ml um Neel MONEY In M3 69 NIAGARA FRIENDLY IOAN Whether you need 3100 or 1000 or moreyoull nd Niagara loan can be quick convenientind you choose the payment plnnl loans to 8150 you get Mrs John chnn bought the 10m concession Pick Peaches Herc Too It W213 quiie interesting to read in last weeks Examiner of the splendid peach erop grown in the1 Barrie community thts summer Several Stroud gardeners have also picked very good sazxtpics of this delicious fruit from them gnrdensi this summer4km George liubbet and 315 Buys Boyd Farm Mason of Altstan has William Boyds farm on Mr Boyd and to lflzii Row family have moved home in Lefroy United Church Services At the United Church service on Sunday evening Rev John Morris PIIIGIMIIIE Mrs Merl3 Booth lLLBEECd mm tlic chuer by imp tzsm Stephen Phiitp son of Mr and Mm Huron Greeley James Gordon and Leah Mary children of Mr and Mrs George abung and Lois Anne daughter of Mr and Next Sunday Supt 27 anniversary llld spccml thankoikring services Will be con ducted in this church by Rev Keliogg BA BB SIM of Cooks town at 12 and 730 oclock stand 11rd lznc Spoon music by wt Iltltll choir and special soloist Presbyterian Services Off Thou Will not Do any scrticcs Sunday Sept 27 in the Presbytcrl izm Church din to St James Ull ltt unnLvezsury Masonic Service Sunday Bitpt 20 Rev Li Mutr wlcumcd rucmbcrs of th Miaontc Order He took his text from ltlztlthwx 99 Followi Mo 13 each to think of al Llllletiln and his vocation Why trc they Itczc What relation be twccn faith and their job Not lcndcd DALST ON Mr amirs Milton Boomy are having holiday at Ottawa end other points Norman Partridge is nursing sprnined ankle Willts Thumpmn pent Sunday in Tomlin Mail or thesch cf tended Om Fair Lind srv iron at al zill tinet prizes for tacit vxnzbm To Train As Nurse Mios Marilyn Moore has rucrcri Toronto East General liospizat to train for nurse Quite number from tended Crown Hill here ul ztnd Mldnurst an nircrsary sorv ices Mr and Mrs ll Orr Stantunj gt itlstlcd on Sunday of Ivan Urrr Mr and Mrs Osborn Barrio and Lt and Mrs Hurry Maine and anvtd were Sunday nrstum 11 llnrtcys Attend Christening and Mrs Williams the citrtcrting of 1th granddaughter Brilllicc Elizabeth Baldwick at Trinity Church lat rm Mr Bowman Mrs Andrew Hem titer Miss Juan Kennedy of Hani BABY domes3 Wil 11511 matter who the profession and nvcr Miss Ilclen Sutherland BurJ how to live day by day saying the rlc Miss Mac Sutherland and Bill LQld was 110 ill fill01 Of LIIVISIOD of Coolstuwm with IL Smhcr lFACIORY AUTHORIZED gn class as He labored with his land and other relatives Mr and hawk Oldimd miniSIGN worked Mrs Russell Crccmorc at Robert For Bun and Dlgtrict in fiiClUlilS lU millgle With mil McDonalds Mrs Bnrrcll llccpz people JcSllS CllllSI came primnr Rigmg with her aunts Mrs DOMESTIC and protective lifeinsurance no extra cost YOU PAY LESS FOR MANY Fllml IOANS Flynn lPvmolo gum 75336 33 Iiy to be man We read or hear George Young and Mia Vclb1nksl Elf Hilly crimes 11 horrors 00 Mr and Mrs Elmcr Ruumtm utd milled which are anything but huJ family Midhursz with Mr and THE WILSON BUILDING Post Office Sq BARR Phone 4640 An AIIACmvdian Company in over 60 cIIIM llllfNQlf Lamina muvomowsjnsli FAMILY SIZE for 35 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION RC Refrigeration Co 118 Dunlap St Near Mulcnsier Phone 2059 OPEN FRI TILL pm DIAMOND JUBILEE some AMBER INCLUDING GOVT TAX 154 man but dccclt causes people 103 do beastly things Jesus says Fol low Mo Men and women might reflect the glory of God