Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1953, p. 10

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Immorouldnot to are temper tan yelling jumping up and down and pulling at the cupboard ricer knob where his tricycle was at hold the dolly 8m med My man to tho emulate doll with lovely yel ly Nancy coat his attention can be diverted to something else and thus headon collision is avoided If he has been building with his blocks and his tower has collapsed and angered him perhaps he might like to look at picture book or watch out the window for cars passing on the road There is absolutely no use at tempting to reason with child in temper tantrum because his emo tions blot out his thinking Threats and physlc punishment usually increase his rage show hsotility or make her child Mama mnummm Mammy Mother must not Busload from Slmcoe Counly flotillotatoFiolcl Day View5Regardlng Assistance For 10483 BAKER Outline OF Benevolent Fund The following lnlolmli0fj8 published in the hope that it will be seenuby serving members of the RCA and also by evmettthetg of the RCAF or their dependants The RCA Benevotent Fund was fen brought into being in 1934 for the 109 Owen SL Barrie Sept 21 1953 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir We are very glad to notice the opening of class in Barrie fer retarded children but regret that it was necessary to hold rummage sales to collect few dol lars for such worthy cause Where and why has the govern purpose of relieving distressarnong RCA personnel during and after service The purpose of the Fund is to help people who wear or who have worn the RCAF uniform and their families over nancial crLses In April 1944 the Fund was incorporated as nonprot shar ing company under Part ll of the Companies Act There are three classes of per sonnel eligible for assistance undcrl mo or am us grants from RCA Officer on Sergeants limes Mens prime dondam and my from the rate or the public The RCAF Outages In 1952 these amounted to Central Irma tote rand sigma Station mum Canteen mun Officer5 31mm Sergeants um 3354712 Sundry contribu tinos $5995 Air Force Day $8613 Boyallles KCAPV Overseas $211257 Total $869l639 In l952 total of 2829 applica lions for assistance were received at the Headquarters of the Fund These were disposed of as follows grants 1133 loans 1367 pending 63 rejected 319 securing 35515 ance from other government agen cies 17 total 2829 Service personnel should make application to the claims commit tee of their own station Discharged personnel and their mcnt not looked into this move ment And the service clubs of town Lions Kiwanis Rotary feel that shv will certainly get even with him for this bit of naughtincs She should try to mix low in high on the by shelf clerk curd to Suns mum that as both expensive and fragile Shemldnotallwlmxll the terms of the ncvolent Fundldependems also depenflenis of organization mcm ers of thelpetsonnel who are servmg orcr RCAF former they need assistance and live child to hurdle it unless the plant was interested in par chasing it When Susans mother heard the price she knew it was much more than they could afford But Susan who was only three was deter mined to get her hands on that dolly When mother tried to hurry her out of the store Susan resorted to favorite device to get liter own way She went limpl lay on the floor and kicked andi screamed want that dolly There are few more exasperating phases of behaviour than childs temper tantrum They are horrid at home and even more trying in public These sudden gusts of anger are so violent that the small boy or girl feeling frustrated and disappointed loses emotional cony trol He knows what he wants and he wants it right now lie strains every nerve including his vocal chords towards reaching his objective What is mother to do If she meets anger with anger the child only becomes more excited She wbnts to calm him down andzit the same time not give in to him Mother has seen too many tiny tyrants using temper tantrum as Big Stick There is no rule which fits every cue Mother should lg norc his tamper tantrum as far as possible If it occurs at home she can go into another room or pick him up and carry him into his own room and leave him there There is no fun for Junior venting his rage with no audience to watch hlm News of Farewell Sermon Rev Howrtrd will preach his farewell sermon in St Judes Anglican Church on Sunday Sept at 10 am Mrs Ralph Berry Urillia last week at Jamiesons Change In Weather Certainly the hot spell brought alfollowing of cool weather and rain the latter persisting at fre quent intervals until now the grass has takenonnew life and the fall wheat fields have taken on that allover tinge of green Mr and Mrs Hope Oak ville and Fred Groat Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Luck and Mrs Groat Miss Moira Croat has returned home after spending month in Oakville Attend Graduatlon Mr and Mrs Elvin Pearson at tended the recent graduation of the nurses of Macks Training School St Catharines Among those grad uating yore two of their cousins Miss Irene Montgomery ofm Stay ner andMiss Oressa Hubbert of Mindemoya Manitoulin Island Pay Short Visit Here Mr and Mrs Walter Macfadyen and Mr Macfadyens