Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1953, p. 14

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Mrs and daughter in Eb ierett Housewiiq Wins Drivein Theme Pilizer an and 94ml Boebk an Mr and Mrs Alex Leslie and ME My My Edahler of Toronto spent in Dwn and Am so and Mrs Firth Emma of Stayncr spent Sunday with My Crowd 83b rt CW1 winking of Bambi Mi Wm peax in chute 31 QR large crowd attended the sale 34 and Mrs Ea 5km 123 cvenmg The 11132 quartet or furniture the home of M1211 Sm gqz Tatum Bethel Baptist Church Grimawill Glen Hr and lira 51285 Atkmsonon Saturday afternoon 0d ame Sherbgke Qcwr sing bnzh services 11 aim and and Mrs Melchior Slessor our Gordon Funston is staying at an spending week wigh 730 9111 Betty attended anniversary services wrest one Amim my United Clutrcbqgii Anniversary services Will be more will be held Oct 18 held on Oct George Calvary of Wm 13w W1 Oriliia will bring the in um Ream am Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Cordonvcaade on tho arrival of ruby boy on Siturday Seplt in Rosco Victoria Hospital Barrie Tom Dcnlson underwenton opers ation in the Royal Victoria 1109 pital Barrio lost Tucsdoy His manyfriends wish him speedy the morning andNorman Whitney wpu Ton Wed low Vic turboc go had been in Orb Township 3119 on March r1 of the late William and and when he was 71 child they moved to Lot ll Ionisllt and be nt Holly Public School it be had followed farming the name him until eight years who he moved to Barrio ow to poor health is wife the former Mary Ann op predeceased him some yous ago and of tho family still surviving are one son Nelson Hgbbcrt of Barrie and one Simona William Pearson tthodoi The late Mr Rubber was mom bur of the Holly United Church for may years and was 1mm of Simon religious convictions and high princtplcs After coming to Burrie he joined the mombcrslup of the Full Gospel Tobcrnaclc and the funeral service on Saturday Aug 22 was conducted by Rcv Humid Wood of Toronto of the Jonnett Funcratllomc Bradford Street Battles fricmb from town and from Holly 11 numbcr were present from Baotou Alliston 11nd Toronto Burial was in Thornton Conic tety and pallbearers wore Villuun Hubbcrt Stroud Elvin lcurson William Hopkins and Francis Crane orrlhornton James Hopkins unri Emerson Graham of Barrio IN Express Manager Edward Lowrie Wright DiosAt Collingwood Colllngwood EnterpriseBulletin leas decided shock to his lamily and friends to learn of the very sudden death of lr1vr ence Edward Lawrict Wright passed away early Wednes duy morning Sept 1953 vhcn ho suffered coronary thrombosrs Hbad been abhis work onTucs and appeared to be In his state of health Wright had lived in Culling wood since 1905 as manager of Canadian National Express ice and through these years watched the growth of thrs Bess For many years the ox ofike wits located on Hur St on the premises next Cameron Park but for several r8the7ofice has been situated kittipmm site at the ONE sta Bofore coming to Coiling wood be had been in Winnipeg Barrie Vlyears ago he Wits 80 the late Samuel and 1umeiBroiWerWrtgm and tire last stuvlvlor emberm faintly of chilern His maternal grand momma come from Oluo and as wolf as Mr Wrights father but of Barrios pioneer mcri Mar 32nd degree Shrincr or Mnnito Lodge in Knight Templar 0eccivcd 25year mt1tefjdctf8110vs Lodge intake former member of Club the Coiling GdlfClub and the Chamber 9113 Wright was member of glican Church His partic htth Was thatrof gardening pent many hours working gardens otbishome at the married Rita Devine 11 she with one daugh wrviveshim ml riteswere held on Fri tiernoonfat the Trott Fun when the Rev ER hinted Interment was be Presbyterian Ceme pallbearers were Shincrs SMilhWhlt Hammond Robert Cameron tandVictor Ellis hooffriends attended the Earle and profusion V10 4er floral tributes were ofthe esteem in which 31911 clout to at 94 ett Correslsondence gCotberine mu Widow of to Robert Reid passed away t1 berthome in Everett south year Reid was born on Feb 17 theJrownshippof Tossor theirmarriage was sol in November1884 All 01 it March 1892 Oakley prede l953 01 the urvitdpg are one George PeaCock our grnndcl1ildren of Detour Bud Morris James clip 91111331 