53 up mom or and mm visiting friends ligand 31 Hanan spent nun 0111 visionch recent Wday 13 mag it Bugh ts manGMnCsfdey it Mrsgood 311 Gordon Patton and and Mr sad rs Jack bmtl Wet htci fine of Toronto were Xtillfday visitors of otmomas stud Mm graham ms carriers 13111191 and sum Rev Kellogg patched the Toronto werervisimfs it mtvjtrsaryservice at Stroud on Moog III cum Mtuejfogioquighw the butch the WW rt to 99919 lattr momma the week SM Sept 27 Wang Km Tibb Miller and son mam Amtwlmil 3199 or of attic and Mr and Mrs Robot wmmkena oz an Edward Stminom WW WM Sits Alerts McMillan were Smoky visitors of Mrs James T2511 Preyterian meeting of the be hold at the home of Albct Erwm on Tuesday ev mitts Oct October meeting of the Wo mclsy institute will hold their reg nlarfnxeeng on Thursday Oct at no town ball This meeting is on ll 19 Economics and Health mine matinee olnsesdames El Eager 36111113111 wars inrm Patton and Cm an Itove planned an interesting pro gram Everyone welcome United Church my The United Church wil hold their October meeting on the at the home otMrs Herman Cor rign All members are urged to belpresentto make further plans fortheir annual fowl supper which 13 be on Oct at The program an lunch committee for this meet Miss Paterson Mrs yer Mrs Leadlay and Miss Begum Iowan Bowling League iigbteets couples of Cookstown who have former bowling league spent Friday evening Sept 25 at Alliston where they enjoyed their 1111 gonad o1 theseason CL Tmmed To Cova UJaclt Smith who has been man nazr of this Dominion Store in Al 11131011 for the past few years has been transferred to Barrie where winnerbetgmrhfute moms mmmmmmuoum SISLPMIWWWQ 091com so underarm spent to weekendwithuiuAndrtond toss MnELKFicldhouseUbML visited Mrs If Andros loathi dly Mrs Poole Orillla visited Mr sod lat51 Bertram last 8m Exitl The sympathy or the community is extended to Mrs Davis am family of inging HI and Mrs Amkrson Toron to visited Mr and Mrs Bowdety last wek to at Mrs Carrs on Sept 30 bazaar date to be set later also another bale 19151119 ORA to be prepared reports were given and the roll call answered by verse on Harvest The WCTU was con ducted by Mrs Carr and MrsTer fume introduced the study book Whgreer The Sun Mrs Corri gan gave short talk and after hymn was sung and prayer by Mrs Corrlgan the 11032311 served refreshments mm WMS The Presbyterian WES held their September meeting at Mr Hector Smiths on Wednesday evening Sept 16 The meeting opcned with hymn and scripture reading by he president and with Mrs Archie Currie leading in prayer Minutes wereread and business discussed and tbankoffering given The next meeting will be announced later 1nd Mrs Moore will be ob speakr Mrs Moore had charge of the program taking the sixth chapter of the study book on At rica with Mrs Gallop and Mrs Hopper assisting Mrs Moore also read another chapter The Life of gonzwan Gdartb After the Miz pub benediction Mrs Smith served delicious lunch Bally Day Service Rally Day Service was observed in the United Church on Sunday Sept 27 when 125 amazonand many adults were present The church was beautifully decorated with subunit flowers and ags and the choir presented special music The servicqwas taken byMrs superintcndento the Sum day School and assisting were Rev John Morris at und Mrs Grace who told freedom to the en Promotions took obsessional class from thecradle ton to mmmm for eIA W134 1112mm enter tam hex tamily on thoibasto her bmbdnyzf stomach 915m mt Km mace lt 94 p14 1qu an on goowwmnulocm cw WWMW Wm Mam HERE come rue MEN WITH THE SOFA MW obit780 650 on 71595191951 Boron mmmm moment of 505W cum manor coo WAGHM