mid weekly Winnie WEDNESDAY sun 23 1953 WANTED DriverSaiesmen basket Concern Requires YOUNG MARRIED MEN for retail bakery routes operating out of Barrie Hospitalization and Insurance Pension Plan Apply Box Barrie Examiner 11094 STENOGRAPHER Required immediately for MODERN INSURANCE OFFICE Sherlhand essential Employee hen ets 5day week Please state ref erences If any llxperience pre ferrcd but not necessary Apply Mr Lamb Crown Life Insurance Company Public Utilities Building 15 Bayfleld St Phoni 39111 lwitltl MAN WANTED steady employ ment working in plant Apply Wright Cleaners Barrie 1109110 GIRL OR WOMAN to help in lodge live in Apply Mrs Vaghorn Clans mans Lodge phone 511421 Stroud 11031 GIRL OR Woman for general housework Must be fond of chil dren Live in Phone 2909 1l09110 MAN To work on well equipped farm mixed farming Good wages separate house Apply Box 40 Bar rie Examiner 1109111 GRADUATE Undergraduate or ex perienced practical nurse for gen eral duty Inniswood Lodge Phone Florence Rmakwell Barrie 4208 1107109 OFFICE Assistant yOung lady re hired to assistin office duties Good pay pleasant working condi lions Smith Furniture 151mg STENOGRAPHER Cashicr Short hand required Modern office cm ployce benets Apply Household Finance Corporation am5 pm Phone 5529 1109111 OPPORTUNITY for young man who desires steady position as sales clerk in mens wear store Apply Cliff Brown Ltd 54 Dun lop St West 1109 STENOGRAPHER shorthand cs selltil age 2540 Apply by letter stating age experience and refer ences Simcoe Medical Group 47 Collier Street Barrie 1108110 SALES GIRL experienced High est wages in Barrie Ideal working conditions Steady employment Bonus at Christmas Apply Jack sons Department Store 59 Dunlop St West Barrie 1106tf THE BARBIE Public Utilities Com mission bos an opening on its off ioettaf for young lady Typing an advantage Shorthand notnec esoaty Permanent position Splen did working conditions Apply in own handwriting 1109111 SALESMEN required by well establishedflrm opening new terri tories in Ontario Only men cap able of earning upwards of $150 weekly needapply Car essential Merl should be neat appearing and be able to be bonded Apply Box 42 Barrie Examiner 1109110 OSITIONS WANTED OFFICES TO Clean Phone 0626 between and pm 2109110 ow VEGETABLES COOKING AND Eating wopiates n2 containers Ottaway Fruit grin Peel and Rose Streets 209395109W POTATOES 6qt 25c Onions Beets Carrots 6qt 30c Cabbage wmps Squash 5c 40c 5102 Tompkins 10c30c Zinnlas 35c Bayeld SL Barrie 20109 AGENTS WANTED NURSERY SALESMAN out wanted to represent Canadas nursery orpdrt time bales positions and need not with drive and Initiative com Bxclusive terri lhnmm free sellinz outflt aun mz We offer 11 complete line of fruit in When Ornamentols Ever Shrubs Roan etc Our sales mnoiltioa offers you distinct odvant further particulors write to WELIJNGTON all Foothill Nurseries 49 Wellington SEE Toronto Ont 4100412W rift to Jim WANTED HIGHEST PRICES FOR 33 Iron Bafte NDUSTRIAL iRON METAL St West Ferndnle Phone Bllral or 6487 340tf Dunlap Special High P11ch Paid fin LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON hides raw fur horsehair futile LEVlTS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2801 Collect phone call accepted azsu Barrie Metal 13 Salvage DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METALS FURS SIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest price pald Special price paid delivered Phone Barrio Stapler 2983 820131 0812 9813 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Ilffln St 1180150 FREE ROOM furnished for some woman as companion to answer the doolPcnsioncr lady will do lovely warm room Further in formation phone 2710 3109 TRANSPORTATION Wanted to and from Camp Borden from 180 Tiffin Sllcct commencing at ti am