mar twill113 tit ang SALESMAN aim positions ind med on nuimm Com uid may notion um Im lilac outfit mp complete line at fruit Ortonouts trier etc Our also often distinct nanni he furtth articular who 10 scores WELLINGTON The Foothill Nurseries 49 811111 ton St Toronto Ont 1106112w RELIABLE Woman for housework one day week Phone 2960 after pm 1112 WAITRESS FOR one och Rx parlance not necessary Brysons Tea Room 1112 SHORT ORDER Cook wanted for weekends Apply Graves Restaun am 306 Hayeld St Phonel 35313 GIRL OR WOMAN to help in lodge live in Apply Mrs Waghorn Clans mans Lodge phone 511121 Stroud 15 11031 TRUCK Mechanic for fleet main tenance and repairs Must be ex perienced Box 57 Barrie Exam iner 1110112 YOUNG GIRL for housework in well equipped modern home Live in Phone 3897 or write Box 34 Barrie Post Office 1111113 EXPERIENCED Car Salesman re quired by Ford dealership Car supplied Contact Glasc at 51 Victoria 51 Alliston 1111112 GRADUATE Undergraduate or ex perienced practical nurse for gen eral duty Inniswood Lodge Phone Florence Breakwell Barrie MESSENGER Wanted over 15 years of age Good salary Must beneat Apply in person to the Canadian National Telegraph 1112113 FULL TIME Waitresg wanted Shift work Must be over 18 years of age For further particulars write Box 59 Barrie Examiner IIllll2 MARRIED MAN for responsible position as desk clerk in Queens Hotel Steady job for right man Apply in person to Queens 116116112 CAPABLE Woman 2545 years wanted for full time position He qulmdto answer tclephono and meet public References Phone 3721 after pm 1112 AT ONCE capable voman who would like to earn extra good wa gcs Housework and part care of semiinvalid woman adults N0 washing all conveniences Live in Phone 2172 1711th TURN YOUR spare time into extra money in pleasant profitable work Style sense energy and ambition are necessary qualifications Train ing free For personal interview apply Box 46 Barrie Eniner 10112 WE HAVE AN opening for plant floor lady between 25 and 35 years old Must be in good health and reliable with at least years pre vious experience as factory floor lady This is responsible position with remuneration for right hope 5917 KolmarWilk Barrie 1411113 AWMon Wanted BEDROOM Suite or house wanted in Barrie or vicinity Adults Ap ply Box 60 Barrie Examiner 11111412 AROOM Apartment bedrooms or lower duplex wanted Have one child Furnish good references Ap ply Box 56 Barrie Examincn 11110112 dngEDROOMHorne required by local business family to rent Cen tralJSarilc close to school and 111105191113 Phone Mr Johnson 1110th 30011 Furnished suite wanted algolandiady to care for 19month lt old boy from to pm except mailman Apply Box 45 Bar Examiner lllOtf AB CAPIAIN requires or roam apartment orshouse un lmed Preferably with stove rig One child years Box rrte Examiner ilIlOlls RMY MAN acquires house or poritnent bedrooms if pussible children weli behaved Phone Sam HvHatrls Army HQ Signal Camporden 11111112 616056126661 av mm MleOIM 84011 Wam man mm mmmm SCRAP IRON him nu fur botuholr mam LEVITS TRADING Phone 1301 33 Collier St Ion phone all wanted 3231 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METALS FURS SIDES RAG BATTERIES FEATKERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest prlccs paid Special price paid delivered Phone Barrio Sinner 2983 820131 9612 9813 MAX PUSH KOFF AND COMPANY ram and Office 156 Tian 36 3801501 USED BATH TUB ill guild Candi lion illlttl Phone 4430 illltl ti 11m Iill3 COWBOYS Saddle for polly ill good condition Apply to DUIIIIIIII Cameron RR Burllo phone 812r21 3112 TO11 BALLSThousands wanted Express us collect mot less thaw 10or bring in golf balls We will immediater 1112111 you cheque based on 10 to 35 cents per ball depending on condition Farmers it Mlgtted7Stovevvood 3500 per single card it Damn 911 mil COLORED FLAGSTONE GRAVELG FILL TOP son DELIVERY DENNIS MORAN