than mm 1953 Runnymede Rector It Imam jBy Nancy Cleaver of said his father doguishtng fact from fancy re peatcd you know who lulled that beautb satisfying experiences in telling ful little cherry tree yondcrrln the the truth Older children can be ardent Looqu at his father encouraged to enjoy the dictionary litbrim cried 03 cant tell habit to develop accuracy in ob le did out It with my hatlscrvlng and reporting dict This fromlThc Life of Gcorzcl Washington with Curious totes Equally honorable to Ilim self and Exemplary to His Youngl Countrymen written by Loche Worms 17594825 Modern parents often feel that their child appears to have much less regard for the truth than thlu famous American Why the road to real love of truth such long one low ts It that so many youngsters have of small dishonest lea even petty thieving and than lying to cover up wrong dolngt Some parents try to cncouropc lightly or not at all the child who francs up and punishing holivliy it 11 truthfulness by pllnlrblll deceich them This system ofurn seems to wt for Univ but there is wisvr method can be helped to acnp the fact that truth may cause llllnicdlutc trouble but in the long rill it pays He who loves the truth can bear temporary inconvcnicncc or even suffering for lrtllhs sake Parents must abo be careful that their standards of behaviour are within the reach of the child at each stage of his growth will not be tempted to lie from car of punlsmcnt or four of llFltppolflI ing his parents Too high Stand ards in honesty or in any othcr department may lcnd to trouble Do not leave cookie tin within reach of hungry child forbid him to help hllmtll and then leave him alone vItlt temptation There Is the story of boy who handed In an essay which had been largely copied from book The teacher had said if anyone in the class could cheat and live with himself she could do nothing about it The boy sadly remarkcd To cheat and live with myself is tough but to fall and live with mother ls lmpossible The child who is not straining to meet outofrcach Standards or unattainable goals is not tempted to decive either himself or others to prove that he is far better than he actually is Safe in his parents love and appreciation he can be bonesLabout his failures or mis deods oAswcltjldren grow up parents find opportunities for positive training In truthfulness Small children need ropeated lessons in distin Ancc Mason childE Then he flzlghds on Wall Street on October Both at home and at school children should rcccivo constant training in clear thinking ldcalistic tecn lagers can be encomziged in hero worship of men and womcn who ttold the truth in spite of difficult lea general disregard for truth will undermine any social structure We would have few er dlvorces pnd brighter tn ternatlonal outlook today if the majority of men and women were convinced that this busi ness of having love for the truth is fundamental to the foundations of the home of society of the Unlted Natlom The building of brave new world is Impossible wlthout trust between classes and nit tions who have faith in each others work logical REV GEORGE LARK Ililllltl IEctru at St Thomas IChurcn Shanty Bay and the Par ish of Oro who has been inducted at St Pauls Anglican Church Illunnymcdc Toronto succeeding chv Edward Morley who served Ethe liilllsll since it was founded 44 years ago Mr Lark is only the gsccond rcctor of the church Mr Inrk who is graduate ofWy ago BURNS MtDHURSl Home and School Sympathy or this commonlty is Return From WM pd Burns Home and School Aocia 183594 10 35va L311 RUE811 on Mr and Mrs Alex McKee Minc BMW tlon held their rst meeting of the we 9353131 her lath MT Galwing Station have roturncd homtlmv Mhhh ser all season in the school on TuesIbumh SUWIdale Ifrom an enjoyable mom 19 mm Quasar amwgmig evenm vlcc was of yDarcnts inlzdihilddgflgitailirl 8m Anne 3le Ilka rmllhr lllglrhlrllliithe day the inlnutcrs wives up With George Jaffray presiding the um samey wan had mewWW ws led tclllat Isocmjm at me mama Where meeting opened wim we singingtonune Emma Inll iafternoon tea was served During 010 Canada mnewed by melast week and she is comalarmingE Mr and Mrs Carlin Fabianij mm Mm 031mm spoke Lords Pmyrnm unison and Scripvaith her sister in Toronto BUHUIEIOA and Idfhlis Bfiland tn the morning talk wai hm made by Mm Butchers Mi and Mrs GGoutts Ronaldflroyswnmm wmc