Emil WI Entede Earl Parnell gclcvcn pupils from our community gt entertaincdcnjoyed the swimming clam all Sauna Womens Institute atiHillsdale also that the Gardenispcnz Friday in Trvw summer cottage AllcnwoodlClub was quite success Saurixtf the valmbermetmg and Allenwood making up groupg two months holiday Lough seven Mrs George Johnston days Edaughter Mr and am Flood when filled to capacuy Saturday for trip to Suit Stow Marie In Toronto Mm Wesley Jordan spent town with he commlaw and Toronto Mr and Mrs gentle Ritchie Sunday Hm Mr and Mrs Arthur Byran him worry less was the motto thanked the Institute for the sym Mle Adm and hire Awe Limei members and two gigolo answered the roll callA would like to make pathy card she received It was moved we Show display at valc Fall Fair committee to bej visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Arnold Miss Donna Dickinson is teacher my home farm Beekist hone Mrs Thomas McMann and Mrssat Cookstown public school and books were Mrs by WILSON BUILDINGl Mr and Mrs Lloyd McKnight Office Sq BARBIE Phone WMI and Mrs Parker left no TIMarm 402 9W4 Haaowooa FLOORS Timberlox4021 is resistant to wear and moisture giving the floors soft velvet natural appearance bring out its true beauty passed out Vera Magdire Gordon Strain reported that Hugh Ritchie The girls club for the winter is Club Girl Entertaint crs Lenders are Mrs Earl Parnell and Mrs Voscy Beardsall Mrs Ken McGuarrie converter for the program had Mrs Ward Goodg fellow Mincsing the District Presf which we all enjoyed She statcdl role should study our band book make our Institute known by inn viting our friends to the extension Services have wide awake mess reporter and give many more good pointers for our Institute Meetingl closed and lunch and social hour followed Bank Managers New Post Caesar manager of the local branch of the Bank of Toron to has received promotion to be come manager of the Alliston branch of the bank Mr and Mrs Caesar and Adele have made many friends here and will be greatly missed We wish them the Very best in their new home Leave For Trip WIPllllS All OlllEII TRUCKS 0F EQUALRAIIIG UIPEIIFOIIMS Miss Mariiyn Bell atthc Base Linct school Visit Relatives Herc Mr and Mrs Basil Langman ofh Toronto spent few days with relatives hcrc and Mark Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr Ushers mother Mrs George Usher Craighcad of the teaching staff of Elmvale High School and Mrs Craighead have rented the house owned by Wilson Rowat Patients In The many friends of Mrs Verne Beardsall will be sorry to hear she is patient in the Private Patients Pavilion Totonto General Hospital Mrs Ritchie is patient in St Andrews Hospital Midland All hope to see them home very soon Attend Wedding Mr and Mrs George Dickinson Mr and Mrs Earl Elliott Will El liott and daughter Harriet and Mrs Coe attended the Chapman Elliott wedding on Saturday at Hamilton New Minister Mr and Mrs Cooper and family took up residence in the moose last week The congregations of Elm vale Knox and F103 Presbyterian churches have appointed John Cooper Winnipeg to be their min ister Mr Cooper is in his final year at Knox College Toronto Leave For College Misses Patsy and Nancy Campbell left on Monday to attend Ryerson College in Toronto Miss Kaye Beardsall Mrs Charles Hall Mrs Herb Fleming and Mrs Vascy Beardsoll were re cent visitors with relatives in Queensville Returned From Trip Mr and Mrs McKay and Shirley returned from motor trip to Saulte Ste Marie and through the state of Michigan Roy Arnold returned to Toronto after spending the week with his parents Mr and Mrs John Arnold Golden Wedding Anniversary Autumn f10wcrs literally filled the home of Mr and Mrs James Furlong on Wednesday September when they entertained their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Albert Spring who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Spring received congfatulations from 140 relatives and friends dur ing the day The beautifully ap pointed tea table laid with white linen cloth was lovely threetier wedding cake in white and gold Tea was poured caesium MORE LOAD DESIGN com COMET POWER throughout by Mrs Basil Langman utwmmrmmm BlitlllY Are you undodate on the hog feeds picture SHURiGAIN PigBOOS on loss Tfecd So start your next litter on SHU weeks of age Youwil Gain HOg Grower What do heavy weaning weights men Pigs