Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1953, p. 4

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QAFETY PATROL OFFICER To act at High Street and Dunlopl treat West approximately hours oily Interested persons such as pensioner housewife or retired pardon please contact George LongI staffe Hillcyest School or phone STENOGRAPHER Required immediniclv for Modern Insumnce Office shorthand essential Employee ben ets5day week Please state ref erences if any Experience ferred but not necessary Apply Mr Lamb Crown Life Insurance Company Public Utilities Building 15 Hayfield St Phone 50111 III OPPORTUNITY for TopNotch Solesmen To join Canadas largest manu facturer of aluminum combination windows and doors in our new Barrie office This is full time posxtion with high earnings assur 30 WEEK GUARANTEED AGAINST COMMISSION LEADS SUPPLIED COMMISSION AND BONUS NEw CAR SUPPLIED To gt succrssrur APPLICANTS COMPLETE TRAINING FOR MEN INEXPERIENCED IN THIS LINE OF SALES For interview call in person MR LEVY 1213 DUNLOP sr ALSCO Barrie 1113114 KITCHEN AND Dining Room help See Victoria Hospital 111 FEMALE Typist wanted part time General knowledge of OIIICCJMHC 11cc Monday to Friday to pn Box Barrie Examiner lllillzi GRADUATE Undergraduate or ex parlen tactical nurse for gay oral du nniswood Lodge Phone Florence Brnakweli Barrile HAIRDRESSEH Wanted experi enced only No Saturdays Good wagesApply RCAF Beauty Salon Camp Borden phone 170 1113114 AT ONCE capable woman who would like to earn extra good wa ges Housework and part care of semiinvaIId woman adults No washing all conveniences Live in Phone 2172 lil2tf SALES GIRL experienced High est wages in Barrie Ideal working conditions Steady employment Bonus at Christmas Apply Jack sons Department Store 59 Dunlop St West Barrie 111311 APPLICATIONS will be received the undersigned to Oct 20 53 for switchboard Operator forStroud Telephone Co Lid 10 take full charge of switchboard and proyid necessary operators State salary expected and experi ence Free house provided Duties to commence Dec 1953 Len nox Black Stroud 11I41IIBMF OSITIONS WANTED WILL TAKE Care of infant or magi child in private home Phone 21131114 MATURE Lady requires office pooitlon no shorthand good typist Capable of meeting the public and accepting responsibility Apply to Box 76 Barrie Examiner 2114115 10ka PULLETS for sale laying in Jig ember MacSween Thorn ton Phone Stroud 15m between and pm 14112115 on Opportunities MW MANvWANTED with car or truck distributor for chemicals used to reconditionvsepiic tanks Reply to Box 67 aming lwlli prc MBs Smith Dietitian Royall 213112114 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES Scrap Iron Batteries NDUSTRIALIRO METAL Dunlap St West Femdale Phone Blirai or 6487 Special High Price Paid for7 LIVE POULTRY Highest PriceswPald SCRAP IRON hidesraw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier so Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 32311 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS SCRAP IRON METALS FURS 59mins RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest prices paid Special prices paid delivered Phone Barrio Simmer 2983 Oilllllllii MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Iiffin St 1380150 IARGI SIZE mattress and roll iway bed wanted Must be reason able lritc Box Barrie Exam iner 3114 SCOTCH PINE and Spruce Christ mas trees wanted for delivery De cember 1053 Contracts placed now Enquire 11 Donald St 3il4lltl FARM EQUIPMENT PAPEC Cutting Box or Silo Filler with pipes and extra set knives in execllent shape Coaies RR iIottenham SH Lot Con Ter umscth 119113114 iGEOIlGE WHITE Threshing Ma chine 2446 high elevator and iCIOVCl attachments also 7f1 Mus lseyHarris Binder Apply Curr Thornton Phone 12121 Ivy 89113114 Accommodation Wanted OR ROOMS preferany un fprnishd urgently required Con tool Jobe RCAFStaiion Camp Borden 11113118 SEDF CONTAINED furnished apartment required for young mar ried couple Apply Box 72 Bar rie Examiner 11113114 OR ROOM furnished suite wanted also landlady to care for 10monthold boy from to pm except for weekends Apply Box 515Barric Examiner 1111011 BEDROOM House or large apart ment wanted