AN maniacall1 swarms smug THETOWN 01 AND COUNTY OF sumo Since I864 89th YearNo 107 MWh an UniVersities Training Schools Several 1053 graduates of the Barrie District Collegiate Institute are leaving to enrol at universities and in various courses of study this fall Five girls of the gradu ating class have entered normal school and several others have en tered hospital training schools Enrolling at the University of Jonto in engineering courses are llacc Kirkpatrick Tom Sea wright Robin Wright and Ralph Loughced Wallace Kirkpatrick is taking course in mechanical en gineering on the Regular Olficers Training Plan and expects to enter the Royal Canadian Air Force on graduation Also entering the University of Toronto this year are John llicci who will be taking music course John Warnica who is entering the premedical course and Nancy Cameron Joan Ferguson Shirley Frid Ann Harris John Martin and Ross Morrow who will be in the Faculty of Arts Joanne Tomlinson is taking atwo year Xray technictans course at the Universityi of Toronto com mencing this fall Enrolling at the University of Western Ontario are Ronald Chris tie who will be taking mathema tics and physicsGlenda Robinson in the business administration course and Jane Perkins in the science of nursing course Tom Taciuk will commence studies at Waterloo College and Mary Cameron and Nelma Wigg are both entering arts courses at McMaster UniVersity Hamilton John Cockbum is enrolling at the tario Agricultural College and yd Strachan will be at the On in Veterinary College Enrolling at MacDonald College in Guelph is Elizabeth Johnston One Barrie student Elizabeth Wildman will be continuing her studies in the United States at Hiri am College in Hiram Ohio Taking courses at the Rycrson School of Technology are Marshall Wice Glenn Swain and Emery Rowe Leonard Robbins is going to the Canadian General Electric School at Peterborough Four Barrie boys are at the Royal Military College in Kingston this year Victor Andrews Ray Cutler Keith Gardner and Jack Garner Ruth Channen Erma McKinley Barbara Orchard Gwen Scott and Madiyn Saso enrolled at Teachers College in Toronto at the beginning of September Nursesintraining from the 1953 BarrieDisfricl Collegiate Institute class are Dorothy Leishman at T0 ronto General Hospital Mary on Johns at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto Margaret Dou gherty Marilyn Moore and Helen Thompson at Toronto East Generall Hosprtal and Mary Helen McVeighi Eat St Michaels Hospital in Toronto Several collegiate graduates are also returning to schools and colr lieges to continue their studies Carlton Chisholm and Donald Mci Lean are in their second year in engineering courses at the Univer sity of Toronto Hugh Currie will be entering general arts at Toronto this year and Joan Fisher is re turning for her second year in the English language and literature course Her sister Sylvia is in her second year in modern languagesi all University of Toronto Also at University of Toronto arei Barbara Perkins in her second year household economics Millet Saltcri in his second year architecture and Douglas Stewart in his second year general arts preparatory to law Kathleen Thompson is enrolling all the Rycrson School of Technology in Toronto this year Moira Great and Joan Valley are in their second year at the Uni versity of Western Ontario and Alan MacDonald is returning to McMaster University for second year Another second year uni versity student from the collegiate is Judy Pace at Queens University Douglas William Stewart is in his second year medicine this year at the University of British Colum bia Returning to the University of Toronto for third year are Don ald Bigclow in dentistry Ronald Dexter in engineering Bob Lain son in physical and health educa tion and Donald Walnica in the general arts course Ted Clarke is returning to the University of Western Ontario for his third year in secretarial sci ence and Diane Hill and Paul Pal mcr are entering third year at Mc Master Don Newson will be in DONNA MARIE SUTTON 10 of Shanty Bay is seen here with her calf Bethie which took third prize in the H01 stein calf class and third in the show class at the Oro Ag ricultural Societys 10151 annual Fall Exhibition and Horse Show held at Oro Fair Grounds Wednesday afternoon BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Collegiate Graduates Enrol Al SHANTY BAY GIRL WINS FAIR PRIZES third year at the Ontario CollegowFNE of Pharmacy in Toronto and Doug las Stairs will be in third year mathematics at Queens In third year at the Ontario Ag ricultural College is Glenn McCann Fourth year OAC students are Perry Cockburn