Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1953, p. 2

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yVanecuver risked Mr and Mrs fieonett for few days Motor ro in Waiter Sutton Zinnia tml as Mr Sutton Mrs Mrs Pearsail Marigold African Mrs Hall Mrs Mei ludhope Oates Marigold tegcmnll 02m Mrs RaTil firs Gordon Caldwell Nasturtium Mrs NY Weekend and Sunday visitors Mr and Mm Arthur HeQuay of Mfr and mcmldinni and Enjoy Steak Fry Springwatenlark Association for Be Villbeheldln School on Monday Guts speaker Amuse mm We cram 1y invited 04 ii planning to spend most of at tie kir grounds this Although the divisions are large this year she states year it is hoped that will be enlarged there has been no op portuaiy to have an art exhibit for immune because of the Sim coo County art exhibit being held in Odober in Barrie project that is taking all of the local artists time am trying to havewomen on the job every minute of the fair days Mrs Grant of this years ven ture There will be one or two womenon duty at all hours during the three days and visitors will be able to examine the articles on dis play to good advantage With their assistance Interesting Entry Among the interesting entries in Lthe various divisions will be table cloth and mpklns made by the Redanptoristlne Sisters of the Mom of the Holy Redeemer in Barrie Belonging to Miss Eve lyn Brenrhn of Barrie it is in the indie Tree pattern and is extreme ly beautiful lnthe crafts class there will be variety of woven leather and metal articles place mats belts gt or bag scarves ladies purses wallets key cases and change pursesglovesdewellery and email bowls or ash trays Needle workarticles will include wide variety in babies clothing chil drens aha ndults knitted wearing crocheted chesterfieid sets luncheon cloth and napkins place mats table cloths tea towels pot hold on kitchen curtains pillow cases pyinmex sport shirts for men haunt dresses aprons childrens dreei overalls quilts was bedspreads bath mats runarticle of hemstitchlng and crude stitch articles made from flour bggsshopping bags and col lections of Girlstmas gifts In itbe home cooking division judgeowill have to choose be tween entries of bread rolls buns date andvnut loaves muffins bis cuits fancy sandwiches cookies and Wakes jelly rolls cakes pies conned fruity all types of and roasted chickens it TEE iii fWas Night Mimis Point Wisuurday for the closing night lms Point Dance Pav ilion mourns good attendance and all spent an enjoyable tune to the mtte of Bob Hunter and his bindwith vocals by Bing Mayor Kheioeasonhas been one of the met this Doliular resort just fondue boyme Barrie and management of proprlo dorm Shannon and his brew Phil everything has gone mouth the Mineta Point Pooperty Ownersf Association as Wcomidorahly by cleaningup the park area and placing markers for parking sections AREA OF PROVINCE Princedward Island has anbrea of 2181 acquare mileva It is 120 milgngngland its average width is 988 IcKELVEY of Berton superintendent of Simcoe Manor was elected president of the Onlt tario Association of Managers and Matron of Homes for the Aged at the recent convention in Fort William Dr McKelvcy has serv ed on the executive since 1948 and was 2nd vicepresident lost your Canadian Music Cones of Age Speaker Asserts Continued from page one day has been modern and often was not appreciated while the com poser was still alive At first the modern compositions may seem strange but each time they arc heard they are more understood and the listener will develop gradual interest in them forthcoming Concert Shipraised the formation of Canadian Music Council headed by Sir Ernest Macmillan and spoke of the forthcoming Carnegie Hnll concert when six musicians have been chosen from across Canada as representation of Canadian music Compositions will include Dr Henley Willans Coronation Suite The profits of