and children Jack There is also recovery Mr sndHt=5Jaclt Andgrsonand talus of Alltston 113th on sun day with Mr 91nd Mrs Waltcr An derson and Roger Islam From Winnipeg Mrs Ethel Loking returned bofne Just wool after spending the past lsix weeks or so with ltcr son Sgt Emittingand Mrs Lnking Bobby and baby at Winnipeg Mr and Mrs Bertram Sawyers land childicu of Alliston visited on Sunduy with Mr and Mrs Frank Sawyers Mr and Mrs thlph Hunter Wayne and Dale of Alliston wore Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Andorsdn and Melon Home From Hospital Parker Holt roturncd home from itltc Gencral and Marine flospztul iCollittgtvOod lust vcck feeling mulch improved Mr and Mrs Don McGillivury nnrl children of Stuyucr were Sun dny visitors wuh Mr and Mrs iCieu go Garland wveoiuooe Vcrn Rankin Toronto spent the iwcckcnd with his wife and chil ltlrcn Mr and Mrs anb Barrio aisitcd tllt lftltcrs parents Saltw day Mr and Mrs Willium Charles and Mr and Mrs llounsonw lspcnl Saturday to Barrio number fromsultcrc nttcntlcd Collingwood Fair on Saturday Mr and Mrs Plumtrcc and sdaughtcr also Mrs Fclhtantspcnt in few duyswith friends in Lind ivsny Mr and Mrs Charles Hounsomc luttcmled Lindsay Fair Saturday iond returned by Algonquin Park May Pagan llliC spent the wcckcnd with her parents Roy Eaklcyx Toronto visited his wifcwnnd family during the wcck cud Return to Weston Mrs Iztpscolt Weston spent Saturday with her sister Mrs Al lcn Busch Mr Busch and family and Mrs McLean returned to Wes ton after spending the summer with her daughter Mrs Busch requiem mass was sung by Fathcr Keclcr For interment in Allislon Union Cemetery the pallbearers were six nephews Frank Rusk Oakley Dew HERBERT NEAR manager of the Huronia DriveIn Thea ttc presents Mrs Orval Torry of 129 Mary Street with the grand prize in this seasons householdquiz at the theatre an Easy Spirolutor washing machine hw 1s4 Goldwater Commentary Church Services llcv Ross Cumming Goldwater was preacher nt anniversary ser viccs at Hnwkcslonc Unitcd Church on Sunday Rev Hugh Shannon Hawkcstonc took the Goldwater United Church services Another Goldwater pastor Rev Charles Cnticr of the Presbyterian Church was anniversary speaker at Uptcrgrovc on Sunday number of Coldwatcr Presby terinns attended the anniversary at Port McNicoll Anniversary scrviccs are being held at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Coldwntcr on October Rev Jack Stnyuer will be guest prcnchcr and special music is being arranged Masons marched to the evening scrvice at Coldwater Anglican John OHearn Thomas and WillvaCliurch on Sunday where they iam Tracey and Herbert Shepherd Among the beautiful flowers from relatives and friendspwcrel also tributes from EverettIWom ens Institute and from the chap lain andislaff Camp Borden Besides large attendance of friends and neighbors rclativcs were present from Detour T01 onto Mimico Stroud Stayncr and Allislon district mtg Funerolz Servic Hold ForMrs Hilden Parker Passes In 48th Year Funeral service for Mrs Hildcn Parker resident of Barrie for the past nine years was held at the Jennett Funeral Home here on Thursday Sept 17 Mrs Parker died at the Royal Victoria ospital on Monday Sept of cancer She had been under constant treatment for the disease since February 1952 She wosuin her 48th year native of Crandall Man where she was born on June 1906 the deceased was the former Christina Mae Henderson laugh ter of the late Mr and Mrs George Henderson She moved to Con quest Sask at the age of two and lived there for 15 years Later she lived in Saskatoon Sask for three years and in Edmonton Alta for two yours She was in Scuttle Wash for year before moving to Toronto and lived there for 15 years before coming to Barrie in 1944 member of the Baptist Church the late Mrs Parker was an ardent worker in Collier Street Baptist Church hcre Besides her husband She is sur vived by daughter Kay six sons Lyle and brother Douglas of Barrie GeorgeHenderson St Cathanesr three sisters Hannah Barrie Mrs Balkwill Selkirk Ont and Mrs Warren Nauman Fisherville The funeral service at the Jen nett Funeral Home was conducted by Rev Nullmeyer Pall bearers were Horley Harry Frid Bloomfield Roy TtaCey Bert Srigley