Summer Nuptials AT Burton Ave SIGNING THE REGISTER following tllcir wedding in Bur ton Avenue United Church are Mr and Mrs Brent Ewart impal Affirm and he will deal with 1b gorzcra breakduwrl of mutton cud how at unwed at by 13 municipality Menus are urged to if largo numbers for the in of the 193334 will the most ancc wall become 91118 and fail EELS are particularly urged to boosli the ateuduncc gures Pick the ELLac of or rutcling The executive councrl of Borne Art Club inc Wednesday evening at the home ol the prestdcnl Mrs Ken Trendwcll The first meeting of this season will be held in Miss Gwen Fifcs studio 3Z0 Cudringtun Strcct on the evening of Oct The various pictures involving wooden bucket Will be shown Members who have not complctu Ecd their bucket picture areE istrungly urgcd to get photograph iof the bucket from Gordon Rec12 and join in the fun Les Cowper Studio Adhual Ladles The speakers topic Wll lilunoz ivizis ls 135 Wu wan to Mfg Co Fiqld Day Held lienLs will be 5mm 31 Davies The bride is the former Joyce Marie Field Reg daughter of Mr and Mrs George Field of Barrie and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Ewart Davies of Toronto After wedding trip to Nova Scotiu the young couple will be their home In Toronto First Annual Dobson Reunion At Midhursf ple in attendance The first annual Dobson reunion was held recently at Springwatcr Park with approximately 125 pco From outside points came members of the family 124 Dunlop sueet from St Cathdrincs Brantford Toronto and Utopia Three lucky prizes were given at the table Bobby Dobson Norris Ford and Mrs Fred Dobson were the winners The oldest person present was MILBURS YOUR LOCAL FUREIEB 299 Dunlop St Ph 231er2 Opposite Cloverleaf Repairs Remodelling Storage and Cleaning Relining Small repairs while you wait plin St Edgar chnick of 91 Clappcrfon SL Barrie The youngest baby pres ent was Ralph Giffcn son of Mr and Mrs Donald Giffcn RR PIANIST SELECTION The prize for thc person coming AszCulllMcdalistandbuddingcunccrt from the farthest distance wont to iauist lail Cooper of Minaki Rd Mr and Mrs Kenneth Dinsmorc of gun leit knows the meaning ulliard Brantford work and concentration Says Gail It was moved that the reunion be Although its an exacting life love held at Springwatcr Park next every minute of it But after hours of year also on the 1351 Saturday in scalcs and fmgcr cvcmscsthc sweetest August muslc 15 the tulle of glass and After supper sports were enjoy bultlcolcoolLlannda Dryll1 sparkling ed by puppy llavur really makes moments relaxation something to look uman town Clerk Win 22Erratum522135 Be Speaker AT IFirsf PTA Meeting few ttlcst ay bus Roy Barrand town ccrk and EVERYBODYS FAVORITE lrcasurcr of Barrie will be the Speaker at the opening meeting of the scason of St Marys Parcnt llcachcr Association on Tucsdayl lcvening The niccling will be held GINGER ALE School Marys Separate Trade In Your OIdStove Nowl Over $50 Allowed On This Enterprise Table TopRange CHECK THESE FEATURES Fuelsaving centresimmer burners with one giantsize burner for big pots Fond pans yontiltvoven rocks to guard agains Jspins Limited Quantity kegular Price $21000 TradeinAllowance $5050 You Pay Only 15950 gtLamp and Minute Minder Extra Onlyhonceina lifetime you havcan mopportunity like thisA fullmtabIetop gauge fononly 315950 and your old stove Rollout smokeless broiler for delic ious steaks and chops cooked to per friction Largo Storage comparEInent fittch with sbelves va Stainresistant white porceloin enamel exterior with ohrOme trim Enjoy perfect codking convenience With onlsP Gas installation andthislihe rangeru Reltable SP Gas gives constantpressur in altweathcrs in cutoffs during storms orlpcak periods LIMITED Phone 5404 Visit ourStoreor ask to have 01 Representative call Bblnd the fdntillat molarsighted cannotANGER Findlay had low 222 lo the bronze ditiz9t 11 to 51mm And 12 15 on non to 111213qu lub Earlier Sept slizi ruz ioligegl ylzglEiglgcf Utah by John Onyx 36 Coon Dangereld Wot mug cg and 411va Dungcrfmld and 32 lgclcid xx as AJllldf ml Hoe capnnnis prlzgsyhrz me on RFDmvtll vlnt grin was blrs Roy ii 48 Mrs plollowull um ltztlti E23 Elglitrqultlrthe pr reduction 01 panama for the cd on gt lyi pzr llte ringgfs Scott my lite N35111 the silver division was won be Mrs Corbin Mrs Ray liltlli Vlfe isaued pm the ruidpkbtbih flit itlll 3cm planning and invgiiuiiyofCEhados electrical in dustry that provides the lowcost power and eicient equipment which is helping to raise our standard of living Vlhcuyou 111ml light in 11311111 you pr flick 511tcli its 15 simplt as that find ll lllill tilluzl llillLclt tktll lUl LulLCtl UllblLll b1 of is 1111 ullll 313111LlCLllltlLnilltullll Lu illL llJIIL 1M1 my mull 11111 JIALLLlr lll Minn il1 111 llIl c11t 7111 may cu 141 min on to virus and drigirtiull C00llil Slillill This is last bCCClEllt rvma w1 EL 113com ll7l7lg LIE CV31 IimOd Llilndlttl llOtLLb dado ciccfumy or Ironic mutually cu mgchun all of us 11 should alwaysbs 312 17 17 bored tom Ly Eu 1h long psi gram 17 in n1 unmix bccamcoi ilk mlituhf $1113 CleClthZlTiC source cigar 111111 mum has rm foxrdcvcl pilot 1i1uui1muri mug lnd diet in 1321 tutti unied 111 Twovbafl folk sonic an humour pmme ALKGGl ct rrt minimal llLLfllll ur Ilium ns 953 gm um um 1mm TTWWW Wwfwg mam at iii LUMB Armanivisas domain SIZES so immune Truckload or Garland lv new nd Mrs GOLDEN VALLEY ONT Efficient Sc nice liczul limbsX lug surng av pulp and paper mining and 111auuluctur111g indLiStus Lotlicirprcscnt positiunawliich indirectly adds to the prosperity 0fall Canadians When you ip that familiar switch on tho wall lmvc yut ever given thought to the amazingly intricate system of pow equipment that lies bcliilid it from the 31111 flu 51111 mudzrs electric utilities 111 bccrt one ofpluumunglial lnzrrczmss 111 10111111111 for power being 9011a llllllf 11 cf nith 111 isulf+ligit Cunarli has become one pl 211 may highly 1L11lllnl mucus in Ill world Amt In 11111 U11 11utzl ix1 Lou cliff cil l1lultifc out 131u lllc or clce 1l LuitutlILElklllt Jclulmb UllciJulj innV lemurs gfvitcligcqr v11 uni 31131 for 1b 31116111len ruinsa 11 gr mum3r and uranium oi c11ic prawnma mil the rww pliu1tcs Lumps wm TS lu1 Ladul L1 oxide 11 Lllu that xx fouls 125 occur or 9leLl 116 Lumbar 12 11 olg rue because21 Lamass 11 lTt DtMw QVJJL 3111 faked clonal cal Manolo havc 150 ELECT0903PANY7 tinned VFIAQrgojfflcag Lugs Elcm Phone 52