the concert will go towards presenting concrrts of Canadian music in other countries to make it still better known The program by the music pup ils included two selections by Jane Rooke The Ballet Dancer and The Circus Parade by Hilda Capp All The Kings Horses by Ellison played by Bryon Bre thel Soldiers in the Distance by Bejamin played by Ross Gil my The Little Tin Soldier and The Doll From France present ed by Larry and Joanne Bibby with Joan Murphy as accompan ist Three Blind Mice theme and four variations by Thompson play ed by Mary McDermott The Doll Dance by Mercandunte played by Margaret OConnor The Butter fly by Merkel with Gail Shank at the pimow Sir Rupert by Schumann played by Douglas Mnr ren Schuberts Impromptu in Flat by Kaye Livingston All in an April Evening by Black sung by double trio from Elm vale High School EthelvMae Kim berley and Edith Robertson first soprano Isabel Anderson and Mar garet McGinnis second soprano and Ann Averill and Pearl Cor bett alto The Two Larks by Lcschetizky played by Suzanne Walls and Ritual Fire Dance by de Falla played by John Allason Represent Studios Chosen from the music studios of Mrs Inger Aarson Mrs Alice Booth Miss JessieR BrysonMiss Elsie Cloughley Miss Dorothy Johnson Mrs Thelma Maclnnis Miss Audrey Milligan Sister Re dempta Miss Eva Rumble and Angus Ross the pupils selections represented work of the various grades Excellent Film The great Hapsbuig collection of art treasures part of which was shown in the excellent color film that closed the evenings program contains remarkable number of ne paintings and works of sculp ture Also of particular interest were several samples of the gold smlths art The camera examined closely sev eral of thelarge canvasses of such famous artists as Rubens Titian Tintoreto Vermeer Van Dyck and Velasquez and beautiful lighting techniques were used to show some ofthe fine art treasures to best advantage The excellent commentary made the film doubly enjoyable and educational and provided half hour of unusual linterest to art lovers to close the excellent program American cottonls successfully grown at Kassaiainthe Anglo Egyptian Sudan 199 yfostive tour Tampa 9nd so Petersburo in two nights and one in Florida 100 Mlomkkochlhw The Examiner Social Club mem bers and theirjriends and farm flies enioyed picnic outing and steak fry at Springwater Park Midhurst on Wednesday large attendance of around 50 enjoyed Tbones cooked in the and Mrs Ben Mcquay outdoor atmosphere by an expert chef Herman Tomiinson who was assisted at several points during the evening by Mrs Tomiinson and Amby Riven officemnmger Al frie were Sunday visitors at Mr Tbornlon Mr and Mrs Ray Patton Mr like Harry Biker went on iBarrie Mr and Mrs Art Carlsoniii m0 m9 fl mm No3 ma irouendai and to Jack Hamil 3M 10 new and meal ion Barrie with Mr and Mrs 101W points of interest Cleve Patton and naming Mr and Mrs Harry Baker are Mrs Dorothy McQueyand griemiholidaying with Mr and Mfg also Vernon McQuay of Torontogcmilde 93111108 and Mr and Mrs Levi Srigley Holly were at the home of Mr Freshman Minivan The Presbyterian church servicpS and ion the occasion of their anniversary mm Harry Hayes and were well attended Rev MC and Mrs Ewart Maycs of Bar gmmon warmed Wm Very 1m passive sermons Special music by and rs ma Helm the choir was enjoyed by all Two Mr and Mrs Mervin Nelson of fred Shepherd was in charge of the Sudbury are holidaying wimMr isolos by Vernon McQuay were very evenings program and after finish ing off total of 16 steaks the party adjourned to the ball field for game before dark Later in the evening Miss Marian Cough of the office staff and her tnlcntcd twin sister Miss Margaret Cough provided music for sing sun in the pavilion kitchen around the fire Each child at the picnic received prize presented by Scotty Tay lor news editor The steak fry menu consisted of individual