HOUSE or HITS FIRST WITH THE IIEST IN BARRIE WEBRESIIAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm sh Story Cay ndtthcreas Reunion THE any AmAcnON AN ALL New KIND 0F WONDER MUSICAL Add mound and TR fll MUSICAL THE FUTURE STARTS MONDAY FINGERS SHOWS 650 AND pm GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY THE SNIPER ANDJUDY CANOVA IN m9 AT WAIEA WALLA Sfroud WI Open Fail Progrems Right in the midst of pickling preserving and fall larrs the group of the busiest women of the com munity gathered last week to open their fall activities with their first meeting following the summer breakoff Of course ths does not mean that this active group of workers have been idle or away on holidays They were ready at any time to iserve dinner sell refreshments bake for sale or do anything that might mean the raising of funds for which good purpose Is always twaitlng There never seems to be short Eage of the things that need their iassistance We do not need to lis there the years of service they have igiven the community On all sides lwc see the results of their work We are not going to take time to their backs just now This was fdonc nationwide this year when ithe press in general told of the big iconference in Toronto where del legates came from all over the iworld including this district to Imcet and plain as the local women will be doing cVerywhcrc this month It would seem that there is al ways Job waiting for willing hands to do Strangers In Our Midst This brings us to the pornf we wished to make as suggestion to pass along through this column not only to the Stroud Womens Insti tute but to all service clubs both women and men More especially though to the women On every line in this township and also in most of the townships of this coun ty and beyond there have settled during the past few years families from beyond our shores They have come from other lands many of them having endured the horrors of war right over their heads and around them They have come here to our great country to make themselves new home The men have had no difficulty finding work They have fitted into the ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS snows SATURDAY 230 EVENING snows AT7 840 pm GIANT FEATUE PROGRAM 2ND HITI Idmmggmmmo Irotonrrr ea In Iowrnr BOYS IEIIIIIII IIIOLS PLUS LATEST WARNER NEwsr 2ND GREAT our 700 63066 Meet IIIIIIWILSII MRAYMUIIU BUR soIIor IIIIIIIIIIII IN TECHNICOLOR WITH TONYCURTIS GIIIERLAURIE STARTS 1f ONDAYI PilRlIlIlilIl 29 lilllllllil our 52m IIIIs toils Of our land and soon they are barely recognizable as they gradu ally master the English language This is not so with the women They have little opportunity to meet and mix with other than the few friends who may makenc quaintancc with thuse of their own nationality In these groups they speak their own tongue Until their children start attending schools and come home and talk English and tell of the things that are happening these women have little Opportunity of learning the ways of women in this free land where women are not only equal but supreme May we as mere men suggest that each member of Womens Institute make special effort to call on to talk to and to bring out to the meetings the stranger who is on her line on her next farm or perhaps within her own domain Help her to get to know how women who are not just slaves can work and think and plan If most of the members would stop to think they can count sev eral of these newcomers on their lines They need not have come from foreign country They need not have come from further than our overcrowded cities They mav have ventured out with their fam ilies to breathe the pure air of our wide open spaces They may have no idea of how to go about the many things which to the Institute members are daily routine They above all may be lonely just as you yourselves would be sitting in hotel room in big city with people all about you Why not start at onee Set up committee to make survey and have every one of these newcomers contacted Does that meet with approvali We hope so Criticizes COunciIsThOt DO Not HovePlanniIIg In judgment in connection with the Township of Markham Mr For Movie MerryGoRonnd The in Each Afternoon at 540 Ipm Barrie lodges VULNERABIIB To DISEASE The youngest children are the most vulnerable to disease warns fail Fair Dales In Justice Wilson who had to make decisiOn in reference tcia permit issued general criticism of mun iclpal councils that do not estab WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 I953 Many Excelleni Exhibits Win Prizes Al Huronia Fair Heidol Coldwaler By LORXE LEIHERBY in