Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1953, p. 5

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23 um pxmutm mun grinWANT rosmous WANTED PROPERTY FOR SALEi 7I7ARMSMANTED 530 FEED FOR SALE PROPERTY EUR SALE lwmux BLS Beaver Oats for 56 ROOM STOREY Brick dwell miles of Home good 500 BUSH EPAIIVOI mamas Iikifiwi nd Armstron mg forced hot air all 1133111111 buildings 75 acrej larger Kavegsale also stack of clean oat sing Mimigo wigsEm m5Albyvhiulflbi er Zhotie is in picndid condition andls room bungalow in Allandale toiappronmately tong APP El2$jillih11311331L31 REOITOIS good residential area Scleclfon oilmm in on farm Apply 30x gslj flogdgggtnka flyiiiiftitn 21 11 Winnn 3141124 idcuggzsl iiIJI 170 Avenue Rd iffglfd lipLA gjgsReax gunEW mmsnmm Putin no Hm Barrio Pb OBEVRTOKU Cu Sllftl Pumice413 OARD fuubm CONSTRUCTION scvcralMALE PUREBRED 139395 Ulmiii I5 loom brick or bcvcllcd sidinng years old true maIkmiL $00 ROOM 0R Rmm and Board nrti 013 WWI Ill WW mm my omcs on quiet hlltCLllillcllrinl tongue provcn runner and priced Phone 757 12112 orccd air oil heating Iuw downircasouablc Apply Pobctptoateag IFqu of 133 Icrcs inh good build aymcnt Mamba llcprtu Croemorc 302W3 ROOM OR Room and Board sun Ilwu warranty uvcr 11 cubic Icct 109 NW Mi VHS Will mail Cmus all Fi 382133bi6 for girls Phone 6380 ulv inwnedataic IIIukcr ii Ourn Street Phonci 12113 513110 Wmlui niuior good con Al mm DELIVERY ANYWHERE mm 3qu MW 5145 Monti In good R1319 Ill repair Will2377 ERGO AND BOARD Business DENNIS MORAN III1133 chhzuigi uu 0111011 811 In IIIION SHAxTy BAY Road xix rmva Phomg professional peoplc lprerrf Phone 23 hone 2907 Burial in rm Iron Mal IQBattcnel ORaS 740 HOOKS0mIundx llltCilllgtlllllSmlll Illlllk iond both full buscznont Wilh BEDROOM NDU TRIAL IRQ LEARN TO WELD Silk churning SlgtSL iitf Iicii$t00 30ml 1mm garage and uh mmmm madern Commniences 2303 5u34 SOH will msmme lBIirrs of land Nichm Img 10 mm 093 nndWM me Lilllh0xsullllllly ftiilgiftsLIIIIlI in 1muzilnd rugpyy plan snmlwawbmes Exwmm for famiFURNSHED Aparmem lfgggzllcsoDmggAiligga bed IIFM JUINHIIOII WN IIIHIgiIown pziymcnt Hid cosy tcrms Imps Just 0w mwn nig Low Phunc 3371 Central Phone $709 124124 Dunlop St West Femdale Phone 811131 or 0487 34011 Mixed Siovewood $500 per single cord DELIVERED PHONE 807111 gt WILL TAKE Caro of infant or Ibmllll child in priratc humc Phonc I6360 2ll3114 WOMAN mu do baby pitting ult cvcnings llmuc 34911 zux BARRIEILET US Supplytyour hog feeds 740uloy alter your 12ng go to market Mn INo intcrmt Contructs available 0004er bungalow just out thw rec raig Hunter Dillmclsizic II mm limits with conveni STIIS Siroud 7110135 13311unlop St Requiiod Immc lately for gcrnoom or Modern Insure Officegarrm WWW Mn PARTTIME workwound in mom gfffmah reilllg from 1111 lilllll noon by chances any Extwriencc picIln Box Iii Barrio Momma leired but not ucccssury 2i tic113 Apply Mr tomb Crown Life Insurance Company Public Utilities Building I5 Bayilcld St Phon 59ml WEST PRIVES COLORED FLAGSTONE GRAVEL 35 FILI lNEw GENERAL Elichic ripari mczit F1119 stow $100 llufrigcmtor phone EGG CANDLERS Large modern plant in Toronto quires cxpcricnccd cgg zlll1ltl5 prcferably 1111ch who hch puccui govcrnmcnt test Excellent pay and working 01nd lions with all CIIIPIUXCLltlltillf Wg taxcs For furthcl NLW MASON finch P1011103 ROOM AND BOARD available for