brother of Torontorstopped off fol short visit at William Sharpes on their route up north for vacation with relatives Mrs Fred Grose left last week for visit with Mrs Steve Grosc and Mrand Mrs George Walsh at Mount Albert M280nlc Service Members of Manitoba Lodge No 286 AFAM Cookstown attended serviCe Lat 11pm on Sunday at Newton Robinson United Church Mrs Kerry Lynn and Jim of Bar rie canted on friends here after attendlngCookstown Fair last Fri day Mr and Mrs AngusyCampbeIl accompanied Mrs Carr to herhome at Dr MV Field ings Niagara Falls last week Mrs 1611 Burt and son Chester were updram St Marys last week at Pumell Carrs and spent Thurs day in Toronto with Dr Howard Ellis atom Director yum Ivan bong Biantford dnstru mental music director at the Bant lug Memorial Highlachool Allis tonj failed at Carrs dbrlng week visited casual nttitudc with necessary fiimness about essentials Observant parents mu notice that temper tantrums are common affliction to preschool children They crop up most frequently when youngsters are depleted physically or emo tlomlly Too much adult pressure produces rebeltlous youngster Perhaps tliero has been too much excitement or too many orders No good comes from blaming child for his angry feelings He needs mothcrs help to realize that temper tantrum does not pay off little more rest or less strict discipline may be two praclt tical ways to lessen the frequency of those outbursts but they will not help all tompcstuous sccncs If child is using temper tantrum to attract attention or because he is jealous of now baby in the family those reveal his loneliness or insecurity Learning emotional control like growing up isa long slow process Parents help their children if thcy realize that temper tantrums are part of this growth process of the very young With patience under standingand love these emotional flareups will gradually disappear although at the beginning of adolescence they may reappear in another form The child with temper tantrum is child in distress vlio cravcl help not naughty youngsterI who needs harsh punishment Dont fail your youngster when temper tantrum darkens his small world SAYS DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL AT PROVINCIA By In recent story in national publication writer told of the nilure of the potato crops in sire and which resulted in driving the larving people of that island to migrate in Canada over 200 years tgo lbc potato was their staple 00d and when this crop failed the pop ulation starved As tc3ultlhe vrltcr claimed these Irish people were forced to emigrate under dripping conditions that were not fit for pigs many dying cntoute This year in Ontario there is ant abundance of potatoes in prospect Ihey are turning out an estimated top average of 350 bushels to the lClC This together with the fact that the Marltlmes who are com petitors for the local market have also very heavy crop makes the potato today one of the cheapest foods available However this condition could change fast The recent hot wea ther may have affected this al ready The potato tops have been wilted down and growth which usually continues for some time yet has stopped Many of the po tatoes Will not have reached their maturity It may be when the September crop report is published next week that potatoes will be found to be not in such great abundance as was rst anticipated Householders are today paying from 25 to 35 cents for 10 pound package retail Potato Field Day About 1000 potato growers from many parts of the province gath 0n Trip To West Mr and Mrs Jack Garbutt Mal ton called on Mrs Scytth last Saturday morning on the start of their four weeks vacation trip to the Pacific Coast and North western States They intend re turning through the United States At Church Anniversaries Several people from here attend ed the Ivy Presbyterian Church anniversary and the Utopia Angli can anniversary lastSunday UNReceives Weddan PM Miss Mabel Nixon received re cently complimentary photo par cel from The Toronto Star office an enlarged wedding photo of Mr and Mrs Ken Murdock of Parry Sound This was very thought ful and much appreciated gesture of Miss Genevieve Jamieson of The Star library staff andform erly of Thornton By theway Mrs Murdock is daughter of the former Elsie Sproule whose home was in this village Trinity United WA Trinity Church Womans Asso ciation expect to hold their Octo ber meeting on Wednesday the 7th at Mrs James Speers Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs McCracken Caledon East called on William Ellis and Vernon DJennetts last Thursday also Mr andMrs Lorne Biggs of Brampton visited atthe Jennett home last weekend Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Dickinson were Glen Murdy of Hillsdale Mr and Mrs Armin Wood of Midland John Miller and and Mrs Charles French of averleyl Other recent visitors at Vernon Jennetts were Mr and Mrs Bert Mulholland and family Mrs Alex Smith Toronto Herman Jennett Barrie and James Jen nett Cppkstown Mr and MrsWilliam Coxworth Kitchener haVe been visiting late ly at Mrs Greenes We wish MrsAlbert Duck who is patient in the Royal Victoria HospitalBnrriepspcedy recovery Jig L088 LIGHTNING KINGSTON CP William White Shannonville