Phone 2907 11min 1401 LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School ontlnuous Tuition throughout the coming season week course NANDRADE SONS RR No Stroud Phone 10r14 7971715 20 El213511 also Grain Chopper Phonc 10122 Stroud 7112 EARGE DEEI Freezer like new Phone 6662 73 pm 7111112 Oll BURNER with pipes in per fect condition Phone 5368 7ll2II3 CIIIiISTMAS TREES 000 Scoth Pint lllollc Iillchcl Moonstone exchange 711313 ELECTRIC Four Burner Range MCCIZIl llltl model good condition Phone 4851 7111112 RED CHESTERFIELD $35 Suit able for recreation room or dell Phone 2325 7112 IIICCB Grccn Corduroy Dress gt120 l2 suitable for girl 12 to 14 Phone 2734 71121 Supply and Equipment Main SLIBABY CARRIAGE gm in Xena it li 3112z 2129 fllimelScott Queen St 7112 FARMS FOR SALE 35 ACRE FARM situated on thoi 10111 line of Inllisiil good build lugs Phone 39141 Stroud 1111 lllt in good condition $50 Phone noes msrocx MALE PUREBRED Beagle Hound years old true Illlklll1 good tongue plovell runner and priced reasonable Apply Robert Corltes CICCUIOIC phone 202W3 iiricc $25 Phone Stroud 14113 ROOM WINTERIZED Cottagal 3811211 condition Cheap Mrs William TI Washer likO new Owner moving requires quick lsh sale lhone 2901 7112114 USED COFFIELD Washing Mach 3161 or apply 18 High St Barrie 7111112 VENETIAN Blinds in ex cellent condition Apply Jacksons Dept Store 59 Dunlop St West 7111113 OAL AND Wood Stove cream and black reservoir warming oven 7112 Apply Angus Leslie PO Box 251ADDING Machine and Wm Everett 113111112 BUILDING LOT on Campbell ASE Reasonable Apply Box 56 Barrie Examiner 16111113 BUILDING LOT 826x165 on Collingwood St between Rodney and Cook near school surveyed water and sewer Apply Smith 114 Blake St Phone 3704 16109113 CHOICE BUILDING lots on Queen Street 66x165 feet water and sewer available Close to Codrington school store and bus service 13 Fiook 227 St Vincent St Barrie Phone 403 Ill101414 AVAILABLE immediately 11 rooms oil heated overlooking Kempcnfelt Bay corner lot 88 165 fvcnuc obtainable ovor $300 monthly For appointmentvtcle phone 2059 evenings 5872 16112113 $11500NEW Bedroom brick bungalow oil heating large living room and kitchen nicely decora ted large lot landscaped 1193 school $5500 down Mortgage ar ranged Apply Box 31Barrie Ex aminer 16107112 NINE ROOM Brick house modern excellent condition Oak floors throughout air conditioned oil heating bathrooms attached gar age tile terrace immediate poss ession Apply Barrie Motor Court 240 Bradford St Lilli106412 ONSHANTY BAY Road 511 rooms and bath fullbasemcnt with hot air furnacenmodern conveniences Lot 100x200 10 fruit trees and raspberries Excellent IOr two fam ilies Just over town limits Low taxes For further information phone 0307 16109113 INCOME PROPERTY four rooms and bath for owner apartment rented for forty per month Not an old place under Nine thousand Too good live room modern pla ces now available also six room home very reasonable terms Con tact Henry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 16112 BARRIE INCOME Home excell ent location on Burton Ave rooms storey house full cellar modern kitchen hardwood floors down hot air heating in sulated Lot 52x165 Estimated in come over $100 monthly with rooms free for owner Price $9000 $4000 down balance easyterms Joseph Anderson Broker 35 Las cellos Blvdloronto 12 Hull6770 or 1111 89407 1111121111 FORlDtEICOIUMNS for 4311 p111 day preceding 1qu went Sunday lib roj omen mound wordmininium 75 ova Intention 36 word minimum 766 Hi award minimumsm 11136611 coward minim In on ers Sales rentals repairs Slmcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto 51 phone 4824 71361 WINCHESTER 16 gauge pump shotgun excellent condition Price $35 Kenneth Robinson RR Cookstown phone 2711 7112 NO QUAKER Oil Stove See it at 101 Donald St Reason for sell ing have house with furnace Very good condition