Tbonc steaks cole slaw hot buttered rolls potato chips ccfn fcc chocolate cake and milk soft drinks and ice cream for the chil dren And several went back for seconds SHANTY BAY Guild Meeting The monthly business meeting of St Thomas Guild was held on Monday Sept 21 at the home of Mrs Ralph Hickling The presi dent Mrs Norman Wortley was in the chair The treasurer Mrs Cecil Sutton read her report which was accepted by all present The secretary Mrs Jack Taylor then read her minutes of the last meeting These were adopted as read prayer was said for Mrs Taylor who has been quite ill It was decided to donate $50 toward paying for the new floor for the den and also to inquire as to thc p055ibilitics of new folding tables for the garden tea and cup boards and tables for the den Mrs Jack Taylor was voted successor to Mrs Norman Wortlcy as convener for the annual guild tea The next meeting of the Guild will be held on Monday Oct 19 at the home of Mrs Cecil Sutton Sunday Christening St Georges Anglican Church Willowdalc was the scene on Sun day Sept 20 of the christening of Marilyn Eleanor Locke daughter of Mr mid Mrs Roland Lockehform erly Joyce Simpson of Shanty Bay The godparents were Mr and Mrs lvan Locke and Mrs Cecil Locke Marilyns grandparents Mr and Mrs Ralph Hickling travelled to Willowdalc for the service visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Hubbert for week was Mrs Art Hubbert of Orillia formerly of Shanty Bay Mrs Hub bbrt found time to renew quite few friendships while in the vil lage Dorcas Meeting The monthly Dorcas meeting of the Womens Association of St Thomas Anglican Church was held on Tuesday Sept 22 at the home of Mrs Milt Sutton the president There were eight members present The evening was spent sewing diaperS and nightgowns for the an nual bale Lunch was served by ihe hostess Mrs Sutton The meet ing was closed by Dr Light bourn with prayer for Mrs Taylor and Miss Annie Wilson both WA members who are quite ill at present The next meeting will be business meeting on Tuesday Oct 12 at the home of Mrs Campbell Raikes The speaker for the evening will be Mrs Lighthourn and mem bers and visitors are urged to attend Home and School The first meeting of the fall term of the Shanty Bay Home and School Association was held on Wednesday Sept 23 at the school Mrs Murphy the president was in the chair There were 19 mem bers and sixgguests present The meeting opened with the Singing AT TIlE BARRIE Exnmmon of the national anthem accom panied by Mrs Robinson on the piano followed by the repetition of The Lords Prayer The secre tary Mrs Sam Terry read the minutesofthe last meeting held on May Mrs Terry also read the reports of Fun Night held in May and the graduation party held in June The retiring treasur er Mrs Vera Hawkins read her report which was found to be in order letter of resignation from the corresponding secretary Mrs Roy Newson was read by the secretary Mrs Terry Regrets were expressed by the president that yand Mrs Fred Nelson much appreciated Social Evening For Rector social evening was held in the and Mtg gOmngc Hall on Monday evening Penny m8 0fiSept 21 when the members of lThomton Utopia and lvy planned 11 farewell for Rev and Mrs Mrs Ncwson was unable to cong unue as the corresponding scoreHoward Louis Truax acting as tary The secretory Mrs Terry chairman introduced very enjoy rcad the roll call Mrs Murphylable program of mimic from the called on Pctlr Wiscman the plinlyouzh of the three congregations Nurse Here From Vancouver Miss Margaret Standwfckfcg 01931 10 Speak to the group MLlTho orchestra rendered three num Wiscmnn thanked the Home and berg Arnold Banting showed mov School for the party held in June ing pictureS which were of interest Mrs Orton Crawfbrd was win ner of the Eaton Trophy at the Oro Horticultural Society flower show held in conjunction with the Oro Worlds Fair With