THE BARR EXAMINER RWY m1 Brothers In DoubIe REGINA CF WWM result in ptcnty of condition 515213 and hiutbirwe Tied to brother Tim in to unusual dduble wedding in Solid OTTAWA Sept to Canadian Current Sash hl tedoltotttwrkg gengundghmujgvg magician 12933 INEW Where To Buy gJoms Ferguson the tho ttl fr 255 QT nd mom mightalvetreamigf 33 nsuran gt PM Each Issue Of New Leave 314 Etfguzul 35 he Jozncd tsie rapidly expandmg Gating but to we drove and well arranged Thy judgci Two Faifs in mm from to to nearly mthavc had some diliiculty an limit of Angus where the Essa lidectdmg the wumacs was that lid Mn Incson IL GL3 Fairmmhel lb mm Although we score and tun lu 5109934 we WWW I0 hear the vocal contend we did mr with Worlds Fair Mug held and my bad ram munMC tux JJimtt rczgusun power of one at the fin pllle Ba Wm on ilhm few mile of their in August public speaking contcstants talk if ihlgirfxgggezrhi 5332gifu em 23 333 Twrtship School Fair weal nu lt sun ne There seemed The splendid park on the Foray was hide tlklcf to to be plenty people at both these main from the bombing raids who attends the new Colwell cnuul hasnot long ago arrived In topr from England Sh took as her subject her experiences dur Ing air razds while she was in Eng land during the war art of her address went somewhat 25 follows can vwidly remmixbcr bomb ing rank one aspecia We had returned from the shells LJ our home during the night and next morning when we went out 10 play the whole street and other sirces around us were in ruins and the homes were destroyed You could do nothing about the bombs You simply had to hope that they did not strike tltIli you As we came through London on our way to Canada Ive euw many large Lucas ruins that stzll re hounds was well filled with 1392 It N03423 Belil LUny lumt and mid children and spectatorn Here were events We Visde the Oro Fau calves We and peLi all brought first and arrived there while the by the school Qhdren 01 the mwn rain was on sending people to ship and either haying won their their cars and into the shelter awards of imaging um decisions that were available However thisI of the judge Several tents had ILcr own JclAch IIIJ coal lll HECii cm are some 1305 Copx cf lissttc Monday Wealmsiuy IFridn mid ufcl if countcr the bustlltbz LLllul of Bit proper and ubu by other main ants ocdltcltfl the cut ing eltltrr insiilc or Iuizluc lite lawn limit you are Clinic 15217163 only md top ranking Invwspupci and wish to lthOllJllLILIl to gun tflulldj not uirmuy blibCrIIJIIIg tho idiotInglitdfjualers 2n the town and dljllttl may bi litlptul Sluztzng the 6837 LIlll youll nd 17 Currlgzms lonerAl Sim 1132 lenctung St End Varmzy Store 193 Blulm Con F0 DICK MUNGHAM adjulmll butt SUPCLI Cuffcc Shop 11 Zinc We onId like to commAmen Mouse 101 Squadron Air Cadets junction III COIILL um IllaLU at the 25m Canadian In uItry Brigade will soon be able to pend their Rest and ciuation sate along with United States per sonnel In the Kobe Area of Japan Such have In the past has been Espczit sulely the Tokyo dlSUlCL Ilbty wdl now have choice Coy John Allan Canadian EBase Forces has visited the Camp iKube cununandez to discuss detail of the integration of Canadian tioupa LII the US Army It and Epiugrum at Kobc Col Allin said that uproximatcly 90 Canadian soldiers would arrive Iat the new Kobe It and It centre 2m 11 day cycles soon after It gupcnmg In IIIidScplcnIbcr no Hinze he added were Canadian troop on leave there expected to exceed 113 Ill number The troops tIll be purrnittcd Liane lgnn Moen of SW Valley betama