Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1953, p. 17

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Anglican Church gm QersyPraiSe and Thanksgivihdr the Blessings oftbeHayvest 13 MWEKAMJSER FRIDAY OCTOBER 1953 6111391113 512 11 Mrs Wm Robinson lzgwold sis mi Mr and Mrs 121de Notify Sunday Mrs Thomas Ncsbiu Welland visitd hcr Sun Garlic and family few can last week and Mrs Fred Steele chef and has wife of Creemo Ldilzl at Fran SIMch recent Mrs Russell Toronto is visiting llcr son Paul his wife and family this week New 011 Furnace in Choir The nrw ml furnace in our rhltrch was in operation on Sun day Eiudyclu was plcasni with bright large platter MLrvill Nilson of 51011 1w duylt W111 111 lllllc and K011 friends Mrs Glenville Murdoy Dies at Sf Andrews Hospital In Midland Hillsdale Correspondence WW mg he Hh temp unnamon and 1bltgtp00n group lellllll if llgtlll gt9 3311 5111 201 cream Next film this My 119113 use it instead of fresh milk 111 111121cd 11011111105 QUICK TRAY OF DELICIOUS mm whole when bread mm ONSUNDAY Stpl 19 Congregation 0f Tllmt Anghc mum mi mm cucumber shoes and clubs on Church asscnlblcd to offer praise and thanksgiving 101 all in be Wmnny surplm my enough curry to sum your 1351 1egulm ma onnalse Wright prcnchcd at 1111111i1r11111g SNVICO unkd Rev Jghn Spears Mm Ml 1mm 11 from St Clements Norm oronto was me spell er 1111 11 ads 1111 111 11m time or ycai its an mexp Grid 33 DEUGHTFUL AUTUMN sivc appetizer too the interior of thc 1111c old Barrio church was decorated with Mrs Fred Grosc is spending will be observed 111 Trinity Church TREAT i5 991110 buthnd hero annual llalVPSt Syllllmls Ali 19 the Side man and Duh bllllbud Miss Rachel Brooks and core pcck ripe lpplcs 10 mm 13 Recent visitors with Mrs Sclls House To Holly Folk mmillll any WW 0105 01 FDMl T0 BMW their allllmcmliml 11 10 of 11 11 111d at 11 yht anothcr 11 Hopkins has sold his house cc re mmmnl lg It Mm ihkvmmdi 1111111 ripples arc soft then press men and the Sons of Tcmpclancc vlew of thc church Showuur the lcctcln and the wheat and 11 and 3115 1111111 latchlll 5011 Hall Rev and 111 Rachel PM Fiwl 310mm Six10m now manned by THE WIS HOUSEWIFB kc ttuougll gt11 VL 11115 lLllllVh 1111 Hit Scout nultlngs Scouts com gmdimi and mumnmomum decorum gum 11 113 1111f 1nd Coming to tidying of Mmm U1 11111 11 the mmLSQS Seaman at my pulp 111111 thuk 101141 mainly lutunn Returns To TGII Course Scanlon are to 01 1135505511111 Nov While vrecu beans are still mz111 hm 590m mm wwghom 1111111 1111 11l 111101 um momv1 1jhmip By 1blc try this lumpting variatiouv to commcncc tic second part of lllcr BNSL course in loromo Gcn Mr and Mn Worccsicrshlrc sauce to mcltcd thv vcckcnd 11111 MN McLean Mr and Mrs lcorgc Duncan and yillldnymicmn Ql tho mu lllccompanicd Illlilzlsmgflblm and 39W Vllmllkld bellst 31 son Howard Dululalk 590m 511111 Mr and 111311 11111 111111 11 o1 111111 and 11 MM To Home lt1 Wm and MH Andie 111 1111 llov Jimicou Barrie Ml Bqt is lr Cunninghams licohcw 011 Sat Comm beam Sauteed mm cs 111 mg 111 no 11 Nlll xurday in Toronto 989g1 1331 Mrs Archic Simpltou and two mum chnogdr1V wim Mr lln bully can of ulldlllltldI 11 dqwhmlw Timmy onm the Himd Lick Emu11 Ms Gcorgc McDonald at Nut11 5110131111 whimmm of mugan 5m 151011 10 Cf 11 Mr md Jim mm wcckclld 111111 l1c1 parents Mr W1 Ms Burton 1101 mm 35 ed Mn and MK wimmn Ed Worldundo Communion selvwclrnlngham Earl was usher a1 1hcFRUITS left ovcr from bllkmg Newmmkm guruldJy In amt 08pm 11101105 Woodvxlzc vcrc rcccul flowCunningham wedding atlymll Chliilmas cakes