and returning at pn Apply to Leila Hopkins at 180 Tffin 31 FARMS FOR SALE 1110 ACRE FARM hydro near school and town close to Lake Simcoc Good barns good room house Apply Felix Przastek RR Stroud phone lll3 8109110 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE IT THRIFTY PIGS good chunks months old Phone Ivy 7913309 CALF Suitable for Yearling Niclson RR No Barrie Crown Hill 9109 CALVES FOR VEALING part Holstein and Durham Phone 815121 9109 GOATS good milkers one to freshen soon Reasonable Tichy RR No Angus 9109111 18 PIGS AND WEEKS OLD Apply Larry Sheffield RR No Barrie phone 845ml 9109 HOLSTEIN COW purebred sec ond calf due soon George Farts Cookstown phone 30r14 9109 10 GOOD YORKSHIRE Pigs weeks old Will exchange for pull ets Graves Cundles phone 3447 9109 BLACK HEIFER years old due Oct 10 Holstein Heifer years old due Oct 25 William Mayberry Alliston 9109 HAYWOOD Farm offering two choice well grown Suffolk and Ox ford Ram Lambs Perry Adams Barrie RR 9109 2YEAROLD Grade Holstein Hei fer TB tested and vaccinated fresh with calf at foot Apply Willson Angus phone 831r12 9109110 HOLSTEIN Heifers due in Octo ber also young registered large English White Sow due shortly and number of llweekold large English White Bears Apply Harry Ross Cookstown 55123 9108109 REGISTERED Bred Sows lst and 2nd litters large English white due Oct and Nov Serviceable age large English white boars also Gills months Boars and months GiftsArthur Morrow phone 23r13 Stroud 9108110 GRADE Hereford Cows years old calves at foot also iron grey Percheron gelding years old weight about 1350 lbs blocky We offer profitable full clean legged should be ideal for milk wagon Cecil Coates CreemoreRR Phone 210W2 Cree more 9109110 DURHAM COW years old with heifer calf at foot Durham Cow years old with heifer calf at foot 20 good Breeding Sheep and aregistcred Cheviot Ram Quantity of Mixed Grain for fall team of horses good workersquiet Phone 11r2 Stroud Campbell RH No Strand fORthfl comm 11580 pm do protruding lam exam Sandor IO omen 39 ordluinimum 15c mounds out so it word 75c 2g pwoldmln1milm50o FOR SALE Mixed StOvewood $500 per single cord WOOD FOR SALE MIXED DRY Cordwood for sale Phone 4286 Barrie 6109 DRY HARDWOOD $10 per cord Alld ed DELIVERED rgusontzl 1409120 PHONE 807m BARBIE no HARDWOOD Hardwood 7501 Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawed and delivered Dennis Moran phone COLORED FLAGSTONE 29m 6107124 GRAVEL nu gggnmstmd mag 533d TOP SOIL Hardwood $22 cord Hardwood DELIVERY ANYWHERE slabs $18 cord Cut and delivered DENNIS MORAN nor prisoner SAND When temperature reaches 120 idegrees in the Sahara Desert the gsand irsclf may be as hot as 150 ldegrecs PERSONAL DAlNES MASSAGE 13 ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehlli Drive Barrio Body Conditioning Arthritic Treatment remedial exercises Scientic reducing Licensed Graduate Honour 10 am 1111 10 pm daily Private Appointments Only Phone ltrll 30703 MADAME Henrietta clairvoyant readings daily at 50 Maple Ave In town for short space of time only Consult the Madame 110109110 FARM EQUIPMENT SACRIFICE PRICES to clear immediately 9109110 trig heater sun visor slip covers 82 OWEN or 1940 NASH Coupe with accessories 1953 DODGE four door Regent Less Cockshutt 30 Tractor with live power takeuoff Oliver 60 Tractor in good con lition lOliveI 21 furrow Raydex Flow Bfullow plow for Ford or For guson All In First Class Shape and Ready to Go to Work 74HENRY STREET PHONE 3311 or 6464 TREFRY Your Friendly Cockshutl Dealer 119109110 CUSTOM WORK Wanted for For age Harvester Phone Bob Lucas 21311 311107110 FORD FERGUSON Tractor with Sherman Trade for cattle or pigs or calves Apply Box 35 Barrie Examiner 139103109 N0 MCCORMICK Dcering Cut ting box only used for one silo filling Original price 5165 About