mc mum Wotan wAvav curious Mr and Hrs 23 Furzecoit rig Sflclll Eric virxktfttz with md Kris lrvviri Elliott Ci CENTRE VESPRA Wm Sikhs Dcszc ibi vve neither Chzutj Cb cu Veapra had large ah ha anti liasiu lazuli giving igrxtcc Evy do Waugh Leuvoggfor Knit beam Mf and Lous MSW 6d into sides after which Mn SMill resptzicd fur few words of thanks in Mrs lied Tuc Marilyn and Kenny Lindsay VIEFl asked daemons as the Wenfvrzn with Patterson 35 um unduppu cwrvlf is ulpllcxrerz gallon tug Hm N5 mg llca over the holiday Weekend witblings study chapter deucmusgcipal and Mrs Ath as gum in the chum aim to the chcquc Royal irclomr Hospital mmey 1m Mr and Mm Shaw Mn andgiumm saved by the hone and latache and lt Tau siblicr Mrs Jack Johnston find Gordon affecmmitiee followed the mectingl DOME FINch llnded the EXVREV sllizvlm mm Mellon also spent the ueckeodl hibiliuc Thursdar in TOIHHIO din3 JJh LW by an whmmrliy gm wnbtbe Shaws mums Mrs Harry with and vmmgvcrsc 13 ll scivscc um bacctfgl the family of Ms Lamcmn My Bessm Hum has mufed The following people foragvgsylgd he mtr Mm nwghwm Illl Ulllii the our lac fulllTMf 136 MF Cilimmfl over the 105s of tlmr hump and il as Smdem nurse at the Rov3icmkmown gnawed mt Cmdm Midhm lllLl mi of hit cunt lm bymmilrlc ionic realism of Lent bclmgmgs Ramonang were 3ll 3083311 305 ourthin before mums i0 Barrie vmmm Hospmg game hibmon In Toronto do mg the past week Mrs Herb Jebb At Potato Field my gm lhu blfrlifl 515 nldrgazclJ rm lmrs ago Sin mun pullers Injured Back up Mending Business College Mrs Ecuador Miss Irene MISUSE K537 BONDS and Ir lbhdld Scott 331 rlt in ngcued we Piiillnfll LSiiul on Suitr us 53 Mr Emil 3423 vtclcy inn mama Mr roll luver kill out Wdill Bkuliisti mlll Sunday TXuzzgg cn dll mom to be lavl Dr ruel of Turuulu nu Mylo curry mul Weekend Bore first chapter the map was mold School Tom Begins rc Mrs Fred organ Sympathy IZka Louise Ham By Fire Sympzziiy of tilt community guy to Wdlinm Mortimer and law iizimgiuzt lQucl Cleaner Emy my id ml needs much Mmmf Morris Darth Em Corie clFh hinderml 503m Tneghrid born ailing fur cycle l1v id that Mike Q3 F0r thebest andzseirVice Miss Isabel Currie is attending Backless College in Barrie Misc Evelyn Currie is teaching this yeari near Slayncr 31 SS 23 Notmwa saga In Elmvzlc Mr and H13 Norman Broiey and sens Bill and John and Misses Dixonznd Marilyn Glass spent they weekend at the home of Mr andl Mrs Milton Trace Elmvalc ls Visited Home Gordon Cause visited at his home here before returning to 0t lawa where he will resume his teaching duties iI Carlton College Recent Wedding Miss Joyce Hazcline Hill doughi tor of Mr and Mrs Waller Douglas Hill Toronto formerly of Cooks3 towu was recently married to Dork 31d Claire Depew at Rhodes Aw lei United Church Toronto Weekend With Relatives Mr and Mrs McKilliczm with their son and daughicrinlaw Southampton spent the weckcnd with Mr and Mrs Harold McKillican Ron and Brian The McKillicans have recently taken unmet Canton mmes Maxme Mc residence with George Cousins Visiting Bore Mr and Mrs Alan Hopper Patricia and Margaret Val DOr Quebcc are visiting in town for few days at Causes and Churches Dr Carr Hamilton spent the weekend at his home in town Mrs Carr and Miss Aylcsworth rc iurnccl on Saturday from taking Fraser to Belleville where he is registered of Albert College Mrs Carr and Miss Aylesworth visited atlvos and friends at Napunec Kingston during the week Social Group Meeting Rosss Social Group met at the home of Mrs Realty on Thurs day Sept with members present Thevprcsidc Mrs Dermott opened the meeting by leading in the Lords Prayer in up ison Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted Onc quilt was