the image1 that is broken IS rccrcatcd to beg likc God all his likeness Rcmcmi bcr at all times that Christ is at your side Lcuvc mom Iot Him very lowly solo was rendered by Rubcl Cmvun zxccompnnicd by Mrs Iowan llow Lovely are Thy lcllings Install IYIS Officers The officers of the Presbyterian Young Peoples Sdciety of Allan dalc and Stroud are to be installed in the B511 Road Church Sunday evening Sept 37 Successful School Fair lnnisfil School Fair was much enjoyed by young and old alike on Sept 15 after lapse of several years Keen competition in most every class showed the enthusiasm inivhich the children and most of the teachers entered into the spirit Membersof the Womens Institute served lunch to judges and ex ecutive at noon while hot dogs were served as well atn booth with cool refreshments The com mittee are to be congratulated for the untirinpr effort by them Visitors to Communin Visitors included Mrs Milton Mutheson Three Hills Alberta with Mrs Betty MacMillan before leaving to join her husband in Ger many Mr and Mrs Robert Brodie and boys North Bay Miss Hope Connell Barrie with Mrs Joseph For genuine CIIIIYCII PIIBIS CALL IfIIIlIIISII MIITllIS 10 ROSS 51 Phone 5735 Retailers to unity Canadians 574 55 undo union rout ttosr in 10 nrd time Arabic Mrs Lennox Black Visitor from Central America Mr and Mrs William Sutherland entertained numbcr of rclutivcsf and friends at Dunrobin Fnrm out Sunday in honor of their sister Miss Alice Robertson who is visil ing from Guatemqu City Central America Leave for Manitoba Mrs Donald Wilson and children left this week with $21 Don Wil son for their home in Gimli Mani toba Mrs Wilson and family have spent some time with her pur ems Mr and Mrs George Lawson Sgt Wilson joined them having been assigned to the Air Force 115 play at the Canadian National Ex hibition and also at Air Force Day in Toronto Return to Standard Time gt Just little reminder that next Sunday we will be back on stand Congratulatlons toMr and Mrs Anthony Jackson on the birth of daughter on Thursday Sept 17 1953 In Barrie Hospth We are sorry to report that Mrs Thomas Bowman Sr is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Her friends wish her speedy rc covcry Joy Bearers See Film Saturday afternoon the Joy Bour kers Mission Band had splendid opening meeting with four new work of Henry Marlyn mission ary among the Arabs and who translated the New Testament into for Mohammedans and Persians and personally presented copy to the Show was much on joyed by the children PERFECT RECORD BARONS Alta CplAlthough they had to ride seven miles to school the three children of Mr and Mrs Loyal Turner of Barons had perfect attendance record last term They are Deloris grade IV and the twins vapn and Glen grade III Mum mum Baum WHERE members missionurv film 0L the THIS AFTERNOON mmmwr mambo no wrymm m7 155 com WELLJM mumio WMWOFM eventams Iranf $NAVELY BOY 511mm qur screen To me swam WPME WALL WULLMI wa 1401th Am GONE rooster no mm no ALLTHE aIIy Bishop 5567ch ANCDOL More 1117 WHEN No 71457 sumo mm cmn 607 so we Donor 61114 IN TIE 5mm CHAIMNGAME mxmmumnm WMWW wmmnm NUSERVICE CLANERS FEW POW WOULD 35 VIOJ FELLOWS LIKE T300 SOME CADPYING MUGGSHAND sxemn BUT Inl WILLING DOLLARS ROUND PUT IT UNDER Mv PILLOW TONIGHT ru LET 1th Dunn ours ME FOR THEIR COJ$N MARTHAAND 12 ARE SERVICES As CADDlES some 11 SHOOT to mmm ANDIDONTKNDNWHQ ASSOONASIGET 1T 15 mevve BEEN THIS in SAY somersoov HAS WITH THE BOYS PA Jusr LEAVE men anaemia STEPS ILL RICK 12in ple WAS 01mm IF vouo 00 ME THE HONOR OF ALLomue