Pr lions To September Wedding in Trinity Church ese la Workers In Essa Road Church During an Fmng but at Road Presbyterian Chl bl tr Illzliltliil 31414 Supt on We made to three young mp who will be greatly mlsscd 11 dif Icrcm branches of church work film Joyce Pearsa and lilies hm bu cm lrct lo an lzzclzibers of the choir and act Ll gTWWV Sept 561 in the Sunday School and YIS are mm THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER 1953 11 Mr and Mrs John ElgiLHorrisw Mrs du putx wand matron in Looer worthy matron on Courtenay associate mm but returned immobile 3WD Ru Grand Chapter $651M of ma ider of the Eastern Star at Royal York Hotel In Toronto at gdeiegsus from Bayview ln Barrie The Grand Cbuplcr met from Mia Helen nae Neftlcton acnd Mr Clark am program con bridmelect of Saturday Octoberlveners has been much entertained be my 31 Icavlg to take up szudy 11 the we 12 fore her wedding Mim Elda Burl The PM 11 Tirfrftbl rows entertained at cup andarer COWW 939 members OJhel Em bdhalf Of Seldom Bur sauce Show her honor agZSoropiimist Club who rst sooni Warrim preglwd ouch which the guests were mEmberSESOXEd me Orgamww 0f In 6M 18mm bag CBC mei Of the venture mph and Mrs A11 senior mens we Town or Ilbcllul and Sunday school film Gray cuterlalrfd at her homersame The CM I135 now been Personal Shower Held for Fulure on Wellington Street West at miscellaneous shower in her h0n01 Last Sunday afternoon Mrs Walterworth and Mrs Angusi the tea2 McNabb entertained at hour and on Tuesday Mrs Harlem Wilgar held kitchen gadget show Walls entertained lzlsl Wednes and on Thursday Mrs John Woods or for the bridelobe Mrs day at bathroom shower held jam and pickle shower her honor Mrs held luncheon and emergency shelf shower on Friday and on Friday afternoon Mrs Garry Lee rtalned at canned goods wer There were several ton mother of the brievlobe tertained at too at their 150 Bayfieid Street Presiding the tea table were Mrs Parsons and Mrs Patricia Wiigar assisted in dining room Mrs McCon kcy showed the wedding gifts the guests This evening Mrs Fergu son is entertaining at her home 134 Blake Street after the wed Nettletons ding rehearsal Miss marriage to Edward Selwyn of Royal Canadian Dragoons will to place tomorrow afternoon at three oclock in Collier Street United much and will be followed by option at the home of her par th The Senior Citizens GetToge ther Club had its first meeting the fall season in the Loyal True Blue Ball on Wednesday afternoon and its members elected their fl president and executive over 60gloup chose as its fl club leader Mrwlliivcampbell and she heads an executive composed of Mrs Mary Wager vicepresid ent Mrs Bowles siCk convert Mrs Wiseman assistant and Mr Chimck Llcuclla Macinnc entertain ments in her honor last weekend Mr and Mrs Flynn enter rained on Saturday afternoon and Dr and Mrs Laurie enter tained for the brideelect at Sun day noon On Monday this week Mrs Fisher held jam and jelly shower and on Wednesday afternoon Mrs Russell Nettle home Ross Cowrln Miss Helen Richardson and Miss from among their own numbers The functioning for matter of yours and is standing on its own fcct with the Soroptunis Club lending Klinteresled assistance An enjoyable social hour was lspcnt followed by tea at lhc first chdnesduy afternoon gathering of Ithe 195354 season Birthdays and sick members were remembered as plans were made for tin com ing season Miss Wilda Colbert Soroplimist president and Mrs past president were introduced to the senior citi zens by Mrs Vance service convener of the Soroplimist Club who told something about similar clubs she had visited while over seas last year during the afternoon The meeting closed with the singing of Blessed be the Tic that Binds and The Queen All citizens over 60 years of age will be wlcomed to any meetings of the GetTogcther Club held every Wednesday afternoon throughout the fall winter and spring months Cordial invitations are extended to all eligible men on women to become members There was rather major error at in Wednesdays column which Although it was stated that the Barrie and District Associationlfor Retarded Children would be hav ing rcfreshmcntbooth at the fair the fact of the matter is that the Kinetic Club is the organiza tion setting up fair booth The Kineltes will be on hand for the rst year to serve pies coffee and hot dogs to all comers Mrs Good is the convener in charge of arrangements Do drop around to patronize the ladies and support their project he 10 he ke The Womens Hospital Auxiliary is holding rummage sale In Trin ity Parish Hall on Saturday Octo