quilted Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Gilroy Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Delmolt The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Montgomery on Wednesday Sept 23 Dedication Service On Sunday morning Sept 13 thechoir of our United Church wet for the first time the gowns Whlal they had ordered some months earlier and in short ser vice they were dedicated The gowns purchased from Milne Co Montreal are wine in color with matching mortar boards black pulpit gown gift of the Milne Co to the Church with the pur chase of the choir gowns will be left in the church for the use of the residnt minister During the vice the choir sang the anthem eel the Moments WMS Meeting The young womens Auxiliary of the United Church started off their Fall work on Thursday even ing Sept 10 withpheir first meet ing at the home of Mrs Giirnet Ley The meeting opened will hymn and prayer with the first vicepresident Mrs Monkman in the chair The minutes of the last meeting were lead and adopt ed Several items of business were thendiscussed It was announced that the BabyBand and Misclpn Band would hold Special 10ml meeting toward the end of this month It was also stated that the ladies were asked to help conirh utktowachheagricultucebdqth in the way of baking knitting sewing etc at the Cooksiown Fair October meeting to be hgld at the home of Mrs Corrigan will take the form of thespecialthank offer lug meeting Ten books were re ported read during the summer af ter which the treasurer Mrs French gave an enco raging re port Roll call was talln With la members and four visiors presen Mrs Coburn then conducted the worship period with the scripture ings taken by Mrs Peirson Mrs Holt Mrs Corrigan then gave reading on the work of Chinese Missionary wlnch was followed by lovely vocal solo by Mrs Kellogg Mrs George Farm then introduced the new study book of the year Whereer The Sun duiics as icachgr at Vascy school Mcmn Mm 5m Mu wmmmlnriukill and Orioumwn attend Walker Mrs Hayes Mrs Sparry Mrs Charles Blackmorc Rev and Mrs Donaldson and Frances Mr and Mrs Hunter Mr and Mrs Honkman and Teddy Clarence Coccland Dow Cousins Joffrc Averill ifflbAiE Mica Amv Lea um among those who attended the Exhibition St Andrews WMS The WMS of St Andrews Church met on Tuesday night at Mrs Harold Martins Mrs McClung presided Mrs Iur ner look the devotions Mrs Drcunan gave the topic and Mr Canton the missionary study on Africa Plum were made for the flinnlcoffcring meeting in Octo pcler on Ihiirsduy Mrs James Marlin resumed hcr Mbcelhucois Shower miscellaneous shower was held in St Andrews auditorium Wednesday night in honor of Mrs Robert Cascagnettc formerly Miss Faddcn Doris Thompson Marion Martin and Shirley Turner assist the bride with the many useful gifts Mrs Turner conducted contest Guests Craighurst WI number of the members of the Womens Institute were guests of Cralghurst WI on Friday even me Mr and Mrs Norman Falls of St Pctcrsbiirg Florida and Mr and Mrs Bert Pigeon Toronip spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Smith and Mr and Mrs McKctrick Cancel Worship Service The worship service in the Uni ted Church will be cancelled as the Hobart congregation are hold ing their anniversary services at 30 and 730 pm on Sunday Sept 20 Visit Mrs Mncleod In Hospital Mr and Mrs John Rumble and family visited on Sunday With Mrs John Macleod of Barrie who is ill in the Owen Sound hospital Rally Day Sunday Rally Day service will be ob served in St Andrews Church on Sunday at 945 am Mrs Glenn Murdy in and after an interestingtalk on the Officiates at Toronto Wedding Rev Moore spent few days In Toronto during the Week and officiated atlthe SmithHem bruff wedding Attend Goldwater Fair