DWIEXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 23 19537 BB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 WV AK to up Bank 002 can Bun 13 low 50 New 330 mum 700 Basic by Red Pole 7J5 Songs of Our Times 730 KidVet Devutmn 145 Sammy Kaye 300 New 806 Hunt by Gershwin 815 Social Credit Talk 830 Vanilla Btntru 930 Irish Music 1000 Shsdov Time 1110 Bout nun 1215 M1 was 1230 In loo Bulletin Bond 1115 Porn Feature 06 Regional Wattle 130 Time Out NCI 50 Ax You Luklt The stumps Scrap BUCK own Heres to the Lulch Club 1230 News and Camp Borden Sports Pursue 30 New 535 Firm Market Raerant 1115 Sports 540 Movie Merry Go 1200 News Hummer Wca Hound titer Temp and Time 550 Tune For Today Tuuusmn 555 New Out 30 mg 11 00 News Hartline no News Headlines Ind 60 Count Hour Firm influv moon 3mm oat Muriel Clock 530 News 545 50 Bulletin Bond 7m my newly 00 Eddy Arnold Show 715 New 15 80mm of Our Times Punt new Warm rims an Wmhber upon 00 Hr on 05 Heres Hellth mu may 15 Bonus by Doris Do 30 to new 30 Permits Strum 995 Ne 00 News Headlines 17mm mt 00 Family Tneutre linrdy Family 930 Shadow Time 1000 New logo News and Sports 1005 teller Show 10 15 Kt board Console Centre 1100 Moonlight MerryGo 1030 Tndinl Pout Round iii 21 T1 ii SW or me Loo News Headlines Wea 3115 Culdveila Bob Show ther Tem 1130 News Headlines Tm 1130 Roundup Time THURSDAY 1200 News Headlines 1201 Luncheon Date if 8338 lit re it 88888 wonmwaiytdina 06 fndtni Post 3t Damon Blinan Ilz 30 atre 35 0b 10 D3 News 1006 21ch silowind Cent 1030 min Post 11 00 New 1105 111 Height 1130 New Headlines 1131 Round Up Time BIRDWATCHERS The start Ihc first in series of columns designed to CI you the news from 51 GOBC Def tachment RCAF located at 133 Dunlop SL across from the new Smith Fu itllre Store The letters GOHC stand for Ground Obltervvr Corps the Eyes and Ears of the RCAF Briefly the GOBC works this way number II Observer posts are set up each manned by team of volunteer civilians These observ ers report the presence of aircraft flying ill their area and report the information to their Filter Centre The Barrie Fitter Centre the red brick budding on Dunlop 52 is the focal point for all the Observer posts in the district covered in the area from Toronto to South River near North Bay In the Filter Centre there are more civ ilian volunteers who plot the posi tion of the aircraft reported by the observers and then the fun begins great number of things happen 1015 Chow At Work 1030 News and Sports 1005 Keyboard and Console 1109 Moonlight Merry Go Round FRIDAY 12 00 News Headlines 12 02 Luncheon Date new door meat 1215 Kirk 5200 1230 Time mu 1230 Nero 00 Bulletin Board 105 Form Features 05 Regional Wesllicr 30 Time Out 200 Net 231 As You Like 00 The Shimmy Scrap flock 30 News 335 Barhm Whaler 00 Club 1230 L30 New Bouillon 10 News 515 Ctlnu Border Parade 35 Farm Market Rellorh 10 Movie Merry Go Round 550 Prelude To Dinner 555 News Quiz Slbjrtl FRIDAY fr 30 Sign Cu 630 News Headlines Ind Farm Market Report UTOPiA Weekend Herc Mr and Mrs Edward and family and Mr and Mrs ing for his new charge at Bolton Ttmmov ISi Mr and Mrs Raymond Mills Mason Denney Barrie were ltlillC1dwazer me on holiday with Mr lid JaCk Ellis 01 mtElelzltlves here tlnlcer civilians who do all this weekend rvnd Mls Gilbert McMastcr 910111112 Md reporting are mem Donald Coulis lttulTlcll home olrwem Toronto on businesg Tfonbels of the Ground Observer Corps vest Home services Sunday with special music by the choir and Mr Howard taking