nitrous Fully ball of be cost of STRANGE DISAPPBWC like will be borne by provinciall SiANDAHD ALTA Cd lt re the isa gubsadles emnded by the Depart Pollce are baffled oi mags R933 bums my gm Migm Mama We EMuwowwmszahd mmm Ontarios winfer maintenance ulfaiijiamifvrw ilic admiration of highwry admim an 55 listraiors tilloughoui anada and EMS in P814531 order Armsonglsmmn The 100 lung United 32325 On gplciesglvaniihed after chatting witha locallandd 38 feet high 11h 13hour Ter Iitmllonrson ll stands first for all lbarber H13 931 W35 In discare OCIOBK HOW CHRISTIAN wovincos and mos whore keep led few miles from Calgary SCIENCE HEALS ling roads open in winter chalg Henge tile best that can be given MAKES OWN DAM Ii DISEASE 15 N0l INCURABLE an Pacific Regina celebrating its 50th onnl m9 and mm NANAMO BC CF OKEYt 580 Kc October 4th 945 am ve chines Relatively in View of On lCoals of Gabriola Island is com area 15d slaucant events In bus larlos huge land area and popula ipleting masonry dam intended gld 131 k3 fad atchewau Stories off llin the job being done is one in to back up Hogan Lake from sol 3V er winement are be GREATEST Ifde SALUTE The greatest Royal salute 02 fguns is fired at London on mm This Funlywmd The protection of life preperty and naturv 91 mourns from loss by fire has national importance yet every year loss of life and properly has been caused by fires that might burebeen prevented through knowledge of the best and most practicable means for its control which all clumps of the province Etc 100 acres providing water in all lug retold and in British Columbia the logy take great pride Iseasons for small hydroelectrch LL romance of theCuriboo Trail and the Klon highwyg mlgngrsioghiiogg dike has not been fgrgotlerl mu mm ing busy farm areas adjacent 10 Crawford Co v1 he The summer also saw the raising of the lmdm Hal communities mears Est 1919 more jobs for morMmen and wo United States gunboat Scorpion from On When and longer periods 019m tarios Pcnetanguishcne Bay 135 years utter oymcnt each vcar These things During the past ten ars 539697 fires it was sunk under of treaty restrict add up to considerable pm 011 Canada have destroyed property valued at 591 million dollars and during the same per iod L798 prsons have lost their lives and it is cstimoted that at least 15000 others have been seriously injured as the rcsult of fire The week commencing Sunday October and ending on Saturday October 10 has been designated as Fire Prevention Week in Canada and local citizens are asked to take certain measures to prevent loss of life and property by fire Fire prevention is something we all have to work at to make it work Fire Chief Irwin in his message to the citizens of Barrie reminds us that it can mean much even in one persons home to take day off lo see that everything is cleaned up to pr vcnl fire You may save life by doing this small task Occupants are asked to carefully inspect all dwellings public buildings stores ware houses factorles farms and forests during Fire Prevention Week to remove all condi tions likely to cause or promote the spread of fire All theatres hotels hospitals and other institutional buildings are to be in spected and provisionlnade for all changes necessary to protect the occupants in case of fire Fire drills willbe held for the children in all schools and it is recommended that sim ilar safety measures be taken in all institu tions and factories in order that greater degree of safety may be ensured the oc cupants by acquaintlng them with the best and most expeditious mode of exit in time of danger Humanitarian and economic considera tions lmperativcly demand that human life and material resources ill Canada be so far as possible conserved in order that the na tional prosperity may be maintained If each person directs his or her attention to the extent and underlying causes of fire much of the loss of millions of dollars worth of property nd lives of hundreds of people coolsyear in Preserving Our History pltmeerlng country has little concern for theiston of its on progress Its settlers are so busy making their way against ob statics mat ibey have no lime for retrospec tion For many years that was the situation in maria The of sailing the vast areas building the railroads clearing Elle farms and opening up the natural resources took so much energy aha no one bothered much about landmarks and relics The time for dallymg with historical mementos could come later Recently thWveE as newfound oil and minerals haveibroilgbt wealth and high living standard to swiftlymaturing Can ada there have been signs that the old indifference to historical subjects is giving way to keen interest in the stillremaining tr asures from the nations romantic past unenburg NS recently celebrated the mph anniversary of its settlement and Quebec is in the throes of controversy