Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1953, p. 8

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kid qt In lam somber 3tor lt Whom HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS EM wwwwhgmnm matulorltuhneehwmd mi wngmmmug Where You Butchlore for Less The Annual Barrie is Here Mm mm EM 013 5m hive 80M Em and in number three ring beet gay secrctaly 01 the 51mm mgblre WW dm deal trouble mm lhegcom cattle will be judged Swine judg Lounty Jersey Club as were is so mmher mercial section success ing will take prince in nuinberjlcaur The Reiuat Yorkshire Sbowtq ring and it same Km be held conjunction with the base born 82 by 120 feet With Wardenofmrgwm of Sim ing of junior exhibits in Ilyeslock Barrie Exhibition open to breed Wm 30 head will commence ers of Bulletin York and Simcoe we Miami 80 we county murdedaw me Ex Horse races start at 215 pm and will be big femurs ox tn JOCK IBOUP the evangelist Now LESS 2W0 OFF Wm 0313 II ovemlw hibmon Ofcially Open on Film and there will be livestock par air those interested in mine from Glasgow Scotland who will mm and GOLF CLUBS TENNIS RACQUEIS BASEBALL BATS BASEBALL MITTS ado at pm classes The Barrie Agricultural be the principal tigure in the Cru WWI Amum ffdmg 03321 dgiebmgl All livestock to be Show 011 Society in extending the invitation slide for Christ being held in Barrie The In 01 the midway be mmth yam the Agricultural sawidai mUSI be on the grounds tO the regional breeders has 3150 from October to 18 Special ser one the his fair attractions 50cm by 10 am At 130 pm judging provided share of the funds to vices will be condLIcted at Collier again this year with what the or or livestock will commence with nance an attractive prize 1m Street Baptist Church on Sunday canker say will be better show lighttlorscs and wagon horses in total of $400 in cash prizes is at 11 am and pm and Monday even than lest year Model Shows ring two judging of dairy cattle ottered $100 at this in the Ontario mmuh Friday at 745 pm will be the rm responsible for in ring three and judging of sheep Government grant provided providing the carnival almosphrt in ring tour by the Ontario Swine Brecders the fair catering to both adults Horse races start Saturday at Association and $225 by the Bar mcl children with specks merry pm and there will be live rie Agricultural Society zOroundt pony rides an all the stock parade at pm hm it the lair The midway will be running from 12 noon to 12 oclock midnight aunts Emibm irl Hllk will com net 11 Alcature addition to this years an tries have been coming in we air will be the over BOOloot All exhibits and livestock hown and it is expected that these will gamcalgdggav Jr Swag SimeoeCounty tor the best pair frontage now allocated to local on this day must be on the unds be major event of the lair pro ot kitchen display of curtains merchants or advertising purby 10 am At 115 pm main Friday evems are scheduled for There will be two special awards breakfast cloth tea towels poses This will be located right livestock judging is schedu to 215 pm mm with non win In this show one provided by the am cloth pot holdem kitchen ap down the centre of the Curling get underway and the public is 00 and 225 um Eaton Company and the other mm and ower centrepieces Pri Rink the main exhibit building advised to get acquainted with the 3er pgccfs one dsgumrday events by the Barrie Agricultural Socl zes for this class have been don PENROSE DINNER SET 66 Pieces mousing more entirely new Whmw to ma to Mario Um visiting the various anti mum 41 Simcoe County In all Mth will be conic and the newest lines in automo 09 mm CM The Simcoe County Jersey Club to Barle 9mm lines of merchandixlng The vari Wm be judging of heavy horses charge of Oliver 01 Shanty ms SALE or POWER LAWN MOWERS MOTOROLA RADIOS These at our Branch Store COMMERCIAL REFRIGIDAIR 38b no any indications on visit with auxin this special Attraction at mm mm new the mm anonoer on or the mail 20 dIerent sections lined with anodtlli In In bite to very important kitchen ac WW Parish Show is another special 38950 and 314250 CAR PORTABLE MODELS SLIGIITLY USED MODELS AT CUT oor on will have an extremely inter mum mmi the m4 up gym mm arm mammary me commentator end in our top awards of 70 dollarnl display This diet aorta and the most delicate event 01 the fair with entriea in FLOOR AND MANIIJE MODELS ALL LESS 20 OFF FOR THIS SALE PRICES JambOee canny Dnnemue Program Details Thursday will be devoted almost exclusively to the arranging of ex hibits and getting everything ready lor the actual exhibition The real show gets underway on Frida with an am cnin An hour 3later lleld crooptruitb and Secretary the Show is Keith competition Canada packers Ltd vegetable exhibits will be placed one Rum McRuer agricultural representative is Offering prizes for me best pies for IUdzmg