gt Shut Visit Rev Mr 13th and Francis climbed spent Sun day nicht with Mr and 1414 Dexter on their way to Toronto whore Francis is going to Osgoode Hall gt Home mm Soc Ronald Dexter returned home from Saul Sic Marie where he ms enrpltryod for the summer holi tays Ronald and me of his col lege pals spent Monday in Detroit Home Weekend rt Carmen was home from Toronto for the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Ralph Car man 481k Anniversary Mr and Mrs Rutherford and Joan Beeton and Henry Miseamp bell Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Andrew Misaimpbell$ Mr and Mrs MLscampbcll cele brated their 48th wedding anniver Congratulations and has has go out to them and Mrs Elliott Bush and Judy Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Attends Funeral Mrs Ella Zimtxerman went to Toronto to attend the funeral of her nephew Jack Wade Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs Wade me Isobel Hurstl in the passing of loving Son husband and father Ohio Visitor Miss Beverley Hill Cleveland Ohio visited Mr and Mrs Ralph Carmen recently on Mania to II Mmyt Get nosey hm with II NIAGARA AUTO 10AM How much do you need $100350031000 More You can get Niagara auto loan in matter of minutes Bring in owner ship papers and choose the payment plan that suits you host Loans to 01500 carry lifeinsurance for your fitm ily protection at no extra costto you YOU PAY 1555 01 MANY FRIENDLY lOANS Monthly No04 Pawn Payments $5500 14 4500 20 3300 15 Iona 12 74755 cams 10575 WILSON BUILDING you Office Sq BARBIEPhoue 4640 in AffCamdian Company in on 60 cilia Mr and Mrs Neustad spent Sunday with M1 Item ar mom Vidts Slider Mr and Mrs AJELIrecman spent few Gary recntly in Owen Sound witth Mr Freemans sister Mrs Bannemtan Mr and Mrs Anderson spent last Sunday with friends In Lindsay In Hamilton Mr and Mrs McLean spent Smithy in Hamilton guests of Mr and Mrs Wallace McCurdy Charles Hooking Toronto was recent visitor at the home of Mrs 13 Palmer Anniversary Services Fred Cooke Bratord had charge of the armiversary services in Christ Anglican Church here on Sunday last Special music by the choir assisted by friends was very much enjoyed and appreciated BURNS WMS Meeting The ptembcr meeting OfBurns WMS was held at the home of Mrs Cmsbic with 30 in attendance With Mrs McCaguc pre siding the meeting Opened with the prayer hymn and LOrds Pray er in unison followed by hymn and prayer by Rev Mr Shilton During the busincs meeting an nounccmcnts were made Of Baby Band meeting at the home of Mrs me sectional meeting in Stroud on Oct 28 andl Dc Sorter Oct the the Sunday evening service was extended to the visitors and fitting tribute was made to the memory of the late Mrs Hal bcrt Alliston former member of Burns society Mrs McCague con tributed an article One Solitary Life and the roll call was re sponded to with the word Live Mrs Allan Corrigan presented an impressive and challenging medi tation on the theme Come and See and Mrs Fred Cbrrigan rend ered the 5010 Heard the Vcice of Jesus Say The worship ser vice concluded with prayer offer ed by the leader and the hymn He Liveth Long Mrs Small presented the chapter of the study 0001 Whereer the Sun and the meeting closed with the hymn The Day Thou Gavest and M12 pah benediction letter recently received by Mrs Crosbie from her daughter Phyllis was read and social hour followed Essa School Fair Burns was well represented at the Essa Township School Fair held at Angus last Wednesday and the teachers and pupils are to be congratulated upon their achieve ments winning some $60 in prize money as well as the Coch rane Trophy for the school having the highest number of points An ne 810112 was awarded the Wood cash award of $10 for chamx pion showman in section and also book donated by the Ea ton Co Ltd to the girl winning the second highest total ntunber Of points at the fair Judging at Show Mort Butchers was in Fergus on Saturday judging at the Welling ton Gounty Holstein Black and White Show Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Oscar Pingle and family and Mr