Used winters 7112 LARGE Servcl Refrigerator 11 cu ft full width freezer shelf 5250 Fri idaire apartment size stove Ca rod burners large oven $150 Phone 3694 7112 LET US Supply your hog feeds Pay after your pigs go to market No interest Contracts available Phone or see Craig Hunter phone 53r5 Stroud 7110125 COATS GIRLS size 12 blue one station wagon also red coat size in good condition fur coll als Garage to rent for storage Phone 2607 7112 FOUR TIRES AND Tubes size 525550 18 Almost new $20 for set Wrecking 1930 Olds Man son Con lnnisfil east Highway 11 Phone Stroud 11114 7112 IMMEDIATE Delivery on Rogers St Marys Famous Canadian Ce ment Pyramid Brand Carload lots or less Scott Company foot of Toronto Street Phone 4091 7109114MW SEE CRAIG HUNTER for service on your Faster Feeds Frost Fence and Farm Supplies Sales service and demonstration on Graham Plows Phone Stroud 5365 Hunters Poultry Farm 7110125 WARM MORNING Heater with automatic control 16 lengths pipe and elbow $25 Heater holds 100 lbs coal for 36 hours Phone 2198 after or apply Wells High way 27 12 mile south Barrie 7111113 16 LAKEFIELD Boat 10 hp Johnson Motor Cruisaday tank D13 model 1952 also boat trailer 3x6 iron bench with shaft and pulleys bencll grinder saw and 14 hp eIeC tric motor Phone 3266 GDean 22 Feel EL 7112114 ATTENTION Ringworm Sufferers For fast relief from Ringworm try Houden Ringworm OIWI new licensed and proven prepara tion for relief of Ringworm Price $1 politpaid direct from manufact urer Mrs Houdcn ElmVale RR Ont 7412 MODERN WALNUT dining room suite pieces $70 modem four burner electric range white $125 Hotpoint range table top style $70 walnut double bed=sprinks and inner spring mattrss$25 complete Mahogany dresser $30 Oak dresser princess style extra large mirror 925 Studio couch with slip covers $12 3pleccches terfleld with slip covers $25 com plate Metal wardrobe walnut ish$l Phone 6378 7112113 Room BOARD Mm ROOM OR Room and Baald 2116116 6757 no BARRIE lady Box 66 Barrie Examiavt ROOM Apartment Robm 121 12114 ON AND CARD Business or 01 161 efcrred 1r65m61lmhrsa um willow 110116me seam Bot icint 13 Window 876 in rrcorv ly pp 11 mar entity 61 Barrie Examiner 37112 room ltom in on farms Appi Box 56 PARTTIME worrwanted in moml Barrie Examiner 3111241 mi from smooth 12 noon by 34393 MAN WANTED with of mg to act as distributor for chemical used to recondition septic tank DAINES MASSAGE in the County of Simcoe To the man wishing to be in business for hlnuelf eith on full or part time basis this offers an excellent Edsehill Drive Bum opwmwy new my 67 Body Conditioning MW Barrie Examiner 179112114 Treatment remedial exerting Scientic reduclnl WANTED Licensed Graduate Home WANTED TO Rm store for fur Prlvate Appointment Only phm mm more by responsible party In Barrie preferably near or down town area Don Furniture 565 WOOD FOR SALE Queen Toronto 33112113 our HARDWOOD $10 per cord WANTED TO 311 133119110 Andrea Fergusonvnla tage orlot 1n v1c1nlty of Ora 5409120 Station Please state size location and price Must be reasonable 51 QUANTITY OF tHemlock Elm Allen 53 Mill St rampton Oak and lumber Phone Elm Out 12113 vale 912 6110112 POU LTRY NO HARDWOOD Hardwood 11 62111311 FOR SALE old and bundling in Amnesia in lam To Saskatchewan Im Charles Stewart 6nd son Billy whohavc boon visiting rcla olives left during the week to motor to their home in Kipling harry Stewart and his niece Miss Domilyare visiting the form or son Clarence and family in Lansing Michigan Cum Church Services Thre was no church service hm on Sunday owing in Stroud anniversary services but Sunday shoot was held as usual with Harry Chappel assistant superin tendent presiding Miss Ball of Toronto was weekend guest pf her cousin Mrs William Noble United Church WA United Church WA met on Thursday evening in the church hall with the president Mrs Curtis presiding The minutes of last