total 0118 points she was the top point Kath erer among competitors in the an nual exhibit Prize er show were as follows in Or er of standing PansiesvMrs Crawford Mrs Pearsail AstorsMrs Mel Jam ieson Oates Mrs Pearsall ScabiosoMrs Pearsail Mrs Bcsse Mrs Hull Snapdragon Mrsi Pearsall Mrs Pilkcy Mrs Jamicson Zinnias large mMrs Hesse Mrs Hall Mrs MINESING Pearson Mrs HalifMra James for the graduating class He added that the Grade class is already looking forward their party this C0111ng June Mr Wiseman wel comed the new families to the dis trict and to the Home and School Association He thanked the Home and School for purchasing soccer ball for the use of the school this full and for the proposed purchase of rhythm band equipment for the junior room Mrs Robins reported that there are seven new pupils in Grade this year making her attendance She also explained why it was necessary to limit the entries to Grade to children who will be six before the end of De cember An appeal was read to the members from the Guild for help with the costs of the annual Christmas gifts and treats for the children It was decided to take up collection for this purpose at the October meeting Remember your change Home and School members it was decided that Mrs Brown would serve as convener for this undertaking The nomination and eiectionof new corresponding secretary and treasurer were held Those elected were Knnody corresponding secretary and Mrs Stewart Emms treasurer Thesc people will hold office until the annual elections in May Mr Ken nedy and Dr David Garrick were asked to audit the trensurers books before they were turned over for the rest of the term to Mrs Emms Mrs Frank Dingman reported on the swimming classes held during the summer Sixtyeight children received instruction Twentythrow of these learned to swim for the first time and passed Red Cross tests ThankS were expressed by Mrs Dingman to Marie Martin and Joan Murison for their invaluable help Jack Taylor offered to take in the dock for the winter Mrs Terry the secretary read letter of thanks written to Mac kellar Mr Mackellar through the efforts of Mr Wiseman the prin crpal has renewed the Mackellal Scholarship for head boy and head Kirk The meeting was clused and social hour followed with lunch being served by the hostess Mrs Howard Atkinson and her commit tee The executive meeting will be held on Wednesday Sept 30 so executive members be there The October meeng will be held at the school on Wednesday Oct 21 The subject for the evening will be Parent Education returnee to the village after short absence is Arthur Peterson who will be staying with Mr and Mrs Ralph Hicklihg Mr and Mrs More and sonBllly have spent week of fishing in Haliburton toall Mr Jmnieson sang solo An address was read by Hig ginson and purse presented by Fred Arnold to Rev Howard also gifts for Mrs Howard were presenth from Thornton Worpcns Auxiliary lvy Womens Auxiliary Utopia Womens xAuxiliary and choir Several remarks were given by the wardens expressing regrets at losing Mr and Mrs Howard This is the way of ministers walk in life what someone loses some one else gains social hour and refreshments were served by the ladies of each church Miouunsr Mr and Mrs William Bell of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Walter Craig Richard Brown and Mrs Mon teith have arrived home from trip to Seattle Wash Vancouver and Victoria Mr and Mrs Taylor and Miss Evelyn Finlny motored to Vancou ver last week Miss Evelyn Finlay is remaining for some time to visit with her sister Mrs Atkins WA Meeting The regular mectisg of the WA will be held at the home of Rev and Mrs Veals on Tuesday Oct at 230 pm Devotional Mrs Veals roll call verse of scripture program Mrs Peacock hostesses Mrs Frankcom and Mrs Sutton Miss Mabel McGinnis Toronto visited at Mr and Mrs Days for the weekend Anniversary Services Both Midhurst