ber 24 rporls the convencr of tho forthcoming event Mrs Fred Ep lett Anybody wishing to make donations of clothing or other items for sale is asked to contact the of rsl rst nual fundraising event WCTU October Meeting Will Be Held Mondoy er Leach who is in charge of table arrangement BROKDLOOM WALL T0 WALL HUGS In Barrie Every Wednesday samples write to II Anderson Son THE BEST FOR LESS 84 LappiLAve Miss Mary Daniel The October meeting of the W0 mens Christian Temperance Un ioh will be held at the home of Mrs Elizabeth Bishop 125 To ronto St On Monday afternoon Oct at three oclock Everyone is cordially invited to attend DANISH SECURITY Denmark bylaw has provided re lief for sick unemployed and aged Tommo citizens since the end of the 19th Heres Something new in CHROMESEfS THE COLORFULwa fCVHROMESPVUNO IATTERN FORCHAIRSEANDTABLE TOPS This pleaginghnew pattern is alreal tothe eye Colors ill ity Anglican Church 61 Mr and Mrs Frederick received hymn books by Mrs Church Young Peoples Soon1 picfllltffi From lilo cacl rc rcltcd pen presented by p113I dent Dunch Campbell Wullscc Kirkpatrick who ix glllocrtng The third honored was icuvf for Knox College to study ling lo dcglcc In IDIIIIIlg cfl He has bccn lrl lcllvc to be worker and was presented Wlih illic Barrie Presbytery YIS Mrs MCEzlcherll Barrie pILiII totlal CUTTING THEIR WEDDING cake following their marriage rc Mr and Mrs Robert David would like to correct immediately Ne meycr The bride is the former Myra Daline Ellis daught llls of Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs George Newmeycr of Latrobe Penn sylvania After wedding trip to Northern Ontario the couple will be making their home in Latrobe Plloto by Henry II Rookc Miss Myra Ellis Becomes Bride of Newmeyer The marriage of Miss Myra Dul inc Ellis daughter of Ml and Mrs Frederick Ellis of Barrie to Robert David Ncwmcyer son of Mr and Mrs George Newmcyer of Latrobe Pennsylvania USA took place on Saturday SepiomI ber 19 1953 at tilrcethllty oclock was played by the church orgam ist Mrs Roberts of Orlllia who also accompanied the soloist Miss Margaret Aycliffe Gwen in marriage by her faihery the bride was wearing an ankle lenglll gown of rufflcs of chan tiliylace and net over satin with bolero jacket styled with Queen Anne collarand long sleeves Her ngertip veil of nylon net was caught to bandeau headdress of seed pearls and she was carrying bouquet of red roses and white mums Her attendant Miss Mema Ellis of Barrie was in lime green net over satin and was wearing matching bolero jacket and mittens Her headdress and bouquet were of bronze and gold mums William Scott of Barrie was groomsman and the ushers were William Coulsori of Barrie and Edward Fongel of Bellevillc reception followed at the home of the brides parents 187 Bradford Street where Mrs Ellis received in navy sheer wearing navy accessories and corsage of pink carnations Later the bride and grodm left on wedding trip to Northern 0n tario the bride travelling in twopiece dress of pink linen with navy accessories and corsage of white carnations On their return Mr and Mrs Newmeyer will be making their home in Latrobe Pennsylvania Outoftown guests at the wed ding were from Toronto Latrobe Trenton Belleville Alliston Lang staffe Katrine and Penctangulsb 9116 Micellaneous Shower Heldin Honor of Bride Before her September wedding to Robert David Newmeyer of La trobe Pennsylvania the former Myra Daline Ellis was entertained lit miscellaneous shower at which the hostesses were her sisters Mrs William Scott and Miss Merna Ellis Many lovely gifts were presented to the bride by her many friends present for the occasion Miss Ellis wedding took place In Trinity Anglican Church on Saturday Sept 19 Barrie lnsliluie lWiH Enierlain fPainswlck Ladies auxiliary by telephoning the erS in the afternoon in Trinity AngIIE idem MlS ROY Chmlm at 3360 can Church Barrie The ceremony The Women Win welcome any Sum was performed by Rev dePeni of Barrie Womens Institute will offers of assistance with the an cier Wright and wedding muslcibe held bn Tuesday 0cm at 230 Tile regular monthly meeting pm in the Legion Hall 26 Owen Si with Palnswick Womenle stitutc members as visitors Roll call will be current events and there will be Harvest Sale Members are askcd to bring fruit flowers vegetables jams or pick les etc Hostesscs will be Mrs Galloway NIIS Roger and Mrs Lynn sand wiches and Mrs Beloskey Mrs Hill and Mrs Campbell cakes Coronalion WI soes Interesting Filmon Liberia Members of Littles Hill Coron ation Womens Institute enjoyed film program at their September meeting held