meeting were read by the sec retary Mrs Sheldon and adopt ed Mrs John Perrier read the scripture portion assigned for the meeting and Mrs Lloyd Sawyer read the lesson thoughts Mrs Hofland gave pleasing read lng motion was passed to can Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawcd and young Sell together or separate lgivcrcd Dennis Moran bone 124 David Dcarden New LOWEII 14 12 APPROPIMATELY2 cords of hardwoo cut 114 furnace wood Apply Gordon Mason phone 3000 PULLETS 10 3319 18 In 4314 Stroud 64 November MacSwecn Thom ton Phone Stroud 15141 between SOFTWOOD Slabs and Bod and pm 14112115 Hardwood Softwood $12 cor Hardwood $22 cord Hardwood 200 LEGHORN and While ROCk slabs $18 cord Cut and delivered Roostersdor sale months old 131101196567 6407113 Phone Everett 615 Betty Keast cel the planned bazaar and have hot fowl supper instead as the society are catering to wedding supper the last of the month Dur ing the week the society had quilted two quiltsfor one of the members and plan on doing two more next Tuesday Oct Owing to shortage of church supplies it was voted each member wOutd answer the roll call at the Octo Mansfield RR 14111112 PROPERTY FOR RENT FARM EQUIPMENT GARAGE FORURENT at 11 Clap pmon s1 Iii112413 TRACTOR PLOWS OR UNFURNISIIED Rooms phone 4313 15111412 Furrow MasseyHarris good as new FURNISHED Apnllm9nl AGUIIS Furrow MasseyHarris recondi Phone 337 15112 tiolled FURNISHED Bedroom very con Furrow Fleury Bissel Plow tral Phone 2365 113112113 Furrow Dcarborn Plow for Ford amour 11 Ferguson urnls on SUCQL Phone 2226 3111110 Intunutlonal Harvcstel her meeting with tea towel Tca hostesses were Mrs Hyslop Miss Marx Mrs Reed Mrs Thompson and Mrs Ingram Hold Farewell Party On Monday evening several of the girls met at Mrs GOldon Shel dons for farewell party for Mrs Morley Clement who has moved to Orilliu After an entertaining program of games etc Betty was SEED FEED Wm Flow ROOM Upper Duplex unfurn ished heated Phone 6664 1511 IOOZBEDROOMED Unfurnished MAssEvHAnms DEALER duplex heated Phone 2115911109 10 Sophia Street West Barrie LIGHT Housekeeping Room con tinuous hot water Phone 5760 39112 15112113 ALLIS CHALMERS Combme 511 ROOMED Furnished Apartment cut Phone 522M Stayner 39112 Separate entrance Phone 3140 15112413 MASSEY HARRIS Corn Binder sale also stock of clean out straw 500 BUSHELS Beaver Cuts for up oximately 15 tons Apply lood Con 12 Innisiil mile eastofHighwuy 11 Phone 2414 Stroud 10112113 For Sale or Exhgngo FOR SALE OR Exchange2 ton truck flat bottom high racks good condition Would exchange on pro perty in town or Iakeshore prop erty within 10 miles of Barrie Phone 4861 23111113 good condition Apply East half ROOM House near Minesing Lot Con Essa 311112113 Apply Mel Priest Minesing phone 221 15111113 CORN BINDER andLoader good as new Apply King Lefroy FURNISHED Room su1t working phone l5r22Lef1oy 39112113 person East end at bus stop Phone 4737 15111113 FORD FERGUSON Tractor and Plow Sherman transmission good FURNISHED Rooms suitable for condition Phone 4861 311111113 housekeeping also bedroom Ccn tlal Phone 5211 its111112 NEW MH 6f00t one way disc on FURNISHED rubber $500 also used 6foot one 00m 133 ay on ste 50 Bargains keeping privileges Central limstrm Clipper PTO tlon Phone 327 15112 Combine New George White WEED Thresher to clear at cost pay next built1n cupboards and Sink Phone ifrmcgctjelm rhesciggle 18131133 5197 after 530 pm 15112 bury 39112 ONEROOM unfurnished basement apartment Suitable for business cleReonfion 15$r8$un couple Phone 5396 152113 Tractor rst class condition With UNFURNISHED Rooms newly 90day guarant Twofurrow 10 hydraulic plow like new Five gewftedisgmg Sam App foot hydraulic Tiller slightly used ene mg er pm 15 112 Graves Bros Ferguson Farm ROOMED Unfurnished Apart Equipment 305 Bayeld SL Nurth FRUIT VEGETABLES CARROTS Beets Onions 30c 6qt Potatoes 25c 6qt