Dunlap nomad My morning at tho monument work is to under pay this winter on Elbe when Bay linbln the Truman Highway With the TransOcth going to the north and east and with the proposed connectionwith the superhighway to Crown Hill Goldwater will be at the hub of wheel and do not believe there is village which will be better 51t natal from immrtatlon stand point Reeve Dunlap said that with the village only 10 miles from the lake port at Port McNicoll and served by both CPR and CNR plus the new advantages which will de velop for trucking by highway Goldwaters prospects for the loca tion of new industries should be greatly enhanced There would be tremendous boost to the tourist developmcnt of this area and definite immed iate advantages would result from the employment offered by the construction work he added Dunlap Staff Entertained About 25 members of the staff of Dunlops Store Moonstone in cluding those who have assisted in exhibit at 311 fairs in the distri were entertained to dinner at Goldwaters Denison Hotel fol lowed by social evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Beat ty Main Street Goldwater Bold Card rmy Winner of the draw for the W05 mens Institute quilt made at the card party in Coldwatcr court house on Sept 29 sponsored by the Senior Institute was Mm Jack Dunlop Joseph Greenwood made the draw High score for the ladies was won by Mrs Murray Silk and Russell Orr had mens high score Prizes were given out by WI socc ictary Mrs Jack Walker Hold Social Evening card party sponsored by the Home and School Axsmiuiion was held In the public school on Wed llesday night Sept 30 Irestdcnt Norris Walker welcomed the two new teachers on the stuff Princi pal Ivcr Illinlphrcys and Mm Wil liam Pheasant Winners included CmIl Orton Mrs Crawford Blall don and Mrs Jack Sallows OrtonBrandon Wedding wedding ceremony was per furmcd Ill Iurkdale United Church Toronto at pm on Saturday Sept 26 1953 when letriciu Jenn daughter of William Brandon of Coldlvnlcr and the late Mrs LaWns Need Repair and Fall is Best Timefor It The can of the lawn whether an the farm or suburbun lot is just as necessary it one is to have good lawn as proper preparation of soil fertilizing and mowing at time of establish mch There are few localities in which local conditions are such that the routine following of maintenance measures will keep lawn permanently in good condition At some time each year or alternate year it is usually nec essary or desirable to do some renovating Ordinarily the best time is in the fall Conditions in the spring are not usually favor able By the time one can get on to the ground to undertake suitable soil treatments pre paratory to rcsowing it may be too near summer for seedling grasses to become established In such cases it is usually bet ter to adopt some temporary ex pedient such as sowing an annual grass or applying summer treatment in preparation for real renovation at the most fa vorable lime in the fall Benevation becomes must when the turf is wholly undesir able and when replanting to the name or toa different grass is contemplated It is essential first to determine the reason for the unsatisfactory turf and to plan program that will correct the previous decien clchUnIess all the factors for satisfactory plant growth are fa vorable the turf will become un satisfactory again in year or so Destruction of all unwanted growth usually is the rst step To accomplish this it is bestto mow closely and remove coarse clippings The use of strong chemicals to kill weedsujsjustb fled in renovation program Preparation of seedbed is es sential to successful job of re planting the area Apply about 20 or 25 pounds of complete ferti How Io Renovate Established prn Mow old 5113533 of grass closely Apply weed control methods and materials if nec CSsary Bake severely or culli vate with hand disk or spikcr to loosen surface soil Apply fertilizer and lime as needed Sow seed of the right kind and best quality or plant sod or sprigs Roll the surface If ground is bare on slopes apply mulch or fabric to protect from erosion Water adequately and Mow as soon as growth requires It but not too short lizcr per 1000 square feet such as 5105 or equivalent In the cool humid regions applications should be made in early fall and very early spring In warm hu mid rcgions applications should be made in spring and early summer when the grass is grow ing actively The need for limb should be de termined by soil test Most soils in the eastern United States re quire lime Ground limestone is the cheapest form It can be ap plied at any seasonlatc fall or early spring Because of the great variety of conditions under which lawns are prepared and maintained even in the same locality if one 1511 wellinformed lawn care In should consult his teed supplier county agent gorotherr eljson qualified togive expeil adv ea or lawns before undertaking fa reo ovation job The results from renovation will be in accordance with the thoroughness of the application of correct principles suitable weather and followup with proper maintenance measures Caledonia Mallwmergol sanctity Caii Al GILES ist vicepresident of Barrie Branch Canadian Legion presents keys to Sandy Jumieson of Caledonia will ncr of the Legion car draw made on Appreciation Night at the Armoury here Jamieson bought ticket from George BlalltllllfWIlS married to Douglas Dnvid Orton son of Mr and Mrs Clifford Orton Goldwater Rev Miller officiated Illc sister of lilL bride Mrs Gerald Clcm lncns Toronto was bridesmaid and Mr Clcmmcns was grooms mlm The bride wore light blue gablllfilllt suit with navy blue but Illld mulching accessories and core sage of Sweetheart roses navy blue gziburdillc suit with navy and white accessories was worn by the bridesmaid liur inuncdiutc rela tives reception was held Ii the home of Mr llud Mrs Cicmmcns King SilcctWcst Toronto Fol lowing trip to Niagara Falls and other cities Mr and Mrs Orton lire residing ill Goldwater on Main Street Visit Beeion Fair