Gordon Flook and William McLean Entering his fourth year engineering atToronto is Mike Karpa Bob Carman and Donald Crosbie are in their fourth year forestry at the University of Toronto and Jim Bewcll is in his fourth year medi cine at the University of Western Ontario and Bill Little is entering iris fourth yearmedicine at Toron Harry Rogers will be entering his fourth year in business administra tion at Western Marvin Fisher is in his fourth year pharmacy at Toronto INNISFIL TWP SCHOOL FAIR rBEVIVED AFTER 20 YEARS ATTENDANCE It is thought to be 20 years since In additiop to the usual prize DRAWS LARGE lnnisfil Township hld School Fair and the reason may have been the lack of suitable large arena since the Stroud rink has bean put to other commercial purposes This however proved to be no handicap to the presentation of the fair held on Tuesday Sept 15 and the event was huge success in every way Large Attendance The weather which seemed threatening in midafternoon with few drops of rain and fresh breeze cleared nicely and remained pleasantly cool until evening and the attendance was beyond expect ations with almost 900 children tak mg part andwith many parents and friends as spectators For the afternooncontests speak ing singing etc piano viras plac ed on an opentruck and directly at the back of the Stroud school formed platform in the shelter of Victor Andrews theabudingwithmrrtterfihm man Sproule in charge and with Miss Eva Bumble musical director as accompanist no zludges in public speaking and utiorr weldRev Morris Rev Muir and Rev Rowe and in singing Lloyd Tufford who had many contestants from which to select winners Sports were started at 10 am in the ball field at the rear of the Community Hall under direction of Chairman Jack Constable and Committee of Jack Hughes Norlnan Coulis and can Lockhart was it money number of prizes donated by firms and individuals proved an added incentive and grants were of great assistance 77 Individual points won were also credited to the various schools in connection with the winning of var ious trophies donated These are cup for school corn petition from Dennis Sheard cup from Sproule for most points per pupil to school cup from Reeve Cliff Lockhart for team of two pupils and cup for champion Showmanship presented byWilliam New Cash prizes were from the four Barrie Banks Toronto Commerce Nova Scotia and Royal and book for each high point boy and girl from the TEaton Co Substantial grants were from Innisfil Town Ship Simcoe County and other don ations from Stroud WT Craig Hun ter and James Leonard Contact Program At ilaan various contests were run off includingWeed naming tree naming and judging under Chair man Mrs Campbell and Ray ehoughecd and Gordon Emerick Atl pan the pandawas forrn ed on the grounds of Stroud Pres byterian Church and from there to the ballfield eachschool with its banner and in the following order 88 No Innisfil Cherry Creek Left0y SS No4 Killyleigh SS No lnnisfil SS No Nantyre Turn to ge eight please KATHLEEN 311mm 10 holding some olthebeaatuul exhibits featured at the Oro Township Horticultural So cietysFIower Show held in conjunctionvwith the Oro Worlds Fair Band Concert On Sunday Afternoon This Sunday the Barrie Citi zens Band will give concert in Allandale dualaggtbetafter noon begimling at 3oclock The conocrt will take place in front of the YMCA building Bandmastcr Joe McNeillie has unmounced that it will be an all request program Rev Caleyi Transferred To Toronto falls Rev Alfred Paul Coley assist ant at St Marys Roman Catholic Church for the past five years has been transferred to St Claires Parish in Toronto it was announc ed by James Cardinal McGuigan of Toronto Archdiocese Father Coley leaves tombrrow forhis new parish The new cur ate in Barrie replacing him is Rev Thomas Mardcy who was or daincd on May 30 of this year inf St Michaels cathedral after cam plellng studies at St Aug ustines Seminary Fathen Man ley wilIarrive hereJon Saturday Before coming to Barrie Father com caromj frond gt195 GRADUATES or Barrie District Collegrat llously over marathon one no years The raurasme rsludentsywereamong 51 Anthonys thishthsre Institute Victor Andrews Ray Cutler Jack Garnerwand Keith Gardner left last Friday to enrol at the Royal shampoo Kingston This is byfar th arges umber fromBar it has ever been in the military eg and th have nothen roll Caly was at NiagaraonlheLake St Marys was hissecond parish former member of St Brigids in Toronto he Was organist there before going to St Angus as later at A55 of Toronto and was foltmerly of Father Caller been Well IN Eva AFTER HIT BY AUTO WHILE CYCLING The condition of