Lincoln Arc Welding School outiuuou Tuition throughout the wcck course TYPEWRITERS office machines portables adding machlnes cashl registers sales and service Gosney l7 Frances 51 Barrie licnl Estate lnsuruncc Special High Prce Paid for Hume 5233 113 Pilclpsion ouc milc cast of 27 IIIIIBIFOUR AND HM Rmnns MI irai Phone 2305 15112113 Repsouable Phone 67 1213115 IIooms muticrn smart home no tiuuotw hot water Phone 5760 LIVE POULTRY $3000 1lucc room ironic Iitizigtliliick Rculiors Barrie 16113 inmnnmionifM uccd Pilan reconditioned Phoncl wa Kw Bum 8h pmme 6307 10409413 ROOM anhhtd cum Afla hnurs call 2230 Mm entlemen Crmforlable sin mu 9111 Ihmk kommni EIUEIIJSILED Bedroom very convieda gOOd food Centrallv locafgd wccllcnt condition vcry icasonublc Igivoy on fps Tprim Six moms modeln ezisyi crms undci Eight thousand luurLmHT Housekeeping Room cowl Ircpaih ncccsuuy Forms and poss 15un3 lcssiou to suit purchnscr llcury and ROOM Apartment W9 tummy coming season twice wealth Apply in person 13 Applv or write to mime WEED SCRAP cagadla Pacregirmd hides raw fur horsehair feathers mp 0311an 1C9 2240 St Clair AW W031 TOWN 13 33 Collier Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 32311 OPPORTUNITY for Barrie Metal 13 Salvage DEALERS 1N SCRAP IRON METALS FURS EHIDES BAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks willcall Blgheat prices paid Special price paid delivered TopNotch Solesmen To join Canadas largest manu facturer of aluminum combination windows and doors in our new Barrie office This is full time position with high earnings assur ed $50 WEEK GUARANTEED AGAINST COMMISSION Phone Barrio Shiner 2983 820r31 9812 98J3 MAX PUSHKOFF COMMISSION AND BONUS AND COMPANY NEW CAR SUPPLIED TO SUCCESSFUL APPWANTS iYard and Office 156 IIffln St 380150 COMPLETE TRAINING FOR MEN INEXPERIENCED 1N iMAN WANTED to cut down flops THIS LINE OF SALES iCau havo the wood for cutting For interview call in person IAppIV Mu phone 2344 3113 LEVY 1213 DUNLOP ST LEVITS TRADING ROBINSON HARDWARE Full Vuiicly Business Opportunities MAN WANTED with car or truck to act as distributor for chemicals luscdfo recondition septic tank in the County of Simcoe To the man wishing to be in business for himself either on full or part time basis this offers an excellent opportunity Reply to Box 67 Barrie Examiner 211112114 PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TO RENT store for fur niture by responsible party In Barrie preferably near or down MALSCO Barri 1113114l WOMANPOR Housework hours Wellington St West 1110t SALES CLERK Apply Clarks Home Furnishings 38 Bayrieio $1 Barrie Phone 2843 1le GIRL OR WOMAN to help in lodge live iiiApply Mrs Waghorn Clans mans Lodge phone 58121 151376311 WOMAN Eur Cleaning four days Phone 4291 ROOM Trailer ished 341 Blake St 01L BURNER with pipes in per ANDRADE SONS 1111 No Stroud Phone 10114 797470 5000 ROLLS SALE WALLPAPER EALL WALLPAPER SALE NOW IN FULL SWING Quality Sclcction for every room Special PIICDS on room 10L or by the roll Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona representative 7801be SEE CRAIG HUNTER for scrvicc on your Fastcr Feeds Frost Fence and Farm Supplics Sales scivicc and demonstration on Graham Plows Phouc Stroud 5315 Hunters Poultry Farm 7110123 LADYS lurk grccu winter Coat fully lined and chumois to waist in pcrfcct condition rczisonublc SIN Iii also nnvy