dl years of study and constant review Local Construction Standards In swim Code fies minimumroom sizes and Maintain Codes Building codes are essentially local ordinances designed to main tain standards of construction ap proved by the municipality and the province They are intended mess and fire hazards ed the National Building Code as basis for their local codes Al responsibllity of the National Re beSides laying down imbes of construction for foundal lion walls basemcnt floors exterior walls and roofs fire protect Some municipalities have adopt an Jitter phases ofbuilding Inn and Minimum requirements for planI ning construction and materials to protect the public in regard to search Council the code is intend110 bUIldlngs Upon mm 103115 art 531er in building with Special ref ed to assist municipal rand provin under the AYEUDBGI Home to health structural soundIcial authorities and is result of ha bee DubliShEd by tin booklet Standards DUI LDINC MATERIALS All types rough and entitled These codes are more exacting codes apply finished lumber carried in stock MOOSE MILL WORKSHOP eon CUSTOM MILL WORK QUICK DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN BARBIE DISTRICT Drive out of town forrquicker service DENIS Sllllllll COLLECT Limited STROUD 56122 PMNSWICK Miles South Of Barrie 0n ramid Bran Highway No II IMMEDIATE READY Mix CARLOAD LOTS LESS Phone 4091 II can 15 93952 Rogers St Marys FAMOUS CANADIAN CEMENT Housing Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation Building standards intended to apply in all cases ex cept where provincial or municipal are In such cases the provincial or municipal The Central Mortgage building standards require the use of mater 12115 that are structurally sound for the purpose for which they are to be used Nothing is required that will cause house builder to spend dollar extra that is not amply justified from the standpoint of health safety and convenience OR to Your ConSlruction Job ELECTRICAL Speedlyour concrete construction projects by juicing ad vantage of our prompt dependable service We deliver direct to your job concrete readymixed to your specific ations Let us quote NIXON BUILDING PRODUCTS 153 Tiffin St Phone 3890 therein and Domestic IMPERIAL INSTALLATIONS of all kinds Industrial Com ESSO OIL BURNERS Sales and Service Wnllwin Electric Shop at 54 prhia East Res 14 Perry Street Linnnuns Swimsuit unusni FUEISAVER onlvjwsunkuljs THE FUELSAVER 100 405 ou run cost INCREASES Momma TWIN IURNERS SURFACE Its 7SuperCiruilator With TWO Exclusive Triples Combustion Burners for MORE Winter Comfortse ONE when its mild Use TWO when its cold Plenty arm capacilyfor bitter cold WW replicas 0mm 905 sump Io DEPENDABIIITY minimum freeision built throughouddbighest quality materials foryears of ububleree comfort Equipped withSafty Constant Level Valve tbatraummacalbr dieters amount of quijpmmwogr wmm non BEAUIY columnar Americas most Beautiful Home finished in durableeatProof Baked Of llairiniertonex Finish that Wall 50ml NEFDIAanrocxmooK PRICED From $18250 Rupresentatlve WU Us OUItiLAYAWAYKPLAN AMooiilroncvaiiv AgConnell PM 439 toot WM nganugL Most Important Thai Traveller Understand People Continued from page one talk which ms entLtlcd Hamming Aruund use Middle am He did ed creole caramel calL not confine the story of his travels to that section of the world alone but recounted his experiences last year in Spain and in England disi playing througth remarkablyi tolerant and understanding atti tude toward all other nations Respected Bullflghtlng From England he hadtmvclledg to Spain country of contrast mg dire poverty rind great wealth The Spanish people bet believes do not know what freedom is They have no freedom of relig ion and no social freedom He displayed great respect furl the ancient sport of bullfightiiig however It is all very ting for us nation of 14 million to cell5 soufin old ciViItmtion of 60 million people who stilb go to bullfightg he declared but he found the sport well organized The bullfightcr has to keep to certain rules and the animals are killed mercifully he pointed out while the meati from the slaughtered bull is distrif butcd to hospitals for food As for human blood did Iinti see as much shed in the bull ringi as at the average hockey match From Spain the traveller flew over the beautifullslcs Of Grccccl some of which have