BATHROOM FIXTURES ADD HEAVY LOAD 0N JOISTS if you are planning new bathroom in connection with remodel ng Job dont ouerhsok the need for heavier floor joists Halhrum IONS ordinarily carry land load that is greater than the combined dead and live loads figured for other floor joists tile floor alone can impose dead load averaging upxto 30 pounds per square foot Bathroom fixtures acid from it to 20 pounds per square foot on floor structure This makes the total dead weight of mos2 bath rooms average so to 30 pounds per square foot The combined dead and live load to be carried by bathroom joists is figured between tit and 70 pounds per square foot If bathmorn nstnllcd over hall where joists may be short added strength may not he required Butif the bathroom is over living room or large space heavier joists spaced closer may be called for This is important in finishing off expansion attics Very often juists have to be cut to accommodate pipes Waste pipes may measure inches in overall diameter Such cuts weaken joists especially near the center of span Headers and trimmers can be used to compensate for such weakening The best policy to run all pipes between joists and paralle to wherever possible WHEN NECESSARY to cut joist for pipe the out should be made at lic neutral axxs and the joist reinforced Note tension and compres sion arrows in diagram The Barrie Horticultural Society GARDEN NOTES By JEAN CABLE This past week our Horticultural Society held its first executive meeting of the fall season and re vicwed the work of the spring and summer months We now have just over 580 members We still are two directors short There has been little time to catch our breath these past few months There hav been various tours plantings ty Bay Road and Puget Berczy and McDonald Baldwin and Essa Road Everything necessary has been done to beautify them now and once they are off our books we shall look for other places to beautify So if you know of some place you would like to see the Horti cultural Society take hold of now is the time to make it knmvn To start our meetings Of the full for thniabpamdca 0W gorngswesavssamsr flowed Show window displays and now we have theiBarrie Fair upon us Yet to be done is the permanent landscaping of our municipal building and hundreds of tulips to be planted Also we voted at our executive meeting to place in con dition for transfer to the Parks Board four of our present gorcs This will entail special attention to every shrub and tree and flower bed to seethey are in good condi use guns are Codripgton Shan ELEOTRTCAL INSTALLATIONS or an kmdanduSlIal looms mercial audomestlc ESSO OILBURNERS Sales and Service Wullwin Electric Shop at 54 Sophia East Res 14 Perry Street tigers SI MTITys FAMOUS Pyramid Brand IMMED IATE swap night What is that Well just this every gardener has to dig up andthiu out his perennial beds every 5b often On swap night he can bring his extra plants for some one who needs them and get some in exchange from someone else that he might want Anyone is welcome plants or no plants The whole idea is to help get more gardens started and help those who havent any plants to get stime Potplants or anykind are wel come even slips so come and bring your friends Mr Fendley of Fendleys Flowch is going to give us talk and dem onstration on the art of flower arranging and there will be some good prizes Ever see one of those Fendley creations Well come and see how its done Oct pm at Library Hall This week did some driving around in Wardl and thought of all the gardens there are tobe started there was impressed with the wonderful efforts that were quite evident in many of the new homesto beautify their pre mises If everyone would do as HOW TO READ FLOOR PLAN SKETCHES FranEntrants Open rims up and chad tsu JG in Er he Irma Ic Arch Used in Sou lFine Showing fylor Beeton Fair 0auu Nd with Ethic Cased nu up and Jon 5fam nth Keran Flaqucno Cper vcplsco Wit 5th dump flue Irom bmmenf Chzmney with one line Stoop math roiling Dummy with two live Kitchen cabinet upper and lower Szdc entrance stoop with mixing Closet with red and shell bnen closet with hclVLI Methane Cabins necessary for your soil save them as the start of your next years compost pile To help keep the compost wet save all your potato peels orange rinds and other veg etable wastes and teach Junior con scrvation as well as economy by letting him have the chore of put ting out the material for the cam post heap This is bull planting time May warn you to watch for diseases on your new bulbs good bulb Is large firm and free from blem Opcn pdlllllO ishcs If you are in doubt about the goodness of bulb discard it Why pollute your soil and infect good bulbs with poor stock Its cheaper to throw it out Our good neighbors the Vespra Horticultural Society have invited our members to their stvap night It is being held in the Forestry Hall at Midhurst on Oct 13 at eight oclock when Mr Clifton will show colored pictures of his for Canadian Gardens which will lbe available to you at Wednesday books on herbaceous perennials meeting recent trip have some excellent Continued rom page one Farm Implement Show One of the best displays of farm gimplemonts which has been seen 550 far this your 2v It the fair Dealch from Sciioiiiherg Albion likehm Bar there some IQVCly machine used in farming was on display and some of them doubly in various makes tlc animal from the usual red and grey Short horns that she hardly seemed to be in her right class classes teams seemed to take most Inter est performed splendid and we heard more thanl one couple remind themselves of the daysthcn they Came home from church on Sunday evenings by The Jerseys were also present cattle were well filled in all classes and one special mention might be white Shortliorn heifer which topped contestants in the ring She was owned by leather and Dr Horses were We lled in mCirtthc Lakehcad wiped out wild berries and Steve Halushka and other parts were plenty of equipment in operation Nearl modem