whim Corlnegces Four good races are planned tor for Sou Simcoehwgufvtgf and cakes made with Domestic 930 am Judging of junior cx this you an two on Friday and mittee ls composc Shortening him In new and garden crops two on Saturday afternoon En so of the Qmarjo swine Breed The Womens Institute SPECIEI crs Association Toronto is Open to Womens Insmutes in BIG DINNERWARE SPECIALS DINNER SET 66 Pce Elegance Pattern 1N FIVE SPAng NEW COLORS Maguire of Minesing for the best honey spice cake In the Domestic pie and cake 350 WESTLOX EIECTRIC WALL CLOCK FREE Value up to $895 DINNER SET 66 Pieces 01o Chelsea SETS 01 20 PIECES Colors Assorted OPEN STOCK PA buy as you WIShW $3450 BONECHINA CUPS dz SAUCERS FROM ENGLAND Bach $100 WESCLOX ELECTRIC WALL CLOCK THREE DIFFERENT DWORATIONS FREE Value up to $895 REVERE COPPER CLAD scams This Is the first time sice 1942 ring arrangements as the dillerent that there have been inside booths classes will be judged Simultane 01 this type In recent years ousiy In number twa ring therc gvALUEs for EVERY 28ozlinz1c moo WSLUSIIUS 391915 comma sour gums 3ilvbox39c Idem Chem ANN PAGE Sozior3ac ANN 5523am Zola 33c Sliced or Unused moon SALMON AAP Choice Creamed 31 vziepzilins Adi cfigu gianlpllg13g IgepItg37 All Varieties Rust Hopi Whit 1401 pItg longs Cams 35 BAR CAKE RI USTOIWROUND A6 Choice RODUCE SPECIALS start at pm with 222 trot or pace and 218 trot or pace Races will be run under the Canadian Trotting Association rules and the race committee will be composed of Ilambly chair man and race secretary and committee of Brennan Roy Allan Ayerst and II Morren There is special award amount ing to $2500 to any driver break ing the track record of 208 25 presently held by Poplar tVolo The prize is donated by Malcom sons Insurance Agency Horse Show In the heavy horse division judged Friday there will be en tries of Clydesdales Percherons Agricultural Belgians and Harness classes and in the light horse divi sion on Saturday there will be wagon horses roadster classes heavy harness hackney horses ponies hunters jumpers and sad dle horses and palominos judged In the roaster class on Satur day there will be team race Pairs of roadsters ill be shown at slow and then ast trots and entries will be judged in perform ance speed quality and manners Single roadsters will be similarly shown and judged There will be roadster race forrhorses t152 hands and Over in onehaleile heat and another for horses under 152 hands special award the Cos grave Trophy will go to the best roadster horse in the team race and roadster race colorful Spectacle on Saturday is th class for hunters with the seed ns for pairs of jumpers abreast hunt teams of three hor ses with riders in fulldress hunt ing attire and others ety The YorkSimcoc Guernsey Club Show on Saturday is in charge of Pearson of Newmarket 01 the Department of Agriculture as secretary and committee com posed Balsdon Crossland Crawford Don Harvic Eugene Lemon Burns MrsC Pi Burns and Mrs McQuar The Robert Simpson Company challenge cup forlthe Grand Cham pion Guernsey Bull will be award ed at the Guernsey Club Show New Classes Thirtysix competitive classes for the housewie have beendrawn up by the home cooking committee Consisting Of Mrs Eric Simpson chairman Mrs Maguire Miss Joyce Hunter Mrs Fred Mul holland Mrs Warnica and Mrs Charles Newton In addition there will be special honey diS play to include white golden arid amber honey in glass and comb honey in glass or cellophane Classes of home cooking include bread rolls Chelsea buns date and nut loaf muffins biscuits fancy sandwiches cookies and party cakes jelly rolls chocolate and light layer cakes angel food and birthday cakes truit cakes lerilod cherry raisin and apples pics but ter tarts raspberry tarts and allt most every variety of home canned food and pickles One of the several special awardb is being offered by the former Womens Institute Fair Board and there are specials by Dalston ated by the Womens Institutes in Painswick Stroud Minesing Sour in and Barrie and the former Wom ens Institute Fair Board Mrs Sterling Grant and com mittee composed of Mrs Cav anagh Mrs Lloyd Mrs Nei son and Mrs Jennett are wel coming entries in 14 arts and crafts classes under the handicraft divi sion covering weaving leather work and metalcralt and 39 classes in the needlework division Handwoven place mats belts purses and Scarves leather pur ses wallets key cases and change purses belts and gloves and metal jcwcu and bowls will be on ldisdlay long with wide variety of harldknlt crocheted embroid lcred hcmstitcbed and cross stitch articlesf and samples of fine sew Ing Flower Show committee headed by Jack Johnson chairman and composed of Cyril Jackson Mrs Cole Mrs Rattle and Mrs II Gablcyhns drawn up 54 competi tiveclasses in this years new flow er show back on the fair agenda latter an absence