since been li must destroyed by earthquakes Hei then flew on to Cairo and found to his amazement that there were not many passengers on the plane He ilcalizcd something was wrong and found that he was arriving in Egypt in the thick of revolution Given the choice of turning back he decided to go on having met British journalist aboard the plane who took him under his wing and enabled him to tfavel and move about the disturbed city Glimpses Nagulb Mr Ramon even had glimpse of Naguib in the midst of crowd of Arabs But in Egypt he found that he and his countrymen were not at all welcome The British were really hated From Cairo the Canadian travel ler went on to Israel by way of Beirut This newold nation was anabsolule revelation its people were doing such wonders But there is one thing that they have not done he found and that was to make peace with the Arabs There will never be world peace until the Jews and the Arabs stop hating each other he declared His guide in Israel was Mo hammedan who lcok himarourid the holy places quoting scripture word for word although be him self was of different faith Throughout his talk he showed respect for the religion of otheis and an expectation of return re spect from other people While in Spain he flew to Rome to look up his friend the Pope The Vatican he believes is stabilizing force in the world High Temperatures From Israel he travelled to Is tanbul and made several short trips but no long stops before returning toEngland where his daughter makes her home and where he re joined his wife He had intended to travel farther into the Middle East but the hot weather turned him back temperaturesgoing up to 120 degrees in the shade to the point where the heat was unbear able Average temperatures during his travels in that part of the world were 105 and 106 degrees in the day time But the traveller gets used to the heat be remarked and does not even perspire in the high temperature When he returned to England the high whs68 degrees and it was pouring rain The world traveller told his aud ience that he belives in flying as means of travel It is great waste of time to go by boat he feels except for young people who want good time aboard He praised the socialized medi cine of England citing the wim derful care taken of expectant mothers both before during and after vhebirth of the baby He felt that the system was good filling and did not consider that any gov ernmnt would ever abolish it The old country is not down and on but coming up in his opinion Great Britain he feels plays very real part in the world and will continueloh91dil8ecsi tion as world power Mr Rawson was inhroduc and thanked by the club president Miss Raina Shopoff who remarked on the capacity crowd of members who filled tihe library hall for the first meeting of the year The next Canadian Club meeting will be on Oct 14 when the speaker will be Dr McConkey of the Ontario Agricultural College 85th Anniversary The 85th anniversary servtce of Angus United Church will beSuu day Sept 27 at 11 am with Rev John Sylvester and Sunday eveii ing at 730 oclcck standard time= with Rev Mr Hunnissett of Tor onto Mr and Mrs Thomas Duckworlli spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Ted Vasey pf Vasey Mr and Mrs Clifford Duckworth and family spent Sunday in Tor3 onto Mr Taylors grandmother of How seys Rapids spent Sunday witliif their son and daughtemnslaw Mr and Mrs Vern Taylor lulled To Hospital Hilda Holland was rushed to itilel Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and operated on for acute appendicitis Her many school pals and friends all wish tier 8medy recovery LAendance At Mr andMrs AlbertTaylor and loblavv Cooking School Tops 2500 iCUIElJlUEd from page ones trends in the ludiclun litany of album returned more than once to ize COLLug school during the five luvs Todays Menu For lhc tilini day of her Coolitng school his aternoori Mrs Rogers had on her menu wonderful arr my of main course dishes desserts ngtter minds and appetizers She and her dsmtants had proper with Clzlallltf rainbow Instglihiallotv fiustzrzg boil and italIo chocolate cake ovenfried sh clzepse and meat appetizers bailed been and pork chop utmerulg cherry Bavar tan cresm coffee stacks Wiener loaf mousseziu au chocolat quicki cusscroic pecan wafers sausageX rolls cranberry rainbow marshi nuillow salad eggs in