Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1953, p. 14

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Kingsvillc Tottcnham Witm titted Church Willem Sunday and delivered chat tiling Romans it abattoibhrcmockslhenuu today inlaid to retain popular stated that it is the tendency lty and position in the community and In hummus to conform to the prevailing customs and habits to conform to the conventional but be illustrated how very often it to the nonconformist who suc coeds Dont let the world squeeze I138 MN Contestants for the 1953 title Grape Queen who come from far and wide over Ontario to com pete for the title at the annual Niogaro Grape Festival this year include Simone County girl Mia Mario Cecilia Aiken Miss Breton On Saturday Sept 26 Jeanette Latovnka reigning Niagara Grape Queen will hand over her crown to her successor who will be elect ed by popular acclaim in St Cath arincs Lacrosse Bowl No Grape Queen may rule for more than one your The new quccn may rule from distant place providing it is In Ontariogand to be eligiblei to enter the contest must be the holder of title now in her own town or district Among other contestants approv cd by the committee are Miss Northern Lights Miss Eileen Rin tala Timmins Miss Huron Coun ty Miss Barbara Brandonl Bay flcld Queen of Teen Town Missi Marion Hough Huntsville Queen of the Rose Irail MISS Dorothy ONeill Chatham Miss Niagara Falls Miss Dawn Stccklcyt Osh awh Miss Frontenac Miss Marie Louise Hawkins Kingston Opi tlmlst Beauty Queen Miss Elaine May Tomlln Paris Essex Cou ty Peach Queen Miss Dorothyl Margaret Gittyl Kingsvlllc Quocnl of Mardi Gras Miss Joan Rev zent St Catharlncs QCentcnnial Beauty Queen Miss Rita Ben netti Trenton Miss Kingsvillm 1953 Mrs Charlotte Clarkcgt and Miss Timmins 1950 Miss Yvonne Dumast Tim xnlns It is expected that by the timcl the judgingtakes placcrnext Sat urday there will be 30 contenders for the title The Late William Potter It was with deep regret that friends neighbors and relatives in the community learned of the sud den death of William Potter Fri day evening Sept 1953 The late Mr Potter who resided at the cor ner of Tottenbam Road and No Highway had been suffering from burtcondition for the past two yemgHe had just sold his farm and was planning on retiring in the tally Born in 1900 William JameSPotter was the only son of the late Mr and Mrs Fred Potter having lived hisgcntire life in this vicinity He was successful farm er was well known and had host of friends who will regret his sud den passing Deceased was mem ber of Fraser Presbyterian Church and Served on the Board of Managers for some years He Was also member of the Dr nnge Order and captain of Clear Lake Hunt Club composed of Tot tcnham Torontoand Bracebrtdze men In 1934 he married Ruth Brewster of Bcoton and to this un ion two children were born Donna MMJcan 14 and Mary Jane who mourn the loss ofa loving husband and affectionatefather also one sister Mrs Elliott of Bolton private funeral service was held at the late residence at 1130 am Monday Sept and public ser vice at two oclock in Fraser Pres byterian Church Rev Duke and membersof the Orange or der conducted the services Gor don Mallion rendered solo dur inglthe service fSometime Well Understand Interment was made in the family plot at Fraser Pres bytgrian Cemetery The pallbear ersgiwere Allan Eckford Toronto Ot Chantler Weston Dr Ma Harvey Simpsan Ray Bax terl=lottenhamJoseph Skelly Col gait Orange members acted as flowerbearers CQtDWATER Church Services divinity student Howard Smith who has been supplying at Thornbury Was in charge of the Presbyterian service at Coldwater on Sunday in the absence on hol lda of Rev Charles Carter resbyterlan Sunday School re here on Sept 20 but there will belno church serylcc on that datoyowlng to the anniversary at Port McNicoll United Church services at Eady and Goldwater were cancelled Sun you into its own mould stated Rev Shllton urging his congrega tion to keep close to the gospel of Christ Ic choir under the dircc tion of Mrs Allan Corrigan read cred the anthem Bless Than the Lord Rally Day in Burns SundaySchool was announced or Sunday Sept and ttcndancc is antic lpatcd WMS Enteme Burns WMS were guests of St Johns Evening Auxiliary at their regular meeting held in the Sunday School room last Thursday oven ing number of the ladies from the local group attended and Mrs McLachlnn was the guest speaker Miscellaneous Shower Several from the community at tcnded 11 miscellaneous shower at Mansfield on Friday evening in honor of Mr and Mrs Denney whose marriage took place rd ccntly Recent Guests Mr and Mrs Eric Carlson Chic ago were recent guests at the home of Mrs Carlsons uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs SwonSon Attend Wedding Mrs Wilbert Holmes was among the guests from this community who attended the DcnneyLennox wedding at Mansfield recently Mr and Mrs Ernest Switzcr and Sally visited relatives in