Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1953, p. 2

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med one mmmdlmm mg man which were radylme 033 cm =W iglxl mm yum Monday evening an 135 me walls of the building I7blthNNlVERSARY SERVICES AT my was served in the SimEm he mam mu ember Special purview Were beld oi land pm on Sunday Sept on 533 622 2n and woman railed and ll be read Ilr may vded theWW sexy of the building at the Ihurll5it 339 pm by Miaedlcatioo 1111 fall in Barrie Rev Orchard BA Idies Wmm lite Canad ung pm Ian BD Dim my Emmi people for their Wm tin Master University and now retired Rev William alum cl Falmomhqd and Emmi MM mt was the spam speaker Harland we the 33ml WWW yew imam which he stat Good conirezallom attended and and he thrilled his listeners With ied it would have be immibit spcciRl music was provided by tho tales of how his church had receiv choir under the direction Miss ed direct bit during the mall carry on cam temp hm expeclnlly Wm 9WD being elected president of 3311 Sorry we neglected to repun lulludian Weekly Newspaper Amoeba First Baptist Church at I1 am the 066 of the lent anmvor 15 weal that Bill English had wool lion and to the editor and mo of the doggie in The window all Barrie Examiner in being Youngs iGA store 101 guessingipaced first 10 tbe Ontario paper clones to date oi birth just being places of over 4000 population Iounqlour hours out Win km Attend Colllngwood Fair Congraulatlons to Mrs Ray John number from here enjoyed the ston in winning the refrigeraior nl Great Norlhem Exhibition at Colzine coo ing scllool also to other Margaret Sinclair and Arthur aerial invsierr of England Urig Smith organist Miss Joanrie TomImpaled his congregation bad tEEmY AN Wy AD lmgwood ladies won cakes groceries It the 3AM lzll lllllll hidoy5qlluvruyl0ci23 FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICES it Churchill 283 SLRS WCWWW Es JEWELLEIII IS GOING TO THE IIIIIIIIE EXIIIIIITIIIII AND WILL FEATURE SURPRISE BOX sALE $100 OF SPECIAL VALUES AT FAIR ONLY Feature Prize Will Be Youc er ForA STARTER SET Fdr in I847 R0 ER BROS NEW PATTERN HERITAGE 8EssoRd SIIlIiIdIIy are llIe Big IlIIys Moclus in lIIe huge newGenerol Exhibits Build ing the new Curling Rink MAC leERY ROIBALE ploy THRESHERSM LEO MOREAU ELMVALE 00 Phone 2267 Annie IIIir llIIys Enumimd Friend Mrs Sulherland entertained neighboring ladies and friends lo social evening and demonstration products on Tuesday evening Exlend Congnlulatlom Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Nelson Waison on the birth of their daughter on Monday Sept 21 Also 10 Mr and Mrs Mervin Ayers now residing in Toronto on the birth 01 daughter Sept 21 Recent Visitors VlSllOls includcd Ml and Mrs Reid of Victoria BC and Mrs Garvin ol Barrie at William Hub berts Mr nnd Mrs Norman Campbell Huntsville spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Norman Muycs Mr and Mrs Stewartand daughter ol Owen Sound were at Fergusons Jack Young and Bob Lackie lclt last week on trip to lhc West Mr and Mrs Robert Dixon lo Ionlo visited Madrid Mrs Blylhc Block AlVOES Grand Chapter Mrs Clifford Webb Allendcd Grand Chaplcr of 0138 as dclcgate In Toronto last week Mrs Campbell visited her IisterS and attended Grand Chapter vcrylovcly party was held in the community hall hero on Friday evening when three recent bridcsi and grooms were each presented with handsome platform rocking chairs Rod Black read the address and Robin Wright and Bruce Mc Arlhur made the presentation to Mr and Mrs Austin Edwmlm while Elglll Lee read an address and Elwood Webb And John BowL man made the presentation to Mr and Mrs Bud Martin and George Dietrich rend address and Charles Wright and Maurice Martin made the presentation to Mr and Mrsl Harvey Flegel All made splendid replies of appreciation Mr and Mrs Bert Mulholland played music for square donningwhile Mr and Mrs Jack Webster played for round dancing Mrs Ben Lee won the ladies cuchlc prize while Dwight Nelson wonthc menSprize 87th Birthday Congratulations to Mrs William Goodlellow who celebrated her 87lh billhduy anniversary on Mon day Sept 28 Thank you Jean Congratulation towMr Walls on linsou was sole at the mominglbuill with semipermanent revaim To Florian For Winter Mr and Mrs George Hunler and family have gone spend me win ier months in Florida Mntmd Mrs Wilson Hurst To ronto spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norman Palmer Mrs Graham Small is visiting her daughter and other relatives in Whitby Molor To Michigan Mrs Cyril McDonald Mrs True man Flall Mrs Cecil Clark andl Mrs Black enjoyed motor trip to For Ilpron Michigan lasl week Mr and Mrs Frank Graham llagclsvillc and Mr and Mrs Walsh of Welland were Sunday guests of Mr and Mm Jack Hughes 1015i Aunlverslry