Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1953, p. 16

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NEWS 10 JUNIOR FAME Chlrlci lxclund mm all In the dairy cattle mum Dom told Bretth roilean all 331004 JIIMBLE armm AND CLUBS not us humour Do For Clubs til+8 club members are ap their busiest season of le your as the time for achieve mt days comes near Cookstown dH beef and dairy calf clubs Will be the first in South Simcoe to their projects This event win be taking place at Cookstown Fair on Friday Sept 18 at pm is is anticipated to be vcrv interestins event Hottawasaga 4H club members will have very busy day at the Great Northern Exhibition on Thursday Sept 24 They start of with judging competition inthe morning and showwthcir exh1bm= in the afternoon There arc the runus Warn mailman Hour BllMPlllli WHEEL annular mu SllllVlEll Dlllll Morons up Mr so mums Nottawasaga 4H dairy calf bccf calf and grain clubs to have their achievement day on this occasion Bccton Fair features the 4H clubs achievement day on Sept 30 There are the dairy calf bccf calf grain and potato 4H clubs to exhibit their projects 4H club members not only are active at fair time but throughout the summer have been working with their calves grain and pota toes as well as keeping records and attending meetings once month to learn the recommended practices of feeding breeding and markctlng farm produce Junior Farmer members are also urged to participate in the Jtlnlor Fair at Collingwood and Barrio where an cxccllcnt prize list is draWn up to accommodate widt variety of entries The interclub exhibits are open to all Junior Farmer clubs and 4H clubs and it is hoped that these clubs will take advantage of those opportun itics ChilliWilli Juniors By HELEN RICHARDSON Our regular meeting took the form of ti boat trip on Sunday Aug 30 We left at 10 in the morning from Midland and toured around the 30000 Islands and arrlv cd back at in the evening good time wasenjoyed by every OTTO derful week there After the business was discussed Alan Lcnnox told us about his cit pcrienccs when he was working in Lake Erie go the mines at Noranda Quebec On Tucsday Sept we held our meeting in Churchill Community Hall We discussed our program for Cookstown Fair and the dolo gatcs to the Junior Farmer district camp gave their reports on won 51h and Evan Wilcox Baton stood 7th In the farm machinery compe tition Stanley Brown of Bradford was 81h while William NodchL Baotou was 9th and James Reli chan of Barton wan 12111 Europa Tour Miss Ethel Todd returned home last week from two months tour of Europe While thcre she visited ten countries England Ireland Scotland Holland Belgium Ger many Switzerland Austria ltaly and France Visit Relatives Mr and Mrs Paul Baillargcon and baby Chris Sarnia visited Mr Baillorgcons sister Mrs Jerry Pryke for few days taking Mrs Balllargeon who has been with her daughter for month home with them WMS Meeting The September meeting of the WMS was held at Mrs Paul Rus sclls home With 19 membersand two visitors present Mrs Bayes was in the chair Mrs Weaver was in charge of the worship service with Mrs Wilford Neilly reading the several portions of Scripture Prayers were offered by Mrs Frank Kcll Mrs Wes Hughcs Mrs Seymorc Roll and Mrs Wilford Neilly Miss Rothwcll gave the first chapter of the study book Mrs Scymorc Kcll Was the speaker for the day and based her talk on the exhibition and meeting for the prcsbtycry held in Barrie telling of some of the questions askedat this meeting and their answers Mrs Wilford Ncilly thanked Mrs Kcil for her very excellent talk Rev ll Sanders closed thcgmccting with prayer Called on other gt called to see her sistr Mrs Frank Ko11this week Weekend Trip Mr and Mrs Robert Kell cnjoy ed weekend motor trip around by way of Niag ara Falls thr gh the of Ohio Afterwards we went across to th coming home by Santia park where wicner roast was enjoyed by everyone Junior Former camp The Provincial Jlmior rrner leadership camp was hcl the week of Sept at Lake Conchi ching Faris Sinclair of Churchill and Jacquelyn Brown of Duntroon represented the South Simcoe Jun ior Farmers at the camp this year CNE JudgingCompelition There were 14 Junior Farmch and tall club members from South BHHESDA Recentvmtorad Recent iors with Mr and Mrs James incy wore MrsCccil Spccrs Ivy Mrs JackWilson and Janice Whitby Attend CNI Clarence Fox Wiarton and Jlm Raincy attended thefCNE in To ronto one dayilast week Solidayrvnero Mr and Mrs JamcsMcKnight Simcoe at the judging competition Baxter and CiarenccCopcland of at tbeCanamaaNational Exlub Cokmwm9l81ldonm ywpp tion on Wednesday Sept Al Mrs William though no firsts were won the con Copeland Mrs Ada McMastcr tcstants from South Simcoeplaccd McMaster and children visited rc well up in the competitions Between the hours of mom and pm at St Josephs Auditorium Ibo popum tom running Mn hymn hi filthmun onle on in pawl from $5010 suoo YES prohiptly to out of employed peoplemarried or sin gle lVisit loan phono first Youelect best payment date No bankablo security