mum Vienna on broadcasting The prestv brief business session followedMorris and L015 med Bealelinors Fwsmng Ede Clrfmce Rev and Miss Boyd teacher of the Vane7 sunday N950 CNN has mined mmllllintcr of Toronto 5PM Mr and Mrs Coulis visttv ml t0 the W95 cutlrc group junior classes was introduced and welcome extended to all newed Badmrd mend on sunday Davis Family Bereaved wm Cooking School Prizes 17 wm the cooking School in Barrie corners to the communityfMr Sincere sym ath to Mrs Otto Melvrlle spoke brtcfly concerning Mrs Smartand Mrs Newson Davis and fariilyywho were boll wvvk two prlzcs ware brought Burns Schodl Winnings at Essa arranged an Interschool footballlrcavcd by the death of Mr Davislelt Io Minesmg Mrs Bellby tSchool Fair and also presided for iameon Friday at SS 17 with No who will be unwed by wide cir remited sandwich toustcr and Egoirameblgh had been ar 17 Winning the game cle oftncnds Dusto an electric broiler Mrsg rs Tim Ken 39d Church New VVllllCE McLean and Henry Al Yers 9708 There Will be no church in the Move To mum In firm eluded Vocal duet by Mane Hen United Church on Sunday Oct M13 anti Mrs James Colcs undlf0H1 Slendlb mm derson and Janet McCagme instru and Oct 11 owjna I0 anfiver Hope have moved mme we mental number by Miss Mary Hand is home in St Catharines where NR mm NM and marvm Hand and V0031 50105 On Sunday Oct 11 at 1030 the daughter Mar 15 me an Gcorgc Cpllzlripc LS In Nlplbmli by Hugh Denney of Baxter accom special Rally Day and Thanksgivlof he cggegmm Idngnlthg dellwlicrc be CNIlltclcgrapb operaI lpar ure ey were res Wllll program W1 be Observm mga table and lamp b3 thir friendsgwl panied on the violin by his father Edgar Denney Anne Stoltz pres the Sunday School All pupils and their parents are cordially in and neighbors ented her prizewinning essay Coronation Year and Dorothy prized PT 333 lggrgggecfd Cfgberaawzm It you are need or stationery The rlfendsnor Ell yumin wn 1c Please contact Mrs Suuon The Campbell now of Toronto will be Sunday School pupils are selling glad km that she 15 prowess were entries in the fair short smgsong was hem wnh MISS Hand all dstypes inCIUdInE Chrlsunas ing favorably after an operation in car Toronto General Hospital and at the piano and the remainder of St Pauls Anglican anniversary hopes to be home 50m Itzlletcvcning was given overto us or McQuigge and Gordon Hen service Wk 0C Mrs Justice and Mildred Mrs Nolan Miss Bldwcll derson of Alliston who showed and Mrs Carter of Barrie visit mprsented and over ggdfetzrrzcd to dlnner at noon by the members of the Womens Annotation The chairman was Isnt that Dr Burchardt tho plastic warns For genuine CALL FRENCH morons It 8088 ST EXCITING COMBINATION Natural ostrich set in bold fake gold is tltu most exciting town and country jewellery fashion for twccds and cashmcrcs last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Lorne Buyers of California Mrs Williams exv tended vote of thanks to all who had contributed to the program and the meeting adjourned with the Singing of the National Anthem social hour followed Mission Band Burns Mission Band held their nicetlng on Thursday afternoon wtth Mrs George Jaffray and Mrs Icrgus Kerr in charge The meet lng opened with hymn followed by the Mission Band Purpose and Lords Prayer The election of off icers resulted as follows President Dorothy Herron VicePresident Ellen Leach Treasurer John Mill er Secretary Jack Gauley Mrs Jaffray introduced the new study book On Mars Hill and the meeting closd The October meet ing will be the Thank Offering Rally Day Rally Day was observed in Burns Church with large congregation attending the combined Sunday School and worship service With the superintendent Mc Cague assisting Rev Mr Shilton worship service on thetheme Go Make Disciples of all Nations was presented with Mrs Shilton presenting the story The choir contributed an anthem and Donna Buyers Dorothy Hand and Anne Stoltz scholars in Mrs Halberts class sang accompan ied by Mrs Buyers at the piano Promotions from the various classes were also feature children as well as colored views day Miss Boyd spent the weekend at her home at Mcaford Cpl and Mrs White Allan dalc VlSlted Cpl and Mrs Gordon Saturday evening Mcrvyn Smith and Harold Hen derson motored to Owen Sound at the weekend Mr and Mrs Henderson Marie and Ronnie visited Mrs Jennelt at