Jig ATTRACTIVE TALENT T0 APPEAR in tonights intersquad game at Barrie Arena staged by Cleveland Barons are left to right Jack White former Barrie Flyer centre star Glen Sonmor cxGuclph Blit morc and real spark for the Barons Steve Kraftchcck former New York Ranger defenccman goalie Emile the cat Francis who needs no introduction to the hockeywisc having displayed his talents With Chicago Black Hawks and the Rangers of the National Hockey League and group Fred Detroit Chuck Blair former Oshawa General who has played his ilockcy with Pittsburgh Hornets and briefly with Toronto Maple Leafs and ltay Ccrcsino real flash on skates who thrilled junior fans whn With Oshawa Generals last season voted the most valuablc in the western Glover fleetskating exGalt Red Wing and formerly of mic Smurth EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 23 iriscusasem youngsters from on STRENGTH OF CHAMPIONS IS QMAIN QUESTION IN ounu turrimzl Buillt l20pll junior Hull ill chum pmll Ccztll Vlilt llllczll Lillllt lllrLI ill Ltl 4i an llllJIJ fn TIit flllllti lLl zlllillnh 1l lin unulur wus lurcxll inquiring if duul ild quuiity quantity Will gloughcst the cams priory Willi or likely looking uud CLulLcs fill the intersquad tilt Friday night Lilia Iizs gtpii by gunman ilZIIlS White ut clltulzlly have The go till Humour progizlxu mu ll ilicl FUCIAV record Jibl lav tux4x rcmu up from the DOlllilliUll cilumpuinri Eznnls isl every coxlicr for any boy who wear liockcy Jiltlitfl gtI1Lk Wiiczi in liccumcs tisruyml Iltl zit ct Bob in and cxpcctcti Johnny rizuiun two forwards 1c2lrry heavy lulltl on Uffcncc this scusou Kcu Robertson is the mzuni lspurk on till lufvncv but outside of this trio Emmi nccds prol gram The main slixlkcdmvu will conic ll Burric Arcuu the annual ilzlir the for fis Arnold Smith of lizlzlgcrzlic llil wvw Sudbury district who are probably your or Eshillr serve as good talem for the future These cludc blur Bartok Cliff Qkay Dorm Penn airlines and liars Wuhh itiow did that name gr thrift must boasting plenty of youth Luann skating wry 511 Lippmzs headed for cs ftfr Wm new way llJl um lllfm Jli Jerri at lifetime and Extra11gt ll yours Uf ixilt HES blg st LUll In dputk car tirabutes How will ma inc ice sur Kw vlgnVl ixfyullhillrw mum 11 iv shifts on Monday and lint night OClDCk DUL zu lw icvclund exhiibtion on tonight iilty nu thc surface mm auntAny tlic best nd in 2x Est vlchwn blueliner rkutcr uzd Honk Action gt2lv 1111 who vli Youthful Tun brch jumur Flycrs lust ycuz tillulfltl impr mp Hymn fli cumildutc umkc Ll could pin czs 01 the up mil slop none Nut LlIl limms Good for no playr to unpack Emms lizlx mcwxcrczi sumo gilljd ills Dill lzitll Doc 13 Remarkable looking imports Inn Rick Collinsutluzins lli huppcncd in the past bIUlldvlmlHd Ill wtngcr from rv Oshawa Senor is our pcifmuiE Flfll lfllftiIES to stick Collins Sonic fur accent is incorporated been playing vlth Wiutc or Miltunit ll every IlCN American an Il Clliiii with Myron Sulllklw iIthI iii ch iusiilun Look for fur win on left wing husky pimp my the meal of sums lur zom Kiiclicncr who seems litudcd 111ml was uEAbmdcd cunts thc bxg lop 01 dmucr costumes shifty Ciflllle LlllCIllil the vyc fur cuffs and many fur or huts null if all 11w wm my piucc our Bulric hiyahf zwlcl has on Due to thc intcrcst shown in thc LINCOLN ARC WELDING SCHOOL New Courses Commence in which all proceeds go tr Barrio Collcgmtc Bond mes will have to keep at liilSi vii boys around furtllc tilt and they will RAID EMPHATICALLY iCouulg championship this cvcningl gal QUCCHS Park Smiling ill 615 Your smartest suit or coat could LEAN mmrs me int be smarter this autumnthan ill nc tilSlliCL title lost three straight Legion and CGE Tues Sept 29 ii Thurs lch at pm Open Copaco Several New Players with Barons en boasts 48goal season while Theres Jekyll and Hyde in the Cleveland Barons camp At last there is reason to believe such The defending American Hockey League champions lost top players during the offyseasonund though there is every indication they received an eye for an eye the truth of the matter wont be disclosed until after the proschedule exhibition tour which opens tonight at Barrie Arena with an intersquad tilt While most killed the summer months swinging golf clubs and replacing divots theaggressive Blimp General Manager Jim Hendy unloaded allstar goalie Johnny Bower and bril liant defenceman Bob Chrystal to New York Rangers 37goal scorer in Steve Wochy to Buffan Bisons and good centre prospect in youthful Bob Bailey to Toronto Maple Leafs Even the most knowledged hoc mor who came into his own last Finals Tonight Barrie Legion and Canadian Gen crul Electric Will 0ch the bestin lhrcc finals of the mens division for the Copucu Trophy and Simcoci Mixed BowIing Meet Thursday There maybe some sad look ing captains if all concerned dont attend the crucial meeting of the Mixed Major Bowling League Thursday evening at pm at the local bowling Acad 10 Bradford in the battle for ti brow gmCl Look ECKBB Trophy but reached hell01 brilliant huts Wilhv black 01 Coplico finals with victories ovcriquic colored sung and coats Foxl Minesmg and Angus lutc lay dresses are more chlor You can wear ill2I velvet dress with darker red coal or green McNicoll in the first round Midi wcrc avilirdcd win by default ham who