charge of the service for his farewell message unidentified aircraft that needs watching in case it is threat to Canadas air defence These vol lenl at this point all resulting in either that aircraf bein identied as Ionncyto the congregation before leav TCA mtwav Eff Manon or an FINAL RESULTS msl cooxsrowuihrsl Two Days ANNUAL FAiR ifh pug 2nd Mr 11 sponge pic Illnlic Candy 3nd Ills Ben ll tile dtIlnrzlx ple Ilalzletlt II lilil and second per 11813 liarrv LLllltc wrlll 11 place and Cliff 11w Cookstown who ecmI pllLL was won by Andre hiuptwi The domeslx cake cg was won by Mrs Carr WLXIl 11 Could second and Mrs Ionn l1ll The Blue itbbon i3lii contest was ttlll by son wlll 1rs lim Mrs arr lllllLl Ladics Work Pint canllcd tonihns Carr 2nd vlrs in Lu cl green peas lst Mrs loan Mrs Nclgtull Strollti ned Ctllll 151 Mrs George Carrutherc pm to strawberries lst MLS til Illli 13nd Mrs Nixon pint L1lcti zitobtr rics 15 George XI tints 21d Mrs Nixon pin cu Iti cine 151 Mrs Nixon 2nd Mllmbclson Ent curlltsll ill1 Mrs Gould Saturday after spending the Stlnlidny land assuch have earned the fam mer in Toronto Willard Dobson has rermned to film cndcarmcnt of BIRDWATCH ERS Willard Dobsun and Bruce MilielgBenevmc who were in Belleville Thursday and empowd 1n the weeks that follow well ilry to bring you word picture gwith Hughes Construction 101 what these Observers and plot ers pint canned peaches 15 11021 2nd Mrs Glititi pl plums 151 Mrs jam lSt Mrs Greg iMls Nixon strawberry jam Mrs Ben Steers 2nd Mrs Greg on returning home spent the even3 ing with Mr and Mrs Cecil Deni tcrs actually do How why when and where they become the eyes Church Services hey at Fairport Beach and ears of the RCAF Though SchIces In the BaptistVQChurch the work of the observer and plot for Sunday Sept 27 are Sunday for are equally interesting well School at 10 am church service concentrate on the activities of tile at 11 am Allan Johnson Will bring plotter who works in the Filter the message The anniversary ser Centre and who could easily be Vices will be held on Oct George you Calvary Orillia will bring the message in the morning and Nor man Whitney HampshircMills in the evEning The male quartet of With Grandparents ittle Shirley and Glenn Dobson staying with their grandpar Mr and Mrs Arthur Dobson during their mothers absence in Toronto hospital for treatment Left For College Georgc Higginson left for Guelph to enrol at OAC for the coming yeah baking soda poured into the toile Harvest Home Services The congregationot St Georges sing at both services Church held very successful Har Service at inghwill keep the bowl deodorized 11 am and 730 pm and sparkling 10 PIECE BEllllfiliM SETTING sIIIAIITvaAssEMIIL HERE Is EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Our decorator trained staff has assembled 10 piece bedroom setting that is designed for good looks and is priced within your budget It is exceptional value tea cosy 3pm Bedroom Shite consisting of drawer Mr Mrs Dressr with large mirror 28 40 Four DrawL er Chest Full Panel Bed full size Solid slab top construction in zlovely blonde finish Plus Tllllsr snails 10 PIECES Full Size Ribbon Spring Good Quality Springmillod Mattress that Feather Pillows 1Chnille3edspread linir13oudoirllamps to to old ory pcncirjam Isl Mrs 2nd Kathleen Itfllmlclgtorl glllglc jam 1st Mrs Wesliake Cooks lown 2nd Mrs Juilnston Cook town black currant jam lst Mrs Westlake 2nd Harry Come apple jelly lst Mrs Gould 2nd Mrs Carr red curranr Jelly lst Gould 2nd