the bride of Kim Lloyd Tednck of Calgary Lei Efrazmr of Swtft Current oi changud Vows with MES Mocha brother Null of Stewart Valley And speakzng of weddings little girls dream came true at the wedding at Fredericka Gsellmart Regina to Jargon larch Xvi2 GSEIllllhfl daughteriu maker used to any as child that who named her father to bake he cake 15 tall as she when she was untried And thats who ghc got sevenimer cake as tall to the Inch as thc Ilvcfoot threeinch bridc WEATHER OBSERVE Canonsz wmtlwr observers are sevemda up 11 pcrznuumlt ILhltiLnCQ at Alart on Elkbu 13mm ms than 500 owkuxyum triangle aluwmg unit from the North Pole our days travelling time Candinn regimental policu unc staff of the agricultural rcprcscnta W310 INKS IVS I309 appulnitd dd Stuch Kcurzis Iruccry 90 tivcs office at Alliston They have minlblflllt 5UPCISOI 0f lllt CUIIILI 51 Maples Snack Bur 255 had two hard days at these school RCAF Ground Cbsurvcr Corps Filt Dunlap St East and on down to fairs and have come through with LI Centre Barrie at Plaza BIIIiuIlgt 110 Dunlup flying colors Without their able As such in will be ILSPUIISIDII Dixcs Smoke Shop lUti DuIIIhIT pmwsl sergeant Wm be dckmm assistance and guidance the whole for the supervision of all czviliun Munkmuns Dru Stum Il Tim Ferguson IImI lllsflus maSEN US mum p013 am all persons 11 wurk In Canada project would not be pOSSIDIC VDIUDWCFS enrolling the filler Dunlup Culdwcils III5 GU HEW Ill IDLI CIWMS LVLFY Japanese DOIICU in flilllllliltlllllt lgzmuhum dirtchy 391 15 Essa the sis of he Fixes centre He will also establish tho Dunlup IL Ctusslzmds Drugs um 1mm iiIliI tiiihugimu znc farming disciplme and high Standards 13 can andntzmutucturmg direct Jwkm w5 51mm CLIEIVW 15 conduct among Canadian troops employs Ccm SIILI 39 Dunlop 15 EXIIlllllltl Off Idling Lmu of the largest 1fgt311 EDWIN INESOIliV FARM Ayn FACTORY THE LARGEST SKAT STOCK IN BARRIE Eanch also Look an amich pup administrative DUIICILS concerning Bumlt5 30 Dunlop Ii One of their officiaLi NT Peacock CIVIIIUH IiCilVlIiCS vas assisling with the judging zit 1VOYViOAHin HSlsser all 2r troud QILCunts for the Corps and will bf rcspunszblc for issuing identification leg 21 Post Office Square United Sigur Store 110 Dunlop 12 ImImILK Jofzw Shop Buytzcld St Cu uIIcv lISnS In Canada The firm lllxkttl by TI yours Ixpcricucc cov Imtu all known Imus of Insurance Iznison often will be appointed for the troops In Kobe to control Cunnilian MP5 Lllld arrange billct int and messing for the truupu TUNEUPS cards and other material in con Itlli Pharmacy 14 DUHIUI W4 Jlllhlu FIIUIASIIII Cumqu lune 35 BAYFIELD NORTH OF Iiccliliii Nllll the operation of the IvVCHHllUllllls BluuliSZuru ll 043 hug ma unnpcm gm Hm YIlyuAiIICdungb Dork timid STREET nvE ffst ImIt CIIIzeIIs interested in enrolling up Joliccns ISIIlI Is In Dun mum mm ms mm Ilk bulkKL 01 in Home From West with the GOC are asked to com 0D Bradleys Lunch 70 Duzi mm IHMCXHdS pmc Red WWW Mr arid Mrs Charlie Full of luumcutc with MI Mungiiam either 10p Knight Drug Stow WI lSSlSl the Army In pruvulmg lILLIlle Iwry country this side of CUT FUEL COSTS YOUR HOME WITH BISCOS nocxwom are year round comfort Forest Home who have been tour ham and Mr and Mrs Bill Coupon ing the West visited their Sunin law and daughter Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron and family on their return trip Recent Visitors Recent visitors Mrs AILx Gra Oshuwa with Mrs Angus Camer on Mr and Mrs Wilbert Stoddnrt and family Toronto Mrs Scott Mr and Mrs Woodstock Barrie and Mr Clare of