Reeve Alldlcw Dunlopg and ClerkTreasurer Chcstcr Martin attended Bccton Fair on Wednes day They reported large crowd on hand to see the successful show which saw 30 schools with 1000 children in the parade St Andrews Church The lst vicepresident Miss Ed nu Loncy presided at the meeting of St Andrews Young Womens Auxiliary Mrs Authur Busby read from the study book Mrs William Wylie read the scripture and led in prayer and Miss Mernzl Fell was pianist Speaker for the thankoffcring at pm Oct 21 with visitors wel come will be Mrs Mclnnis of Orillia who will give highlights of the Coronation which sheat tended with her husband Rev Dr Maclnnis Themlhttcr was present in his capacity as Moderator of the Presbyterian Church ill Canada Junior Womens Institute Mrs William Pheasant was the speaker at the September meeting of ColdWatcr Junior Womens In sutumgat Miss Kathleen Stewarts Assisting hostess was Mrs Arthur Busby Roll call Name book have read recently and giv the name of the author was replied to by 12 members and four vis itors The speaker was introduc ed by the president Mrs Bernard Swaile and vote of thanks for the interesting talk was moved by Sturmzln of Caledonia la member of Barrie Branch He was surprised and delighted when Legioncontacted him near Hamilton to inform that his ticket was the lucky WC GALL CD is sliown placing wreath on the memorial on the occasion ofThe Battle of Britain Sunday Parade at Camp Borden similar parade was also helchin Barrie From Bordenalre Mrs Jack Sallows Mrs Pheasant was winner of the conteston name titles Program peltriy sale Early WI members are being in vited to the next meeting in the court house0ct 27 when Hal loween party will be held Cos tumes will be worn luded USED CLOTHING T0 REFUGEES So great were contributions of used clothing in February to the Red Cross for Netherlands flood sufferers that 10000 tons of used chilling were received beyond the needs of that country Plans were immediately made for diversion of this clothing torefugces and dis placed persons in various parts of the world The arrangement for redistribution was undertaken by the Leagueof Red Cross Societies in agreement with the donor nu lional Red Cross Societies and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Eleven countries and territories the German Federal Re public Austria Italy Trieste Greece Turkey Syria Lebanon Jordan Gaza and Korea have large numbers of refugees and dis placedpersons within their bord ers Appropriate shipping and dis tribution plans were drawn up yvith the concerned Red Cross and Red Crescent organizations to sup ply the clothing to areas of great est need PIRSI DIAL CITY Edmonton wasthe first city in Canadalto instal dial tolephpncs The plan was rst under consider ation as early as 1905 and put into operation in 1908 John McCracken Former Angus Council Died of Battle Hospital with ma is feature of Egg island Well and favorably known II Angus John Willzzun blcCrackcl passed away at Hospital Burrie on Wednesday Sept 23 1933 Just 11 his 58th year he was born on Jan 17 12196 at August sun of Stewart Mchlckcn and tilt former Alma Jane Matthews and with the exc8pllun of residence ill Colllzlgwoud from 1913 to 1923 the rcst of hzs life was spent In A113 He had retired from farming was Presbyterian Coliseum live and member of tile Loyul Orange Lodge and the Royal Block Preceptory He had also served on the Angus council and as trustee for five years He buds many fricilds around Angus WIDE loved and respected by all and will long be remembered for his sunny dispostlion and deeds of killdm The funeral was held on Suturi 331 Sgpt 26 from the Jenlletti Funeral Home with service taken there by Rev Kilrnm Guergis lllln isten of Angus Presbyterian Church Friends and relatives were pres ent from Angus New Lowell and the surrounding district andfrum distance Mr and Mrs Barker and family of For Credit Mr and Mrs Frank McCrackcu Toronto Mr and Mrs Buckland Dc troil Buckland 111 Royal Oak Michigan SlCWilIL Bucklund Van Dyke Michigan Willi the lovely flowcrs from relatives lllld friends was rc mcmbrancc from Angus council members The only immcdiutc surviving relatives are two sisters Mrs Margaret Bllcklzlnd Detroit and Mrs Elizabeth Barker Purl Credit Interment was ill Angus Cclnc low and pallbearers were John lvlgiltllcws Arthur Wilkinson Frank McCIackcn chrgc IvicGillv ivary Marshall Buckland and Stewart Buckland INDIA AND PAKISTAN The republic of India hS an area of 1246000 square miles the dominion of Pakistan 350000 GOOD CU 510m humanist tCPl Belgium wuh 8190000 population is 312 ada third but customerrankzng after the ljnnsd Slates and United Kingdom The ramp was glvcti here by Monty adm trade commisswnc in glum now touring Canada 1M CLIFF IS 1346 FEET HIGH ruck cliff Sing l3 fee 1mm in the Hebrides Pick out YOU CAN AFFORD Above loans made on your own signa ture or on furniture or auto Payment include principal charges every on our 15month plan up to $500 24month plan over $500 Yes Its to be sure Personal in the way youre treated pcraonal in your choice of plans and no bankable security required Employed people married or single phone or come in today Then youl know why thousands saylts to be sure loom $50 to $1200 COMPANY 2nd Fl Public Utilities Ild 15 BAYFIELD STRE Phone 5931 Barrie John GIIICSpic YES MANagcr OPEN BMW TooSATURDAY IO 12 lam made it mldenls of all iuuounding tum hmmul Finance ompuny of Canada NEED EXPERT ADVlCE ON YOUR llFE SEE OUR REPRESENTATIVE Thats His If imlss MANUFACTURERS iIFE lNSURANCE COMPANY Investpriced electric kitchen Chill iii Calida N0 WINDING N0 REGULAIING AlWAYSACCllRATE Heres bright and frindlykilchen Clock priced to please you styled to make you kitchen gayeEN builttokcep perfect time for yearsand years The GE Helplidf has duplicate handiand easytoread nunierals Available in redor yellow Be sure to see thiSTlBW lowpriced lE Helper at your dealerstoday Small pplinncg Department Canadion General 5135 CQLtdu Toronto iEOMleNY gt