Crccmorc on Saturday With Relatives Mrs Pctcr Switzer and daughter Susan spent several days last week with her father Mr Ellis in Thornton who was ill Mr and Mrs Ruddick Baxter and Miss Betty Edgar Alllston were guests of Mr and Mrs Henderson on Sunday lt Mrs John Gowan Crccmorc is spending few days this week with her niece Mrs ElllCSl Swttzcr Weekend Guests Mrs Langford and Mrs Dur ward Simcoc were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Wood day last to allow attendance at North River United Churchs 70th anniversary services Speaker was Carl Harvey Washago North River choir with Mrs De Conkey as soloist assisted at the morning service and an Orillia quartet sang at the evening service Porcupine Found In Basement Last Friday morning Joseph Bar den new owner of the poolroom was surprised to find porcupine in his basement Mr Barden had recently been in business at Port Severn and thought he had left such animals behind Lloyd Leth erby assisted in removing the por cupine to the outside where it was allowed to locate more natural place to live Car Accidents Two Toronto men escaped injury when their sedan skidded and turn cd Over on its side on grade on county road 23 about two miles west of Goldwater early Sunday evening About $400 damage rc sulted The driver John Watkins 23 Weston was proceeding to To ronto accompanied by John Mc Cartney Yonge Street Toronto OPP Constable Jock Shepherd Waubaushenc investigated When car driven by Lemuel Southorn Coldwater failed to make turnat Warminster Sat urday night it rolled over and struck pole Occupantsof the auto escaped with shaking up Mcdonte Council Meeting At Medonte Council September meeting letter was dealt with in which the Canadian Pacific Rail way offered to pay full operating RONALD BELESKEY of Stroud and his dog Queen in the show held in couucctlou with the Innisfil Township School Fair at Stroud Sept 15 There were large number of en tries in each of the classes by school chlldren of the area There were field crops vegetables and flowers livestock and poultry on display as well as pets woodcraft and sewing The fair included program of sports and contests lnnistil Pupils Show livestock At Fair mummmmm the remedial life Two war he mov to Walkcrvtllo and was arm William on Meleon Dies At Million Of Coronary Thombolis William Kidd Melton one of the third generation of that name to operate the farm on lot Con cession Essa passed away on Friday Sept was at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Allister fol lowing coronary thrombosis Mr McLean wagvbptn oh the homestead on May 15 1884 and all of his life was spent there His parents were William John Mc Lean and Georgiannc Elizabeth Whalcy Stirvlving of the family are his ldow the former Miss Nina Grace Fletcher two sons Hugh at home and John of Oshawa twodau ghters Mrs Wilfred Ryan Gear giant of New Toronto and Mrs John Ireland Wilma at home Mr McLean Was member of St Johns United Church Alliston al so of Masonic Seven Star Lodge 285 Alliston and Moore Sovereign Conststory 32nd degree Hamilton The funeral service on Monday Sept at the home wasconduct ed by Rev Shilton of Allis ton For interment in Alliston Un ion Cemetery the pallbearers were Dr William Drcnnan Slmcoc George Brennan Guelph Ernest Morrison Ross Hand Herbert Dunn and Leslie Harris Alliston Some of the relatives and friends from distance attending the fun eral were Hugh McLean and Miss Elizabeth McLean of Tona wanda NY Dr William Brennan and Bill of Simcoc George Dren uan James Irwin and Isobel of Guelph Mrs James Reid Mr and Mrs Hugh Platl and family Ron and Evart Kidd George McGorvcy Miss Georgina Ruthven M11 and Mrs Kayo Fletcher and Miss Nora Fletcher Toronto World War Veteran William Lines Dies Prominent Mason Here veteran of the First World War William Lines of Barrio died suddenly on Sunday Sept 1953 of coronary thrombosis at tack while he was driving along Letitia Street at 430 oclock in the afternoon plumbingland heating engi nccr Mr Lines had been in sup ervisory position at Camp Borden since1945 He was formerly res ident of Walkervillc Born at Wldnes Lanes England on April 30 1896 the deceased was the son of Arthur Lines and the late Hannah Hirst Hccnlisted in World War on Dec 28 1914 and served throughout the war years and the occupation of Germanyfol lowing the armistice Herwas gass ed at Cite St Pierre and spent nine months in the Mont de Chat remuslxtl Monastery Hospital with trench fever antiarihril1 Except for the war yearVs Mr Lines was resident of Bank from 1904 to 1922 and returned to Barrie in 1934 after several yearslv AN OPPORTUNITY EIGHTYEAROLD Billy McQuay shows his calf in the livestock division at the Innlsfil Township School Fair in Stroud Sept 15 Pupils teachers and parents shared in the worthwhile event held under the auspices of the school area Lboards of Innisfil Township in cooperation with the public school inspector and the agricultural representatives for South Simone