Gerard Murphy 13 of 44 Shphia Street East who was knocked down while cycling on Hayfield Street yesterdayaft moon wmepoztedatoyaLlLu toria Hospital this morning as quite satisfactory The young boy had apparently driven out of Loblaws parking lot onto Bayfield Streetriding into the path of car driven by Stan ley Snider of Willowdale He was tossed aboutlz feet and landed on his head on the pavement An ambulance took him to hos pital where he was found to have concussion food and chin cuts and bruised right leg STRANGE HAVEN CP young hawk about six weeks old and unable to Uhr arrir Examiner Wilma lamnu Class luau law at Cirunli iOro Fair lOlst Fall Exhibition Entries Increased Over 1952 But Rain Affects Attendance Rain which had been threat day morning finally fell early ening practically all Wednes in the afternoon just as the Oro Agricultural Societys lOlst Fall Exhlbition and Horse Show was getting under way causing particular disappoint gm 1mm mauled to wagon merit to the directors and officials of the Society because the went to George Wright wzth Ru entries for this years fair showed an increase in practically every class Hearing EllllJiirJ was first with Harry IlLQSZ second Harry Pnesr was Inc oniy czzrant in the section for fouled in 1952 The first burl Storey second Tluu Lizlgllllty Cup for best heavy mare ior gelding on line any age open ynl The rain started falllng Justged to wagon wan to ElemI Jmamk ldem 0L0 md around pm when the crowds ming and Son the only entry started rolling up to the fair In very short time therc was rush to find some shelter from the ruin whzch continued to fall as the aftervi noon wore on Indoor exhibits attracted many visitors particularly the Oro TownI ship Horticultural Societys Flowlfor the twoyearold filly or gold er Show and the Oro School Fair The work of the schoolchildren both in the showing of the various vegetables and the special school displays proved one of the very in teresting features of the fair il lustrating great deal of imagin ation on the part of the children The different models made of all types of material depicted many different phases of life in the his tory and development of Canada Horses In the commercial class Percy Franklin Elmvalc was the only entrant taking the award for the team entry and for the best ycld mare or gelding Clydesdalcs Fleming and Son Mincsing took first place in the Clydesdale section for the best yeid mare or gelding three or over Malcolm Heatherington Hawke Icrchcron Or Belgian Alex Fletcher RR Stayncr took first place with his entry in the brood mare section with Gra ham Eurric second Keith Sander son Shanty Bay took first prize ing fooled in 1951 For the Fur chcronteam attached to wagon Alex Fletcher took first ani sec and prize with Percy Fronkcom Elmvale third OC Graham took first prize for the fool in 1953 while Alex Fletcher took second and third For the yearling fouled in 1952 Donna Marie Sutton RR Shanty Bay took first place with Alex Fletcher second There were fivecntrics for the Belgian team attached to wagon and first prize wont to Kcll Brothers Churchill Graham took second place with Keith Sanderson third The special by ll Shelswcli for best more or geldinz any age went to Keith Sanderson Sanderson also took second place in the judging for this while Alex Fletcher was third Light Draft George Wrighf RR Elmvale was the only entrant fer the best yeld more or gelding section taking vlcdmitc Townships was won by lKeizh Sanderson The specral by John MCIth for the best mare or gelding on the halter from class es in the riding of East Simcoe was also won by Keith San dcrmn The Robinson special for the best drafttcam from riding of East Simcoc went to Gra ham The best fourhorse team 5pc tiol was won by Graham Light llorscs The prize for single hackney to suitable vehicle went to Allan jManri Pctclboro llc took double Eprizc also for pair of hackneys in ZiLiljncss iichcd to suitable vehicle iW Folks Midland took first iprizc for 13w brood mare having Escd foul in 1953 with Um Gayfer was one of the tion Night program carri stone was the only entry for the MONDAY My ml molar 5c singlo copy 16 PagesLIME Seam phrey Jarratt second For the of 1953 Umphrey took rst lm with Fallis second For the two ycarold filly or gelding Allan Mann took first and second rim For single roadster lumber buggy Allan Mann took first Rushmn Owen Sound 733 second and Failis third For road ster team hitched to vehicle Rushton was first hills uses and and Allan Mann third for pony under saddle 12 han 11137 under Mervyn Wice ER was first Ronnie Clark RR Cold water second and Gordonkrth ur Oro Station third Best horse under