over le accuracy of the Home Plains ofAbra alram for the territory at Cape Diamond where Wolfe defeated Montcalm Wlthin the last few months the newspa pers have told of renewed interest in the searchfor the burial place of Samuel de Champlain founder of Quebec railway has been running museum train in central Ounadamto display relics of pioneer days of roll travel lord Iron York Toronto landmark from one any the War of 1312 has rcentiy been renovated and reopened as tourist aittraction rivalling Old Fort Henry at King Out The sliveremining town of Co in Northern ontatio this summer cele lpufed its 50th anniversary and set old Itiruors talking nostalgically of its early days 13116 West there is reviVal of interest tho records of pioneers Who pushed civiliz canbe prevented CB television lng British and American naval strength on the Great Lakes after the war of 1812 And so it goes across the country Canada is growing up and turning to leisurely exam ination of her historical heritage As the research continues and regional museums spring up tho study of Canadian history will surely become fascinating for the gen eration now entering the schools as well as for their elders OPINIONS OF OTHERS Weekly Papers And Elections Cllcsley Enterprise Inc weekly prcltgt of Canada with few exceptions makes it point to remain ncuuaiuring election campaigns for inc obvious mason lilo half its rudders may bc Libsix and half Conservative and scrlsc of fairness foxes it to front both parties alike nodditlorl the pcrsonol views of the editor arc not lmporlzlrlf to llle wars The ward the facts and fair cirrllcll and then make up their mle lnlnd For many in pollllcs in the late lllll vcckly publishers were active centres Thorc 35 lbs case of McDonald of The Enterprise once EVleEIJII Ilclllbor of the Legislature rind vllocc cullollal columns vcro always stronvlv Liborol lot there lfo always goodlv COIISflIIQ votr lll lllls district Itl lrio recslit leciion for cvumpc im LibmLIIS polled 512 votes and the Culucrvntrvc 1144 find in lzlo last provincial olecuoll the Con gtl1IIlLlt I1ch llujlnlly in Cileslov citing 481 ulcs ls lggllls 371 for lhc LIlClZiIS Alluzilcr xflnlpic 15 Hill uf lulu which llli iluuys Iltcll llvc and illqu cililur 1110 Durham Chron staunchly mlscrvn iank Irle on Fury piliIiUlllls thn he bunch1 ogftibekgou ham Rowen Liberal paper he became inde pendent editorially although his heart alwavs re mained with Kim Conservatives In the recenf elec 1013 Durham voted for the Liberal candidate 475 to 301 ohm being Tory for many many years It was once the slogan in South Grey that Durham would do as well for the Torlcs as Hanover did for churns The new publisher of the Durham paper oiloursc quiteilndcpendent politically We know other editors vhosc sonally are toward ilc Liberal puriv towns generally vole Conscrvalive in town vcrl CODSEIVDII olncrcase ZIIC Conservatives bad majority of 300 In 321 Inc day of lilo party press pretty well few cities have more than one at 33 ll Ti we 16 take neutral posrtlon vcirconorssnavc thelr own personal opinions in icenrPresoen1l of the Canadian Weeklv News plpcrs Assoczauon was an outandout CCF ad neen coming from Western provincelr and there was an irislarlce notmany years ago of publisher Whose Idl fe strongly Conservaflve while nephew partner in the business was run Liberal candidate and he got elected mng as But lbs old days when triggerhappy as far as pol gone leanings per and yet their In one case by 100 votes in an veekly publishers were rims are concerned are language Difficulties iArnprior Chronicle Arnprlor Junior Chamber of Commerce has placed rie town on lfle map with its translation equipment Dealgned to promote better understanding be tween the English and Frenchspeaking chambers of me organization it revealed differences were the re frxfcoufdrergsungerstandlings and the annual convention iv com group ele unanimity between the wo Durmg lne past few months thegcquipment has aided the proceedings of the council of Christians and Jews and various political gatherings in Mon lrgal have renled the equipment The equipment will shortly be used by the Canadian Fedeltation of Mayors and Municipalities and will be described by various radi and permdicari stations newspapers The JuniorAChamber through its promotion of in dividual leadership training through study groups and community projectSLhas been recognized as leadlnv western weapon pgainst communism Last year the organization was active in 37 countries hlIelhls year the figure has grown to 52 countries In many foreign countries growing nationalism has driven young men to communism as the only group offering plan whereby they might aid their country The Jaycees now offer an alternativewhich requires the young men to make choice In doing so growing number are finding the Communist offerings