sausage gulc Rake date sponge pic Iiiincc mom riiigue quickies chzckcn salad olive rice macurcon cultuf slcuIIiuti Ciicrry pudding supper ginger Cookies and upstde meat pic menu yesterday had just usi much ninety She prepared jiffy mince coffee mug ll cherry upside dtltl cake steamed prune pud year iound parsley roquci ft dressing old English crumpcts rainbow 11 slinmllow rolls cur lLlll squares pineapple nut bread Iizibaked clioculutc cukc baked beans Ivztii spielt wieiiers mince purfuit pic sweetSour short ribs ciiivc ILCC Grillt banana cakeI Olllltgc gingerbread twoinonc pudding jellicd tomato loaf selni sweet sugar bulls punched frozen fish ind French chicken n3le down Her Prize Winners Winner of the spccitil electrical lepiiilllct prize on Wednesday Lif tcriioon at the cooking school was Mrs Melvdle Robertson 124 Brad ford Sc who went home with new eluciric tea kettle Samples of food cooked by MmI Rogers in her demonstration were won by Mrs Vaughan 46 Perry SL2 Mrs Keyb 18 Gran ville St Mrs Murphy 100 Sophia St Alis OliveFMcDOnald Innisfil Stu Mis Simone lhif fault Mrs Glenn 70 Collier St Mrs Beatrice Stimson Eccles St Mis Radford 172 Blake St Mrs Alex Holmes North Bay Mrs Tuzyk 407 lzikc St Mrs Anderson 14 Codrington St Mrs Mary Kiiecshziw RR Mrs Sadie Chapel 202 Bayficld St Mrs Hutchinson 89 Wellington St Mrs Bcbb 43 Brock St Mrs William Muir Painswick Mrs Reynolds 24 Shanty Bay Road Mrs Brown 68 Maple Avenue Mrs Parr 91 Hayfield St Mis Norma Grinham 56 Holgate St Mrs Laura Fox 34 Vespra St Mrs Gohcen 71 McDonald St Wednesdays bags of groceries Went to Mrs Hook 69 Henry St Mrs Godden 83 Toronto iMrs Giinhcimwi Holgate St Mrs George Lumsden Bald win Lane Goodall 74 Mary St Mrs lone Porter 128 Sanford St Mrs Olive McKcveI Letitia St Geraldine McKee 251 Duck worth St Mrs Darby 31 Her czy St Mrs Archie Heaslip 29 Henry St Mrs Bella Johnson 63 High St Mrs FiSher 67 Brock Sh Mrs Hilliardchb 73 Tiffin St Lou Wray 41 Aan St Mrs Jennett 73 Henry St Thursday afternoons electric apV pliance wcnt to Mrs Bcilby of Minesing It was an electric sand wich toaster Food prizes yesterday were won by Mrs Pearl Bass Eccles St Mrs Mary Knccshaw RR Mrs Elwood Ney 78 Wellington St Mrs Bella Johnson 63 High St Mrs BHammond 95 Clapperton St MIS Elliott Vancouver BC Lou Wray 41 Anne St Mrs Hayes Shanty Bay Road Mrs Annie orby RR fl Mrs Flora Marion 15 Eugenia St Mrs Percival12 Mulholland St Mrs Leslicll Sutton 189 Collier St Mrs Manbb 67 Peel St Mrs Robinson 95 Clapperton St Mrs Marjorie Fisher 59 Grove St Mrs Cecil Peacock 34 High St Frances Brown Queen St Vio Offered Without Ten Evening Class Courses Continued from page one and carrrd out mus nteramzig program last year culflllflhtlflg in an Wt exhibit til the Cruiegzals ia when the work accomplibml was dtspzaycd The purpose of the course to develop an interesting and useful hobby rather am untimiding drugs Siich mks are gaiinng in populanty thmuglt out the province With basic Eriglml cursors the coll Lite IS piesmd to Offer some tangible assistazice to New Can adians Lf nui Citizens of Canada Basic Engsh courses are fee ThLSCquSi combines an elementary stud of iglish with the Jildllfllctlifzibi Of citizenship The instructcis plain the course to help the New Can adian fit into plcuwit llVlllg in their own Canadian locality the end Of three years those stu dentlt may write their citizunsliip exilllllilalltllls Much assistance in the basic Eng Iisii course is Obtained through the community programs branch of the Olltlllt Dcpillllliclll of Educanon Chemistry for nurses is course designed to cover the chciiiiszry required for students in training it the Royal Victoria Hospital Cooking or Homemakers The cooking class Will be practical course particularly suited to young women faced with the problem of cooking for their hom will be planned tO benefit experienced hunicmzikcrs by gnu Ing them uptodntc Iiiethods with modern equipment The collegiate bullld is pleased to open the new facilities Of the iiiOdern hume econ omics department for this COUISL Detailed instruction in the pro cusses Of making interesting and valuable personal articles Will be let Brown McDonald St Mrs Helen Francis 49 Henry St Mrs Pauline Graham Boys St The bags Of gmccries drawn for at Thursdays cooking school ses sion were won by Miss Joyce Miller 93 Sophia St Mrs Ecclcs Mary St Mrs Poole 