saddle over 14 hands rst went to Glen Bowles Hawkestone the only entry Best single burnout was won by Allan Mann The Dr Behan special for best single light horse on line was won by Umphrcy with Fallis second Pony Class Pony over 12 hands and under 14 attached to suitable vehicle was won by AxMalcomson Barrie who took first and second place with Allan Mann third Mol comson was first also for team of ponies over 12 hands and under It attached to suitable vehicle with Allan Mann again in second place The first prize for single harness pony under 12 hands attached to vehicle was won by Mrs Mc Eachcrn Barrie who also took third prize Second prize went to Allan Marin Mrs McEachern was the only entrant in the section for teeth harness ponies under 12 hands Prize list continued on Monday LEGION APPRECIATION NIGHT PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTED BY INFANTRY BAND CONCERT An excellent concert provided by the lst Canadian Infan try Battalion Band from Camp Borden conducted by Captain blights of the special Apprecia at Wednesday evening by the Th foal of 1953 section and also for rs p1 we 5am posulon ex Barrle Branch of the Canadian Legion istcd in the section for the foal of the WOW mare having raised foal 1953 this going to Harry Priest The program started with par In 1993 For the brood mare having raised ade from the Municipal Building Priest Mincsing took the first foal in 1953 Alex Fletcher took through the town to Queens Park prize for the twoyearold filly or first prize and Harry Priest second Parade Marshal was Sgt Major gelding fooled in 1951 For twoyearold filly or geld James Ross The parade was led The award for the team attach ing foaled in 1951 Robert Storeyby the Barrie Citizens Band TAKES PRIZE BEST HOLSTEIN CALF RAISED IN I953 contingent of Legionnaires Sea Ca dets of RCSCC Barrie and Air Cadets of 102 Moose Squadron softball game scheduled to start at pm between Legion and Bradford had to be cancelled due to the weather The different events which were to have taken place in the Park were transferred to the Armoury By the time the parade reached Queens Parka fairly large crowd was already inside the building The Legion car the draw for which was to be made later in the even ing was driven into the Annoury after it had headed the parade through the town LegiOnnaires quickly set about making last min ute arrangements fnside the build ing so that the program which had been planned could go ahead ltwas certainly big night for the youngsters who came along Large quantities of ice cream were provided by the Legion Branch and the supply amply met the deman so much so that even after all the kids had taken as much ice cream as they could there was plenty to gararound for the adults The Infantry Band then began their concert opening with safec tion of Latin American fmusicylhey later gave lively interpretationn oi various marches providing mails tinct contrast to selections Miller ballet which they also played During the evening Wally Stizitb presidentpf Branch 417 handedxov er the Legions cheque to theBmie Citizens Band this being accepted Turn to pagemeigbt please Skating Club nuns LEACH 14 of Shanty Bows seen bred raised owned and exhibited by no heerrth her prizewinning calf Dolly or girl over 10 and under 18living in Cm whichivlmrrtherilatonGorbtdrspeciakforiiownslrlp the best Holstein heifer calf born in 1953 two or mummies lNrllGHT DRAFT CLASS Final In response for many from iuiefested parents and pros pective members the directors 01 Barrie Skating Club wish to res mind the 1952453 members that the final date for renewal of member ship is Saturday Sept 26 awek from tomorrow While promising membership all last years members who apply by that date if the quota not yet been filled at that timepber Saturday the membership fly Was discovered in Regina beer parlor TheSPCA to which it was turned over said thebird likely was found on the highway in the parlor by some person who abandoned it This Frost some Aroas PleasantTudor Thewcckg so for has been variable with ramlaotSunday lines Spmirraryldlitudy for tho land on Tuesday in 08 priesthood file sumptlon collegoln Windsort Father Manleyis also native wtso um hem ml but plow in withincs1 winds Nights luncheon cool duals morn ing early the hmpnlm dropped to slyWon are remmmzmro be open to new plumbers Those who wish to obtain themaih the Barrie Arena nudist bership applicationforms Willde rile Barrie Examiner ofce in Sunday Sept 26 Newman9 hers arevaskcd not tocncli membership fee until they hiya been notifd that their 39le also their Skill and hoists am out can in Annama ngllt prof classatlhe Ora Wort Fair