by Air Force couple with one child 12 years will pro vide references Needed by Nov Apply Box 36 lliOBllOJMll MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING DECORATING Interior and Exterior service to all inquiries guaranteed ARNOTT owALTON Phone 6777 141 Collier St 578117 FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering LLinoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFEN DEN 90 Cumberland St Phone 5185 5365142 FURNACES AND Chimneys clean ed Robinson and Orr phone 4333 5109115 ernSfrruck Lettering gold leaf windowlettering Land sted phone 6482 1558 MIMEOGRAPHING and Public stenozrapslay Business college Toronto St name Phone 4824 151361 WATER WellDrill Preseason erations our only miners Wri lit and Son 6331Hurontario St Col gwood Ont Phone 318111 154511 Prompt Work Milli cow4530 WW Sunday baited precediuijuuo Barrie Examnicr was COLORED FLAGSTONE FOR GRAVEL FILL etaI STOP SOIL 113ng DWY ANYWHIRI DENNIS MORAN Phone 2907 Barrie 7401 LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School ontinuous Tuition throughout the coming season Week course ANDRADE C7 SONS RH No Stroud Phone 10rl4 7417176 2ilICIJ Green Corduroy Dress size 12 suitable for girl 12 to 14 Phone 2734 7112tf THOR AUTOMAGIC Washer like new wncr moving quulies quick cash sale Phone 2901 im112114 Remover really does it Your iruggist sells Cress Corn Solve for sure relief 73114 conicalxiv Oil Burner with elec tric blower price $30 Can be seen at 331 School St Camp Borden 7114115 MANS Rawleigh Bicycle new speeds semiballoon tires specral brakes Apply evenings at 54 Nap ier St 7ll4 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals re airs Simcoe Business Machines Toronto St phone 4824 71361f ll CU Fl Deluxe Kelvinntor Re IllgCllllOll Sunshine apartment size clectric stove Snngro Loop Camp Borden 7113115 THOR WASIIING Machine com pletely overhauicdr jacket heat ers one brand new Apply Duckworth Angus Phone 831r31 7113114 WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu matic Pain Sciatica Lumbago when Rumicaps will help you to welcome relief Ask your Dlllzggisi LET US Supply your hog feeds Pay after your pigs go to market No interest Contracts available Phone or see Craig Hunter phone 53r5 Stroud 7110125 BQQISSCIOSSIQndS PICChrislmls sale clEaring shelves for flew stock wide assortment of good titles excellent for gifts third to half off 50 Dunlop East 7113114 IMMEDIATE Delivery on Rogers St Marys Famous Canadian Ce ment Pyramid Brand Carload lots or less Scott Company foot of Toronto Street Phone 4091 7109114MW SEE CRAIG HUNTER for service on your Faster Feeds Frost Fence and Farm Supplies Sales service and demonstration on Graham Plows Phone Stroud 5315 Hunters Poultry Farm 7110125 3PIECE Chestereld Suite wine and blue and matching rug 10 12 also Norge washing machine Apply 11 Black Ivy 18r13 7113114 CARTOP BOAT flat bottom ce dar construction canvas covered 14 ft excellent for duck hunting Suitable for horse motor Phone 5653 7113114 GRAY ENAMEL McClary coal wood or OII range reservoir warm ing closet in new condition Rea sonable Apply Gordon Mason 43r3 Stroud 7114 1949 MODELJohn Inglis 60 cycle electric washing machine in good condition price $55 also metal laundry tubs and roll aWay ptaiiifdu4 price $14 Phone 4930 10 LAKEFIELD Boat 10 Johnson Motor Cruisaday tank D13 model 1952 also boat trailer 3x6 iron bench with shaft and pulleys bench rinder saw and 14 hp elec tric tor Phone 3286 Dean 22 Peel St 7112114 IMMEDIATE Sale McClaryr elec tric range single bed spring and mattress occasional armchair pair of blonde lamp tables Royal up right vacuum cle ner Bissel car pet sweeper and ther aller ar ticles Phone 5830 7114 LARGE CHEST of Drawers med ium size space heater Clare Jewel cook stove converted to oil kitch en table and chairs combination radio and record player drop leaf table mantle mirror hall mirror hall oak table Please phone7 371411i McCLARY Combination Electric Livestocx FOR SALE HEREFORD BULL Durham calf one week old 12 young pigs also DeLavai cream separator lip 12 Switzer Crown Hill Phone 843112 iiinadir REGISTERED Bred Sows 151 and 2nd litters large English white due October and November