and Bert Etherington Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery Among the many oral tributes were those from Hillcrest Public School Collier Street Baptist gilllbaleys Boxing Club Paterson allelotives and friends attending tho funeral included George Hand1 worsen and family St Oatltarines Mr and Mrs Balkwill and mtly8elkir Mrand MrsWars umaozond amily Fisher others from Toronto and St Cath hcard on addressby RemRobert Wigby spcinl Award Winners Tabulation of points made by various contestants in departments of the ColdWater Fair has resulted in dcclaration of number of spe cial award winners Lloyd Bunt Coldwaterpwas most frequent winner in the school sports for boys and the top girl athlete was Joanne Dobson Eady The John Walker special for most prizes won in the Flower Show was obtained by Mrs Minnie May hcw Waubaushen The Eaton special for out standing winner innecdlecraft was awarded to Mrs George Orr Foxmcad Mrs Leonard Booth Carley was the top winner in the Domestic Science class Winners in the Womens Institute Display were lst Grenard 2nd Warminster 31d Waubaushene 4th North Rivorf 5th Eady 6th Coulson New Appointments Mrs Morley Yon Gladys Lether by Orillia formerly of Goldwater has been appointed assistant to Coirnty Health Unit and nurse is Mrs Hurry Barnes Jessie Ryan Orillio alsobrhviottsly of Cold water Vacation In West Foreslcr for Severn River Area Lanc with his wife are leav ing on months vacation in West ern Canada which will take them as for as Vancouver School Board Meeting The matter of unsafr egyiimncnt already at the public school playground was considered at the School Board mccting last week The swings and tcctcrtotters originally belong cd to the Lions Club and the sec retary was asked to find out WllC ther they still owned them or had transferred thcm outright to the Board An inquiry was made rc gording attendance llf student at Coldwntcr schooll but duo in overcrowded conditions the applicant living outside tho section was informed the child would have to go to school in Toy area Secretary Mrs Eplett was asked to havetcachers Cortiracts completed where necessary Prin cipal Ivor llumphreys was proscm to obtain information about sup plies and other school matters As there are 47 pupils in Room Mr llumphreys agreed to make sur vcy of children likely to startmexl ycar tohclp the Board arrive at the best policy to meet the pro blem of overcrowding Cha man Norris Walker and trusteesfrs Hall Mrs Tipping cud Williams attended Absent uverc trustees Mrs Manning arid Robinson Mens Club Meeting St Motlhias Mens Club met last home of Mr and Mrs Jown Ordon tortbc timobclng fr and Mrs Kidd Stay attindcd the anniversary scr vice in the Anglican Clturcltherc on Sunday Anglican Anniversary Anniversary service was held in tho Anglican Church on Sunday with goodly number attending Rev Hopi Bicklcy of Camp Bordon ltllttlttl inspiring mcsv sagas at both sctvlccs Mrs John Synmtt of Mansfield spent low days with Mr and burst Barrio Cannington and oth cr town wow lltt following from Coldwztlrf lrrsirltnt Ciurcnu Ward and Mrs Warl Dr and MN Hull Mr zuul Mrs ll LilllP Mr and Mrs Wm Wylic and Mr and Mrs Glcasdull Brownie ltrgisfrntions Dtmllltlt for this your for regis trations for lllmtnllg is Sept 29 The lmtltltrs ttll hold Cookic Day Nov if and Meetings Resumption of moretings by the Home and School Association Sept 30 film in tho Public School will litfcuturctl by curd party Dies After Illness Mrs Lauru ItVllllf Dcvitt wife of the late Tlnrltson John Dcvitt passed away at hot lein Street homo Tultlwntrr on Sept 22 after lengthy illncss Service on Sept 25 was followed by interment 11 St Andrews Ccm ctoty rlllin New Appointment William Davidson of Toronto sun of Mrs Wm Davidson Sr of Colclwutct rcccnily was appointed drafting supervisor for lead ing electrical company He will supervise drafting for power trans formers and will be transferring to new plant at Guelph next year Bill was one 0f 12 employees chos cn from 2000 to take special course lost your and Mrs Harry Jenkins Mr and Mrs John Hendrick from Detroit accompanied by Mr and Mrs Abe St Peters 3nd St Peters of Leamirtgton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Al