required Phone write orcome in today loans made oillgmn Furlimo gram flunk or Publlc Utllitlos Bldg$15 BAYFIELDISTf BARBIE Phone 5931 cbonol flit YESMANigor OPEN DH TO 5SATUIIDAY TO 11 to minim of all sunmild moi Mimi Plum company of The EnglishElectric Company of iv takoislpleasurel infannounclng the in as authorize BarrioiloclricMotors will hondlolnqulrldif BARRIE ELECTRIC Harold Halo cently with Mr and Mrs Dunn Streetsville Rita Rainey spent Sundaywltb Carol Ann Coulis chkcnd Guest Mr and Mrs Gerald Fenclton Toronto Mr and Mrs William Ste phenson and family Barrle Mr and Mrs Harold Brotleypylvy visited rm Sunday with Mr and Mrs Chalmcr Mayes and family Mr andyMrs JLowery and daughters Aliens and Ardlth vis ited rccentlywlth Mrmand Mid Forbcs Couttsi Recent vicitors with andMr Gcc Dr Agnes Jamioson Mindcn to Mn Stanley Batty mnedm Chocolate on Saturday after upend lng few days at her home here Em My Mr and Mrs BoCrockcn and baby Toronto roem Sunday with Mr and Mn Wen Mn Nellie Moore Toronto spent few days at her home here Tobacco Cup Most tobacco growers in thin dis trict have finished picking their tobacco crop anotbcr year Some report the tobacco was pot o$good as last years crop School Fur Everett School Fair is to be held Wednesday Sept 23 1t wtllbe childrens day on Wednesday Sept 23 when all the schools in Tomor ontio will meet at Everett There will be wide variety of vege tables and flowers shown also races and livcstogk for which prizes will be given The paradcwill take place shortly after oclock for which prizes are given for best banner and morching Other events will takcplacc to make the day full of activity for the children and grown ups Holiday With Parent Mrs llarold Moon and Judy rc turncd home after spending weeks vacation with her mother and father in Toronto Mrs Harris Miller Sheridan spent couple of days at her par onts home here last week Attend Reception Mrs Harris Miller and Mrs Wallwin Mr and Mrs Wil kinson attended the Decker recep tion held in Hunters Hall Alliston last Tuesday night SundayVlsltors Mr and Mrs Joseph Rutherford and daughter Joan and Mr and Mrs Htrry Baycroft and twin daughters all of Bccton spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Eddie Mc Auctlon Sale Mrs Atkinson is havlng an8ut3 tion sale of houschold furniture etc on SaturdayScpt 26 School Again New school opened on Monday Sept 14 takinggradcs and We understand the teacher comes from Mount Forest Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs To ronto spent the weekend at their parental home here Mullins Progress Glad to report that Mrs Peacock isprogrcssing favorably in Alliston Hospital and3 expects to be home soon councqu Trip To West Mr and Mrs Eben Sawyer and son Brian and Mr and Mrs Allan Todd and familyleft last week or tr to the West villgig friends her sister in Windsor Sold Farm Frank Beattyhas sold his farm to Frank Todd but Mr and Mrs Beatty expect to remain on the farm for another year called 011 Frlcndll Mr and Mrs Charles Asquith and Mr and Mrs Harold Asquith Auburn called On friends in the village on Saturday Mr andMrso Harry Sloan and Kay spent Sunday in Hamilton landDundas Mls Alex Cowan Barrie and Mrfsl Adams Fort William were 12 guests NotMrand Mrs Sloan Carman Hindcllfdnol cd Jack ohwgdnesd Thompson Left0y Mrs hit Belle Thomas Amolto and jEwart Mr and Mrs mu 3Toronto and Mrs Fae Morh Iris Mr and Mrs Fannie and vernal ited rcl tives in Nllhvillc and Tottenham recently Mr an Mrs Florch Coulis and Keith vis ted friends in Bradfotd on Sunday 11111 noptut altr Abrams iJ JBrowningttm Saturday Nowlcochcr Mrs Williamaterson started to Hatch at Bella Ewart on Monday Belle Ewart with 180 pilplis in four rooms Mr Stroud organist of Christs march Orlllla played for the set Evjcc in St Peters on Sunday Miss Smith RegN Barrie spent thaweekend with Miss Mary Don We are sorry to report that poll George Squibb who is patient in the Toronto General Hospitals is not doing as wcll ashis manv olilrrullsn conuonmvr ends would wlshri Wclnd new Mrs Buchanan Mryand rs ThomasBruCc and family rs arrownir rexpsriencc Carri cormorant is recovering in Winnipeg park The big water bird with an injured wing was William Heads and falhily Taron spotted on chimney in St Vital to MissTcena Roulston Bradford visited on Sunday with Mr and JoeRoulston 5Owop3o rituals ONTARIO Motorsiillld iiialiglypnlii oil limited landlter Ia shartchase was cap tured and tinned over to park offl Lgtvh tx Miss Mlllre Grubbhas Map Raymond after spending few days twill Mr and MlSJKCll Doyle and daughter Toronto visited Mrs is makes the fourth teacher in WINNING lrcpi After longish Calais ates Rosina Jubilee Recalls Problorjpsv Of Pioneer Times MA Aug 17 CPIchinas golden jubilee celebrated in the midst of the recent federal clcction campaign providedoldtimers with many recollections of legislative sittings 50 years ago when Regina was the capital of the Northwest Territories In the spring of 1903 when Itc glna was incorporated as city the territorial legislature was ln session Population at that time The