Ser vimable age large English white boars also Gills months Bears and tmonths Gilts Arthur Mor row phone 23113Stroud 911418 15 HOIS1EZIN Milk Cows and heifers grade and purebred herd accredited also can milk cooler sprayon type DeLaval milking machine Reason for selling farm is sold Carr Thornton Phone 12121 Ivy 9ll3ll4 WOOD FOR SALE DRY HARDWOOD $10 per card Alldrcd Eergusonvale 6109120 HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabs Softwood Slpbs Sawed and delivlt cred Dennis Moran phone 2907 67107124 QUANTITY 01 Cedar Rails for sale Apply to Tom McFadden RR No Utopia Phone 1414 Ivy 0lll SOFTWOOD Slabs and Body Hardwood Softwood $12 cord Hardwood $22 cord Hardwood slabs $18 cord Cut and delivered Phoncbfil in113410 PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehiil Drive Barrie Body Conditioning Arthritic Treatment remedial exercises Scientific reducing Licensed Graduate Masseur 10 am till 10 pm daily Private Appointments Only Phone 814r11 8070 PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL BARGAIN at Craighurst 13 miles north of Barrie on High way 93 It storey asphalt shingle clad$1500 Phone 3717 115114116 CHOICE BUILDING lots on Queen Street 66x165 feet water and sewer available Close to Codrington school store and bus service Flook227 St Vincent St Barrie Phone 4031 115101114 hp andeoal or wood stove burners large oven in excellent condition cu ft apartment type Frigid aire Extension wooden kitchen table and 3chairs livingroom table lamps 67 Sangro Loop Camp Borden 75114116 LOST orouua LOST41 Heifer Calves months Iold one black and white red and bite whitefaced roanPhone 317 pro 175114 LOST4Redj Wallet in the Vici ity of the Clifton Hotel Money or important Finder please return to 1223 Currdthers 81 Ottawa out 7414 EBOARD ROOM LROOM OR Room and Board Phone 6757 122112114 ROOM AND BOARD Business or procedural 1e Phone 2317 BOARD won in Comfortable some 241s 2308 IMMEDIATE Possession modern room storey and half house irt east end near new school and bus line Large livinghroomxondr chen decorated throughout 1825 down balance arranged Box 74 Barrie Examiner 16113114 BARRIE INCOME Home excell ent location on Burton Ave rooms storeybrick house full cellar modern kitchen hardwood floors down hot air heating in sulated Lot 52x165 Estimated in come over $100 monthly with rooms free for owner Price $9000 $4000 dOWn balance easy terms Joseph Anderson Broker 35 Las cclles Blvd Toronto 12 HUr96770 or HU 89467 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM Phone 151 13114 ROOMED Phone 3140 154114 FURNISHED Apartment Adults Phone 3371 151121f UNFURNISHED winterized cabin large room Apply 46 Anne St Apartment 15113114 SINGLE Room light housekeeping privileges Adults only Phone 6483 153113114 LARGE fully furnished lighthouse keeping rboin with private bath room Abstainers Phone 5470 151134116FM ROOMED Furnished Apartment also roomed apartment turn ished Abstainers Phone 5763 15113114 FURNISHED Bedroom light house keeping Abstainer only Close to bus stop Allandale Phone 6332 15113114 ROOMED House on 10th line of Vespra just off Camp Borden Highway Phone 4933 after pm 15114 ROOMED Cottage partlyfurnT ished 12 mile from school store and train Phone pro 197 15114116 31ROOM Heated Apartment blocks from post officlfnewJ 1Box75 Barrie Examiner 15114 CABIN one large winterized housekeeping jroom miles from Barrie on main highway Phone 5664 ONE ROOM furnished basement apartmnt self obtained heated by airhcondition furnace contin 4059 15114 LARGE Bright heated room in apartment house furnished suit able for couple Itangette Avail able lmmediately Phone 2951 15114 ROOMED SelfContained apa mentin new home One year re required in advance No ob ection toghlldJEApply PO Box 25 Bar rte 15114 ROOM fit nrtment one child room furnis ed apartment adults Bothwith private entrance bath heated down town gAlso house Phonctroud 16rd aftervl uous hotn water Phone 113112115 15112114 114 COTTAGE Bgooms all convent BORN BEAUCHAMPAt the Royal Vie toria Hospital Barrie Oct 1953 to Cpl and Mrs Alfred Beauchamp 47 Saskdtcnewan Blvd Camp Borden twin sons Hospital Barrie Oct 1953 to Mr and Mrs Geral Bollbettc 09 John St son