last Tuesday in Holly School beginning at 830pm Roy Harriman territory represent ative and Jack Dawkins quick bus representative of the Fire stone Tire and Rubber Co of Lea side showed an interesting lm on the natives of Liberia and the rub ber plant located there Mr Harrlman also gave the branch brief account ofjthe per fection Of rubber for many uses The vicepresident Mrs Price was in the chair for the meeting which was attended by 1gmem bers three new members and three visitors The evening program opened with the Opening Ode followed by roll call an exchange of fall plants and bulbs Minules were read and declared correct by Mrs Price Mrs WCollum all Mrs Srig Icy were choserl dgkegales to tho Womens Institute convention in Barrie on Oct 15 and Oct 16 letter was read from Ivy Institute acknowledging the blanchs ac ceptance ofe invitation to visit the group on Oct 14 Itwas decided that the next meeting in Holly School would be in the form of community activ ity Conveners of the program are Mrs Lackieers Camp bell and Mrs Leightbu The date set for the meeting was Oct 27 Roll call will be beauty spot in Simeoe County Lunch conven ers are Mrs Ed Dyer Mrs Elmer Dyer and Mrs Furyk The program for the September meeting was under the direction ofrMrs Furyk and the topic was ICanadian Industries Mrs Price Bible from the YPS Also present were 515 Bcrzzlcc chrthur of Orlllln pltjidmlt of and dud of the Barrie W115 Ilcsby Oclober Illeeling Home andchool Features Debaie There has been change in DIJIIIS for tho Oclobcr meeting of King Edward Home and School Association It was previously an nounced that the October meeting would bc study of the flows and Whats of modern touching lncthods This has been postponed in order that more time and thought may be given to the man ner in which this subject will be presented In lieu of this an equally in teresting evening has been planned for Monday Oct at oclock Tile main feature will be debate introduced and summed up by Principal Smith The oppos ing teams will have met prior to the meeting on Monday night and will be prepared to cross words on the subject Resolved that the activities children engage in out side of school hours are becoming increasingly detrimental to their wellbeing On the affirmtive side led by Hennebry will be Mrs George Masters Mrs Charles Spearn and Adult The nega tive will be led by Harrison and his team will be Mrs William Lillie Mrs Wolfenden and Bradley Itis expected that all parents Willihove opinions on this timely topic They WIII have anopp0r tunily to express their views dur ing period of general discussion before the summing up takes place Home and School members can obtain pamphlets and booklets on all phases of child behavior problems health etc for few pennies per copy TheSe publica tions are made available through the Home and School Federation and will be on display at the Oc tober mgcting Mrs Withers and Mrs Pratt will be on hand to show them to parents Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting The Home and School Associa tion hopes members will be there to enjoy the evening and carry home some new thoughtsLast but not least they will help their childs class get the prize for hav ing the most parents present moved vote of thanks to Mr Harriman and Mr Dawkins at the close of their program and Mrs Furyk concluded with poem about boy Lunch was served by Mrs Camp bell Mrs Collum and Mrs Down ing and the repeating of the Mizpah benediction brought the enjoyable evcnlng to close on AD PHONE 2414 To r1 Nurse in Training Mtss ilcicrl Thompson was en 1clloincd ill personal shower at the home of Mrs Jory on Bradford Strch before leaving to co her nurses training at East General Hospital About 33 guests were present for the owning wnlcll was spent play ing Sillllii Each guest was asked book for the guest of honor llu wrlli il VIISC in anauiograpb MS Catherine Jory and MISS fDiuna Kortwcll dressed as nurses brought llc gifts in on lea wag ion made up as an operating table The student nursetobe thankid ull llcr flicnds for their thought IIiIiltLb and love gifts and dc MR AND MRS JOHN ELGIN HARRIS whose September wedding took place in Toronto The bride is the former Dora May Knight daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Knight Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Elgin Har ris of Barrie After wedding trip to file New England States mm and ubmm Saying Mama and Quebec the young coupl Barrie been on the land OPERATES FARM WALCHA AUSTRALIA SEPT 28 CPI An Australian woman has realized lifelong dream tol own her own farm through