wanting hence many of our most active units nowvare ifLASIa In ordr to remove the language barrier which has proved to be retarding influence on the Junior Chambers international operations the Arbprior unit has offered to supply equipment whereby speakers words may be heard in four other languages delegate to conference merely turnsa switch to the languageile best understands and he hears the speak er over his earphones in that language The Amprmr Chambers forthcoming contribution is being talked up in Hong Kong Manilla Calcutta Tokyo and hundreds of other cities and towns throughout the world This is one reason the Arnprlor Jaycees mvrtoybur support for their local national and international efforts winter maintenance on Nov an White InfoQ aan AIE right Wowmud the announcements Dept of Highways Prepared for ky loads Swimy Drilling glare ice on paved roads is Southern Onllllus lunar traffic problem in winter in rd Humllton Economic value vincial maids was flee as Ontario Department of Highways cady stockpilcd 403000 sand and 89000 tons of has lll tons of salt at due to Villlilllt pOSJWHI shortages lenancc forces in the period he Open unm m0 rcquile nine railway freight trains 3ocn on mile long This figure is cur 40 foot bclwcill Couplings loli niCiIx wads ouch 30 tons of sand However mm nms actual distribution of lilo sand and WI kept soil will be carried out by 90 of the worlds most modern and ltpcdlcl splendor IllifkS built to designs dmwn by tile Dopnllmcllf of lliglnvllys engineers and 1196 IllliI sprcudcr trailers zlltllchod to automotive vehicles With 4000 men employed in Ciuding 1000 specialists III the driv other ing and operation of winter main 10112111128 equipment the Ontario Department of Highways is now ready for the worst that the com ing winier may have to offeri On direction of Hon George Doucotl the minister annual win lcl maintenance schedules begin lo go into effect on Thursday Oct The first group of divisions in cludes those having headquarters at Bancroft Huntsville North Bani Sudbury Blind River Algomal New Liskeard Cochranc Fort Wil liam and Kenoru Incidentally huge stockpile of sand and salt has been made avail able for the Fort William division where this past winter glare ice on main travelled roads became serious problem for the first time Second group of divisions in cluding those centreing in Port Hope Kingston and Ottawa go on winter maintenance routine on Thursday Oct 15 On Teusday Oct 20 the London Stralford Hamilton Toronto and Owen Sound divisions fall in line andpfinally the Chatham Divis ion comprising Ontarios three Sun Parlor counties of Essex Kerri and Lambton mobilize for While the past two winters have been unusually mild weatherwise directors of Department of High ways winter maintenance are tak ing no chances They recall that early in December just nine years ago recordbreaking snowfall de luged Toronto and other principal citiesw of Ontario as well as the rural areas adjacent to them Some argue that Canadas clim alfis growing milder butwhether true or false every unit it snow aind ice control equipment owned by the Olitarlo Department of Highways is ready now for instant service The roster of those ma chines include 11 modern snow biowers 14 huge tractor snow plows 391 truck plows and164 power grader snovv plowing units In severe winfer storms respec idlly in more heavily populated sections of Southern Ontario be ing able to concentrate snow and ice bottling machines at critical points as quickly as possible means the difference between swift clear1 ance and serious highway road blocks Such concentration is now possible in the foot that 204 of theY Ontario Depantment of Highways vital maintenance units are now equipped with twoday radio telel phones which kepeacb of them in constant touch wilhlheir own division head offices and for that matter Toronto administrative CRUSADE Foo will Evongqii headquarteb itself Divisions hav ing this equipment are those hav lng head offices London Slrut Hope Kingston and Ottawa lcmncc on the 10599 miles of pro Hon Mr Doucctt when to took off Milllslor of High ihal accounls for the fact that thug ways on 17 194 Hwevm it was not pos siblc to kccp every mile of provin 5gc 901mb for mam olal highways and secondary roads winter of 195253 Wyn OCI this Wili Md AilII though considerable progress was lo 194 10 move that huge quaill made each year from Ihc end of my of ice control material would hmjjmes on until the This year ill udidlion lo provin rirrived by allowing one freight cial roads thousands of miles of townships also 29 HIGH STREET SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES lloo om mummie BARRIE ALLANDALE ALLISTON Canadas swifin increasing wealth in an extendedperiod of prosper iii Back of this years October mobg ilizzition of Ontario Department of iHighways forces for winter