farmer lost live cam struck by lightning as they huddled under tree during brief atorm Mr White sald he had no lightning insurance on the cred at the Potato Farm of the Ontario Agricultural College be tween Guelpbwand Preston on Thursday Sept 10 for the arm Potato Field Day From 1030 am until after pm the growers were kept busy with various events as planned by officials of the College Simcoe County sent the largest delegation bus load from the Alliston district together with sev eral cars from the Barrie area took in the outing It was lovely day and everyone enjoyed them selves The day started with potato peeling contest in which there were about dozen entries the contest being won by Mrs Claire Shaw of Schomberg for the ladies and Paul Feris ofSbelburne for the men The growers were given talk by Magee Soils and Agricultural Engineer for the OAC Central Experimental Division on mechanical injury to the potames and how lot of this could be avoided llis department has prepared new leaflet on this which is well illustrated andshows many ways in which potato brulslng may be avoided supply of these leaf lets right off the press were avail able They may be obtained from the College on request Digging operations are the rst consider ation of th grower when it comes to marketing top grade potato the delegates were told Then there is the handling all along the way to market They should be handled carefully even after placed in the bags Thlsds more import ant now when they are cheap as we need to hold our Ontario mar ket NB Potatoes Cheap Reginald Wood an official with the Department of Agriculture in the Province of New Brunswick who happened to be taking it boils day in the Guelph area where his wife trained as nurse at tended thc potato field day to see what went on and told of the con ditions in his provincegt big crop of pgttoes id being harvested and te bottom has dropped out of themarket he sold Theprica being quoted farmers enow Was as low as 75 cents bar relwwhich is two bags Asked if he thought this was prevailing price he stated that itwould de pend on Maine where as many potatoes were grown as in the whole of Canada If it was found thatthere was alsurplus in the critic County gave short address FIELD DAY New England state then prices wopld be low lie in the market especially for New Brunswick seed and that was the Argentine They have dollars available and they want the Can adian seed If they were to take large quantity of this then the New Brunswick potato would not be factor on the Ontario market Mr Wood told us his work viias an endeavor to get the potato growers to take steps to prevent the erosion of the soils that will produce the potato along the St Joint River delta in order for the top soils of the hills to rennin on the steep slopes and continue to be productive This delta is the greatest productive landso far in use in the province but unless methods of conservation are prac tised it soon will not be produc tive There are thousandsof un cleared acres of good soil in the province but the lack of roads and other developments and the fact that there is very little in dustry there makes the clearing of these lands without the demand for their use prohibitive He sug gested that recent mining develop ments might be the answer to the provinces needs Important Market Factor Douglas Williams Chief Inspec tor of Farm Products told the growers that one of the reasons that Ontario potatoes had been mentioncdi however that new customer was lof welcome to all those who had farm This came to the WW0 tfarm was one which had been practically abandoned as runout We bought it and have rented it to the College on 20 year plan he said They now have had it seven years and already it is producing huge crops of po tatoes Hc suggested that one use for potatoes went unmentioncd in the litcrature the Department sup tplied This was familiar use in Watcrloo County for many years llesaid that the potato pancake was thing of the pastand yet there were many women in the County who could make very stompting dish that way He complimented the directors on the splendid crowd they had in atlenance The wealth of in lformation that as available to the farmers these days on anything that they need was enormous This similar information to indus try would cost them large sums cht the farmer had this for the taking but so many did not avail themselves of this information He mentioned the potato soup that was being served at the lunch bar be requesting recipe for this to take home know little of potatoes but have had my cycs opened today he concluded llabltn Changed Martin of the Crop and Seed Division told the gathering that it was with regret that the Minister and his Depuy could not have been present They were al tending conference of other Min isters at Quebec The potato eating habits of our 30W the home markets was nation have changedhe said This the fact that not suffi cient care was taken in grading He stated We must send to mar ket uniform quality of well packaged potatoes and see that culls and injured stock are elim inated The supply that comes in frbpmthe Maritimesis even and carfuny graded Unless we in Ontario do this we cannot expect to sellour