taxes It was reported there was loss of $17 to sheep on ABidmeads farm All members attended the meeting which adjourned to Oct 14 ml pm my AN nxAMINan WANT All cost of the warning signal at Bells Crossing on the lOth concession but suggesting that Mcdonte should pay $330 towards initial cost Coun cil was of the opinion theyshould have been consultcd before the in stallation was made but in view of the improved type of warning signal agreed to contribute $200 towards cost of installation The letter fromthe CPRWas written to the Board of Transport Com missioners Originally it had been proposed by the Railway company that the township pay annually towards maintenance of the signal grant of $150 was made to the Huronia Agricultural Sogety plus $10 grant for speclal pailfed calf competition It was decided toidis continue service on phones where accounts were 30 days overdue The new procedurewlll not apply to users who pay for service on their whon new tire org titted during the rail or Winter and DRILLED 8r REPAIRED TM pumps FOR SALE FREE ESTIMATES MERLIN COUPLAND 807d there lsbettcr tire service when you choose long wearing rungs fruiting3922 Service Illulnhll nuiiou contempt Inc for interesting and rcmuncrative employment for responsible men or women of good character and Integ rity who are retired or have spare time to act as agents for well known investment company deal ing in highgrade bonds in solicit ing orders in their community for ployed in Detgoitdor 12 years He returned to Toronto in me and llved there for two years before coming back to Barrie ln t939 3e became employed at Camp Bar en He married the tonne Von My crs of Barrie ongtpril 21 1920 member of the Anglican Church Mr Lines sang in the choir of Trinity Church for some time He served on the building icommiltee and was very active in the Canadian Legion for many years member of Great West crn Lodge No 47 AF and AM Windsor and the Canadian Legion Barrie Branch No 147 when he served as vicepresident in 194t42 He had just affiliated with Kent pentelt Lodge AF and AM He was known for his friendly and cheerful disposition his dove tion to his employees and for his many qulct deeds of kindness to those who appealed to him for help Besides his widow the late Mr Lines is survived by his father Arthur Lines of Barrie two bro thers Arthur Jr of Canton Ohio and Harvey of Barrie and two sisters Mrs Walker Webb Gladys of Barrie and Mrs Al bert Stephenspn Doris of Wind sor The funeral service at the Petit ickSmith Funeral Home on Wed nesday Sept was conducted by Rev chcncier Wright Pall bearers were Armstrong Ernest Burton Roy Christie Coleman Dyclg Roywljghtlcy and Poppleton The Masonic funeral service was conducted at the graveside by Bro Morrison with like attendance or Mic new interment was In Barrie Union Cemetery grout to the about and dice lion in which on was held Am Wm vcntbmgtMthe of the departments Chat Borden the my chop the RB at Cum the Roy Great Wm lodge No in AF and AK Windsor Masonic Broth ren ame Cindi Legion Branch 147 Battle Crowc Co Ltd Barrie Officers and Members of Beaver Rebekah lodge No 190 Barrie the degree staft of Beaver Rebekah Lodge No 190 and Bayview Chapter him 105 of the Order of the Eastern Star Relatives stud friend attending the funeral were Mr and Mn Al N0 EXTRA COST tilts Hill moms friend and omen to from Auburn Crec more Starker andCamp Bordon WV hit mogul by th radical CW in the my in the past decade or the senior dim Wlw Wed up and launder the not com mnoiuespt the mom Eta of people are uni W9 they rlve to spread the oldoue pension cMmdrozn month to month lrumhller Altai Mail mwpm TRASH 80 More and more tamer though out the Prince George district are posting their land with no shoot ing signs Many of them have had no alternative if they wanted to protect their stocktheir gates and fences and their crops bcrt Stephenson other Mr omit Prloce George BC Citizen no arms cosr ANTI SOOT ANTI SLUDGE EXCLUSIVE DEALER THE SIIIIJEHIIT 60 Illl PHONE 2461 Other animals have healthy respect of qporcupines quills Tiny barbs on the tip make them difficult to remove An attacker or inquisitive neighbor soon nds how uncomfortable they can be can Lines WE SARLING IREWERIES lIMIIED WATERLOOMONTREAlfIORONTOTECUMSEH the issue next month of Govern ment of Canada Savings Bonds Reply Box No Barrie Examiner If the children unaware left insurance INSURED WITH How long could liVe on ruetolnoou int Mdhcjilipsfaway so fast thdie daysn no es me wonder just how long our insurance would take care of livingexpemles well you manage ifauythinghappenedv to my husband tht would dovif the money can out Get rid of our home Find jobif could Forgets ibout our plans for the childrenls education This is so vitally we shouldgud out where we stand and ASK ms whittwebun do about it touooN UFE MAN Mrs the her Bach after more Seventeen or improvement on recipe donated THE Inst Mrs

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