last year blltE WW RC sFlmCl MOUNT1111 BHDUSl ChUlTllnd UK have llaldcnod pliWL haw lmlllfd Wm Wm ml to visit llicir son 111111110 111 lid an mic 3le 15 Mrs Joseph him111i and son Dont add any 3191 however 010 m0lmjv BMW Ilcl 1111115 Toronto spent Abe vcck 14011116 At COOkSlOW Ilavo water in bottom section boilI man on 1111111v 101113 vlh 111cm spccd hwl A4 mm 1n 31 Peny also Mrs Brit looll SOm CW WWW ml llb 03m med nml Mm tend qvmmmv 1Slcl durmgr 11111 cck llh rcla I111g when ookstown cntcrtamcd use 0115 year follow members from Niagara Falls smlh 55 DLfCl vnnatlw cxtcndcd Lu to hllxsgtBbMIllucklaiid Detroit IIlx Irwln Jobuston COOKIES msh keep an lpple in spout Sunday wuh M1 and Mrs Mr and Mrs Herman Harvey 305510 ROWHL Spencer 1110 cookie 111 lhls keeps thcm attended wedding at Kirkland ll 0055111110 1011 lei Mrs Gum and Miss Elma moist as well lerilddlllg flavor and like on Saturday and spent to Mother Jack McClackcn Canton and Mrs Cragan M1 and Mrs Halold Langdon of itlilf15 Continue to Simmer until EVER HAVE ANY LEFTOVER 3V gt gt ammo can he 1111th thll hm of curried mayonnaise Just add the blessings hmme The rector Rev de Pena whm Nthactive and mung in gll lilEidl 111 funeral mllllmm ml mnkm With cucumbers so plentiful 111 evening scrvicc To mark the day of Harvest Thanksglvmg Ml an few days in Bama mis week with next Sunday morning recipe think youll cnjoy Was SCOUTS snow AppggmArmN are surrounded by shoals of grain and full flowers unit in the Llle win1 Mrs Alice Aikcus and Add upon 3pm my and wuki of of the Orange on To corner mm anr 111 pump in 11 Hwy 1m Langnmut or Tummo 111111 glinjwtnd leaves smooth pulp of Dcnw1l1ybolo County NS for to and MINI Hitchclls 11 Mi md Mrs Vegetables When WY 501591 Miss Moira Grout lcft Monday Tomum weddln Add little prepared mustard 1111 Mrs Watsim loronto pom Mr and Mrs Acllcsoll and hud clal Hospital lBalrlc attcndcd the ucddlllg Amllh mmahc mouth0111 family 81ml Sunday In llllmlo 1scar11poc 11001113 111K cream sauce or you 101 Ml md 31 l1 Bcllhlhousc hc recently purchast from over the wccklml mi 111 win 1111111 Cmmmlon Service 114110515 01 Mr and Mrs ll Con1 IF YOU HAVE ANY CAND1E111 lviS lL1f onto and Ml and 3115 Mr and Mrs llllllfSBIlHVltg Jm Wlsm md MIS JBll11111 781111hKings1vay thcm 111 top part of double boiler number of Miisons attended 111 siflc gt m1 pup mg 1111 11115 11 up 111 MI Mum OVCU Mrs William Turner M1dlalld Mr and Mrs ROy Allen Barrio To REE SOFT AND HWY Kirkland for Wedding Mlncsmg spgni Sunday Vlth Miss and Mrs 11 Barker Port ClOdlll aroma days with friends there RiChFd cartel Brussels mod spout Sunday with M1 and Mrs Clifford Spent Sunday Hm Mm On Tuesday chants of Ncwlnarket put on fall fashion show in the hall here un der the auspices of lhldOCl WMS The local men dren models all looked the Wlottkfs Silpplicd by 1111 New market stores flowers used to decorate the stage wcre also supplied large crowd was in which helped to swell the funds which are 10 J30 used to purchase funnishings for the new Church On Thursday afternoon the Sep tember Meeting of Institute was held in the hall with the ladies of Tottcnham branch as guests Mrs Knccshaw presi dent Was in thechair and Mys McLean acted as secretary in the absence Fall Fashion Show evening thc incr women and chil lovcly in Thc drapes and by them attendance WI Entertain Tottenham the Womens Mrs Brown of meeting opened with the Ode land the Mary Stewart Collect follow 777777 edv rbywbusincss Anlnvitation 10 The friends in Angus Wednesday Mr and Mrs Thomas Stribbcll Dctroit visited Mrs