tho federal government scheme to set tic war veterans on the land Malsie Schucfcr of this New South Wales town former transi port driver in the Womans Ausl tlalian Air Force put her name down forra farm under the scheme She recently learned she had won 1200acre grazing block under ballot held for the farm properties Maisie is fth generation Aus Sunflower Quill MORE COLORFUL than the flower it depicts this sun flower pattern has petals of gay cotton prints Each flow eris set in white square borderedwby strips of dark cotton Newcomers to patch work or old hands atgrthe draft will like this fine example of needlework Directions are available for making the SUNFLOWER QUILT if you send stamped selfaddress ed envelope to the Needle work Department of this paper and ask for Leaflet No S223 JACKSONS GREAT gt CONTINUOUS SALE DONT FORGET TO VISIT our STORE quN YOU VISITrIfIIIggAm STOCKINGS for womenfine wool pr 49c STOCKINGS jforichiidren fine wool 490 FLANNEL SHIRTS forychlldren sizes to 6x $ll9 PANTIES for young girls sizes up to 14 25c WW JEANS for women analgins havy denim $198 conpunov JEANS for children sizes 2+6 prom RUGS approximately 22 limited quantity $295 become are making Ily McCluckllll Sillllio Toronto trullull and CVCly ofE $3300 on the transaction their home incould manage gollulutioll hilsI When vzll blukc lllll her brother joined the Army and Muislc then her fathers righthand man At one stage SIIL ran tile 3000ucre property alone while her father was in the hospital Sllcl her brother came home In 1045 joined the Womans Il Force when When she was discharged among the curccr pamphlets slle IECCIVEOI was one concerning IIQI eligibility for land under the Federal Scltlcrs Scheme After gruelling interviews and oral examination by the War ScrI vices Land Settlement Classifico lion Committee about her farming knowledge and expcrlencc she ro ceived her qualification certicate Her properly Walclla grazing estate which thus been subdivided for close settle merit comprised few cmpty paddocks ve dams and set of old stock yards With no other helpers but Ted dy her kelpie and Bally cattle is part of ne When she look It over 11 dog she mustcrs brands and dips her own sheep Al shearing timef she classes her own wool clip her fathers and some of IIQI neighbors Her 40 Red Face cattle need little attention but there is always plenty of clearing plowing and fencing to be dorm Her father has high opinionl In one of Maisies business ability deal of which he disapproved at the time she spent $450 on Red Face cattle when prices were very low But as the herd increased llgllltul lunch was served by the bus lass she sold them off making in all Follow glLIZICIS respect her judg any property any wm Now that she at last possesses her own holding she plans to make it model property MEIER When You llunk of VACUUM CLEANER think of the new HEALIIIIIIIIT No bag on stick No bag in tank No concealed cloth filter to be regularly re moved alid cleaned Tile FILTER QUEEN method of separating dirt from the air stream is IInique and for ahead of any other system used in household cleaners And remember only FILTER QUEEN hasthe dirt storage capacity to go for week within emptying will out losing high velocin suc lion lloil Inner FILTER QUEEN SALES or BARBIE Phone 3482 As ADVERTISE messes ouoop now xcwsw mm llllsulvul SliNu lawsuit INSTEAD or DRAPE BACK lN SHAPEI SIa NU ihe miraclefabricnisli is dvailablelal Slalth nishing restores the Iife 5945 giving textile oils losttbrougb wca slid cleaning Fabrics golf Back Heir original bounceth rich loft andismoothlike new again NilSERVICE ai 100 greyLled green and NJ WORK SOCKS for men The extension table has the wonderful lndestructible lop rind the comfortable chairs have gracefullines that you CAN Fuelbills medical bills vlvezsmart appearance BORROW AT Fe clothing for the children Eon THESE repairs for caror home holiday REASONS expensessand many morbl ssovosiooo grvouaowu siclmun no luminous lumen urrozc mourns To Rama tome PLAN You ssucr If OUSEIIOID FINANCE My Double your manor beck Send suit or dress to us yourlocoi SlacNu drycleaber Well pay you doublelhe cleaning bill if you dont agree its the hes cleaning and pressing job ever saw 40 SHIRTS for men and boys heavy flannel I6301ar$300 $133 STATION WAGON COATS WINDBREAKERS PARIQAS regular up to $2700 While they Iast$ll95gt Salisludioii Zv1if3vtf gt Jucilsonbllepisloges 759 pump 51 Budget Terms Troddin your present furniture sitcom Mnu lmm llillinuu it sonogram 5557 25 in Cilia 280unlop$t1lllosf second floor phdanSO IAIN ONT cum MANGO 55 mulloust Eul our mm 2m