St James Church cellabrated on Sunday the 10151 anniversary of the building of the first Methodist chapel in Victoria now known as Slroud capacity congregation galheed in the morning to give thanks and hear message from Rev Clare Kellogg BA BD STM of Cookslown United Church Mr Kellogg spoke on lhe subject God Is Not Mocked taking his lexl from Pauls Epistle to the Galallans William Day of Mid hursl sang new version ol the TwentyThird Psalm and St James Choir presented the lamiliar an lllemScnd Oul Thy Light In the evening the sanctuary was prac tically lilled again to hear Mr Kel logg speak on the themefBut Peter Kept On Mr Day sang Come Unto Him lrom Handels Elijah and the choir contributed lwo anthems Sollly The Silent Night and fOComc To My Heart Lord Jesus The service was con ducted by the minister Rev GMorris and the church building was nicely decorated with baskets of gladloli and chrysanthemums Many old friends of St James were in attendance along with rep lescntalivcs from St Pauls Church Siroud Presbyterian Churchill Le lroy Thornton Cookstown Toron lo and Barrie The day was line the choir Sang beautifully and fine spirit of fellowship was felt in both services no or PARENTS Sept 27 lo Oct is National Immunization Week to remind parents that It islheir duty to see that their children are pro lecled against whooping cough Dance at Baxter Friday Sepl 18 to the music of Paxtonl CKBB Haylolt Party Dancing lrom 930 lo 130 BMW Egbert WA are holding bazaar and afternoon tea in the SS Room ol the United Church Friday Oct III at 230 ll2lISW Crusade For Christ October to 18 with Evangelist Jock Troup 01 Glasgow Scolland Week nights at 745 in Collier St Baptlsl Church Sundays 11 am and pm in Oddlellows Temple 110412 Mixed dancing eVery Friday and Saturday at Pine Crest miles north Barrie on Highway 27 or miles south Elmvale Music by Heptones 106llWF Mr and Mrs James Leonard oi Siroud will be at home to their lriendsand neighbors on the occa sion of lhe lOOlh your on Klldillt Farms on Del 10 or 11 from pm lo pm and evening lo 112 Barrie Cilizens Band Booster Concert Roxy Theatre Sunday evening Oct 18 Watch for fur lher announcement 109i Rummage Sale St Presbyterian Church lcclure room Owen and Worsley Streets Satur day Oct 17 at am 112 Orangeville District Hereford Breeders Association lst Con signment Sale and Show Friday Oct 16 Orangevillc Exhibition Burns 22 females bulls All cal lle are TB and blood tested Pro vincial bonus to apply Sale at pmsharp For catalogues write Mnlhelon Orangeville 109112 Dinner meeting lor all registered nurses in the Alllslori Barrie Coll ingwood areas is to be held on Monday Oct al 630 pm in the Masonic Temple Barrie lor the purpose of organizing the all pro gram for Chapter District 11 ol the RegisteredNurses Associa tion of Ontario Registered nur ses whoarc interested please con tact Miss Lnngman at the Royal Victoria Hospital for reservations 112113 St Georges Evening Guild an nual Bazaar Nov 18 113 Dance at Guthrie Community HullFriday Oct Good music Modern and old lyme dancing Ad migion 50c Lunch counter 112 Benefit dance alIvyAOrange Hall Ivy on Saturday Oct Bealtys MWMme rltraitl Andrcwsl WHATEVER YIIII MISS Admission 50c Sponsl sored by Ivy Baseball Club 112113 WW 3PM llOME AIDS SEE THEIII AT THE BOY TRACY EXHIBIT Barrie Fall FairOcl rmml is absolutely bagless uobng inside no bag outside Its quiet you can llsleu lo the radio while ensuing See llle new Filler Queen and lei us arrange demonstration in your own home Enjoy lhc later Home Sanitatlon Syslem and foster 13 your home Its any to use Just lcr better cleaning lap of the toe and its worklng THE NEW SUPERMATIC Floor Sewmg Muchlne Even better than ever We can de monstrate to you at the Fair just what wonderful machine this new Elna is Conditioner Scours Cleans Polishes Waxes Bulls Sands Gel in on the FRI2E llllAW lor II new lIIIIo Be sure and gel your ticket at the lair new Juno will be drawn lor over CKBB at 10 am Oct DONT III IIIIIIE IIIITIL IIIII IIIIE SEEN THESE TIIIIEE lIIIIIE IIELIs ROY TRACY 87 Maple Avenue Barrie diphtheria lo AW and smallpmlj Orchestra Free IIlllIIOIIlllW Each Day All Mill lllllllll lllllllll for The Lucky Winners Ill llle Ilaop llisplIIy lo carry home For beautiful Spring 11131115 Tulips Daffodils SIZE is important The Dulch gov ernmenl requires gurdon Tulip Bulbs lo be in or man around lo prolocl you from smaller size which might nol bloom Thols why we Toll Imporlod Holland Bull Hyacinths Crocus andother kinds or CANADA Asleest At Our Booth the gt BARRE FAIRIh cnln9mm snow18coup AT BARRIE EXHIBITION Wed like lo say Hello to you cl lhe Fair coor is Younluusmuss cox nlsmlcc coOPEIIATIVE SERVICES moNRgtuu inIIIu to uwyul

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