Jessie OCon nor on Sunday Attend Anniversary Mrs Flcd Churchill and Jerry of Barrio visited her soninlaw acfdaoghlei Mriand Mrs Taylor on Sunday and attended the anniversary in Angus United rch mowE The monthly meeting of Cloxves Womens Institute will be held on Wednesday evening Oct at the home of Miss Joyce Hunter Roll call What makes good farmers wife Motto Mrs McLean Lunch committee Miss Joyce Hun ter and Mrs Jory ed Mrs Hannah reported on plans being made to organize Girl Guides Mrs Morrow prcsidciitl Cascagncttc day night Brssic Rowat period Mrsflsaac Rowat gave vcry interesting talk on her tour of Scotland Mrs Richardson and Mrs Martin family with Mr and Mrs John Murray daughters visited with Rev and Mrs Henderson at Walkerton on Sunday have returned home from motor City Buffalo and Chicago visifcd alsotheir son and family at Oakville and their ddugbter and family at Wesihill in Pellclng The death of Mrs Glcnvillc Mur day at St Andrews Hospital Mid land on Tuesday Sept 15 was particularly sad and untimely coming as it did before she had reached middle life Born in Waverley on April 25 1914 the former EdnaMurle Mill er she was daughter of John Miller and the late Mrs Miller and except for year and half spent in Penctangulshene had lived in Hillsdale for the remaining time Mrs Murday had been member of the United Church but had been very active in the choir of St Ah drews Presbyterian Church Hills daleand had assisted at the organ She was also an active member of the Womens Institute gt Surviving of the family arc her husband Glenville Murday her father who lives in Waverley one sister Mrs Armin Wood Alma of Midland and two brothers John Jr of Waverley and Armour of Brights Grove Ontario St Andrews WA St Andrews WA met on Mon at thp home of Miss After the business and the continent assisted the hostess Mr and Mrs Ian Murray and Toronto spent Sunday Mr and Mrs Russell Turner and Return from Motor Trip Mr and Mrs Edward Dubie tripto visit relatives in New York They Visit to Port Elgle The funeral service was held on1 McKenzie Thornton PupilsTop Congratulations to Miss Myrna Spencer and Paul Lcnnox who were high girl and boy at the school fair Both are pupils of Thornton 1public school bALSTOiT Presbyterial Meets Here Simcoe Presbyterial WA meets at Wyevale on Tuesday Oct We hope that some of our mem bers will attend Mr and Mrs Whales Kcmpb ville are holidaying with Mrs Handy Sr Rally Day Oct On Sunday Oct Rally Day will be observed It is hoped all the parents and children will be in attendance at sunday School at 1030 Church service at 730 pm IWHENEVER RECIPE CALLS 101 one or two peeled tomatocs instead of giving them the boiling water treatment you will find they will peel easily if rotated OVCl high direct heat TO REMOVE SKINS FROM AL MONst drooue nuts in boiling water then rinsc them in cold IF YOU FIND YOUR HANDS stained from proscrving or pick ling these stains will come off with vegetable juice or cuticle rc movcr BEING WOMAN who loves to have flower arrangement of some sort in the mouse always look with dismay on the coming months which mean terric rise in floral prices However heres an idea Which have usedfora good many years andalways re ceive compliments on Pick up bunch of wild bittersweet vine an assortment of gourds and some Mrs Bertram accompanied Mr and Mrs Dicker on motor trip to Windsor and Milwaukee autumn leaves Place your bitter sweet on needle frog and arrange SPECIAL PRICES ON ROOM LOTS OR BY THE ROLL NEW 1954 WALLPAEEE ALSO IN STOCK Mr auditifs ErRogeis spento few days