce draw Roy Tracy Display Roy Tracy for many years deal er for the Filter Queen vacuum llic Iimrriugo nl MISS Bernice May Hill daughter of Mrs Stcphcu Hill of Lufroy lo ccil Gcogc Pcu mrk son of Mr and Mrs William Dangereld Motors Oliver Wilson of First in the row was Dangerfiel Motors with Ken Doll in charge showing 1953 modelsof the Chev mlct with new features power glide tOltlonc trim and other changes Includcd were Chemo let trucks1 and sedan delivery mod els in he Oldsmobile was the Propane Demonstration pSuperiorv Propane gave uvdem onstration Of what can be done with this new product sold in down town Barrie since it came but and useful in home and col tage for ranges heaters water heat ers and even refrigerators Washable wall papers were giv en real working demonstration in one booth for the wallpaper dealers of Barri included overallb and km mitts etc Frowers as yet untouc We rather like the idea of the Host were still to be had indud Vancouver Judge who said that If in mam1 at 25c bunch Elfarecrt 6aswzm rggze 0of 131311 any group of Sons of Freedom was brought before him and be all SIOUX HAD BIG AREA floor conditioner and had larger to dist obe he wouldnt pay the 115ng $15 hme dwe Sid 110 slightest attention and proceed The Sioux Indian tribes 0an emonsr on with the case as though nothing occupied the area from the Upper of the Filter Queen and also of floor polishing ll 35 Wt Misslssmpl French Motors French Motors were next with John French and Ron Brittaiu in charge showing Dodge cars and trucks the Mayfair 1953 and the Regent for 1954 and the Town Panel lght truck Average power is 103 hp but Dodge V8 has power to 150 Harold Hill Motors Its Easy To beautify an in mmmpwmmw myzim mow momma 34mm cum Itan lineal 83mm and my ad lower arrangements and The so cial ind was and means mannin ices for their excellent tea ar rangements in which the mem bers had compacted so well the remainder of the edit at tho cud of the your The total nut will be $330 The Kiwanb ladies are planning firs yock bl November and the night tch draw is to be made will lbr announced by the ways and lmmus committee at the October mending The members czucycd two vocal 71T Ompauied it the piano by Mrs mlccucns by Mrs Bran Bayes so do much 11 Ill 17 to the act and mutations in modem am Onme license mm Wu FWD The maxillary will pay towards for ward trackcd Screens the hospital to hold radio bridge during the on wedding trip to Northern Orl tario the bride travelling in beige suit with navy accemories On their return and Mrs Pea cock will be making their home in Barrie OutdiIown guess at the wed3 ding were Mr arid Mas Arthzirl Walsh of Chatbam Mr and Mrs Derby of Brcnuyood lr and Mm George Reid at Toronto lls Loin Curtis of lcmnlo Mn and MRI Mcllcy of Toronto Mixsfxioopcr of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Curr niugham of Utopia Grilths For the balance of the evening bingo was played laud an African violet from Mrs lMeeting Date to Tuesday Oct IS with many primes donated aud wrapped by Mrs MacDonald Parsons MISPETSODS auditorx conmttee were in charge of the owning roll for her hmpilality and the cmbcxs joined in the singing of Shes Jolly 3de Fellow On behalf of the members Mml MacDonald thanked him McCarl Hamid Hill had large tent next to this with very effective show mg of the 1934 Plymouth sedan the Savoy and Beledere and the Chrysler quindsor The company has also the V8 model Chrysler giving 335 111 The display was made more attractive by well placed baskets of flowers and with mpmngus fern hedge across clweeu the sections Fargo trucks veicnlso displayed Mr Hill was hiimclf in charge of the showing small coltagbslyle dcmoustrm lionme was placed at this point with Altex aluminum windowsmnd doors products of McIntyre of Ni agarad Falls with Bud Henderson and Floyd Marlatt on salad Slmcoc Motor Products Next was Simcoe Motor Prom nets with Harry Youngupervls ing on sales and showing 195 models Of the Pontiac and Buick also GMC trucks and Vauxhall Doug Smith Motors Doug Smith Hudson dealer Was next with their new Jet model for 195 Mr Smith had also display of the Volkswagonf and other models of this European designed motOr vehicle which has rear end drive with horizontal type air cooled engine and cause much commut by motorists The entire back row was Of farm arid at large display or International Harvester and MI Comick by Daugherty Brothers prod the self High Slxcet mcludlug harveic pmpellcd combine forage Mezan cl betray Womens inculcate are asked tsojtakcrmtice HM fact that meeting salted clad rm immw night The bet has been camped speaker the flop Earl Rowe DIP wlllbepmseulfmtbcevmmxof mammokiuaimpm unclade by Keith Rogers of QueensVille also nearthe arena Coop Outdoor Dsplay The Sinicoe District Ctroperative Services had an outdoor display at the south entrance to the arena comprising the companys milk coolers Imilkers Ghl hammer mills Pedlars farm equipment and COop petroleum and antifreeze Inside the arena to thelfl of the south entrance the main dis play Of CQODwas placed Free Draw On Radio feature there was free draw on an RCA Victor Radio with quiz regardingtbe number of bags of feed sold by them inBarrie in the last 12 months Television was to the fore with models of Eleco troliome Addison Admiral and RCA Victor also CDop DuoTherm heaters General Electric washers COOp Royal and Special washers COOp deep freezers Kermac csm version Oil burners Delco 011 bur ners llall Mac 011 furnaces Su Fuel Master and Quaker Duo Therm Space Heaters General Lovely Flower Showing Flowers made arefreshing change from the mercantile displays and were shown in row together with beautiful assortrmnts of out door flowers by the Vespra Hor ticultural Society and the Barrie Horticultrl Society next to dis plays of Earl1e florists including Fendleys lowers where small con tainers were interspersed with tall conical baskets Of glads front bor dcr of ms and other gardenl flowers and centemiialtouch with an antique frame as setting for other owers and with drapery base Harris Flourerscbose grass cloth Murielrs cluLuow Electric and COOp refrigerators were alsofcqtured and well at ranged display Ofthe many van eties Of farmfeeds soldby the company First on the right of the eu trance was widewange of Ronald ware Plutic articles of durable quality shown by an outside rm touch fragrant next on the right taupe beyond it the net of Blackpr candy sticks 111 between was of over home was the and ashort 6154 other English demonstration oral handy kitchen gacgd and then Kamloops BC Sentinel tains to the Rocky Beauty Will Be CLOSED OCTOBER TO OCTOBER 12 To enable Muriel JohnstOne to attend Post Gradual Course at the Robert Fiance HairDcsign Institute new YORK THANKSGIVING TURKEY $aOn FREE DELIVERYINLBAITRIE EIIEsII BIROSONLY VESPRA TURKEY FARMS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Our lm also available from Lilly FIELD ESEO Focus Emma 321r3 CUNDLES HAVE9 QUARTERS

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