biggest question to be faced was that of provincial autonomy Financial relationship with Ottawa was part of this In the 1903 estimates Premier Haultain called for an ex penditure of $711843 The vast area of Saskatchewan Alberta and the Barren Lands to the north thus were being governed on an amount less than Reginas prcscnt day municipal budget Public amounts for the year end ing Dec 31 1903 gave an expendi ture breakdown of $70252 for civil government $411K3 on legislation $372l56 for public works $241296 for education $47192 for agriculture statistics hospitals charities and public health Became Province Erovinciai autonomy remained the paramount issue until Sept 1905 whcn the Northwest Terri tories were reorganized into the provinces of Alberta and Saskat chewan with wide sweep of the country to the north retaining the old designation On Sept Saskatchewan began its full political life special cer emony was held in Regina and Forget was sworn in as lieuten antgovernor The following day Mr Forget called on Walter Scott to become the first premier of Saskatchewan Saskatchewans first political el ection was fought soon after con siderablc heat was generated in cluding charge that one of the lending political figures of theiday had made political uso of docu ment lifted out of another malls coat pocket Later charges of corruption in the general election occupied much of the legislative sessional debate The first legislative session opened March 29 1906 It was marked by the retention of territorial laws ex isting before the provinces estab lishment until their promised re vision could be carried out But few of the pioneers could rememberwback much longer than 1903 At the start the Northwest Ter ritories were administered from Fort Garry later to become Winni peg The territories first capital was Fort Livingston now just forgotten hiIISIdc in northeast Sask atchewammnd the lieutenantgov ernor and councillors than belong ed ioflllnorthwest for the first time At Battleford which succeeded Fort Livingston as capital there developed the beginnings of self government Regina was named capital in the 1880s The Belgian Congo has cGast line of only 25 miles although its total area is almost 1000000 square miles fr Free Easy Life Keeps Resident At Northern Post MONTREA AUG 17 GP Montreal may fine for showing but nothing beats the Yukon for living Thats the opinion of 27yearold Mrs Michael Mazurkewich form erlv Carol Robinson who was bom here but has lived for yean in the Yukon She and her husband went north on thcirvrioneymoon trip and learn ed to like the place so much they settled down in 3150 300 miles north of Whitehorse where Mich ael found work There are few modern conven iences in E150 said Carol and when they moved to Whitehorse year ago the ringing of her tele phone startled her for while Here to visit her parents Mazurkcwich made it clear sh reloading to the Yukon as soon as she has stocked up on clothes and shoes Costly Nod Clothing In the north she said the only womens shoes available were in width And clothesfor herself and her ltmonlhsold son are ex pensive there as are certain typesi or food Fresh vegetables have to be flown in if they are to remain frcsh and the air freight adds to costs The Mazurkewichs live min ly on canned foods which they buy by the carload We layin years supply at time Carol said and we buy more than we expect to use She admits that balancing the food budget is quite chore The snow did not bother her she said because there never was as much as the Yukon is popularly supposed to have She was and still is awed by strangeness of the midnight sun in summer and the noonday moon in Winter It was queer she said to look out of widow at midnight and sec gardens bathed in an af ternoon light Women in the north were styleconscious as women eve where They did not walk around in shapeless parkas and baggy sweaters but in the same smart clothes their snuthern sisters wore We dont like the new short skirt lengths Mrs Mazurkewich said and we hope they Just wont take She foundvii hard to imagine Yukon woman wearing short skirt FEMALE CLERK WANTED young lady of pleasing per sonality with some knowledge of bookkeeping and typing Apply MANAGER Sterling Trusts Corp Dunlap St Barrie Van relieve them chx9 quifkdWI Miamis hniment rub it in well Youll IIIRII Ilil KING OF PAIN Llumsur to 11s lawnliine lighin New Lawns September is the ideal month to start your lawn You avoid wech pests aridbot 51111 For formation of goodsod use our special TlmothyAlsikeWhile Dutch fertilizer Old Lawns lover mixture along with or good YOur lawn does nccdifeeding We suggest using Milorganite bone meal Vlgoro or Sheep Manure For old established lawns use our No Grails Mixture Come in and consult us about your lawn requirements Rolland Bulbs now in stock Some variotios in short Supply yours curly alum Now for Bountiful collimation Importqu Read Arummusloam and Ollir grinds COMIINJIGHT wall sanctions oglcdml Newcriklndnlmor Colors luiorFlowols usrro onotvf

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