was loaned to Windsor General Llcctrlc eliminated Portj ful than they have been for years ISpitiircs last season and the snow from Vusey in the second round wool with darker grccn be the top candidates in the trump There arc icilniicly somc bright lights in thc workouts such as tho performances of Ross Butch Gra ing of Chuck Edward vcrszmlc athlete presently jockeying around with three activities All applicants for this Arc Welding uursc should Ilf on hand to enroll early ANDRADE SONS RR No STROUD key enthusiast would be led to be lieve the Barons couldnt possibly find suitable replacements for such powerful quartet But this popular jovial Hendy is quite guy If hes worried inwardly his out ward appearance gives no indica tion He still displays the confid scason Eddie Rel le considered the top dcfcnccman in the American League Fred Shero former ranger blueliner and John Bailey ex Windsor Spilfirc who is making determined bid to win spot on the Cleveland rostbr There is plqnlypf talent to pick emy One of the main issues on the agenda is to select Wednesday or Friday evening as second bowling eveningtolinkwh the regular Thursday evening program Team captains will be ltlmll Elyer fans during title march nodal tbevguidance of on Heller mrNew York Ranger great from and the fact that all proceeds from tonights exhibition game will be turned over to the Barrie Church ence of another champion As Hendy explainsthe Barons cant finish anywhere else but first If we dont the sportswriters call HOCRey League adds lemme ort this scasons enin match buhleague NO we new mm VISITng Barrie Arena mug club In the meantime Hendy will take Handy has been known to make stock on his trades and see if his some spectacular deals But it is keen rival Major Conn Smythe or doubtful If he ever un103d9d SUCh Rancers Frank Boucher out jock an array of talent in such short eyed him But even if the Baron time GM thinks so he wont let you wevcr the Barons did some know Hes the Jekyll and Hyde ving too and Handy doesnt Difference is an eventempered think his American League are amiable b055 weakcned If anything he will tell and those in ndanEc Will have the preference of the ev ening desired for their teams play asked to vote of this subcct Another purpose is to formu late plans for the season which is almost ready to lower the starting flag The league also extends an in vitation to any new team en tries to be represented at this meeting by their captain or playing member you they are stronger And supporting Hendys confid ence are goalie Emile the cat Francis voted most valuable in the Western League last season de fencemanSteve Kratcheck former New York Ranger and forwards Chuck Blair from the Hornets and DonfAshbee from the Bisons On top of this Cleveland are looking forward to some classy showing from exBarrie Flyer favorite Tony Poets Ashbee was late arrival in camp He accompanied Petenboro to the Mann Cup finals in the west and after playing three games returned to Join the Barons Monday for his first workout Although behind in condition Ashbee who used to es in 194748 ond 194849 will par kdake in the interSquad battle to night workingright wing with cen tre Hal Jones and leftawinger Nick Dubick Plenty of fans willfile through the doors to see tthe progress of Pocta voted the most popular playorilt for the Flych last season Tom is plugging on the starboard yfor centre Ray Ross and left gcr Ray Ceresino both former 3A junior stars The trading of SteveWoehy is giving former Detroit Red Wing Fred Glover chance towin reg ular right wing berth Since Glov lwithllhonowdefunct Indianapolis Capitals in 1950 Hendy has justi flcation to believe Freddie will pick up the scoring slack of Steve W0chy However carrying the torch snot lightof Baron workouts to date is perchance rookiecomlbo of cen tre JackWhite popular gent with the 1951151 Memorial Cup Flyers rightawingerlim Faielli citKitch mer 1rGrnenshirt defenceman and Tommy Fyles formai Str Michaels montage and Galt rBlack =Ilawk flash This triohas createdvarious ycltbrow liftingtfrom the unusually calm Bun Cook the coach who can be found way up in the seats directing hisj practices There willbetvvo 0th eXdFlyeFi in action tonight 400 are leftwinger Paul EmmS off of 1951 51 Mgtnorial CjIDOEIS and NEILCalT verof lastyersvDomlnlo chant Upton Both have been working out be our Marion Ohio roster ahirds at the Baron practices on Elven the impression that 31th will have rough time lineup it it dismoothrworkin 0516in willing trial WnLSnma EItIEIIIEn up Illllll Time to Prepare Come in today undone our new easytoapply quipkdrying paints in full range of colors IllowT is the Your Home swarmy onnguntestecI WALLPAPERS RecumbentPm RANGE OF NEW PATTERNSAND COLORS 2R DATES Alillsrs SUPPLIES PICTURES MTRRogS for Winter Putnam Whats In Home Theres llcnty its your standard of qualin Its your guide for value Its your way of knowing the people you are dealing with For many years Leishman Clothes have more than fulfilled the needs and wishes of their customers NOW we proudly announce that our firm has been selected by this nationally knbwn and respected manufacturer as its exclusive repre sentative in Barrie We recommend visit to our store youll See that everything we say aboutLeishmon Clothes is well why dont you come down and see