anniversary ser vices were well attended Dr Reym nolds gave two inspiring addresses The junior choir in thc morning under the leadership of Mary Pea cock delighted the congregation In the evening the senior choir assisted by William Dzly rendered two beautiful anthems and Mr Day sang lovely solo which was en joyed by all Mr and Mrs Fred Cooke are spending the weekend with Tor onto friends Malcolm Watson of Barrie has purchased house and garden from Gilbert Baldwlck formerly the Spence home on the third conces sion He expects to move in after it has been renovated Sorry to report that Richard son is in the Royal Victoria Hos pital in serious condition Canadian Club Midhurst community is well rep resented in the Barrie Womens Canadian Club this year Ten lad ies have joined and all were de lighted to hear the Rev Norman Rawson noted lecturer on his trip WA Meeting The Womens Association of the United Church met at Mrs An drew Orchards home for their September meeting There ware 22 ladies present The president Mrs Irvin Johnston presided for the opening theme and prayer and the business part Mrs McLean and another member to be named later were chosen to attend the WA an nual meeting of Simcoe County Presbytery at Wyevale Oct Mrs Vcals and Mrs Downey conducted very interesting and informative missionary program the theme being Thc Church whlch cinb ced work camps in Lapland them Italy Thailand Korea and Japan Japan is mall in area and large in population and the work there has only been scratched Customs have been very hard for young married cou ples but with the Christian felig ion husbands and wives work to gether and help each other Mary McLean read story ornn unwant ed baby girl and ofrartuachcr who adopted her and other little girls in order to teach them This girl learned Xto speak English well went to America to School and in due time returned to China as medical missionary great wel come awaited her when she re turned She wasca11ed to the pro vincial capital to attend the wife of high official Her fame soon spread undo church was stunted then hospital People became so enthused that land and money were givengardens planted So many people were turned away and the hospital had to be enlarg ed She worked many years and trained girls for nurses Mrs Downey read very interesting letter from missionary cousin who with her husband is work ing in Japan It vms the story of their stay learning the language and gardening and teaching native of Angola in Africa came toCauada and told of 18 years of missionary work in Africa Board1 tng schools for boys and girls were built also hospital and school The people are so cagerio learn and improve their lot After the closing hymn and prayer lunch was served by Mrs Beilby and Mrs George Johnston to the Middle East Wednesday evening Service Withdrawn Midhurst United Church will be withdrawn for the next two Sun daysowing to anniversary servi cee in the district Sunday School will be as usual at 1030 am Allan Spence ishelping with the harvest north of Regina before going on to Whitehorse Alaska SPOnsijrred The Baltic Citiiens Bond Barrie Agricultural Society For thfirst time the new Curling Arena Will be open to the public This newhbullding is filled with the displays trylocal merchants displays of in fact everything that goes to make up fair HZ featuring the Barrie Citizendlllond and the Barrie Pinonond leaving Market Square at 700 pan out parading through the main streak needlework baking etc storfofMiss Dwsonggwho with Newurling Arenallgriculturullurlr Caldwell Larkspuerrs Deere Mrs Mel Jamieson Mrs Ptikezgr Cosmos Mrs Pilkey George Moffau PetuniaMrs Crew ford Oates Mrs Pearsall Study in Green Mrs Pearsall Mrs Ross Mrs Jamicson DahliasnMrs Craw ford Miss Ada McNiven Oates Gladiolus one spike George Moffat Mrs Ptlkey Mrs Crawford Gladiolus three splkesleMrs Crawford George Muffin Piikc