Mrs Alvin Drenuan and Larry spent few days days in Cold water with Mr and Mrs Galbraith and attended Goldwater Fair Mrs Glenn Min1y Passes This community was grieved when word was received on Tues day afternoon of the passing of Midland She was dearly beloved by all those who knew her The sincere sympathy is extended to the be reaved husband Mr and Mrs Johnston and family of Carley spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Douglas Fred Dunn spent the weekend in Toronto and Niagara Falls BELLE EWARI mni Funeral At Lansing ed the potato field day at lies Mrs Elbo Brown spent weekend in Toronto Gerald and Warren French spoilt the weekend in Toronto and Mrs Murray Graham Sailing on Fromm to sail on the SS Preseott ily visited at Slayncr on Sunday with lite iutlcrs brother Rally Day United Church Rally Day was bold in the Uni led Church on Sunday with Rev Mr Glazcr Waltur Drinkill Ar chic Hoskin John Ruskin Lois Corlctt Wilma Reynolds Joy Homsby Kenneth French and Graham Drinkili taking part and junior choir Mr and Mrs Elmer French and family of Stayner visited at Clarke1 Frcnchs on Sunday km United Anniversary The 85th anniversary of the Uni led Church will be held on Sunday Sept 27 at oclock and 730 The annual memorial service Sunday Sept 20 at230 at the ccnotaph Mr and Mrs Wugg and family Stoufivillc spent Sunday witbl their soninlaw and daughter Mrl and Mrs Graham Robinson Mrs Hulfish and Mrs Quanlz attended the funeral on Friday Sept 11 at Lansing of their cous in Lester Smith Mrs Thompson and Miss Good man of Toronto have spent the pas wEkWthWSTDE rier Spending Tome In Grim Mr and M1sRobe11 Stewart are spending few weeks in Grillia Mr Stewart is in hospital withhay fever Renew Acquaintach Here Mrs Jack Amoslorouto and her brother ThomzisMoadows of Detroit who liv ago called to see few friends on Monday and were quite surprised at the changes in the village since they had lived here Schools punitime Every week now familieser moving into this community and the schools are full and overow ing Some classes get only half day brawn Enioy Better value and mice outgrootcr healing RUTH blue coal DAlER CALL iHlsuium ORIZED ed here 45 years suffering F939 muck cowl mum until but erigb pupil will gzi auto limp be spucml Hpmlccr next Sunday MS Rum Rummy med Mnicvcmng at Trinity Cllll ric when the topic of ms yummy will be Clarke French left on MOUIIJ 93ng lmlzly Mr and Mrs IL Bursc and fam mum mmdmu booklt ox iii tiuw tlll null be likcliiliuucdtdm 39513 Cu In Critical Condition Mrs Rclph was colicd It lac btvijigc of her husband in Sunny In bmok limpitul last week ml term li uf tzlllllg no further on lahrsmn and wlis Emily been rcccived on Mr erpli Turnithi iimi or Sunday is criticLil Cullflillilll dim rlt M222 John Mu pvi 11 xvzil My of Mr Spechl Speaker Padre Currie Camp Borden le Bill Catfizlh= 00k7$gllp acme Gui NE MRiLZ JSRE 1N1 415 Brilauz Ser will be at p121 Tlianlce serviccs will be held in ufl Sept 37 Milt special Battle of Annual Church Meeting The yearly mcclirtg to IUSD the of Christ Church wll be PLUMBING SUPPLIES Sinks Bathtubs Basins Toll eta Pipe Fittings Pumps Tanks Shower fablncts Laundry Tubs Pressure Wat er System Oil Burntrx Fur naces Septic Oil Tanks Ask for Catalogue Shipments Delivered You Pay NI Frelbt SEE AND SAVE 55$ How abouf YOU COSIS as lllile as 2c day Savings Accounls Commercial Loans Trovelleri Cheques $V OHNSON mums sum STREEISVIIIE om Money Orders BankingbyMoil Letters of Credit Foreign Exchange Current Accounts Safety Deposit Boxes OPEN EI 8v I781 EVE BARBIE ALLANDALE ALLISION Ford Economy Trucks save you money on every 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and extra cost long life will PRONEM 24 mum mm