26 Anne St Mrs Tar Bush 74 Toronto St Mrs Muriel Lamb 132 Mary St Mrs Bish op 110 Innisfil St Mrs Mul holland 85 Clapperton St Mrs Doris Dowthwaite 97 John St Mrs Astrid Bachman 37Blakc St Mrs Packard Shanty Bay Mrs Brown 38 Anne St Mrs Reid Anten Mills Miss Miller 77 Mary St Bliss Stroud Mrs Orchard Rodney St The Housewifes Choice JUNO noun Waxes Buffs Oands It Scouts Cleans Polishes CALL WILSON Gore 3482 ROY TRACY DISTRIBUTOR 87 Maple Ave Barrie Listen to the 10ain News cast over CKBB Monday Thursday and Saturday JAcKsoNs GREAT CONTINUOUS SALE PANTIES for children Nylon silk nylon trimmed Sizes up to pair 250 Sink PANTIES for little DRESS PANTS for men RQMPERS plastic lined Silk jersey 59c PANIIES for women Nylon trimmed and silk LSML pair 290 girls Plastic lined pair 390 made by one of the best companies in Canada Regular $495 $198 SUEDE JACKETS slightly factory SOiledregular up to $3000 $895 to $1195 BLANKETS animal design regular $495 $298I MENS SUITS some of the finest materials beautiful variety of colorsFactory clearings regular up to PLAID SHIRTS $5000 $1950 for boys size Sta 14 $l49 ABLANKETS finest brushed materials up to 90 long SHORTIE COATS for women limited quantity ss39 DRESS SOX Juttltsolls 59DUNLQRSTW or men slightlyiipperfect pr 250 Sulisluctioircr Your Baby Bonus Cheques at Joannas pi v7 $139 The first six Willis lCoIlegiate Offers we mm event given in the leathrjaimk claw ctr the collegtste Itng school This class can introduce its swdems to Mild Last mng The week he has ram with Min all showers bright and The riietai uorimtg course L5 ynhsuiwm WM mg Offered for SCCtllld year an the in gfum modern shop flifllillcs the mm night collegiate wmg Sewing has been cliu of the must mminmlyi ml popular and effective aims for ham many years on the evening pm th read gram L837 year em Hen dents ll flirch classes did outsta work learn Tums iii In ing to sew and same Izmz made titanicch attractive aitzc 73 f6 popular and trncresting hobby Dlaifig iclasscs Will give stu dents Llc ability to make and ini terpzet sample trainings plans and blueprints basic In any of the practical trades The course this year will be elementary and planned for begun Sch Sch Sept Sept 23 21 9o of Ciriilllffg 13 ers and Ltdi vanccd students tvcicomc The Culicgzatc pinLs to tench bookkeeping from 730 to 830 pm and typing from 830 IL 930 pflli Both cuur are Opera to begini Iicis ul thox who have some tramp Much of the lfLSlithlltlfl 15 of necessity liltlitldtilll and advanced ncnt mil depend on applzitiuii and ibiltty The night School unodwurkingi class is conrs ibImt making Students cuzn while llic nuke valuable pieces of ftiriiztuzc furl their own homes Wliin reason students choose llng Wl project 57 mg Attendance Stressed lrinupui twmzizi ilICSStSi its the term mints that regular iiti tcnduncc cntnl wry progress evening cizi55es held one or thi evenings ti week is ficqncntLy cur tailed by those stiidtIIZS who at tcnd classes Iriegulzirly or drop out before the end of the term tudans registered at day school may not trike CtLlllllL cl scs tillI less unch special circumstances PICTURESQCE SPOT KITCHENER CPI The Wait3 erlon Historical Society has been given custody of tin old wzitcr wheel building at the mill of Casig mir Szccpski git nearby Blair It was known in former years as peri harps one of the worlds Sinzillesll hydro projects ROUGH OR DRESSED LUMBER MERCHANT ABLE HEMLOCK IN ALL SIZES NO HEMLOCK SHEATHING Truckload or Carload Quantities onoiiizniumnnicoiirmmu GOLDEN VALLEY ONT Efficient Service Phone 5R4 Starting Sunday Sepl27tli GRAYCOACH LINES SERVICE will run 0N STANDARD TIME Service Remains unchanged llllllY chitin uni51 thv ll WI 19 Its pretty picture But for you there must be prot in thine 89 start building those cilf prots right away Make themng With Blatchfords Calf StarterGrower From one wcl tosix months old feed Blatclifords Calf StarterGrown dry just as it comes from the bag withgood hay of cburse and water too Its as simple as that Blnftlllords all StarterGrowern assures maximum calf growth andadcvelopmc Remember those first six months can incgisie orlsscn gt acalfs natural productive capacity Fortop production and prots feed Bltchfords Calf StarterGrower Its completefeed gt SLArcusoIIns Foods and Concentrates for Catlin BIulclilorda Calf Meat or Mimi 32 Dairy Contention 16 Dairy Maul