Robert Ger aldl BOWMANAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Oct 1953 to Mr and Mrs Austin Bowman 112 St Vincent St daughter CllARPENTIERAt the Royal Vicai term linspitai Barrie Oct 1033 to Mr and Mrs Carl Charo pentier RR No Barrie daughter CALDWELLAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie 1953 to Mr ter DAYIIOLOSAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Oct 1953 to Mr and Mrs Michael Dziyholos RR No Barrie daughter Julia Anne IlANCOCKAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Oct 1953 to Mr and Mr RR No Ant ter HARRISAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Oct 1953 to Mr and Mrs Ross Harris RR No Barrie twins son and daugh ter KINNEARAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Oct 1953 to Li and Mrs John Kinnear 144 Bradford St daughter KONDRACHUKAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Oct 1953 to Mr and Mrs Kondrachuk Angus daughter WILKINSONAt Bropkville Gen eral IiospitalrOct 1953 to Mr and Mrs Melvin Wilkinson nee Spccrs son James Hancock Mills dpngh DIED WOODAt Sunnidale Township Saturday0ct 1953 in her 36111 year Mary Jane Haverson beloved wife of the late Leon ard Wood and dear mother of Leslie and Harold of Sunnidale Township Norman of Miviesing Mrs Harry McGowan Alma of Collingwood and Mrs William McKinnon Enid of Barrie Rest ing at her home Lot 20 Con Sunnidale Service in New Low ell United Church on Tuesday Oct where the casket will re main open from 130 pm until time of service at 230 pm In terment Stayner Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAM OPELANDeIn memo of our Dad William Cop aifd Who pamed away Oct 1948 God saw you getting weary Thendid what He thoughtbest He put his arms around you Dad and whispered come and rest It doesnt need special day To bring you to our mind For days that we dont think of you Are very hard to nd Lovingly remembered by Char lie and Clara Stone and familyl FRALICKIn loving memory of David Walter Frolick who pass ed away Oct 1950 WifeMary and family 114 MARSHALLYOUNG In loving memory of dear husband and father who passed away Nov 23 1951 Since youve gone rst and re mam To walk the road alone live in memorys garden dear With happy days weve known Since youve gone first and re main One thing Ill have you do Walk slowly down that path of death gt For soon Ill follow you want to know each step you take That may walk the same For some day down the walk Youll hear me call your name Lovingly remembered by Win mfred and Billie 114 AUCTION SALES Every Thursday at 130 pm Elmvale Community Sales Arena Phone Whiiton 102 Elm vale 59th Friday Oct George Davis east half lot 18 Con Essa lots south of Ivy Auction sale of farm stock and implements Terms cash Sale at pm Sproule Auctioneer 110115 00658 PET STOCK lonely HOUND PUPS Redbone and Walk er monthscold ready to Parents good on fox or deer Jo Miller Waverley Phone Elmvale 01r2 382114415 AUTOMOBILES Asut it CASH FOR YOUR CAR FIVE MINUTES SEE gifHonestJoej CrossTown Motors 220 mindful1 St BOBBETTEwAt the Royal Victoria mm 39mm 0st ld Caldwell Shantqyl1 Dayna tomatoes Second prizes went to Mrs or 1155 Mr and Mrs Wilson have visitors Mr and Mrs Winner of an RCA victor Little Fraser Presbtyerian Sunday School held their rally services on Sunday morning Sept 27 Mrs Watson Collingwood was recent visitor at Mr and Mrs William Campbells Hammonds Mr and Mrs Mervin Dale and EMrs Burncll Graham SchornbergI spent Sunday Wice Congratulations to Mr and Mrs fGorafd Doyle on the birth of with Mr and Mrs Winner of Radio 5In Coop Contest iAt BarrieFair INipperI radio at the Coop display Iat Barrie Fair Friday was Miss iJane Sutton of Shanty Bay The icontcst was guess on the number let bags of C00p Balanced Feed isoid at Coop last year The cor Erectinumber was 41600 and Miss Mrs Nelson Tattoo and son of son in Stevenson Memorial Hospig 5mm guess was 39101 Palgmve spent Saturday Mrs Walter lllihdock Mr and Mia Jack with arvin and dauglter Barrie and and Mrs Jack Heave Alliston were Sunday Mm Breaks Record Continued dram page one and his son Allan Brown Dalston Wager 127 Henry St Henry Kanis Phelpston and Carl Peacock Stayner in the irish Cobbler class