Hillier Move To Pchwswa Camp Ptc Belaoger of Petawswa ar rived over tbc weekend to move his wife and family to the camp Audcy Stlnsbn of Motion called on triends in Everett on Saturday Mrs Bold and Blanche spent tho weekend With Mr 1111 Mrs Frank Crosbic Slayncr Miss lsabcl Leslie Georgetown spent the wooltrod at her home here Weekend Fishing Garfield Blanchard accompanied by Kenneth Blanchard Calvin Haddock and Ross Grconman of Alliston spent the wotkend fishing at Six Mile thkc chcrn Miss Noreen Murphy Mansfield spent the weekend with Cloris Wrigncr Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson Mr and Mrs Vic Lcsnge and family of New Lowell Spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Reno De Wilde WYEVALE Home Front Hospital William Stott is home from St Andrews Hospital Midland after being there for over twa months following fall in the barn during haying operations Suffer Stroke Mrs Guest suffered stroke Saturday and wastaken t09Mici land hospital The Late William Parnell Sympathy is extended to the relatives of William Parnell who passed away Thursday at the home of his nephew Victor Slott 11011111 roar $001118 them quickly and effectively Get fastdrying Minards Linimentrub 10011 Feel the coolnessget relief quick KING or mu week and named the following teams for the $500 financial Vcam paign in the Parish Russ Hawk ins and Tom Kitchen Herb Stoveus and Earl Doblc Mel Wylcyland Jack Walker Godfrey Lyeiond Chester Martin Reg Tippinv and Milt Eplett Clarence Wardiand Wilfred Powers Frank Turle and Frank Williams Chairman of the October 15 meeting will bejMel Wylcy Get Allospital Contract The Goldwater firm of George Price Co Ltd has been owardctl the contract for heating plumbing and other facilities for tbejnew hospital at Penetang The ilocal company is atpresent engaged on contracts for collegiates at Coiling wootl Haliburton and Elmvaley Conducted Serviceg Rev Veals of Mineingcon ducted services at Coldwtaer finit ed Church Sunday Fair Prizes Mrs Clarence Word Of Cold wbierWonsixfirsts and one schnd Out ofnintries at Midland fair Lions Lndies Night Attending Ladies Niglftlpro gram at resort near Orillin with 200Lions and their from Orillia Beaverton CONTINUOUS SALE ESUEDE JACKETS wruonnEAKERs for men and boys Slightlyfoctory soiled $895 to $1135 STATION WAGON COATS SUITS better quality for menfaCtOry clearance once Church Barrie Boxing Club and in alifetlme Regular $4300 to $5000 Special $195 for children sizes up to 114 Weatherproof heavyiulted wwwtmjuiuu STOCKINGS for women fingst cotth pairz PANr1Esg 191 children fslzesjupto 14 pan PARTIES for women SEML Lu pair SHORTIE COATS 1011 childrengtegular $1095 sl ip t06 PEDAL cosmos unCanuuuiuunuuuuuuunu vim Ono moonufrnn avaluesttp to 9309 Monarchcalamity Sizes 24 91 LINIMEHT tin Leighton Sicssor and Betty of Holly and Mrs Boy Martin of Bulmrs Thursdaycrimp at Edgar on 51111633 Sorry to repert Hrs musgi anm Mr and Mrs Charles Campbell ill Weilmpe sbcwlilsooo polygon ilioi V8 SEDAN Power Stcering Pow er Brakes car 1952 PLYMOUTtr Cranbrook nwnborfioebdcd the product demonsth it meamw 17213211 1952 PLYMOUTH Cambridge Sedan 1952 PLYMOUTH CranbrookVClab Coupe 19511101169 Regent Sedan 1951 rumor Sean 1951 VANGUARD Seuss 1950 METEOR Coach 1950 CHRYSLER Wlndso radio 1949 CHEVROLET Curb Coupe 1949 AUSTIN Sedan 1948 MORRIS Sedan 1947 PLYMOUTH Deluxe 1941 MONARCH Sedan 1946 CHEVROLET Cogolt 1941 NASH Sedan 1940 CHRYSLER Coach Sedan 1938 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1931 ESSEX Coupe 1950 Chevrolet 1z ton Panel 1950 Mercury Express V2 ion l950 Dodge Express ton 1946 International K6 cab and chassis I938 International K5 cab and chassis scuooL Bus VAuuas it 1947 REO= 43 passenger finished in school bus colors 1945 ooooo 25 passenger finished in school bimfcolors Corby Motors limited aurh1e1 MonareltyDealerggvsOperates complete repair Meteor Moicums curyi trucks and jFird tractors servic fargoll Ford products JOrclgxMonatrigh Lincoln cars Trout Factory iroind mechanics working gt modern and Us genUine Ybu Wad service and im ioratofiprlcesfioo Ourservcothctodgawht mem staumungu gallon and ollitypos Work

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