Gladiolus 112 mikeSIGeorge Moifar Mrs Crawford Red White and Blue FlowersMrs R053 Oates Mrs Rattle Dining Table Cen trepieceMrs Hall Mrs Ross Mrs Rattle Corsage Mrs James Caldwell Mrs Pcnrsali Mrs Rattle Vase Cut Flowers Mrs Ross Mrs Hall Mrs Pcarsall Basket Cut Flowers Mrs Ross Mrs Hall George Moffat Hand Bouquet Mrs Rattle Mrs James Caldwell Mrs Pcarsall SalpiglosisMrs Pilkcy Mrs Hall Sweet PeasLMrs Mel Jamie son Fruit Flower and Foliage ArrangementMrs Mel Jamicson Mrs Ross Mrs Pearsoll Bowl or Dish Garden Mrs Crawford Mrs Ross Mrs Pcarsail African ViolctMrs Mcl Jamieson Mrs Mel Tudhopc Childrens ClassFloral picture of crown Sylvia Rattle Gloria Rattle Betty Tudhope three flow ers not listed on school prize list Jerry Walker Sylvia Rattle bou quet suitable for birthday cake Jean Johnston Jerry Walker Syl via Rattle 40 YEARS OF SCOUTING Forty years of continuous Scout ingfor Currier of Ottawa DcputyChief Executive Commis sioner at Canadian Scout Head quarters was brought to sudden close by Mr Curriers death on Aug 24 Mr Currier who had been Boy Scout in th First Of tawa Troop joined the staff at Canadian Scout Headquarters short ly after graduating from the On tario Agricultural College at Guelph in 1926 An estimated 215000 auto acci dents in Canada in 1952 killed more than 2500 persons EXAMPLES OF LOANS gem mo no You on 15419 51959 75656 $12 $28 $40 Above perlean cowl ovoqlhlnql fun raymm In Iiihut cum on in proportion Km 14 IO of the Kiwanis Club of Ba ri Community House Christian Education Week and lhv chairman will bclieil MacDonald The Support of Churches COmlllil tee is in charge oflthceiicning lilLLY TOWN The Spanish townrof Ronda ncnr Gibraltar is built on each side of gorge 530 feet deep == tth5 an entirely NEW iDEA in Sewing Machines Elna sews better dams socks and moods expertly Does invisible mending Monograms sews back wards and forward and in any dir ection Forfull information call ELNA SALES 87MAPLE AVE BARRIE PHONE 3482 YES promptly to 4011 of employed peoplemarried or aim gle lvisit loan phone rst You select best payment date No bookable security required Phone write or come in today loans mode on Signature Furniture or 1qu viii ID 5113 FINANCE CO 2nd FL Public Utilities 3113 15 BAYFIEL 51 BRRIE Phone 5931 Donald Fish YES MANager OPEN DAILY To MATURDAY To 12 loin undo jo midnix of all rumvnding tom Pmml finance Company of Canada PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY nlliilll111lllllll333 Accounrmrs commune MtcLABEN co CHARTER ACCOUNTANT collie 8t Barrio 61 Yonu BL Toronto IAIIII PART Mummy noon on modusxn mum rumor MUNICIPAL AUDITOR mm PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Dunlap Eat lurk Telephone 4135 HERBERT HARRIS 00 Certified Public Accountlnu Toronto and Dorrie Bnrrle Office Wilton Building Poet Office Scum Telephone 3M Resident Partner Recount CPA ARTE UR POWELL mun ACCOUNTANT 14 than Eat larch Telephone 828 ROSE HARRISON CHARM ACCOUNTANTS Shunt nose cA SAMUEL HARRISON GA 39 collier Street Phone or MUSIC LESSoNssi 3313M RMT mm Ind mus mad for exam All MCI Wk Home min at mamu or WARREN MWLEANJ EM MCC0L ORGANIST Donnl On retoer of numeric =mircarupwm oeu BOYS SEAGRAM no larnsters Solicitors Notaries Publir Conveyance Etc MONEY 10 LOAN Office 13 Omen se Barrio Branch Jorgceznommvale Outer Y5 00 ROWE oc SEAGRAI COWAN COWAN mm Solicitor my Hours 10 up to Monday to Pride RossCowan Egg IUILDINO 99 St To mANlIrIh one GLADSTONE Barrister and MONEY To 91 bunt or East can 311 comm MacLAllEN Bmagbaenmon Ito tonic Tomato building lenie with QTTON mi larrusber Solicitor Notary 31 Mans 33 bula 522 Bacon 380 WM udmmi hum Imam Ina meek null 41 or 3ka up an Jlfillflu un 33 Wilson and VETERINARY ploy mold Mum gt 73010 l10ptmg Juct outside the new Arena Home Voltlmu Bondmiitod bythe Barrie Pipe gt ink and the mu me when 19ni1329irw

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