Pepper Squash 5c $125 bushel Apples Spys or Peewaukee 50c 6qt $225 bushel Cabbage Turnips Sc each 40c dozen Pumpkins 10c30c Zinnias 30c dozen Apply 298 Hayfield St 20112113 16st Barrie on Saturday Reward Phone 5211 104 Hayfield St 17112 LOSTSpare tire and rim on Highway 400 at Camp Borden cutoff Finder please notify John Workman Egbert Ont Reward 17112 AUTOMOBILES ment No objection to one small Barrlei Phone 3533 39112 child Apply 145 Essa Rad 152 MISCELLANEOUS ROOM 1116 Allandale with or with out boar Would suit girls Close to bus stop Phone 3436 or 5701 45411113 DECORATING FURNISHED Rooms suitable for light housekeeping Call at 13 Interior and Exterior Prompt Anne Stulol phone 3461 serv1ce to all inquiries Work 15112113 guaranteed CABIN one large winterized housekeeping room miles from Barrie on main highway Phone 3110118 6777 141 Collier St 5664 15112114 57811 nq FURNISHED BedSitting moth guiltin kitchenette with sink Pggglimmr workm515i1glg CArmstrongs Floor ICovering Linoleums SMALL HOUSE and Brooder Rubber and Asphalt Tile House with some land outside of plastic wan Tile town of Barrie Apply Box 63 Barrie Examiner 15112 Materialst Supplied and Installed Free Estimates ti HOUSESla furnlshed no ohjec ion ren near schoolp road and transportation Applyggx 64 BarrleExamlner 15112 90 CumberlandSh Phone 5185 BUNFURNISHED Rooms bright l65l42 clean and smart centrally located WERE As NEAR For business couple abstainers No children Phone 6342 15112113 AS YOUR TELEPHO SIX ROOM House and double gar agehot and cold water garden Six miles west of Elmvalo more diate possession Phone Elmyale CONCRETE 50113 15112 BUSINESS GIRL desires one or sidewalks drwewws barnyards ctc two girls to share furnished self contained apartment Central loca tion ApplyBox 33 Barrie Exa EXTERIOR STUCCO amineh 151111113 BLOCK LAYING HOUSE rooms for winter 16 Moderate Rates Prompt Service sulatedyfully furnished all inside conveniences hydro and telephone Phone 53 Collect 12 miles south of Barrie Box 62 Barrie Examiner 15112 or write may ESTIMATES Abanment both adults only 23 510303 Too SMALLH rooms apartment one childAlI downtown Barrie steam heated 9128 Phone Stroud lant after pm FURNACES AND Chimneys clean 15112 eduCI Robinson and Orr hone HEATEDV AND well furnished as 54 apartment Including refrigerator SIGNS Truck Le laid Suitable for school teacher or busl leaf window lettering Lumi ness woman Lovely view and sled 11110119 83 If very central Phone 3103 161124 llama FURNISHED nevVIy decorated Collette 00 Tm bdslttingroom with kitchenette Phone at 4903 see nd floor front hot water heatlngcontinuoushot water Bus ggin Gm g3 Fgih stop at d00tlsllls DGOpIe please Your choice Ame kinds References 90 Grove St Each montages pm and 1101s 211171 r66mnallconvghlg mph 16 61363 all Witwlmlalluc 12 Accmalo like so pr DEAD STOCK removed from so Ewgs includ Lambs This oradltahteshow recordfor anums CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE THoneSt Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 13109 1930 PONTIAC $45 Phone 5663 131 11112 1940 NASH Coupe with accessories $200 or best offer Phone 2078 after pm or weekends 13103tf 1952 CHEV mach 16666 mug new car condition Reasonable Phone 6626 113111113 1953 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe iOlV mileage Chaplain Camp Bor den phone 337 or 319 111111113 1950 lTON FARGO Truck com plete with racks he dutytirgs sun visor Apply Davis Minesing 111111112 39 CHEVSPickup Truck complete with stock racksiwill accept cat tie or hogs aspayment Johnston phone 3r22 Elmvale 13111113 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS 100 LBS Apply Gordon Mason phone 43r3 St oud 9112 HOLSTEIN COW Slyears TB test er due Oct Ursal Slessor 53 Oro lt 9112 CALVES FOR VEALING Apply Campbell Churchill Phone Lefroy 14124 9112 23 GOOD PIGS weeks old Ap ply Thompson RR No Stroud phone 231742 