the grain Show Coldwnter Fair Mrs George Silk of Matche josh the ticld with three firsts for best wheal oats and grain heuf She also took first for dis lay of field produce Otlzer winners for grain were idrvze Fallis Clinton Fagnn Mrs Durnford and John Shiels Field Produce Clinton Pagan was prolnie win cr ill the field produce competi IIn obtaining eight iirsts and two lizrds lie had bust potatoes beet nongolds carrots and other varie Ies Shicls Griedums and Mrs pen Booth were umong other prize winners in the fruitcclion with best vieuldiies Russcts Alexanders janadu Red and grafted collection Les Goss took four firsts in fruit and also got second Ir McIn csh apples Mrs Beard ob tained two firsts and Mrs Pot er received two seconds and first lish planning boards In these days councils have plenty of opportunity of setting up planning to serve the best inv ercsts of the residents he said Hrs Lordship stated that councils should avail themselves of this op portunity The permit involved theatre that council said was in residential area but there had not been bylaw to regulate this pre vious to the application lnnisfil Council sometimc ago was requested to join with other municipalities in the area and form district planning board Also for years it has been apparent that some authority under the council is needed to make rec ommendations to keep the devel opment and expansion which in cludes new plans and buildings within proper control Without planning board or building by law nothing is to prevent some similar demand for commercial venture close to some part where expensive homes have been erect ed Unless there has been by law approvcd by the Department of Municipal Affairs in force coun cil as shown by the Markham judgment made by Mr Justice Wil son may not refuse to grant permit proper building bylaw estab lished along the lines of the Can adian building code would also give the purchasers rathomes built in the township assurance that standard materials and workman ship were used The bylaw would also limit the size and type Of structure that could be used as residence recent purchase of large tract of residential lots on the line between Barrie and Innisfil by religious organization may mean that other than residential use is to be made of this property InniinI Exhibitors Win At Oro Fair Three of the exhibitors who showed livestock at Oro Fair were tops in their classes Herb Beelby with his herd of black cattle Aberdeen Angus took eight firsts Cliff Carscadden with hogs got first and second for broad sows also top for class of all breeds making total of six firsts four seconds and two thirds The Tillman herd of Jerseys took the lead in many of the classes in Garden Competition Clinton Pagan was the b2 siI her in the garden produce section with nine firsts and one thri Mrs George Silk and Mrs Booth were also prominent Winners In the dnzry produce SIRS Mrs George Lungle look for her butter and 3in rece Netti River WI special przze for coll ection of fancy prints Mrs Pagan Mrs Potter Mr Johnson and Mrs Tiltinland were among other winners ll the dairy products Crafts Section John Steele walked off with four IIrsls in the crafts seen tzon Willlliilg prILcs for leather work woodwork article of iIIi ture and general handicraft Dorrcll of Midland won for Weaving and writer color irig Duncan ArmbrcslRev Cumming YIIS loss and Lloyd limiting of Moonstone also look prizes Flower Show The judge of the flower show adian National EXlllblilCll lone Tillman with her Jersey gcali won the grand championship Ifor Showmanship III lnnisfil School Fair Her picture with her calf will appear in this paper Big Cedar Point Request Better Road The residents of Big Cedar Point at meeting of their association recently requested that Innisfil Council provide them with better road from the highway to their properties We do not receive fair return for our taxes and should have something for the high taxes we are being charged they stairc We also should have another unit for fire protection besides the one now located in Stroud so as to be closer to our district We appreciate the reduction made on the assessment of our community hall the letter went on to soy Goose Starts New Family In September young goose owned by Mrs William Booth has laid five eggs since the first of the month This is the second hatching as she had already raised 15 goslings this year Mrs Booth will take her goose along with her when she moves to Lefroy would set her again ifxI was staying on the farm she said The hot weather and too much feed may have caused the goose to believe that summer