and Mrs Pin gle Oshawa accompanied by Jack Rom British Columbia spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs SWen son Elmer Fischer in Burns Church Nov welcome for 11191174toANSSSSiSStRIENDLYtOANS55$ and Mrs Elmer Stoltz Thatsright for every two pounds lie of Pig Statfem fed you get pomtd of pork All and only Purina Chows rare now Mlcro Mixcontrolled for thorough distribution of all ingredients throughout ransom PHONE 2982 cup THIS couroN $2500 on all used cars on $50000inalue on all used trucks gt to $000 in value rrrrr 233 calibration Yeast gaunt1111 urns2 glibs Dlwsu BARRIE Sunday Vldtou Mr and Mrs Waiter WCulien Caledon and Mr and Mrs Hugh Lee Orangevrlle were Sundayl visitors at the home Of Mr andl Mrs Wilmer Palmer Means Good Winter Raspberries are producing oven Lime for some of our kitchen gar dcncrs IL Walkcm and GIS Waco picked from slums several fully ripe berries this week Lets hope this will mean an Open all and not too cold winter Ban Carrel proudly displayed one Of the slums in his grocery store win dowhcrc Mr Carrol Ls the old 65 business man in Tottcnhzun having come here in June of 1886 and he will bc 81 years of age not Jun next IEFROY United lmrch WMS United Church WMS were on termlncd at the home of Mrs Frank Chappcl for their Sepem her meeting on Wednesday evening of last week Mrs William Noble presided Scripture readings were taken by Mrs Mervyn Noble Mrs Jean Weeks Mrs Jack Farrier and Mrs Cruse Mrs Wight read paper on Christian Stewardstip brought home fine quota of and Mrs Chappcl on Temperance Mrs Stephens gave talk on work accomplished by Rev James Robinson Miss Rogerson ted and several thank you notes Cummings took chapter of the study book was decided to have speaker the church October meeting in thci ing on Oct 23 at Mrs Grosc the regular church service was held on Sunday Rev Mor ris was assisted in conducting the services by Larry Stewart Sunday School superintendent The prolt gram as arranged by the board of education of the United Church was followed throughout Donald Sawyer Trudinc 0113 and Kathy Hcfland read the portions of Scripture selected Miss Luella Donnelly took the story while Mrs Noble and Sheila Rcive conducted pretty exercise hymn for the be ginners class Mr Morris deliver cd his address following the offer ing which was taken up by Ian Jack mentor for Trail Rangers and Arthur Jack wearing the Trail Rangers badge The missionary department of the United Church is especially interested in Rev and Mrs Smith the first mis sionaries to Rhodesia from the United Church of Canada Jim Beasley Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Doug las Reid and family Birthday Party Mrs Tom Sawyer and Mrs Lloyd Sawyer entertained number of friends on Monday evening in hon or of Mrs Susan Paul whose birth day came on Sept 20 Mr and Mrs Angus Williams Ottawa visited Mrs Harry Wight over the weekend Holiday in Quebec Mrand MrsNorman Gilmore have been enjoying holiday in Quebec Mr and Mrs Ross Beatly Jean and John of Stayner Mr and Mrs Gordon Todd and Glenn of Churc hill and Mr and Mrs Frank Todd Gilford were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Earl Gilmore Pupils Bring Home Prizes Our new teachers Mrs Hindle and Miss Downey of the ltwo rooms of the public school are to be cOngratulated onthe represen tation of their school at the fair at Stroud last Tuesday The pupils DLscussions were considi cred re the coming district meetI Stroud The2 meeting closed with the Mizpahl benediction Assisting the hostessl in serving were Mrs Noble and joint service of Rally Day and CROSSLAND Quite large crowd from this community attended the memorial services at Waverley on Sunday WI Meeting Crossland Womens Institute met at Mrs Bothwichs Sept 10 The meeting Opened With Opening Ode Lords Prayer and Mary Stew art Collect Roll call was answer ed by 19 members How to keep peace in the family There were 11 vLsitoIs Businegs was discuss were read Mrs Robert Stroud presided over the meeting Mrs John Lougheed gave report of swimming lessons taken by some of the young folk