Phone 656 0107113 PROPERTY WANTED lPhone 29m Barrie 74011 room house in good repair In first letter state price Box 34 Barrie Examiner 811108111 50 01711110B ACRES of land south west arr ust nvegood LmCOin buildings Owners only apply Silos Smith 21 Wilson South Oakville Oltt 83109 ontintlous Tuition throughout the WANTED To BUY house in 53 season week course com Could do own lrepairs and docorat mg or unlnLsIeI house Must be ET reasonable Phone 6378 113109110 RR No Stroud Phone ltirli 522==========================3 176 PROPERTY FORRENT pmcg OAK Bedroom Suite 7109 ROOMS Unfurnished Phone Phont 311 6632 15109 11 field 00 Enlliiiin EiPpchiligso will FURNISHED Bedroom very cen SED COFFIELD Washing MaCh gm $75 Apply High an 0901 GARAGE 11 Toronto St pm 7103109 $40 per month Phone 5780 15105 WWW ha UNFURNISHED roomcd apart ggnogfsgivggzemfnfcmg ment frlg and stove Phone 2971 PhOlie 4009 71091110 loloollo $1602 BEDROOMED Unfurnished 135 PHILCO Telcvmqn and Her duplex heated Phone 2190 ing to nonreception area Phone 5134 7109 UNFURNISHED Rooms Oct LADYS Brown Tweed Coat 219 Bradford 51 Phone 2231 Chamois lining size mad$5 ISIGIT 151094 middv Size 1618 $1I one 3ROOMFD paltmcnt adults ab 3803 109 stainers Apply 11 Frances St Ear ALUMINUM Canoe 30 Reming rlc 1519941 UNFURNISHED Cabin winterized E00 Sonditmn Apply Immediate possession Apply 16 St 051 Anne St 15109110 FACTORY Made trailer complete mm gle and Qelfggmga 333 BmgnBzujg double Suitable for three girls Allandalc 7109111 I333 6454 154 NICELY Furnished Bedroom Cenr ADDING Machines and Typewrtt ers Sales rentals re airs Slmcoo gainfcgf Gentleman pleltsefgg phone 4324 713 RogMED Furnidshcd Apartment heatc on groun floor Adults SLIGHTLY Used youths clothing 16 years size piece doublebreast only Phone 5281 15109 ed blue suit light brown trousers brown gabordine topcoat Phone small kitchen 3393 7109110 Central Phone 2320 15103tf PAIN OF Rheumatism SCimlcat ROOMS second floor furnished Lumbgon can be Milled by taking or unfurnished Heated No children Rumacaps Recommended by now Phone 835r42 Angus Isl109111 druggist 109 $500 WEEKLYUpstairs heated furnlshed bedroom Two single beds SkifggEEgeLSAcgggng 03 If deSIred Phone 5241 15108109 ihg practically new 1928 Chev FURNISHED Bedroom with or Coach good running order Phone 4230 112 Puget St 7107109 Shanks l4 Sophia St 15109 CROSSLANDS preChristmas sale ROOM Unfurnished Apartment of boxed cards onethird off for builtin cupboards hot water Pre early shOppers many suitable for fer Army personnel Phone 4616 15109 FURNISHED BodSitting Room on ground floor light housekeepin Apply 68 Maple Ave Phone 262 1510 WANTED TO BUY for cash56 Arc Welding School lie 58 rooms early possession Ilill Phone 2365 15109110 ial Reason for selling owner mov 15109 ton Rifle pump action Both in Business Machines IToronto St LARGE Furnished bedroom and sands of thankful users Ask your without board Phone 3275 Mrs business greetings 50 Dunlop East opposite Post Office Square 7108111 IMMEDIATE Delivery on Rogers St Marys Famous Canadian Ce ment Pyramid Brand Carload lots or less Scott Company foot of TorontoStreet Phone 4091 7109114MW 1940 CHEVROLET Radiator Mo tor and parts for 40 Chev 35 Ford Radiator Model radiator Summit for light housekeep model Ford engines 45 and25 13131 13 Anne St Phone gal oilltilunlsalsoP uite Irllllrrhber 15109110 of used parts One omas Hughes 0449 7109110 BEDSITTNG Rooms 11gb housekeeping Adults only Phone MODERN Walnut Dining Room Suite pieces sacrifice $70 piece breakfastsuite leather seats white and mulberryysio General Electric Hotpoint range table top style over control perfect Condiv tion $75 Phone 6378 7109110 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD tot gentle man Good food andlcleah beds Central Phone 6709 12108110 AUTOMOBILES