Toronto at Mrs James Sioddarts Miss Pearl Graham of New To ronto is spending some time with her sister Mrs Cameron Mrs McCuaig and Mrs McCuaig were in Toronto last week visiting Miss Anne McCuaig by telephone at his home or through the filter centre ShowoApron Dunlup and out DIIIIlup 03 at Waters Grocery Store near the intersection of Highway 400 On Bradford Street the dealers are Sheppards Variety Stozc Ill rmlford St and Gordons Gruc cry 151 In Allandalu at Bugur dis Billiards formerly Steelesm 22 TIffiII SL The Canada Railway News Companys Restaurant It the CNR Depot Allnndalo Drugs Ltd 3511 Road Mrs Kcndricks it the Allandzile Post Office Gowan St and at Addies Bakery and News Stand 44 Essa Road During the summer months and through September it is also ml sale at Wilsons Grocery MinctS Point Dealers all year round in other llII IIIII IIItaIIL of BuIIIv IUI IIIIIIiy years and Igt gLthtUIllleg well known and high Ily regarded by all those who know IIIIIII particularly In Barrie and IdISlIlCl Mr Iixcson vill continue to ltSlllL vItII Ill tIfIr and family 2m Burnt at 172 Owen Street LEARN TO SWIM The false sense ufsccurity given to persons who use inflated tire tubes is danger that cannot be too strongly emphasized Those Iwho do not swim vouldbe safer Ito leave these tricky objects alone and spend the time wasted floating Iaround or really learning to swim There is nothing difficult about the Mr Invson has been ll resident specile service activities fur LIlLUIll mg troops BRITISH EMIGRANTS Of 177000 British IIIIIIls Ins your 44000 went to Canada 2300L to the United States 32000 to Aus Hahn and 53000 to New Zealunc aizd South Africa HEAVY WHEAT STORAGE Before harvesting begun on our 1933 wheat crop wheat in storagc In Canada totalled 423 million bushels sufficient to meet domestic needs for the next two and half years CANADIAN INCOMES Average incomeof the 2777950 Canadians who paid personal in como tax last Year was $3149 and communities are Roers ills Iart Closed For Anniversaries dale Patterson Shanty Buy There will be no Sunday School 1305 Ofce SIQVEH POSI or service in Guthrie United Church mm mm Painswick Gen on Sept 20 or Sept 27 owing to eral Store Youngs GrocerV andI SysTassgggtCd Hawkestone and Forest Home 311 SOreys General 50 SIIOUdII me yrwich Quote more than mversarics Harry Smiths Store and PluxtonsA Restaurant at Angus RUb40 years dch suddenly at age 66 United Rally Day bins General Store at Everett gt He had been mm of the weekly Last Sunday was Rally Dav in Patons Smoke Shop Colliimwoodn30Spaper 5m 1946 the United Church The congm P001 Drug 5mm 533 gum was pleased welcome ner and Ken McAulcys Pooli CALL THE EXAIIuNEnron WWI mmmglzc Rev and Mrs Hugh Shannon back Room Elmvale PRINTING PHONE 241 5011311 Wlh 510ml know from their holidays The junior bkeemn CIlOIl sang Songs of Love andI APPIY Mrs Bertram told the Rally Day story too when you insulato with BISCOS FIIOCO lino Rock Wool Healthier be cause it reduces drafts pro motes comfortable sleep sanitary vermin and moisturt proof Gives protection against spread of re last as long as yourhouso not mainlagance nor replan ment costs Adds to your homes value Applied in few hours layHover be tween coiling ioists and by Butts in wall sidings Soc your local BISCO dealer or opplicatou insist on Flute lino the tested Rock Wool their total income tax payment was 51225275562 EDITOR DIES SUDDENLY FEMALE CLERK WANTED MANAGER Sterling Trusts Corp Dunlop St Barrie By Simpkins Visit New York State Miss Margaret Caldwell and Miss Gladys Ifickling