wzth of it Cattle Show Big Success lack and White dairy cut ptctlonunatud the cattle show There were over 70 head of these dairy Iittcd to looked equal to any exhibit tnut may be seen at large exhibitions entered They were top and certainly cattle the Beef her class with about ll of Duntroon This s30 differently Storey stood out and the General Purpose The driving on the horses vhichl tracks were that mode of transportation Also the times when race was held on the way 21 Horse racing was part of the enjoyment and under the trees were with spectators the spaces along well filled We would hazard guess that some small bets changed hands as the contestants were performing Womens Building Packed It would be impossible for more man to pick out anything for spe cial building The packed condition of this part of the show was Indica tion enough of thejntercst taken in qpilts and other handicraft The baking display took our eye spec ially and we would like to have mention in the womens the displayswof fancy work $WESEIIMORE IXPENSIVI Oll BURNERS Too Blll After exhaustive tests we are enthusiastic about the economical heat ing qualities Of Kemac for thesmall or medium sized home much our town would soon have its face lifted Since this is the ideal time to get perennial borders plantedhere are few suggestions First of all be sure the soil is wellggprepared before you plant Dig it deeply incorporate some Wellrotted manure if you can get it if notpeat moss leaf mould and bone meal will all help Pul verize itwell Then have plan of What you are going to plant and arrange the plan accbrding to height color and season of bloom if you havent enough plants to fill it this year leave the spaces and fill them with an annual till you get the Ones you want This saves lot of moving which some plants like peonies strongly object to In making your plan avoid SAVE UP 10 $100 ON INSTALLATION SAVE UPTO 25 IN FUEL COSTS SAVE ON SERVICE savuou WORRY Eiy CALLS HAVING COOP EXPERT ADVISE YOU ON HEATTNG PROB LEMS coor does it better Unxss roof to be firnsricu will wood Sillflgltj sheathing boards should be laid igtitiv gutter and cut cred vfi roofing felt This is EliCt the application of sheet in mg asplmlted felt shmgies llfld asbestos shingles Metal routing 25 Used mostly on roofs which have only shght pitch as the fiat surface of material ltlfltlls excellent tilLlJl age Sheet llltllll should be gul inlithfl Copperaboarzng steel copper or aluminum The ullOUld be overlapped at Least four nchcs and all Ullils allow for expansion ccts nntcrial as the metal sheathing Asphalt shingles must be ltlltl and 1141ch in accordance Willi the manufacturers directions If up plied correctly asphalt sliniglus should give liitquutc service They are available in variety of colors As the shingles are flexible curt should be taken to ensure that none are torn while being laid waited to see if some of the goods there were being sold The school childrens work also took big share of the space BEAR BITES nusr PORT ARTHUR Ont tCll Bears have been coming closer to since Shot one in his the prowler first PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS for your new home BRISTOW PLUMBING HEATING LTD WARM AIR FURNACES FORCED AIR WINTER AIR CONDITIONING SYS TEMS OIL BUBNEBS 8084 Dunlap St Ph 3770 Different Types Of Roofing nd Construction Itilulutlill is an expensive Izype to ssrvwe it slate shingLes are used itney must be lazd over treaty ltlllllllg felt lilt locked tot It is ll1ll mt that nails usud be of the 5mm early frost able in wide ranged they are composed Ime and Portland cemem they added fire protection to this in addition to longinstingh The simiufacturers for laying the shingles will b3 carefully followed itutug millr winch may be of hard burned tile or other suitable Must but still give lifetime of lirgidasbestos shingles are avail build new Homes to your plans New houses always under construction Skilled experienced workmanship guaranteed will have ncawrhouscs undtcr construction now and skull be pleased to give prospective home owners full details as to plans price and location WW Modern store Fronts And Interior Fittings Industrial Commercial Domestic Buildings WAIEIERATIONSM comm CABINET can KITCHENS BERTRAM BROTHERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 28 Johnston Street Phone 5100 Enjoy your home more Let us install needed cabinets now for extra storage and convenience Any typecub inets made to orderCall us today for free estimate back yard The family dog had trccd WE CARRY COMPLETE LINE OF PAINTS MANOTILE LINOLEUM FLOOR ITILESTYRON PLASTIC WALL TILE STORMSASH DOORS BUILTIN CUPBOARDS LTnEcIerT snot JSCRWM 239 BRADFORD ST PHONE 4444 WWII Space Heatet save $5000 to s5000 EllMI bEluxbMoPEl ISI Huts lo SAVESSIIAIIIOKWfi HEATER VAEUE PLUS HEATWAVE POWER BLOWER 4030 TOTAL 46995 MSPEOIAI TERMS As LOW As snsogweactv Small home owners Thiervons Deluxe Oilrecfi Home Heater deliverson abundance of clean worm air with no fuss OT muss Low in first coat it burns low cost fuel Oiland has the lowest includerzuu gallon oil star age thermostatcOntIOIAll wiring ready to use at the full un Oashpricclof blunti amsnsq smugmy iDEUVERY straight lines dont crowd and place plants irrclumps of three or four tor bestcolor effectLimbo this is the ideal time to get your borders in trim dont delay too carton Loss on long The fall rains help the young roots get well established before LESS ill Scott Co Foot of Toronto Street lf you hivent compost heap now is the time to start one Dont burn your leaves they are so Operating cost chewother type Of Oille Phone 4091 Can be installed in few minutes in small homes cclbihs stores and shopsj ransom run mess yo stokjng no ashes no musSor fuss Select you comfort on the thermostat and mmummmmmm at muudotculinsmmue BARRIE VFALLEAII Ocu 23 Where OKocmOc contrersion Set is being demonstrated ROUGHOR nkssssn MERCHANTABLE suns NO Wow SHEABHING gt Truckload or Carload quantities WORIZZIIHMBEBClilmm wanting mum Foghorn EYrONT