Thornton Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy Stoltz and Bill of Glilt Spent SundayI with Mr and Mrs Elmer Stoltz llan of special interest to the ed at Mrs Dustos on Wedncs lawnMaw Nuptluls Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Rawn ncc Ruth Maw who were married in Mineslng United Church on Saturday Ruth and her husbandtobe were guests of honor at shower in the hall last week Sllncoe Presbytery Here For the first time In many years the Simcoc United Church Pros bytcry met in Mincsing for their September meeting Thirtytwo Buy the coal that outsells all others Discover for yourself why more people buy blue coal than any other hard cool For the worlds finest anthracite plus the lownls best service lllll WILSON CAI Cookstown lHE slIlIlNI co llMlllD norm Mull Skeet Phone 2461 Minesins look at the background Blatchfords famous Fillthe Buskol Egg Mush the profitmaker that produces more and better 3995 Look at the foreground Grude lurgz plenty of them to fetch top prices Whats missing Its the cash the full pursethe BIGGER PROFITS you get the Blotchford uyl Call in and lot us give you the complete picture of cash prolslzrom Blutchfords Egg Mash So glad to see you anytime BELL Utopia Blatchfords Ecliffc College and served In the VTlm llllllllllg of happy marclihplzlin service In Korea was in lldtlt winch ulll Idrt ls out of thcdllctcd by Rt Rcv Wilkin llltl1lll unless husband and wife $011 SSlSlnt BIShOD 01 Toronto tll1 count on each othch lntcgTh Sermon was preached by Rev Ill The building of thc cllziract CIIl Swanson rector of St Pauls cr of children is on qlilcksand umllloor Slrcet East ltlt It llt on the rock of truth and3 IlltlDOl in the family circle Truth Its llc foundation which strong tlllllllllg and cxscntlal for build3 Ing which will last in the whole licld of relationships bctwccn lni dirinllzlls or groups Speak the1 truth and shame the Devil zlbcI his said who llCtl four centuries The Greatest Teacher of all Two new arclldcnconrics have limo mil rm truth Shall make been created in territory cut from 3011 you As parents are we lothe present archdcaconry of York lnc all we can by example andRt Rev Beverley bishop of tralnlng to encourage our childran Toronto announced ito love the trutlil Appointed as Archdeacon of To Copyrlgntl ronto is Rev George Snell rec tor of St Clements Church North Toronto Rev Dann rector firstt Georges ChruchontheHill mg on becomes Archdca Mr and Mrs Allen attended Etobicokc at tic wedding of the formers niece 0rd alncd lglli d1 Allcn ln Ncwmarkct onlsneu is famslreghch ur av Marks church Port Hope and lalltrszlegpf tailtgilggs Tullllmbe Cathedral Church of the Redeem or Calgary Sixtydour To nt man who Is in the llospltal is im r0 gt parishes Will be in bi provtng nicely as also is Mr chb ry He will continues $022350 wColncraftiulations to Mr and Mrs rector of St Clements es cy ogg upon the arrival of Archdmcon Dan was ordained dauhitr WGdUCSdEY In 1941 after graduation from the Mr and Mrs Shannon and University of Toronto and Wycliffe family cookswllc visited Earl College He served in the diocese Herb Shannons on Sunday of Fredericton and was also rector Mr and Mrs Allen of Francis North Essa PariSh His new Mlchigan visited at Allens over firehdelcomy 11 embrace par the weekend lshes in Etobicoke North York Scarboro Mimico New Toronto and Long Branch CALL THE EXAMINER F03 PRINTING PHONE out Sixteen million Shares changed 1929 start of the great de pression At Colllngwood Fair Quite numberJrom the com munity attended Collingwood Fair on Saturday Miss Jessie Buyers nursein training at Guelph spent day FfIlrheBusker Egg Mash Pellets orCrumbfed Anns Slap CHICO PIllllS 31 merits ting Will Len on toxcuzcd brought ally auto pounding courmcl ultgumhcnc peril Double guilty IS Your IolIItIol JOIN THE DEFENCE 0F FREEDO AtelINlIllllI IRAGOONS THERO CANADAS FINEST ARMOURED CORPS REGIMENT career in this famous fighting unit offersfan Exciting and advdnlurous life to couragous youngCanadiansi Right now literals aneodfor men of ambitionand ability totrain as gunner operatorsxtank drivers and technicians In the Dragoons initiative and leaderhipare If you are Inleresledibln OW fumrel wanl lo 93 new Skills and earn rates Plan now on Icanadianvnragoansu quickIYroonized and therejs excellent opportunity for advancement and promotion Serve Canada and Yourself Join the If