Comments on the ACWW in Maple Leaf Gar den were given by Mrs George Anderson prepared by Mrs Joel Lock hymn was sung Mrsl Strouds draw was won by Mrsl Mrs Mchnis is to bring draw for next month Mrs Barnet contest lst Mrs Ml Thompson 2nd Mrs John Loughi cod The meeting closed afterl which the hostess and committh served tasty lunch Next mrrti ing will be at the school Quite few attended Orillia Oro and Midland Fairs Mrs Potts Mrs AlliII and Mrs Shaw visited Mr and Mrs Currie Sutton Midhurst on Friday Mr and Mrs Melbourne Barnes Edward and James spout Sunday at the Barnes home prizes To Welcome New Residean The social evening pertaining to welcome the new residents of the community will be held in the church hall Wednesday evening Sept 30 at 830 Motor to Westcrn Ontario Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Stewart and Mrs Susan Reid motored to Guelph Paisley Godsrich and Clinton visiting relatives Mr and Mrs Tait and children Cannington are visiting at the Donnelly home EVERETT Tossorontio School Fair The day was bright and sunny and it was childrens day at the Tossorontio school fair held at Eir crett on Wednesday Sept 23 The parade was one of the best in years and the children did remarkably well It was very hard to judge as to which schools should be given the prizes put up by The Lottin dale at Everett in which the prizes were given for the best banners and marching First prize of $7 went to Clougher School where Mrs Bellamy teaches Second prize of $4 went to No 11 where Miss Ruth Ireland is teacher Third prize went to Lisle School in which Mr Elloitt is teacher The parade was headed by members of council and thrschoofboards of the town ship At this time wc want to congratulate the winners of tho prizes and also to those schools not winning we wish to congratulate them also as they all did remark ably well and the teachers and pu pils deserve very special congrat ulation and best wishes from the Lottindale for their fine showing at the fair gt KNOCK Mr and Mrs Gibbons and family and Mrs Robert Gibbons spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Simpson at Hornby Mr and Mrs Joseph Cochrane and Mr and Mrs Wice spent the Guelph The monthly club meeting was held at the home of Mrs Bow man and Mrs Bowman Sn with good attendance start had been mad on the quilt to be completed as soon as possible It also was decided to get some sew ing org the next meeting Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Conrad had program arranged followed by lunch by the hostesses and com mittee The next meeting will be held at Mrs Metcalfes on Oct 21 John Martin left on Saturday for Toronto where he will be at tending university this year Good luck John Mr and Mrs Scott Alliston visited with their daughter find DIAL 4981 family Mrs Webb recently Miss Louise Shannon spenasir Sunday with Miss Marian Cough and attended the Crown Hill an niversary curTHIS couroN 34 $5 $5000 ion all usedcars over $50000 in value $10000 on all used trucks over $30000 in mini 10 on putclimax of one used car or truck Only Tracts accopiod Our prim ire ihglowest intomt MAMANINW MTION CANT 86 weekend in London and 300 30 mar My AND WELL Mo moms NOT HOME HE GOT Wm OFFndOH 5ND Mifi EmTEAD CAL NQMlSED 70 ON NIGHT tva WEAZE 10 HAVE THE 90215 MRI 51 Au HATE to Run BATINA 6W7 ALI RIeIIT ma RELAX ILL LET you wits MAKINW M153 PANCEIIE CANNOT TREAT IADY IBEEJ sum or mm Haze cut 7qu 711 ms Bur VA5110 M12 BEAVER BACK WAY H078 TDEPQLIADEIOH to come acc HAHA IM wmrmtwu seam WINNING uzso no Suez To us Paton WMPYTlm M5 vim OONT v02 LEV COME TO rag IABLE swan SUPPER Is SERVED Arc WHO LADY112 ouwuulm 6110010 38 PE ME 1mm WADE BACK $130 AINT THE CHOCOLATE Witt WELWEHWEH WE HAD MIN MJTAKE GAME iwunN F02 you WELL HES OUT CF LOGOer SHE DECIDED ID GNE JUNIOR BATHI BEEN PWINA wsu mum to win wen watt wen Km nw wau wau wan wuweu V3 Wilda mu AND JUNIORS YETHAS GIVEN HlM THEHSAME v4 NOBUT THAT JUNIORS CLEANED or WMA ORDERED ME To me BATHA1D= wuRE NEXTII if Mom coir 195 in Etwrturndiulir In humi World Ii WELL 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