of 11 years Classes will include display by the horticultural societies of Sim coe County and orists African violets and other house plants cacti Chrysanthemums and asters will be shown in the potted plantsection and cthere will be large showing of cut owers in cluding amones asters calen dula carnations celosra Chrysan themums cornflowers cosmos Womens Institute for bran mull Ins made by public school child by Perkins and Sons Dal ston for the best pair of roasted chickens by Mr and Mrs dahlias idelphiniums gaillardia gladioli larkspur marigolds phlox pansiosggetunias salpiglossis sai via scabibsa stocks snapdragons verbena zinnias roses and indoor LUgtltURY ANELEGANCE In the womens work section $5995 WITH 34 PIECE SET LAUREL SILVER Value 1150 ALSO SEVEN PIECE CRYSTAL WATER SET Value $475 These specials for Fair Week Only FOUR SIZES 1N COVERED SAUCEPANS mans SIZES IN DOUBLE BOILERS FOUR SIZES IN COVERED SKILLETS SAUCE POTS IEAKEIILES BOWLS srsw KETTLES PERCOLATORS AND OTHER PIECES WE HEARTILY RECOMMEND THIS LINE Is it fact that all the business of the Barrie Council is not being published in our local newspaper this year We overheard two taxp ing the past week YEs ITS ACT GOOD RELIABLE PAINTS do ENAMELS GALLONS $325 HOUSE PAINTS HOUR ENAMELS PORCH FLOOR ENAMELS VARNISH SEMI qLoss or Satin FINISHES In wide range of delightbe colors THESE PRICES FOR LIMITED TIME Quanrs 98c ONLY USED TUDHOPE RANGEIIE T$1995 JOHNSONS GLO COAT Special 13 Plots 68c 13 Quarts $IZO These prices represent real savings CHAN SPEEDOOAT SPECIAL 660 32 OUNCE srza VERY SPECIAL 29 oz SIZE SELLSFOR 65c pyers discussing this question dur rna LOWEST PRICE 1N YEARS WITH US UTENSIL ELECTRIC HEATERS $195 SALE OF CORN BROOMS GOOD FOUR STRING BROOM FOR SUPERHEALTH COOKWARE ANOTHER QUALITY EXCLUSIVE LINE YOU BUY FOR LIFETIME OF SERVICE WHEN YOU BUY SUPth HEALTH YOU BUY ONE PIECE OR AS MANY AS YOU WISH er Health No other AluminumWare surpasses Sup Gliddens Paints 011501 EVERY LAST CAN MUST GO WE ARE DISCONTINUING THE GLID DEN LINE SO ITS YOUR OPPORTUN ITY TO SAVE HAWES LEMON OIL SPECIAL Qt 690 You get large dust cloth free tOO Bo sure to call at our stores youll enjoy your visit innit and llllNlllll ARMSTIW lWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98404 Dunlap St Phone 2801 5911 Dunlap SI Phone 4946 decorations and unusual arrange wTTO GIVE AGAY EXCITING FALLFEELINQ Beautifully designed expertly tailored and the finst materials these coats are the class of their own Available in Woolsl$ashas and LambTex with merits for grain small seeds andeld crops and good price list is available The genie Agricultural Society in elloperation with the dominion and provincial Depart ments of Agriculture has done great dealot work in this category and everything points to an entry ofsome outstanding eitbibits There Will be special hay show and fruit exhibits Will play large part in the exhibition tEORAGE CROP Different Classes There are in additionmany sec tioiis listed in the different classes PLOTS EXHIBIT Ar BARRIEEAIR One oflhe features of the Barrie Fair Grounds whichllas maintained the interest even of those not con nected withagricullurefis the sec tion on lhewest and south nxt to the Highway 4110 embankment There are some 40 plots of var ious graTsses used as ensilage crops or new types of clover and it is interesting to note the growth Of can each section as compared to its neighbor particularly when differ ent fertilizing treatment has been used on the various plots These werersded in the fall of 1950 and itfsacinating to learn the namesotSOme types and to note the growm of those types un der the some heat weather condi tions These demonstration plots will well repay half hour spent The committee in charge is composed of Donald Bell chairman Eugene Smith Arthur Wait and Stewart Page Various departments cooperating STEELWARE variety of plains Checks plaids blues greys mauv and south Simcoe Agricultural cs towns and browns they cannot fail to delight the presentative Branchesrops and Weeds Branch Toronto 50115 and Field Husbandiy Department GAOGuelph Plant Products Dw ision Canada Department OEAEIi Prices 35 enumejmm is7 NUNNJNNmNNI in this demonstration are North EVERY DAY Menus 28Ozpk953c IIozplrg37l Ix 315m 1m Molotov 8IZPI919e Powdered Skim Milk Each sorqocx TOMATOES not1935 15125 am an 5mm Mole gt JOIIerwNOrE BuildingsAll Fllvourl Gnimiilidle msrlcs 91925 CHEESE 311N935 Bakery Sral lIb pItg35c ANN PAGE Alenney RedSOeIteye 73 eye ONLY JADMIRAL mossy More EADDISON Smsrwwhwm Svenmv thmnpion Philliwack IRRIATMIErRuucm mm Newman mufomeem Loose gnu Fcenolltyles Rayon Gabon $133an3 ocltopggaggnggg Ii 1W or zoom rm ji 17 IllCONSOLE MODELS CHILLIWACK BC CP Sven ALL WEATH 953 MODELS tional uplowing championships at llllSll quE OUR icoNVENIENT LAYAWAY min LI

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