during the week with Mrs Wilmott at Port Elgin Mr and Mrs McAffee Toronto kept the service station in their ab scnce your gourds and leaves around this For your base try wicket CONSTIPAIED Act nowand get relief in few short 110117 with Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills Truly laxative in effect they treat two conditions at once Thousands rely on this effective remedy for 11pr when they 11ml it Dr Chase3 name you can rely on for faster relief KIDNEYLIVER PILLS of Tottcnham branch then look the chair and after few suitable words called on six ladies to give sible for program Mrs Dixon short papers on What Makes a1 and Mrs Switzer were appointdTalisfcloTHomc Mrs Pail delegates Itothe county conven OLcary1accompanicd by M1551 tion in Barrie Oct 15 and 16 Beta MOTIOW sang two lovely On account of previous datesythe solos Mrs Pettitgave an intclu day for the course Brighten esting paper on community activ Your Home with Coldr had to he flies and public relations Mrs changed It was also decided tp Wice gave reading Laughter is sponsor the Red Cross nursing good tonic dont bottle it up course Any girls between flick followed by contest which was ages of12 and 26 who are inter won by Mrs Armstrong Some ested in taking the homemaking lucky prizes were also given An course Working with Wool are invitation to meet with the Totlt asked iogetin touch with Mrs tenham ladies at their November Brown at once If enough girls meeting was extended by th presi reglster alcader will be appoint dent and accepted by the Bond Head ladies Afti few wOrds from Miss Milligan Mrs Andrews moved vote of thanks to the Tottcnham ladies for their good program Meeting closed with God Save the Queen after which lunch was served social time lunch was served and social time spent visit Beaten branch in October Was acceptedpwlth Mrs Brod irlck and MrS Hannah respon Flialiislptfllifln StKlidfVVS MrjiiideiSTA Mosscyspenr Church Hillsdale and was con the weekend in Toronto ducted by Rev RM001e assist Mrs Slater of Toronto was Ed by Re Burton weekend visitor at Wilsons Burial was in Waverley Ceme tcry and active pallbearers were MILBURN Clifford Porter Thomas Dawes and Alvin Drennan Hillsdale Ivan YOUR LOCAL FURBIEB and Harold French of Waverley 299 Dunlop St Ph811r22 and Eldon French of Midland opposite Cloverleaf With those attending from Hills Repairs Remodelling dale and vicinity relatives and Storage and Cleanmg friends were present from Brights Rening Grove Toronto Thornton and Mid Smalllepam whue you land NEW LOWELL Mrs Johnston and family of Bracebrldge have returned home after spending two weeks with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs William Vaiey Misses Marion Mumberson and Margaret Bates Barrie spent Sun day with their parents Mrs Wes Mumberson of Barrie spent few days with herson and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Mumberson Sorry to report Mrs Len Woods on the sick list We all hopedforl speedy recovery 68 will OATCAKES full of hearty avminthe Scmhtdifm r1 POTATOCHIPS crisp goldenbrown and delicately salted TRY AN dxamunp WAN4 Ab PHONE 24 111 11111111 in BANANA CAKES CAKES COOKIES PIES our CAKES nor MEAT PIES DOUGIINUTS ROLLS Boris Home madeBread 5111113111 171 24 oz loaf wEEKENo siEiclALS WHOLE WHEAT DATETunuovElls pay dozen 2W7 Frog Delivery Service YOOIDOOI Thong InYOufolS Pllono2090 11101 KIES realpalatepleapers withtho apicytang oflne ginger MARVENS jEFPREsIlGFP etupcrb doomed offancy biscuits rvhandsomelyboxed

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