products to the women who buy them We must haVethe cooperatlon of the growers to do the job othetnvise it cannot be done There are not cnbugh in spectors to open every bag of po tatoes that goes on the market We intend to send these men from farm to farm to try to educate the producer who does not understand the regulations We hope with the assistance of the press and radio that we can educate them He told of the new regulatitms regarding bagging which states that only new bags may be used for No Canada potatoes now Thesemust also be sewn closed not just tied as formerly bag must be 36 inches long and 11 inches wide They must contain the proper and uniform grade and size If we will do this we will nd that our product will com pare favorably with other stock when they are placed on the floors of dealer We will be able to sell the potatoes knowing they are properly graded Mr Williams told the producers that copies of the regulations were available for the asking and that there was no reason for any grow er not conforming with thcm We were requested at the last convention of the Crop Improve ment Association that the inspec tion regulation be made more strict They have been corrected and we are engaging more in ctors to see that the Act is car red out hesald Proper Storage Franklin storage special ist or the Department ofrrAgricul ture told the audience of the slot1 age requirements of potatoes and the necessary temperatures that were desirable for the length of time the potatoes were to be stored There were some last year ihal regretted they had put potatoes in storage as the price drop this spring left them with stock they could not get rid of However he said on the average the properly stored potato paid off well The supplyon hand in the fall could not be marketed beendmicalbr then and ltwas found that stored in order to mature told of the use of ya treatmentthat was now on the market commer cially that would prevent the growth of sprouts If the potato kept at too low temperature it will cause the starch of which the potato is largely comDOSEd to turn to sugar This wlll make the potato hard and of less food value He cautloned those who used ston potato bad to be properly he attributed to the shorter work ing hours as now the meals were not as heavy We should endea vor to nd new and other uses for the potato We are today pro ducing much superior type of vegetable than we did few years ago Soils are also factor in producting potatoes of various var ieties We should strive to gel potatoes that will be specially suitable for different types of cooking We know that chips re quire different type than those uSed for baking or boiling We should strive to produce potato that will suit any requirement needed If we can do this we can cater to the consumer and get his business If we dont do this they will buy other products Our Americancompetitor has to com pete in freight rates with our homegrown products and it is up to us to have the varieties and quality demanded The fruit pro ducers develOp type to suit the needs They are now producing peach that will be suitable for frozen storage We in potato pro dUCtion must be awakexto the re quirements and grow these special varieties We in our work at OAC have the happy eraoperation of the Fed eral Department in all our work New varieties are constantly un der experiment and we get many ofmthese seeds from Ottawa he sa Tour Experimental Plots The visitors then were taken on short tour where various ex periments had been made as to different kinds and the amount of fertilizers that could be used One of the best varieties for both yield and qualitywas the Keswick This new variety showedtrixthat it was big yielder and also good grade It has been used quite ex tensively in Simcoe County hav ping been recommended by the agricultural representativesc Fertllizers had considerable to do with production also allowing the land rest by planting sweet clover 01 other such crops wltich areplowad in and enrich the soils Tour Snyder Farm This farm which is run in con nection with the well known po tato chip company is the place where the potatoes are grown for this plant There ofdlgging and spraying operations waskput on Also new rotary type of top cutter was demon strated Iron Outlook Following the demonstrations and talks on the various opera tions by Professor James Scott Charles Scott and Magee thenublic address system was handed gover to Goodwin assistant director Crop Seed and Weeds branchlkpartment of Au rlculture who make summary on thecrop outlook and hoped that everyone would comparison and athe Orders such as Manons Orangemcn Oddfcllows and many more Surely few helpless chil dren warrant thcir help Sincerely ATKINSON EDGAR Special Speaker Anniversary servicesfbyill be held in the United leurchi Sun day Sept 27 at ll am and 730 pm Rev HKnighton Port Colborne former minister will be the speaker at both services Special music by the choir with the assistance of Harry Jack Ray and Dalton Slcssor Weekend Guest gt Mrs Wynes Barrie spent the weekend with Mrs Shelswell Returns to Duties Melvin Hancock returned to his duties as station operator at Car mat having spent week with his parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Han