Toronto spent Labor Day weekend in Eden NY with Mr and Mrs Hickling MOTORS LTD MARKET so ham Manufacturers of ASPHALT SHINGLES SIDINGS Bland and Solid Colour CHILDISH CONTESTS afgdogggs Contests between small groupI of Alberta mayors determining SHEMHNGS winner in events ranging from Bewitchin in the kitchen this meatcutting to booting pigskin cobbler apron has pockets that See your DISCO dealer now BUILTUP ROOFING MATERIALS BlSCO WALLBOARDS Triplex Green Board Barley Board Burloy Til PLASTIC CEMENTS haveTeacheda point causing irri tation to thousands of civicminded Albertans mayor is hardly treating his office with the deserv ed dignity as he becomes contestant hold just about EVERYTHING Scallops for style embroidery for gay color and charm Pretty in plaid plain too Pattern 7212 Medium size tissue WILL IT START Will your car start in cold weather We suggest you have your Battery Starter and Distributor checked to in such childlike sports WATERPROOFING PAINTS Diumheller Alta Mail 00F COATINGS pattern embroidery transfer Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS ini coins for this pattern stamps can PRICE OF PROGRESS not be accepted to The Barrie It takes only qumk drwe Examiner Household Arts Depti around town for anyone to realize 50 Front St west Toronto OmS thpt the amount of open property Print plainly NAME Abbot2553 vcry definiter limited There PATTERN NUMBER iif Edmore full blocks waiting to TEN COMPLETE pATTERNS to be deVEIOPEd The ShOTICUIS We sew embroider crochetprinted used to take as youngsters have in the new 1953 Alice Brooks disappeared Needlecraft Book Plus many more Humboldt 1Sask Journal patterns togtsend for including ideas for guts homo Eccssories TRY AN EXAMINER WANT ADI toys fashionslgslendi2577cenl5 now prevent hard starting FLEECE LINE ROCK WOOL INSULATION MICAIFIIg Ag more for aster CoIantenndlnsnlulion We Service ENGLISH CARS and carry Exidnbatteries for all cars trucks and tractors Repairs for all makes of Batteries IIIIIIIIIInIIs AIITII cumin 33 Boyfield St BARRIE 52h BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LTD Plants of PORTNEUF STATION PO TORONTO and LONDON ONT Warehouses and Branches QUEBEC PO MONTREAL PO TORONTO ONT Macleans Magnum This is the first time its ever shrunk DANGEROUS SEASON It seems tragic that the period easy To chum yeavwmch mes he most opportuni for enjoytmsntjs lsoIthe one in which mos omes stain proof jstruck by accident So many people on holidays or weekend visitsrarc encountering activities crack Proof possibly for the first timewhich gt are not on their regular list of gt 5V5 FE ITS HERE NEW gt MAGIC can 10P01SHED REFLECTOR sum tr SCREENAST BASE 6134MB 503 CHqu FALL PANELYTE Ill HIST all LSIMCOE DISTRICTS my lTour Headquarters for Building Supplies daily events OakvilleTrafalgar Ont Journal BUILDING SUPPHFS ALL THE BEST FUELS BARKIE Phone 2461 WE CARRYACOMPLETELINE QF PAINTS INTERNATIONAL VARNISH MANOTILE LINOLEUM FLOOR TILE STYRON PLASTIC WALL TILE STORM SASH DOORS Mode on display it BUILTth CUPBOARDS Jll1l1lE ww 1IIECIIBINET SHOP THESIGN OF GOOD Llllrilitv SCRUIONZ IfzfsAYFtitb ST v239 BRADFORQVST Phone 3093 GAME AND FISHERIES ACT 25 that it is contrary to the aotvand regulations to conceal or attempt to conceal during transportationI the carcass or any part of tho carcass of Deer M90512 or Garihod WEARE AUTHORIZED ISSUEKS or nunTmGgtrxsnmdi IAN Gun LICENSES TMAXIMIJM HEATl Aqu St MINIMUM COST Distinctive Inew vogue in whome heater styling Gator HETnony on exciting new annotation note In home heat met design FHONEW