9112 HOLSTEIN Cows one due Oct one due Dec Apply Stephem $011 New Lowell Phone Creemore 405r12 9111112 PUREBRED Holstein Bu112 years old also Oxford Ram yearsgold Apply Baygalik Egbert Phone 46115 Alliston ROAN COW years duein Feb Blue Roan Cow years call at foot Hereford Heifer years call at foot David Dearden New Lowell 9112 NUMBER OF Purebred Tamworth Roars and 8051289119111 October Dark Red Registered Shorthorn bull 13 months Apply Norman Mayes phone9r4 Stroud 9111112 24 found Registereclomrd choice Ewe her of years Also 216111111 rants and one stud ram ert Center primevaosws 9112119b6ndArthur or 1y 1121 91 12113 pm ted 16 lord mum and Earrings to match delicious lunch wanserved We wbmla Betty very much from our munity Congratulations to Mr and Hal Jami Sanders nee Beverly Marksl ofBradfordl who were marries in the Anglican Church atBrad ford last Friday evening Sept 25 group of young peoplecnter mined Jack and his bride in the gaily decorated recreation room in the Lefroy Inn on Saturddy night when thep presented to the happy pair lovely china base table lamp The evening was spent in dancing Home From Fort William Mr and Mrs Jim Elliott have returned hom after motor trip to Fort William spending month there with the latters sister and husband Mr and Mrs Frank Will iams Motor To Quebec Province Mr and Mrs Norman GilmorlI are home after two weeks vacav lion the first week motoring with Mr and Mrs Edgar of Booman ville as far as Quebec and taking in the tours around that province Miss Oliver and Miss Walker and Ray Ferguson of Uxbrldge le lied Mrs John Ward and Bruce during last week number from here attended anniversary services at Alliston on Sunday also Angus United Church anniversary service in the even ing Baxter Presbyterian Church an niversary will be on Sunday Oct at 11 am and pm Rev Duke Toltcnham will be the speaker George Timpson and friend from Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gaulcy Sr Mr and Mrs Haugh visited at Coulson on Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs McFarland Mr and Mrs Ruddick spen the weekend in Toronto The farmers are busy with pota toes which are hardly worth dig caa CHESS CLUE OPENS The Mic Chm Cluhmwill be commuting its scilea of 1311 and winter meetings on Tuesday Oct at 11 p111 at the Community House on Toronto Street card ial invitation is extended to all thoseinterested in chess SUPPLIED CHILDREN MINE Crippled children in four North Simone townships benefit from the will of omen prominent district lumber king William Martin of 11111351112 bequest of $1009 will beplaecdintnntundtobeusedon behalf of cuppled children in Tiny Tay Pics and Medonte NURSES MEETING dinner mpcting for all regts tered nurses in the Alliston Bay ric and Collingwoud areas is be held on Monday Oct 630 pm in the Masonic Templ Barrie for the purpose of organ izing the fall program for Chapter of District No 11 of the Regis tered Nurses Association of On tario Registered nurses who are interested are asked to please con act Miss Elizabeth Langman at the Royal Victoria Hospital for reservations MARKET mess SEWER 39 953 iioos corms soon POULTRY As quoted by First Cmopmtlvo Packers of Ontario Barrie Hogs $3450 Sows 32300 EGGS Large Medium ging The trucks are just oifcr ing 65c bag big drop from lastycars price large crowd gathered in the Orange Hall here on Friday even ing to present number of gifts to the recent bride and groom Mr andMis Denney The evening commenced by modern and square dancing then around midnight thebride and groom were escorted to the platform where an address was read by Gordon and McLachlah an Walkom and Keith Turnbull presented them with beautiful coffee table large mirror and toaster The groom thanked all those who helped to make it very enjoy able evening and for th beautiful gifts Afterwards all went to the basement where bountiful table was set