cock Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Edgar Nevils and family Aldcmhot visited Mrs Thomas Workman Thursday re maining for Cookstown Fair Mr and Mrs Meldrin Rogers and family visited Mr and Mrs Garvin Burns recently Birthday Party Margaret Carr entertained her girl friends Saturday last the oc casion being her 11th birthday Weekend Here Miss Pearl Newton Alliston spent the Weekend with Mr and Mrs Alan Newton Mr and Mrs Cecil Brothel Brian and John Broderick Bond Read spent few days last week in Ottawa Bill Fraser and sons Donald and John Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Thomas Fraser Leaves for College Jack Brethct left on Monday last for his second year at OAC Guelph In Northern Country David Drakona who has been employed by Peter Sajgalik for some time left recently for the northcountry for the trapping season Mr and Mrsttewart Workman and family visited Mrs Thomas Workman Sundayl Miss Muriel Jenkins Toromo spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Church Returned to School Master Murray Broiley returned to Belville School this week being dealyed due to an infected finger vided many luxuries and many growers have spent their waters in the south The cpst of producv lion per acre is something that may be reduced We need to con tinue our promotion work In fact we should enlarge on it The prot on potatoes will come back There are thousands of acres of land in Ontario only for po tatoes and in that way we build these lands in prbductive state There are places whre some potatoes are being grown RCAF dependents of either above groups Typical cases where assistancel has been rendered are at An airman and hiswifc were building home tomore ade quately provide for their three Children it was not finished and locked many essentials when he was killed in an aircraft crash His wife eight months pregnant appealed to the Fund for help substantial grant was made to retire her indebtedness and to as sist with connement expenses Thr services of welfare agency were cnlistcd for her future as sistance and guidance bl Subsequent to his discharge an airman became critically iii an later died Due to ignorance as his entitlement he had not availc himself of free hospitalization and living allowance Therefore at the time of his death his wife and young family verc burdened of the with debts far beyond their means grant was made to settle the indebtedness resulting from her late husbands illness and death Through efforts of the Fund her case was brought before the pro per authorities and she has been granted pension for herself and dependents Subsequent to his discharge the wife of an airman became seriously ill and hmpital and doc tors expenses were far beyond his capacity to pay The Benevolent Fund made an outright grant which settled two of the heavier accounts owed by this veteran The Fund is maintained through the Barrie area apply to Wallace at the National Employ iment Office Eff59 Collier St Bar rieforvfurthcr information and assistance in preparing the appli cation form will cod 04 010 in 10 no CG ltd Penetan Bottling Co LI ITED Penetang Phone 440 Crawford Co Est 1919 that might better be put to other crops This we should know Fifty ybnrs ago we had 193000 acres in potatoes Last year werhad 54000 acres and this year we have about 63000 acres These acres are yielding sufficient to feed twice the number of people In the old days potatoes stood rough hand ling but today they must be band led with the care of fruit The smaller potatoes we may expect this year will notll the bags as quickly There will be less bushels to the acre and this may result in price increase In conversation With Midhurst grower was told that he is get ting nine bags to the row where he got 12 last year This is third less production The demand for seed potatoes in South Americ may also takercare of someof the would suggest that the potato outlook in Ohtario may be more surplus in the eastern provinces gt promisingthah witfeel at present he concluded mm TORONTO STOCK nmnol Government Municipal and Corporation Summit 91 Dunlop Street Barrio Telephone 2443 Evening 2383 the Vkiiqzditway Saving isithc urostpalh to pcrsbnql opportunity OPEN SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT The anadn members of thelseas deceased or missing 5110nd Ilcieaumewsmgr mlgbedzlwg telVeda yFriday 3m panama 01W10Clllldlpby Th ota Outlookl Was tho lie to make We lhal Plenty title ft lfis do The potato grow dampness was available so as not cum to do mom Vermin tool out$hpaff mt he said They need more educa tatbeilbge mime wa all WW Pubmybim 51 Walsh my bags thathave been era and the consumers otatoes to be well packaged 10kt mumn mutton dry storage for few days todv nee Mom margin to or union fl Wm nd that you have 103 and clean Theaverage housewife nslderahle weight on them he winner potatoes in tenipound navigate fang coin ltaboutJLSg be addition or water to thefioor image Id be quite mum to Pay the potatoes are raised off the mate she could be assured product was wdlth it Malta W110i it mm Secrgtarvslroatpnr LI man potatoes mWelomeI Tuition ti Mm sou ofWat

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