fall coat prac tically ucw size 10 for short per gttuixcimnublc Phone 3120 7113 31111 Chcstcrtihld Suite winc ll 11 Black ivy 18113 7113114 CARTOP BOAT flat bottom cc Iiur construction canvas covercd 11 cxccllcnt for duck hunting Suitable for 110m motor Phonc 5033 7113111 10 LAKEFIELD Boat 10 hp Johnson Motor Ciuisadaytank D13 moch 1952 also boat trailer 3x0 iron bench with shaft and pulleys tric motor Phone 3286 Dean ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dunlop Street 7113 CHESTERFIELD Suite pieces v7113 completely 7fmlIli 5388 difion Phone feet cm 7112113 BENDIX Automatic Washer nearly CoOk RR N0 Barrie new Fie 7113 22 Pool 51 7112114 TYPEWRITERS and Adding Ma chines new and factory recondl iioned Service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental rates Call Remington Rand Lim ited 70 Dunlop Sh Barrie Phone 2758 724ifF= WARM MORNING Heater with automatic control 16 lengths pipe and elbow $25 Heater holds 100 lbs coal for 30 hours Phone 2198 after or apply Wells High way 27 ii mile south Barrie 7111113 WASHING Machine dining room table pairs living room drapes 90inch length Convertible Couch Walnut arm chair Steel utility table and other pieces of house uid blue and mulching rug 10 11 IISO Noxgc washing machine bench grinder saw and lip Cleodue vcry illllLlLlth lurgc lot insuluicd hcuvy wiring immcdlutc posrcss ion lcrms $7500Iour room bungalow 11 Highway south zitlzichcd glow ago thicc piccc built hardwood 111mm lot 00 200 hcn liouso lcIuis uIungcd 593011 Fivc room frame bungalow in Burric ucw school uczi oak flours hot air heating down my Illllll $3730 $111010 Si room brick bungalow air Conditimiing furnace oil fired cxiru large bedrooms with plenty of cupboard space buscmcnf could muin bc finished iuio four room ipurtmcnt See this one for value and possibilities liulf cash rc luircd $15000chcn room brick house cxccllcut condition Hillcrcst School arcu Oil heating broudloom cov eicd floors double garage beau tiful lot $0000 cash will bundle HARRY MICHIE Realtor Dunlop St Barrie Ph 3551 hours phone 5200 or 3551 16113 TACEY REAL ESTATE BROKER Rug brick bungalow large rooms and piece bath attached garage paved driveway full basement hot air oil furnace recreation room lovely comer lot quiet resi dential street central to down town and new school Full price $12000 Terms arranged Many items of urnuure included in this sale Country home fully modern rooms hot air coal imace full basement one acre garden land Very central to school and shop ping Full price $6700 Down pay ilIVII cd not an old home undcr Nine thousand Nnocondition Four thousand will han lrgc rooms and bath with bed IIOOMS ihhikeinfhiI hem Six rooms Brick ilnc tilc 1ch rooms modem new condition undcrEight thousand lwcntytivc hundrcd will iiuudlc Several othcr tlvc room places var iom pricey and locations Tcrms uvuilublc on most places For homo contact valtlnd Eirick Rczlitors Barrio 16113 BAIIRIE INCOME Home excell cul location on Burton Avc rooms storey brick housc full collar modern kitchen hardwood floors down hot air heating in sulated Lot 52x165 Eslhnated in comc over $100 monthly with rooms free for owner Price $9000 $4000 down balance cosy terms Joseph Anderson Broker 35 Las ccllcs B1vd Toronto 12 HUz96776 or HU 89467 16112115 POULTRY 75 YEARLING Honk Hump zind Leghorn good layers for sale Phone 622 OIO 14113 