CASH $1 is CASH FOR YOUR CAR lN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 6430 1310119 5II952PONTIAC DELUXE COACH FURNISHED Bedroom in good home Breakfast if desired Cen tral Apply Box 31L rBarrie Exam lner 15109111 2FURNISHED Rooms One singler field St 15109110 WOMAN WITH Pension or income to share home withbusiness woman and child Apply Box 39 Barrie Examiner 15109 LARGE Bright heated furnished hotllie Verycentral Available Oct Phone 2951 15109r10 UNEURNISHED 2room apartment private entrance and bath on gro nd floor Abstainets 52 Willem stret pp rm ROOMS bedroom kitchenette and living room all completely furnished Suitable for couple one child Phone 6795 15109 ACCOMMODATION Wanted for couple with baby1urnished with pity conveniences Apply Mrs Leltchner Auburn St Angus 15100109 BUSINESS GIRL desires one or two iris to sharefurnished self conta ned apartment Central loca tion Apply Box 33 Barrie Ex aminer 15107109 $25 PER MONTH for large un furnished roomlight housekeep ing trig washingmachine privll eges Suitable for couple or fam iiy wrth small baby Phone 6600 Torpedo back 14000 miles Priv mm atelyowned Radio aircondition LARGE Unfurnished Rooms heated light and water included clean new house hardwood floors Suitable for light housekeeping Share bath Close to bus Allandale district Phone 4834 15109110 WELL FURNISHED light house keeping roomgood home $6 per week Central Business girl non smoker and abstainor Available now Box 38 Barrie Examiner 15109 WINTERIZEDond Furnished Bun galow fromNov to May 1954 Priced for quick sale Apply PH 6160 111108110 200 orbest offer Phone 2078 after pmor weekends 131036 than 2500 miles Tradein accept ed No dealers Phone 000 10 wellington st West ill109ml loo FORD Cuatom Coieii apvej dlneue largoilvl gray low actualmlieao new bedrooms April coriginalgiroisgexc lntgt tstttgo juice on when am or ou lullnanotuoslivhgnaz sol once Located onwcounty no Eamonin wtnte room small ockBirch Cot Dr ye Alcona Bench Eerie Advert 410 la wimmin would merge retir lo Hlook after so or for whimsi tr Suitable for two Phone 6777 6483 Mrs Thomas Miles 205 Bay housekeeping room in apartment 15199 All modern conveniences kitchen 151091111 rooms all convc half price will buy this Coop phone 2429 119108109 COCKSHUIT Tractor Discs 30 plates also Root Pulpcr for hand or power drive Both in good re pair Apply Michacl Yurkow mile south of Stroud on Highway 11 119109110 1951 FERGUSON Tractor 90day guarantee 1947 Ford Ferguson ex cellent condition Krause hydraulic tiller slightly used Independ ent hydraulic tiller 3furlow International tractor plow 2fur rowploty for hydraulic lift trac tor Graves Bros Ferguson Farm Equipment 305 Hayeld St North Barrie Phone 3533 39109 MISCELLANEOUS PAI NTI NG DECORATING Interior and Exterior service to all inquiries guaranteed ARNOTT WALTON 141 Collier St 5781 17 FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WA WOLFENDEN 90 Cumberland St Phone 5185 565142 Prompt Work WERE AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE McCartney SOns CONTRACTORS CONCRETE sidewalks driveways barnyards etc EXTERIOR STUCCO BLOCK LAYING Moderate Rates Prompt Service Phone 53 Collect or write FREE ESTIMATES NO JOB TOO SMALL 5891211 WOOD SAWING done in Barrie and district Phone 4170 5109111 FURNACES Ann Chimneys clean ed Robinson and Orr phone 4333 5109115 SIGNS Truck mm gold leaf window lettering Lumi sted phone 6482 568 MIMEOG on Public Stenozraphy Business College 66 Toronto Home Phone 4824 5130 DEAD STOCK removodfrrom your farmpromptly for sanitary also pose Phone collect Barrio 3617 Gordon Young Limited How CARPENTRY Counters Cup boards Showeasesobuiit Free estim ates Phone 5105 leley 361 Codrlngton St Barrie 5108v110 warnn mourning cos nomntadoat mood Ont Phone 11101115 FUNACE 01 lug