Willson Rex Watson RR Ken Peacock Stayner Brown and Mrs Irwin Clark in the Chip pewa class Arthur Snider Isaac Show Hawkestonc Francis Shana han Craighurst Rex Watson and Frank Eiphick RR UtOpia Kat ahdin class and Isaac Show Texas Watson RR Eugene Smith RR Utopia Frank Elphick and Lorne Handy Barrie in the Sebago or AOV division Special Hay Show In the special hay Show at the fair Cyril Cook of Allandale was top exhibitor with the best bales of alfalfa hay and mixed hay George Sonics of Staynertook first prize with his bale of alfalfa hay second cut and Gordon McArthur of Stayner was given the top nod by the judges for his exhibit of loose hay Gerald Rattle of Guthrie won first prize ribbon for his exhibit of chopped hay Other top winners in the special hay show were Carl Peacock who took second prizcuin the mixed hay alfalfa hay andiloose hay classes and fifth prize in the chopped hay division George Soules Chrislavaie Farm and Gerald Rattle Guthrie mixed hay George Rogers New Lowell Cyril Cook Allan Brown Dalston and Brown Dalston alfalfa hay Max Craig Craighurst Arthur Snider Craighurst Gerald Rattlcand GeorgeSmiles loose hay and Murray Warnica Barrie Harold Bryce Staynerpand George Soules chopped hay Vegetables Henry Kanis Phelpstonpwvas the top winner in the vegetables div ision taking 11 first prizes and one second prize with an outstanding array of exhibits notably collec tion of vegetables that attracted the notice of the crowd inthe Curling Rink for the excellence of arrange ment as well as quality of exhibits With nine firsts and four seconds in the various classes Carl Peacock of Stayner was close second to Mr Kanis and Chantler Barrie was top exhibitorin the division takingthree firsts and firm seconds in vegetable classes The champion vegetable exhibitor took his first prizes with his en tries to ballhcad cabbage early caib bage AOV cabbage cauliflower parsnips pie pumpkins field pump kins hubbard squash vegetable marrow table cucumbers and cOl lection of vegetables His second prize was in the table beet division Mr Peacocks first prizcswere in carrots yellow danvers onions red seed onions silver skin pickling on ions summer radishes pepper squash icitron ripe cucumbers and farmers collection of vegetables Heplaced second with his table corn vegetable marrow table cu cumbers and table tomatoes First prizes were Won by Mr Chantler with his savoy cabbage green celery and Spanish onions and he placed second with his ball head cabbage AOV cabbage cauli flower and hot red peppers Allen 285 Blake St Barrie took firSt prizes vathhis talblebeets and hot red peppers and second prize with his piepumpkin entry Two firsts were also won by Gor don McArthur of Stayner in the Vegetable division with his table corn and multiplier onions and Max Craig of Craighurst took first with his sweet green peppers and second prizes with entries in themultiplier onions andparsnips divisions Wager of 127 Henry St Bars rie took first prize with his table Fleck in the early cabbage and car rot classes Mrsn Mae Gregogy 241 Bayfield St Barriein the law danvers onions Arie Weenink of Stroudinthe Spanish onions Lornejlandlv of Dalston in sweet reen peppers Ken Peacock of an 1940 NASlI Coupe with accessories rpr weekends 13 103 31933 PLYMOUTH Coach fair can 00 or best offer Phone 2078 after dltionraBestglofm Phone Strand 20m sisavails MW 1947 CHEVROLET Sedan in A1 conditionPhone 4959 attentive in on saturday ial Alliston Mr and Mrs Mel McKnight and daughter Jean Toronto visited for couple of days with Mr and Mrs Harry Rinn isislcr of Mr Binn Bowled at Richmond Hill Three local rinks were to Rich mond Hill on Saturday last con testing for the Clement Memorial Trophy Mrs Anderson Mrs llozel Waikem and Mrs Walkem were high for two wins Mrs Wiee Mrs Him and Mrs Walsh also had two wins Mrs Claridge Mrs Hammond and Mrs Palmer were the other rink The iripiiy went to Mrs Scotts rink of Toronto Miss Annabelle Stewart Toron to Spent Saturday willillevuud Mrs Duke Visitors from Aurora Rev and hirercorgc Purchase Aurora spent Wednesday lost with John Palmer and Miss Lin Palm er and also visited many old friends here Posting in Germany Mrs Bill