was coming again The Booths have sold their farm to Mr Mason from the AllistOn district and will move to Lefroy OPPORTUNITY UP NORTH Too Often the remark has been carelessly made there is no future for curryoung people up here Today more than ever young peo ple have greater future in the north country than what can be offered in the south The oppor tunity is here to open up develop build and grow with the country Geraldton Ont TimesStar GHOSTLY TITLE Severallakes in Canada are call ed Malnitou the Indian word meaning supernatural spirit which they were exhibited Some Of the stock from this herd were tops in the showing at the Can ARRI AND INGO EVERY THURSDAY MARKET BLDG MULCASTER ST FALL suns SPECIAL ALL WOOL PANTS 6750 IN STOCK READY WHILEYOU WAIT pm the quality of exhibit was good gt was larger more attractive flow THE TIIIII um ALAN HALE RICHARD TYLER 2ND COMEDY ACTION FEATURE GIIOST CHASERS THE BOWERY BOYS LEO GORCEY HUNTZ HALL LELA BLISS sronrsnmo IMPERIAL Hurry Stmnton Of Midland said considering the season through which the flowers had gone There or section than last year and at the west end of the display 60th anniversary design rested above rock garden Ihe Horticultural Society assisted the flower commit tee of the fair number of Coldwatcr district ladies provided close competition in the flower show with large number of excellent quality blooms Mrs Mayhew obtained nine lirsts and five seconds Mrs Mordcn was awarded nlne firsts and two Seconds on Mrs AuClark secured eight firsts and six sec onds Other winners included Mrs Dorrcll Mrs Tucker Mrs Mctherill Mrs Mchskell Gray zion Broad Mrs John Shelton Mrs ll Ball Mrs Rosborough Greta llurvic and Mrs Lane Mrs Moyhew was top winner for living room bouquet buddlcin daisies delphinium gaillardia per enniol phlox large Zinnia calad ium and fern Mrs Morden placed in the lead for mzxed annuals dining room bouquet small chrysanthemumx cleome duhlios in vase mixal marigolds giant African marigclds salvia pompon included in Mrs Clarkes rst place entries were best two of one color glodioli salpigloasn scabiosa snapdragcn annual sweet peas geranium patience plant and shamrock in bloom The best ex hibit of roses was by Mrs Donell of Midland Located just south of Barrio on Concession It between highway 11 and new four um TIIIIIIIIII TRUE ABBOTT sun 23 24 CASTILLO IR TRE IIIREIIIII LERIIIII BUD ABBOTT CARTOON llll Ii SIT LOU cosmm 5m 25 rio LAST III THE NEWS PAUII HENREID JACK OAKIE NEWS LISTEN TO ennui AT 614 pm FOB MOVIE NEWS snows NIGHTLYizf BARRIE DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE REGISTRATION SEPT 29 Ct OCT 730 930 Regular Classes CommenceTIIes0olS Classes will be organized in the following subjects it registration is sufTicieIrt ART eww MaconicpService ELISA SEWlNG Boson Avenue eASIc ENGLISH TYPING Simcoe County Sept 2123 the Health Lhague of Canada In fontsshculd be immunized against whOoping coughfdiphtheria locklt Elmvale mum Unit the an ual service Of worship Members of the thre MaSonic Craft Lodges in Barrie Corinthian Kerrrend the newlyformed Kem penfelt gathered at Burton Avenue Church last Sunday for goodly number of brethren at tended The Masons assembled in jaw and smallpox by the time they aresixmonths Old And booster doses should be administered dur ing preschool and school years in order to keep against these notorious child kill ers their guard up Collingwood Beeton Sept 2M6 Sept 29430 Oct 13 The United States constitution consrsts of Seven original articles and 22 amendments or additions Mm islllilllldtlll Application forms for new membership Inoy be BOOKKEEPING CHEMISTRY FOR NURSES GOOKINGCLASS WOODWORKING DRAFTING MOTOR FARM MECHANI Classes other than those listed may be termed If there is sufficientintergsi minimum enrolment ot fifteen Wouldvbe expected the Imam Orange Han and secured and handed in In Barrie Arenator The marched to the church at 130 Restugene Beech delivered an impressive sermon in keeping with the occasion The District pMnyrand Master Gordon was or Creemore read the lesson Three numbers were sung by Masonidchcir Assembled and din eeted bybloydW Tulford cmmwsornnn comes Morethantl350000 children at tended child welfare centres in rmunderzihe Britisbhational 31 hvwservice Igrhe Home OI 0603 Insurance rSincerl78a99e Borric Examiner Op Saturday Sept 26 The Band xivsirfllcosed Announce um Good Focilitics orelnow clique mlllcNevrng MAL NEW IleOse net enclose fees You will receive prompt notification yOIIIOpplicotionhcs been In most cases classeswill be condqu tw days There will PHONE SKATINGSIASONVCOMMENCES ONTUESDAY I3 BARNEP is