repairingguaziso andcab pantry work done 1y niiazon rinkle 132 Mary St hone 01128 kwuo ARMY suit DANEend wrath oration our on Wright and Son Coll share expert as it all one at or It Weston orfshort oftersont or phonevs 1fv1tltmli of hand com DAVIDSONAt Catherine Booth Memorial Hospital Montreal on Sept 17 1933 to Mr and Mrs Davidson tnec Joan Mc Bride daughter KASPERSHIAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Sept 20 1953 to 211 and Mrs Bronte Kaspershi 178 Dunlap St East son McLEODAt Comox BC on Sept 20 1953 to Squadron Leader and Mrs William McLeod Comox BC son PATTERSONAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Sept 21 1953 to Mr and Mrs Earl Patterson 10 Tiffin 81 daughter Katherine Lynnel WATSONAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept 21 1953 to Mr and Mrs Nelson Watson Stroud daughter ISharon Arlencl POU LTRY 50 ROCK AND HAMP PIlllcts Phone 0r21 Ivy 14109110 LAYING Pullcls for sale Light Sussex and New Hampshire Apply George Archer Phelpston Phone 142M Ellnvale 14109110 Accommodation Wanted nousr on arlmerlt bedrooms small chil ren Phone Mr Maclhersoli 6133 11109111 OR ROOMED Unfurnished Apartment wanted for young working couple by Oct in Bar rie Phone 4419 11109tf OCTOBER OnlyWanted furnish ed house or cottage with heater for family of four Location in Barrie preferred Phone 4273 1109110 BEDROOM Home required by tired dew local business family to rent Cen tral Barlie close to school and shopping Phone Mr Johnson 5812 liltlfitf BEDROOM House or large apart ment wanted by Air Force couple with one child 12 years Will pro vide references Needed by Nov Apply Box 36 Barrie Exumnicr 11108110114116 RELIABLE GIRL attending hair dressing sehool would like room and board in exchange for baby sitting and light hous hold duties Phone 3897 or write 34 Barrie PO 11109110 URGENTY Required bedroom house or apartment have two children girl boy Will pay $60$70 per month My furniture is in storage and my family in the Maritimes Would like to have them with me Apply Box 30 Bar rie Examiner 11107109 PROPERTY FOR SALE R00 Eonousn Im our possession Phone 6704after 530 pm 16109110 BUILDING LOT 55x150 east end one block from Codrington School Phone 2960 16109 NEW BUNGIGLOW 26x36 miles south Strourl Highway No 11 Phone 5311 Strand 16107109 GENERAL STORE and Post Office large annual turnover good equip ment Complete stock For details write PO Box 11 Athione Ont 16107109 BAKERY WITH good living ac commodationfor sale or vil rent to responsibleparty For further information phone IVy 3r21 on Wed nesdays and Sundays only 16109111 BUILDING LOT 826x165 on Collingwood St between Rodne and Cook near school surveye water and sewer Apply Smith 114 Blake St Phone 3704 16109113 HOICE BUILDING lots on Queen Street 66x165 feet water andsewer available Close to Codrington school store and bus service Flook 227 St Vincent St Barrie Phone 4031 111101114 FIVE ROOMED Frame House one floor excellent garden well and cistern on County Nady12 miles from Camp Borden close to rail way station church and school Write to Box 41 Barrie Examiner $11500NEW Bdroom brick bungalow oil heating large living room and kitchen nicely decora ted large lot landscaped near school $5500 down Mortgage ar ranged Appiy Box 31 Barrie Ex aminer 111107112 LOT 1N ANGUS 50x170 ft of basement completed gravel the others It sand point pipes and pintp 500ft lumber windows for cellar $400 for quick sale Mrs Bertha Damby 18 Moro Loop Camp Borden 111108110 NINE ROOM Brick house modern excellent condition oak floors throughout air conditioned Mil heron 2bathrooms attached gar ago he terrabe immediate poSs essron App Barrie Motor Court 240 Bradfor St 111106112 SIX ROOM very modern Brick home under Eleven thousand ex cellent location Five room home all conveniences good