3000 PULLETS for sale laying in November MacSween Thorn ton Phone Stroud 15141 between and pm 14112115 100 COLUMBIA Rock Pullets months old for sale Apply rst house cast of Minesing Station on Highway 26 14113 MISCELLANEOUS For Job Well Done Call JOE BREWER Phone 3228 Remodelling Roofing Alterations Cupboards Gyprocing General Building 5251fF Abslaincrs cd cast cud of Barrie Phone 3895 15113 ROOMED Furnished Apartment Separate entrance Phone 3140 1511121121 UNFURNISIIED winterized cabin large room Apply 46 AnneSt 15113114 ROOM House near MIneSing Apply Mel Priest Minesing phone 221 15111113 SINGLE Room light housckceping privileges Adults only Phone 6483 15113114 WARM Furnished Bedroom with daublc bed ncar new factories Phone 4497 15113 FURNISHED Room suit working person East end at bus stop Phone 4737 151114 FURNISHED Rooms no children Daytime phone 3984 evenings 3073 15113 FURNISHED Room light house keeping privileges Central loca tion Phone 3275 15113 ACCOMMODATIO for couple No objection toone child Phone 5434 after pm 15113 ONEROOM unfurnished basement apartment Suitable for business couple Phone 5396 15112113 UNFURNLSHED Apartment rooms and sunroom oil heated Adults 80 Essa Road 15113 FURNISHED Bedroom continuous hot water warm quite central Gentleman preferred Phone 3755 15113 ROOM IN Allandale with or with out board Would suit girls Close to bus stop Phone 3436 or 5781 15111113 FURNISHED Rooms suitable for light housekeeping Call at 13 CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR lN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phono 5m 13109 VCQRBY MOTORS LTD AI USED CARS 1952 Ford Custom Fordor 1952 Prefect Fordor 1951 Ford Fordor 1950 Chevrolet Sedan 1949 Plymouth Sedan 1947 Lincoln passenger coupe 1941 Pontiac Sedan USED TRUCK BUYS 1951 Mercury Pickup 12 Ion 1951 Dodge Pickup Ig ton 1950 GMC Express ton with racks 1919 Mercury ton dump Corby NloIors Lid SteeleSt at No 11 Hwy Phone 5481 ll BIG BUYS FAIR WEEK menl $1500 GIRLS CCM Bicycle blue and while good condition Phonelillog week flour39 to 12 Must be thorough Apply Box 71 Barrie Examiner 1113 WM town area Don Furniture 565 Queen St Toronto 311117113 WANTED TO BUY smallfour roamed home in or near Barrie hold furniture Berczy Street 7113 FRUIT VEGETABLES Anne St or phone 3467 15112113 LARGE fully furnished light house SPECIALS 1952 CHEVROLET Hard Top Convertible beautiful PAINTING DECORATING Beautiful brick bungalow large rooms and piece bath attached garage full basement recreation in Phone 3897 or write Box 34 GRADUATE Undergraduate oriex be neat Apply in person to thc YOUNG GIRL for housework in well Equipped modern home Live all convenienCes Must bereason able State price in rst letter Box 68 Barrie Examiner 33113 WANTED TO BUY Lakefront cot tage or lot in vicinity of Oro Station Please state size location and price Must be reasonable Allen 53 Mill St Brampton Ont 33112113 ==t= Accommodation Wanted SELF CONTAINED furnished apartment required for young mar ried couple Apply Box 72 Bar rie Examiner 11113114 OR ROOM furnished suite wanted also landlady to care for lQmomhold boy from to pm except for weekends Apply Box 45 Barrie Examiner lllltf Barrie Post Office 1111113 prlehced practical nilrse for gen eral duty luniswabd Lodge Phone Florence Breakwell Batrile 33ft MFSSENGE Wanted over 15 years 01 age Good salary Must Canadian