maini ltcnancc is one of the Second W0ld Wars finest slorles of civ ilian service From the lirst winter followingI Hon Mr Doucetfs taking office through to surrender of enemy powers keeping vital intercity higbways open in winter was hampered by the Departments be ing shut off from ordinary sources of supply for machinery replace ments and even spare parts Every lhlng was going to the armed for ces of Canada and its allies as was supremely necessary But keeping supplies moving fromi farms and between Ontario com munitics also was vital Thats whcn the boot engineering and mechanical skills of the Ontario Dopartmcnt of Highways joined ghands in improvising whatever wzls needed to keep maintenance mzlchincry going Their job was ldone and out of it came special ists knowledge which speeded the itirne when allwinter road main tellallcc became possible and IIIIg fully went into effect for every lscctlon of Ontario served by main lilighwuys and secondary roads CALL THE EXAMINER FOB throughout the PRINTING PHONE 2m MUS To olilo Port of winter main clcurlysecn by necessities and owned by On MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Cormntlon Sccllrltlcs Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 lrect Wires WW Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Organist and Choirmaster WARREN MEAN SUNDAY OCTOBER 1953 II amMORNING WORSHIP Reception of new members and Holy Communion pmEVEN1NG WORSHIP The Value of Live Faith CHURCH SCHOOL 945 nmJr Inform Sr Dents II amchginners and Primary Come to Gods House on His Day Christian Science Services YAI IIIIIE BLIIE IIIILI BARRIE TRINITYCHURCH Rev doPENCIEB WRIGHT Rector Mrs Roberts Choir Director minHOLY COMMUNION loomsSunday School and Bible Class 11 tumMORNING PRAYER AND SERMON Preacher the rector pullEVENING PRAYER m1 ALL AREw WELCOME REV JAMES FERGUSON BA 32 St Andrews Pres byterian Church Orwell and Worslcy Sis Minister MB ANGUS ROSS Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY acronun 1953 11 am and pm rm MINISTER Morning Service broadcast over CKBB II aimrun cannon SCHOOL 315 pmYIS rmusroc noun nanced my tractor and disc seeder with the help of Farm Improvement Loan My crops are in better shape with less hired help It beads more prot for Inc2 IFARM turnovsum will tractor is just one of many rllin farmers can buy with the help Farm Improvement Loan Equipment livestock farm buildings almost anyIarm improvement can bo nanced With an FIL See your local Bank fToronto manager Hell glad to help in any way he con GET TO KNOW YOUR MANAGER Essa Road Presbyterian Church ncv oLoMUm nli Minister FRANK porous Organist OCTOer 1953 SUNDAY 945 rumCHURCH vIoI 11 amNursery forgotten 11 can and pm REV CHARLES CARTERBA Victorlis Harbour Ontario 815 pmYPS Everyone welcome on AMSIOtIC FAITH mm L1 mu High If scrimmocr 1953 Sunday School pm Service mm PASTOR uncommon Mid Week Devotion 39 Wednesday 730 Cling Samoan cocommus The Home of Friendly Worship SUNDAY 1953 11 muouusss Momma rimStallide SCHOOL pmEquIuo SERVICE om 1mm Bolivar MEETING Wm was glad when theyufd melef us 10 into Lord 138 Worship th Collier SI United Church REV LEWIS MA ED Minister LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Cholrmuter SUNDAY OCTOBER 1953 WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SUNDAY 11 sumsMORNING SERVICE The Fellowship Without Frontiers COMMUN ION THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amJunlor Intermediate and Senior Departments 11 InNursery Beginners and Primary Departments pmTllc Adult Bible Class pmEVENING SERVICE Tile Christian Internationale Ihe sucrament will be observe followmg the evening service FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Hayfield St 100Hunday School 1100 and 730PREACHING REV Bright WELCOME SAINT GEORGES cuuncu or ENGLAND ALE RECIOR Rev NewtonSmith BA uni30ml COMMUNION umMonmuo PRAYER SUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVENING PRAYER You are welcome aunrou AVENUE UNITEDCHURCH Minister MW EUGENE BEECH 1311 pm HAROLD 13mm Organist SUNDAY OCTOBER 1953 935 nussoup SCHOOL 11 amnuomlvms DEPT IIamMbmvmo WORSHIP Communion Service Worldnlde communion Sunday 730 pmEVENING wonsmr Good Man Full of file Holy Ghost Holly Sunday School pm HollyCoInmunion Service pun Lord in the Beauty of Holiness ST PAULS INNEFIL ANoLIcliu HARVEST THANKSGIVING out 11 1100 am IPreocllcr Rev Province of Streetsville pm RumL ROWE sn MAJOR in MRS nu mppmm ST won Lint LUCK 131A Ia REV Minister boson CLOUGHLEY SUNDAYQCTOBER41053 usvumvscuooi All Ages the hous ofth 11 omitAT EASE will rumprm TSUNDAYS 11 at ilmvviileimwwuvv nonuniomioAv MI nudism baiimtcumh Tolli ACIoss Nbivspapor Mundoy aWednesdoy Friday aw omomname midrib Canada drummer magnesium Mtmm bud main Worm mumm Ath mova Audit Mmoficmu1ollm Bubnribortoclm unwoummmo communalW mm 011mm mm mm n1 commonmeow or buxomsomuo Im