Mrs Nixon nILIrlllll ladc 151 Mrs Johnston 2nd Mrs solution of two tablespoons Gould dill pickles 151 Mrs Berti 18 Nunglndford bowl every day and allowed to Carr 2nd Mrs Ben Steers ninc CVr 151 MIS Gould 2nd Mrs land District was splendid Bethcl Baptlst Church Orillia will stand few minutes before flush day pickles lst Harry Cousc 2nd Steels muslard pickle Mrs Carr chili sauce 151 Ken Robinson 2nd George Callllthers tomato catsup 15 Mrs Gouid 2nd Mrs Holt tomato juice 1st Mrs Gould 2nd Mrs Holt dressing lst Mrs Ben Steers Mrs Carr In Bedroom Accessories Crochet bedspread 15 Mrs Carr 2nd Mrs Nelson pieced any kind lst Mrs Carr 2nd Mrs Gregory Barrie quilt applique 151 Mrs Carr Mrs Gouldtsheet and pillow mu embroidered lst Mrs Marwood Cookstown 2nd Mrs Gregory pillow case cut work lst Mrs Gould pillow case other hand trim lst Mrs Copeland Cooks towrl 2nd Mrs Gregory towel embroidery trim 131 Mrs Mar wood guest towels two different designs lst Mrs Gould 2nd Mrs Copeland fancy bath towel lst Mrs Smith Cookstown Gould Gould laundry bag lst 2nd Mrs Carr sheet any trim lst Mrs Marwood 2nd Mrs Gould tea cloth embroidered lst Mrs Gregory 2nd Mrs Gould tea cloth other hand trim lst Mrs Gregory 2nd Mrs Gould lunch eon cloth lst Mrs Smith 2nd Mrs Gould buffet set lst Mrs Copeland 2nd Mrs Carr four embroidered serviettes lst Mrs Gould 2nd Mrs lst Mrs Carr Mrs Gregory bridgc table cover lst Mrs Gould 2nd Mrs Cope land four crocheted place mats lst Mrs ECarr 2nd MrsGoLlld place mats any other kind 151 Mrs Gould 211dM1S Nelson needlepoint Tlst VltstIegory afghan crocheted lst Mrs Gould Chesterfield cushion lst Mrs Copelahd 2nd Mrs Carr ches terfield head and arm rests lst Mrs Gould childs sun suit 151 Mrs Gould serviceable apron lst Mrs Gould 2nd Mrs Gregory ladies fancy apron lst Bernice Graham Cookstown 2nd Mrs Gould hooked rug lst Mrs Gould braided rug lst Mrs Gould py jama suit mens lstMrsGould 2nd Mrs Gregory plain hand hemming lst Mrs Gregory 2nd George Cprruthers specimen of crochetrlst Mrs Carr 2nd Mrs Nelson Specimen of cut work lst Mrs Gould specimen of tat ting lst Mrs Gould 2nd Bernice Graham speci on of cross stitch lst Kathleen Mumberson 2nd Mrs Gregory ladies work bag lst Mrs Gould 2nd Bernice Gra ham ladies pyjamas lst Mrs Carr 2nd Mrs Gould ladis lea ther gloves 1stMrs Gould childs dress smocked lst Mrs Gregory 2nd Mrs Gould ladies convales cent jacket lst Bernice Graham 2nd Mrs Gould four quilt blocks lst Mrs Gould2nd Mrs Carr pair embroidered tea towels lst Mrs Carr 2nd Mrs Gould specimen of tooled leather lst Mrs Nelson 2nd Mrs Gould four articles made from flour sacks lstr5 Mrs Copeland 2nd Mrs Carr three pot holders lst Mrs Gonld 2nd MrsGregory pair oven mitts lst Mrs Gouldrmens fancy socks lst Mrs Carr 2nd Mrs Gould mens fine gloves 15f Mrs Gould 2nd Mrs Carr mens mitts coarse lst Mrs Gould ladies cardigan lst Bern iCe Graham 2nd Mrs Carr tadie pullover lst Mrs Gould babies threepiece set lst Mrs Gould erloral Exhibits Rex begonia Mrs Thornton coleus 151 Mrs Work man Egbert 2nd Mrs Holt fuchsia lst Mrs Workman 2nd Kan Robinson fern lst MrsG Holt 2nd Mrsll Workman African violets lst Kathleen Mumberson 2nd Bernice Graham asters lst 3ch Robinson 2nd llama Holt itllli Il1 mallr Gouldf salad eltics lst Mrs Gould quilt 2nd Mrs Gregory vanity set lst Mrs Mrs Nelson 2nd Over 1000 Women Ora Township Boy Cooking School Contest Winner Itoatlmled from page one MA ultitfl Anniversary Services ii lIlnimch ll ISM wl1 the curling Visited are Mr Huston