National Telegraph gt4 1112113 HAIRDRESSER Wanted experi enced only No Saturdays Good wages Apply RCAF Beauty Salon CamprBordenh phone 170 1113114 MIDDLE AGED Couple wife for housework no laundry no wax ing man for furnace and garden 1115 Separate quarters Mrs Tumbull RR Orillia phone 1113 ATONCE capable woman who 103116 like tqeam extra goodwa ouscworkand part care of invalid woman adults No all conveniences Live in 2172 39 111211 WW GIRL experiencedHigh gas In Barrie Ideal working gt ions Steady employmegit 13 at Christmas Apply Jack artmepfSiore 59 Dunlop Went Barrie 111311 ROOM Furnished suite wanted also landlady to care for 19month old boy from to pm except for weeknds Apply Box 45 Bar rie Examiner 111101f YOUNG COUPLE desire unfurn ished rooms heavy duty wired in Allandale or down town Barrie Phone 5719 after pm 11113 OR ROOMS procrably un furnished urgently required Con tact Jobe RCAF Station Camp Borden 11113118 ARMY CAPTAIN requires or bedroom apartment or house un furnished preferably with stove and frig One child years Box good health and 54 Barrie Examiner 11110113 least years pre easya factory oor AIR FORCE Officer requires bedroom house or apartment un Teswnsme 195110 furnished Within driving distance Mention 101 right Camp Borden we behaved filldrencarcful tenants Apply Box 73 Barrie Examiner 11113 010900 All ml chau Apply 142 Cook St Moonstone 2PIECE Green Corduroy Dress size 12suitable for girl 12 to 14 Phone 2734 7112if TARPAULIN 18 24 nearly new Apply Charles Dawson RR Hawkeslone 7113 THOR AUTOMAGIC Washer like new Owner moving requires quick cashsale Phone 2901 111114 STRAND Coal and Wood Stove used less thah year also high 7113 VENETIAN Blinds in ex cellent condition Apply Jacksons Dept Store 59 Dunlop St West 7111113 CRESS CORN Salve for sure r5 lief Your druggist sells Fess Wart Remover leaves no scar 7113 3030 WINCHESTER Rifle with boxes of ammunition Apply John Bowman RR No Stroud 7113116F SMALL Empire CoOk Stove ena mel trimbums Wood or coal in good condition $30 PhOne 3755 7113 HP JOHNSON Motor and 14 ft Cedar strip boat Both in very good condition Phone Stroud 47r31 after pm 7113 dI ADDING Machines and writ ers Saleg rentals $931173 lmcoe Business Machines Toronto St phone 4824 71361 LARGE COLEMAN oil brner $35 Easy washing machine $45 Childs sidewalk 2wheel bicycle $17 Phone 2195 7110113F CU FI Deluxe Kelvinatorjlle frigerafor sunshineapartment size electric stove7 Sangro Loop Camp Borden 7113lt115 30 each or each Phone Stiopd 102 McCLARY Furqnetfe coal in excellent coudltlo for half the original contact 11 McKnig Beefonu Icy110416127 MW THOR WASHING Machine com pletely overhauled jacket heat ers one brand new Apply Duckworth Angus Phone 831131 7113114 MODERN WALNUT dining room suite pieces $70 modem four burner electric rouge white 3125 point range tablS top1 style walnui double had sprlngs Mins mailr 25 any dresser 34312 REGISTERED Polled Hereford 3111114m0nfh0 old alsoonebced to Harold Andreds can 15 Housmu CARROTS Beets Onions 30c 6qt Potatoes 25c 6qt Pepper Squash 5c $125 bushel Apples Spys or Peewaukee 50c 6qt $225 bushel Cabbage Turnips So each 400 dozen Pumpkins 10c30c Zinnias 30c dozen Apply 298 Bayeld St 20112ll3 WOOD FOR SALE DRY HARDWOOD for sale Phone 9121 Ivy 6113 DRY HARDWOOD $10 per cord Alldred Fergusonvale 6109120 HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawed and deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 2907 6107124 SOFTWOOD Slabs and Body Hardwood Softwood $12 cord Hardwood $22 acord Hardwood slabs $18 cord Cut and delivered Phone 6567 DRY HARDWOOD cut any length and delivered Apply Gordon Wig gins RRNo Bradford Phone Cookstoun 15121 611611813 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WILL TAKE 15 head of cattle for Winter Phone Oro 1810 9113 30 PIGS6 WEEKS OLD Apply Joe Mouney phone 59112 Bradlt ford 9113 HOLSTEIN COW TB tested calf hood vaccinated due soon Ursal Slcssor phone 53 Otto 9113 PUREBRED Holstein Bull years old also Oxford Rain years Old Apply saygalik Egbert Phone 48115 Allijtouqn 9112113 HEREFORD BULL Durham calf one week old 12 young pigs also DeLaval cream separator No12 Switzer Crown Hill Phon 9113114 thoifyerprbly Bradfordphone59r31 Con 11 West Gwilllmbury 911971169 2REGISTEREO Soulhdown Sh ar Reglsfcred 111cm this ra Lambs ndatieo attic from Don Kead and Alloway Lodge Farms Apply Ireland RR G11 ford 9113 24 YOUNG Regisdred Oxford Ewes including choice Ewe Lambs This flock has had tcdllable show roe9rdfor num of years Also young rams and one stud ram Bo Creeinore phone 2021173 9112113 Milk COWS and honors 3radeaud purebred bed 013110de milk cooler type DQLaval milking Reason loosening farm 01 Thornton 6113119 ert COMES room oil air conditioned heating Lot 66 250 feet Located residen tial street blocks from down town Asking price $19500 Working mans home large rooms and bath very central Down pay ment $1800 One and half storey rooms and bath fullbasement hot air coal fuinacclveiy central Down pay ment $2000 Full price $7500 NBA one and half storey brick rooms and bath with bedrooms full basement hot air coal furn ace Down payment $4000 Full price $10800 MANY LISTINGS Snack bars with gas pumps gen eral stores garages farms 50 to 200 acres REPRESENTATIVES CARSON Town BERT HAMILTON Rural 98 BOyfield sh Borrie Phone 5298 Anytime 10113 BUILDING LOTon Campbell Ave Reasonable Apply Box 58 Barrie Examingr 16111113 BUILDING LOI 826x165 on Collmgwood St between Rodne and Cook nearschool surveye Water and sewer Apply Smith 114 Blake St Phone 3704 111109113 Street 60 65 feet water adsewer available Close to Codrington school storand busiservice Block 227 St Vincent St Barrio iPhone 4031 1610141 FOURROOM DWelllng close to clat bl sh rt er esua peg distance outof own1xsplyl Coutts Real Estate Bro er chnvrystijeetu Rhone12377 16113 ROOM tuc wsrom Brick walling bathroom hydro garage acres of land idealdor VLA Marshall Representa Apply Owen 8113110 2377 111113 K901119010 31W 165 revenu obtainable over $30 Monthly For appointment telc phone 2059 evenings 587 POSSESSION 30 days lnsul brick bungalOw piece bath hardvvood floors Hillcrest School area No roasonable offer refused 91018 house has to be sold this wek Phone 40112 10113 CHOICE LDING lots on Queen reasonable rice and Coutts Real Estate Bro SIGNS max IIIIdaho Interior and Exterior Prompt servrce to all inquiries Work guaranteed ARNOTT WALTON Phone 6777 141 Collier St 578117 FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt 5Tlle Plahfic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 90 cumberland St Plume 5185 565142 WERE AS NEAR ASYOUR TELEPHON McCartney Sons CONTRACTORS CONCRETE sidewalks driveways barnyards etc EXTERIOR STUCOO UO BLOCKLAYING Modelaid Rates