location Twentyfive hundred will handle We have others Contact Henry and Elrick Realtrs Barrie 16109 NEW BRICK Bungalow living room modern kitchen and dinette iyplece bath bedrooms 011 hoot ved full sized basement large gar age Ready for occupation Near Codrington School Apply Tuck Builder73 Dundonald St Barrle 16106110WF 4P 0N SHANTY BAY Road six rooms arid bathfull basement with hot air Afumacer modern conveniences Lot 1001x200 10 fruit trees and raspberries Excellentvtor two fam itlies Just over town limits Low axes phone tam 106100113 LA GE ABLANDALE holne stilt able for subrenting Fiftytwo hun dred Two thousand dothbalancc monthly Small home neur Nlhet hi hwa 911913 arwe do Fortyoi vohundremdown bal Four room home pd fifteen hurt balance as rent 58 Elriokrftooltomwnm For further infoimatIOn Eightebn hundrod foil DIED HENRYAt the Royal Victoria Hospi Barrie on Monday Sept 21 1953 Alice Clayton be loved wife of Richard Henry Cundles in her 73rd year Rest lng pt the PethickSmith Fun eral Hume 127 Bayeid Street Service in the chapel Thursday at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery lu CARD OF THANKS CAMERONWe wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who were so kind to us during our recent bc movement and also to thank them for the beautiful floral tributes Fomily of the late Mrs Cameron 109 SQUIBBWe wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindnws messages of sympathy and bountiful floral offerings rev ceived during our recent bereave ment in the loss of dear husband and father special thanks to those kind people who helped cheer George during his illness Mrs Sluith and family 109 SMITHWe wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our rela tives kind friends and neighbors during our recent bereavement in the loss of our beloved husband and father Mrs Willis Smith and family 109 IN MEMORIAM KNAPPln loving memory of our dear husband and father James Herbert Knapp whOpassed ala Sept 22 1952 Gone is the face we loved so dear Silent the voice we loved to hear Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thoughts to reach Sweet to remember him who once was here And who though absent is just as dear Sadly missed by wife Mary and family 109 MANSBRIDGEIn loving memory of clear husband and father William Henry Mansbridge who passed away suddently Sept 25 1952 Sweet memories ever Time cannot change them its true Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you Sadly missed by wife and fam ily 109 SAUNDERS1n lovinglmemory of dear husband and father Henry Saunders who passed away Sept 24 1944 Sadly missed and ever remem will linger for bored by his wife and family 109 MOonstorie Exhibit Most Outstanding At TayTinyShow Dtlnlops of Moonstone moved their large exhibit of appliances from Goldwater Fair to the Mid land Fair last week The display occupied the entire south end of the Midland curling rink and was the outstanding commercial exhibit at the Tiny and Toy show There has beenlwidespread fav orable comment gn the recent Goldwater Fair and the officials responsilb1e have been highly prais ed for iheirefforts Among incidents in connection with the show was the consump tion of roast chickens and other tasty items fromgthe bake tables during blackout and the in ability of North River boy to en ter an exhibit $01 tarts as his bro ther not knoWing th pastry was for the fair ate them when assail ed by hunger bafdre the family set out for the fair Bradford Finntslnywilh Over Allioh Bradford Celery iKinlgs are one Town and Country crimson MANAGER James Webb managr of Brace brldge arena for the past two years has been appointed to man age Oriliia Community Centre Arena replacing Kilgour Mr Webb takes over his new tint lost on Oct COLLINGWOOD MAN m1 Stricken with sudden heart at lack on the