and 311ch Iuliilllii 1Iltzi In Silltliny lulutly izme lull Hilisllliill 17 log SI litlit Atillol Tti lillrlioll 71 llamalilllzlrlzyltu 330 11 Lille 103 il 133 111 sizzles lilllrtlll 31 lIsui 1C Sltltl 351 llIv Graves CC In Hospital San Bails pollen ill StewIl till tlgtpltli lllfslurl Buffering Imam illllllllF Wilton Cook lilgtloll in llzlglrlzllllg lvln it FluxV iixclILIltiwIII lilii mini 10 We ull Azllllc Llilb Corbett 13 icllc Curler lit lhcre 101 Toronto who hI been vlJS Celebrated Birthday lllc tllnsllllrlg families gathcreli 13 Il 1311 home In her father James Tammi Cum Almslzlng lltLll thllillgton on sump Buy UHiSlllltl1 tilIn Int IIcasnzn of hi pl Igl Ckngme lililIl hllllllioy lillt1 l7 llezl1 Dorothy D=llllell iih Bruce lllllllle Ctllltiitn ilullhlli 27 iclhlllzlili St my 311 Itecovering 15mm Polio R1111 Bates 15 LILlailliy from polio lll llLl homo Home After Accident The little sun of Mr Ilfltl Mrs Alva Peluilcloll was able to 10 turll home last week following lilt motor accident on Sept ti RUSLllltilll lStM onc color and illttl Cllzlllcs litlllllillllt COURSIIHHI pe tumu 151 ilerlllcc Graham 2nd George Clllllllllmr gladioli lst llerlzy UiinS Cookstlitvn table conduct iii George Cnrrtlthers 2nd Mrs Clllhlskct of color ed flowers 1st George Calruthels tnbic basket of colored flowers 151 Mrs Miiclkllh 1311101115 MF Bcllllce Graham zirmias lst Bcr Mrs Miller Kitchener are lookinlz llitl Graham 2nd Bert Marwoodfaftcr the home ill their absence Cookstomz corsage Isl Mrs jHoll 2nd George Carrllthers Trip To West LI are on ll trip to the West CtlllSt Presbyterian Bazaar Arts and Crafts ll painting wild life Nelson 2nd Mrs oil painting lst Mrs Thc ladies provided grand sup lllarincbv five artists of Blacks Corners Nelson oil painting flowcrs lsti Mrs Nelson 2nd Mrs G0uldi charcoal light and shade lst Mrsi W0 deeply WSW the POSSing 0f Nelson 2nd MrsGou1d bahthrec children of Mr and Mrs collection of amateur photographs Howard Giiughel 0f Kilgmit local lst Mrs Holt six hand iLUGila 9IE1T01 17 and Floyd 14 Sympatlly Extended CALL THE EXAMINER FOB specimen of three handmade novl PRINTING PHONE 2414 Wild Flower Essay lilll tm vented tl gtlrlcc Aug recovering sailsr lltili liubclt Mitchell illltl The Presbytcrlan bazaar on Err day evening as very successful Edwards fper and the entertainment put on made place cards lst Mrs Gouldi mh Catis Real 763 MUFFETS mom 25 29 FANCY QUALITY Stokctys Honeyfod Tomato Juice TEAS roomle 21c 215011371193 37 gt CIGARETTESi 1111 liAlLv MAIL BRAND 10 PKGs On all orders or $200 and over 25c dclivx OF 20 moch if dial 2880 APPLES Pnchwounlvsn Gianna 49c SPINACH momma 03 23c ORANGES D02 29 SUNKIST SIZE 288s Tender Delicious Meats BEEF PORK VEAL COOKED MEATS Fresh Frozen Fish PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 242526 McClllttltllill locals 11110615111111 Corner of Mary Dunlap Street West MORE HEAT liars EXCLUSIVE axcLuswE LIGHTER OPENING nzmght at the burner level for easier lighting to use Wmmmmm TFVUEL LINE CLEANOUT PLUNGER Fingertip notionquick and easy with less fuel PERFECTION rum Itltit 011 3s no BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE STYLING AT ITS BEST lustrous goldtrim on allmod els adds note of decorator styling to the softly blended mahogany finish SUPEREFFICIENT OVALTTj COMBusTIonru Moreth per gallon of 011 Exclusive MIDGET PILOTBURNER This TINY pilot flame true pilot burner11 low fire is your key in economy fbiidgotm Pilot pays for Itself hi the fuel it saves Reunion on Holt