Prdmpt Service Phoncmuusmoss Collect or writer NO JOB gTOO SMALL 1589128 FURNACES AND Chimneys cleans tedlc Robinson and Orr hope 4333 51 115 FREE RENT to middleagedpou pie in exchange for companyJo middleaged man Tracy Midhurst 5113 EXPERT TREE Trimming and re m0ving Free estimates given Phone 3717 5113121F wood in Barrie area P100116 481 JocCaruefy 5113 fzo leaflwindow lettering Lun cred phone 6482 5501 CUSTOM Bloating cultivating discing Reasonable rates Wednes day and Saturday only Phone 2135 5131161 Phone 3364 FURNISHED BedLSittipg mom TRICK Available 1m 11501103 will garage gopd 11631 keeping room with private bath room Abstainers Phone 5470 15113116FM ROOMED Unfurnished House and furnished kitchen complete Possession Oct Phone 5573 15113 ROOMED Furnished Apartment also roamed apartment furn ished Abstainers Phone 5763 013113114 FURNISHED Bedroom light house keeping Absfainel only Closeto bus stop Allandale Phone 6332 15113114 UNFURNISHED roomed apart ment Private enirance Adults only Share the both 131 Sanford St 15113 CABIN one large winteiized housekeeping room miles from Barrie on main highway Phone 5664 15112114 LARGE Furnished Housekeeping room with replace Abstainers Apply 65 Drury Lane Phone 4724 15113 ROOM Apartment in desirable apartment building modern bath room unfurnished Central $60 15113 builtid kitchenette witlrv sink Suitable for working couple Phone 4969 151127113 UNFUBNISHED Rooms bright clean and smugccntrally located For bumoesacouige communists children Phone 435152412113 APARTMENT rooms unturrdsh ed selfcontained heated hard wood floor Clifton Crdss lands Drugs 50 Dunlap East 15113 FURNISHED Bed kitchenette wl etie Suitablcfoc business at young busmess couple 5302 3154131 BUSINESS1611112 One or two girls to share tum 59113 Em icoxid Phone two tone builtin radio loaded with extras 1951 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan bustle back ra die and loaded with extras 1950 CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach fleetline wonder ful weekend valu 1949 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan fully equipped This is an exceptionally fine carm 1948 PONTIAC Fleeiline Sedanete Just like new value athis weekend car inside and out Big 1948 CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach builtin fully radio equipped 1941 Ford Didor good clean car 1950 Chevrolet passenger coupe 1939 Dodge two door Coach 1937 Plymouth Sedan builflin radio 1952 CHEVROLET PICKUP ton DOWNTOWN west or Mary PHONE 3600 1940 200 MOTORS 75 Dunlop Street SH Coupe with accessori 13113 best offer PhOne 2073 me 0rwekendh 1310311 1933 PLYMOUTH Coach failEcho 6111911 20141 Bst offer Phone Stioud 113113415 19521 cuiiv CoachJ0000 miles new om inedapartrnent Central 10cm QDERN Roomeja able tenants orily 391e goued Aygilable Ngi x70 Barrie Examiner out including sgltable for school teachggfbhsl ngss woman Lovely view very central Phone 3105 Gib1125113 alow Coach Phone 0112 Both in condition Reasonable icy111113 EVROLET san hr in 5361131 exccllent condition 4031 133113 QUTH Club Cobpe 091 Phone5949after oursalutdaYC Ye 1949 okkvitowr Sedan private 7hr Iowned 30 1C Chaplain Camp Bob wCOaOh or 1950Meteor gomL condition 13113 Pickup Truck complete V3101 all racks Willacccpkedy 035 hour as payment phone Knuckle gt 1311mm

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