SS Mohawk Deer at Lorain Ohio Royal Carmichael 67 wellknown Coliingwood marine engineer and veteran of World War died cnroute to hospital CREEMOBE HECTOR LEAVES Rev John Kerr has resigned as rector of the Parish of Cree lnorc and left last week to attend the State Hospital at Columbia South Carolina to take special course in clinical pastoral training This course leads to Chaplaincy work in hmpitals IN APPRECIATION Mrs Earl Thomas wishes to ex press her thanks and appreciation for the lovely flowers fruit and cards sent to her during her re cent illness Again thank you all gt 100 wish to thank all who visited me in the Royal Victoria Hospi tal from July 7Sept following my serious accident Special thanks to allthe nurses who were so good and icind to me also Dr Crossland and Dr Smith OHallarn 101 AUCTION SALE Thursday Sept 24 Farm stock and implements the property of Oscar Bates Lot 21 EH of Con Essa mile west of Ivy village Sale at pm DST Terms cash Norman Coxworth Clerk Man ning McEwen Auctioneer 104109 Friday September 25 Farm stock and implements and house hold effects for John Elrick at 51 Lot Con Township of Flos at 130 pm Terms cash Jerry Cough lln auctioneer 103109 Monday Sept 28 Peter Moloney East half Lot 11 Con Medonte Township Auction sale of Farm Farm Stock and Implements Sale at 130 pm Jerry Coughlin Alic tloneer 106110 Thursday Oct William Keli SH Lot 22 Con Innisl Auctiovli sale of farm stock equipment and hOusehold effects Terms cash Sale at pm SprouloAuction eer phone Stroud23rll 107112 Thursday Oct 15 Farm stock and implements Lot Con Sun nldale Township Clarence Swit zer prop Watch for inventory later Charles Foster Auctioneer 109115W Town or Illinan TAXES 19530 The second and final instalment of the 1953 Taxes are due and pay able at the office of the Town Treasurer Municipal Building Col lier Street Barrie On or before Friday September 25th 1953 Barrie Ontario BARIRIAND September 16 1953 ClerkTreasurer 106109 NOTICETOECREDITORS The Administrator of the Estate ofETHOMAS BATON PARTRIDGE Ilate ofthe Township of Vespn ill the County of Simcoe Farmer deceased who died on or about ItherZIstday of August 1951 will distribute the assets of the de ceased to the persons entitled thereto after0ctober 1953 hav ing regard only 10 Claims then properly led with the under fsrgned COWAN COWAN 53 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors to the Administrator 106112 step away from the Ontario La crosse Association inated Alliston Athletics Saturday night with 179 triumph in Brad ford winning the set four games to two The Celery Kings now oppose Acton in the nals at bestinseven affair Bradford built 53 cushion in the first quarter and were never headedholding an 114 margin at the half Alliston showed vast im provement in the final half but couldnt pare the lead held by the Kings The officials assessed penal tiesin the game sevento AllistOh Majors cropped up in the first quarter whenClare Payne of the Athletics and Keith Collingsw of Bradfdrd tangled with Payne tear mg the sweater Off collings Stan Foster with dour goals intermediate championship today Rated underdogs when the bestinseven seminals openSd thecKings elim MARKE1P111ES1 Sammie 1953 Hoodoo noon POULTRY As quoted by rim Cooperative Packers of Ontario Barrie Hogs Sows Large 15A Medium KIA BDD C3I Peewees provedthe mostdevastating threat for Bradford Charlie Mashinter Shorty Bray Jim Patton and Roy Castator all with two goals Were good offensive weapons Roy Coll logs Norm Alexander Tam Coll lugs Harold Smart and George Tyers salvaged one each in the highscorping Joe 1111105118 who hadntseeil actionslnceinidvttuly paced Allis4 tori with two goals Singles went to Clare Payne Ross hype BilliBalltwllt Burrows BilltMaoDonald the Col umDWhoien whim mink Pearson Bob