that are well along at winning Weigh 40puttds or more will go right ahead get tadmarket sooner and SHUIRJGAIN Pig Booster was originally designed for runty pigs to give BARRIE MOTORSALES wWoumuaNtm centred by ronto Sept 19 BAXTER Teaching Bore Mn Hall is teaching in Baxter school this year again mm the Prise Winner an or Earl Hubbard received 13 prizes for his homing pigeons at the Can radian National Exhibition 13 Tu ronto Anniversary Services number attended the anniver sary scrvicos at Burns and Egbert on Sunday Bruce Edgar hag begun fps luau5 as teacher in the RCA SClltx tt Camp Borden Bowling League The Baxter Bowling League with 36 members and several spares will commence the season on Wednesday evening the At iidem Speak on public FelaIlOIlSl Mr and Mrs Harry Ushbr Carol sum Bowling Ana Baby Boy Congratulations to Mr and Jim Duffin for the gift baby boy in Alliston bagpltal last week Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Cochrano mull Mrs Elizabeth Cochranc Strand visited Mr and Mrs Gauley Sunday Mrs Cameron and baby Portl Dalhousic spent few days lustl week with her parents Mr mdi Mrs Gnulcy Indics Aid Meeting On SepL the Ladies Aid of Baxter Presbyterian Church gath cred at the home of Den3 may for their regular monthlyf meeting There were it members and one visitor present The worE ship service was conducted by tho president Mrs Hugh Denney Mrs Ruddick was in charge of the Bible study and had prepared questions from the 5th chapter 01 First Epistle General of John These were very well answered with number of members havingf the majority of questions correct The program committee Mrs Duffin and Mrs Denney con tributed two excellent rendings3 Ringing True and The Man Who Died For Me The sccro tarys report was read and approvj ed The treasurers report wasl adopted and visits to the sick had also been made by the visitingi committees The Ladies Aid cx tended sympathy to Mr and Mrs McLachIan during their recent bereavement and also to Mr and Mrs Corrigan who suffered the lossof their father During the business session it was decided to quilt on Sept 23 Bible study questions for October to be taken from 2nd and 3rd John The bus iness ended roll call was answered with verse from the Bible con taining steward The offering was dedicated with the singing of Praise God From Whom All Bless ings Flow The meeting ended with the Lords Prayer being fe peated in unison social hOur was then enjoyed by all during which the lunch committee Mrs McKnight Mrs Mooney and Mrs Walkom served dainty re freshments vote of thanks was tendered to the lunch committee and to the hostess 19 NATIONAL AIR SHOW in Britain its the Farnborough Show In the US its the National Air Show at Dayton In France Its the Paris Aeronautical Salon In Russia its the Red Air Force display over vMoscow In Canada its the National Air Show at To RCAF PERFORMERS Four handpicked instructors of the Royal Canadian Air Force will perform splitsecond aerobatics Sept 19 at the National Air Show inToronto These seasoned air men will loop and roll their Har vard trainers over the ONE water front BETWEEN You them the extra boost they needed ter did this specialjobso well that some feeders started to feed their entire litters on SHURGAIN Pig Booster from 10 days of age The resultsweremost successful and amazing bronco WEANERS lb hi Pltone or oruvntrwt It RGAINPigBoostratlo bays and continue throughtheiweaning stage to 10 amazed at the health vigour and size of your pigs whenyou switch them to SHOR BINs alumna andrasumu Strand 52 Callath sarcasmr 212 By Chick Young mack is AFTEQ eta5 cont T0 was YOU CLOSE rave 7822 N325 as Eur UJ LCM WITH 10 COC gay rx aka C=EY To FadE mm iA TH 5Au CWONANAVELLTMZES 1w AINT CUSTOMER our Haze A077 HE vows you To cur THE ml ON HIM 56 A50 IN GREAT61549 me 1004 l6 we seamen TWO BEEN ya 023 F02 Moods AND sumac iv RIGHT FRIENVn Houzv no WAY9 My new ya AN Mime com HERE Mu 67m couuow IM NOT BEINCHMED gt rm em may DONT teerW THEM GOT resuuomrvcw pm you comma SNAKEBITE mm ILL Eutevou on THE TUZF FoalK Mf ASS5721M NA alum WANT To MK ME AFORE LEAVES FER lem not sum OUT HERE WONT NO5LIT ILL GIVE you 5er BACK keg BEND eve guess TAKE HEADACHE TABLET Act LIKE NE Luv II By Wally Bishop lISMIHEBOYYOUHtKEP W5 mm can mass karma How 9mm out CHILE Team To HAVE AND wan 5qu AND HALF won needy DEFAULT AT MIXED DOUBLE s1 nud nu uIL