Vaurdenburg and twin daughters Joan and Debbie are staying with the farmers parents Rev and Mrs James Dorrian FO Vaurdenburg is now on posting in Germany Hobo Tea Keep your fingers crossed Your lfriends may call any day now for cup of team The Womens In stitute are making surprise visits They go as they are when called for and take pct luck The dona tion left is in aid of the County of Simcoc Memorial Scholarships Outstanding Violinist Miss BettyJean Hagen daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Gus Hagen one of Canadas outstanding art ists will be the violinist in the Etobicoke Collegiate Auditorium on Monday evening Oct As sisting artist will be Boris Rcre bankine pianist of Toronto Tot tenham citizens are keenly inter ested in BettyJean whose bril liantmusica1 career has brought her many awards Herparents came from Calgary to reside here three years ago WI Visit Bond Head On the afternoon of Sept 24 four carloads of members of the Tottenham Womens Institute mo tored to Bond Head as guests of Bond Head branch and took charge of the program for the afternoon The branch there are verypctive in their local and community ac tivies After the meeting was over old friends as Welles new chatted over cup of tea served by the hostesses To CookstoWn WI Mrs Herb Kant lpcal district representative offa WOmens Insti tute attendedthc district meeting in Cookstown recently Get Robber Suspect Reports are that one of thcbank robbers alleged to have held up the Royal Bank here in Night Stayner in field pumpkins Jack Johnson 73 Mary St Barrie in green hubbard squash Mrs Le moine RR Kleinburg in pepper squash ArthurSnider burst in ripe cucumbers The Newfoundland dog fearless in water may weigh up to 140 or 150 pounds The Canadian Weather station at Alert Bay on Ellesmere Island is less than 500 miles item the North Poe FOUNDED 31 1301135 Pietermaritzburg the Natal pros vincial capital in South Africa was founded by the Boers 1839 ORANGEVILLE Mrs McKnight is of Craig The two drums were full 3guesses and they were mixed up in in washer and the draw made by INora Bearcroft Several tickets =were drawn with estimates rang 1111 from few hundred to mil lion bags Miss Suttons guess Was iii firs one drawn within 5000 bags Oiiktht correct figur has been arrested in Toronto New Water Mains The town fathers are busy ha ling ready for the paving in the spring also some iiettmsidcwailks are being laid MARKET PRICES OCTOBER 551953 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Coopentlvo Packers of Ontario Barrie Hog market not established EGG Large Medium Small Cracks Pecwces CHICKENS Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grace to lbs Special Grade 40 Grade 34 Grade 21 to lbs Special 33 Grade 32 Grade 26 Grade 18 Under lbs Special 31 GladeA 30 Grade 25 Grade 16 Capons 2c ovr the above prices FOWL Grade Over lbs 30 27 18 to lbs 28 25 16 Under lbs 12 TREASURERS SALE or LANDFOR TAXES Town of Barrie County of Simcoe TO WIT By virtue of warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town ofBarrie under his hand and the seal of the saidgcorporationbearihg date the 10th day of September sale of lands in arrears oftaxesin the Town of Barrioswill be held at the Council Chambers Municipal Building 84 Collier Street at the hour of oclock in the afternoon on the 7th day of January 1954 un less the taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice is hereby given that the llStJ lands for sale for ar rears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of gegolsuera and that copies of a1 is ma 0311 be had at my easurers Office of October 1953 thlhm BARRAND Treas v1 I114ll8l44F1471 nfsrmcr HEREFORD shamans ASSOCIATION IST communism SALE AND SHOW his onnmnvtnhEExnmrrmhi BARNS FRIDAY ocrbnian 161953 pram Ln 341 iiiJLLs ALL cam ARE TB ANDBLOOD TESTED SHOW 11aml For catalogues write pm SHARP Pnovmomh BONUS TO APPLY Lunch anomalies 1513 Mathoson Secretary Orangeville Ont New Purina H1 911 Efficiency Rauns win produce eggs to as low as 26c per deceit minim to boiled Withyourown grain lt1th All be fed as In complete ration ing new water mains put in get meowal1

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