for everyone by the lad ies Dancing continued untilthe small hours BORN CLARKAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 30 1953 to Mr and Mrs Leighton Clark 399 Codrington Street daugh ter BAILEYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 29 1953 to Mr and Mrs Harry Bailey 85 Drury Lanea son Michael Arthur GARNERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 28 1953 to Mr and Mrs Donald Garner 118 Mulcaster St son Char les Allan GALLANTAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 29 1953 to Op and Mrs Gallant RCAMCCamp Borden son KAVANAUGHAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Sept 29 1953 to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Kavanaugh18 Adelaide St daughter LUNAUAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 29 1953 to Mr and Mrs George Lunau 41A Dunlop Street East daugh ter McNABBAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 29 1953 to Mr and MrsWilIiam Mc Nabb RR No Malton son Thomas Andrew McLEANAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 28 1953 to Mr 161d Mrs LyallrbIcLean RR No Thorntona 5011 MORRISAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 29 1953 to LCpl and Mrs Earl Mor is 59 Mary Street son Peeler Michael Mr and Mrs LeviSrigley wish to express their appreciation to the gentleman who so kindly notied them of the tire close to their barn and by his quick action avoid ed what might have been seri ous fire also to thankthe Innisfil fire brigade 112 HENRYInthe midst ofmy sor row wish to express my heart felt gthanks to everyone for the kindness andsympaihy shown me in the loss of beloved wife Alice Henry especially thanking Dr Gray nurses ofRoya1 Victoria Hospital Mr and Mrs EOJames LTB Lodge No 337 the pallbear ers Pethickssmth Funeral Home and neighbors lfMEMORIKM FunnelsIn lovingf memory of clear father DavidWalter Fin who passed auiaytOct Remembrance is golden chain Death tries to break but1111111 vain To have to love and then to part 15 the greatest sorrowof ones heart The years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out never Themcmory of those happy days when we were all together Atways remembered by son Douglas daughterlnIawsJOan and granddaughternarlelle 113 LINES In loving memoryot dear wife ancl mother Hannah Lines whogpassed away on Sept 30 1951 There is link death cannot sever Love and remembrance last for ever A1waurs thingmech by 411118 Pcewccs CHICKS Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grace toll lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special 33 Grade 32 Grade 26 Grade 16 Under lbs Special 31 Grade AT 30 Grade 25 Grade 16 Capons 2c over the above BOWL Grade Over lbs 30 27 13 to lbs 28 as 16 Under 11 25 22 12 AUCTION stiles Thursday Oct William Kelly SH Lot 22 C011 Innisl Auction sale of farstock equipmentand household effects Terms cash Sale at pm Sproule Aucti eer phoneStroud 23111 107 EridayOct George Dav east half lot 18 Con Essa lots south of Ivy Auction sale of farm stock and implements Terms cash Sale at pm Sproule Auctioneer 110115 Thursday00t 15 Farm stock and implementsLot Con4 Sunni dale Township Clarenc Switzer prop Watch for inventory later Charles Foster Auctioneer 11211507 NOTICE TO CREDITOKS The Administrator of the F5th of THOMAS EATON rammed latent tE Township of Vespn in the County of SiroccoFarmer deceased whodied onor about the 2151 day of August 1951 will distribute the assets oithe tie ceased to the persons entitled thereto after October 51953 haw mg regard only lto claims then properly filed with the under Signed COWAN dz COWAN 53 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors to the Administration 106112W dee Fisheries Act mo YOU Know 11M lliscontrary act and regulatian tons 01 oaoeompan1edby Police dog or croahbrood thereof whiteshunting cor or moose ms or tans1166131611 13511663 or momma nglthGANDG no