Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1953, p. 6

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BORN SQFTWOOD 51 and 30 ETQMATOES by 115 IEIMRRISKNIGHT Mr and 31115531YC1IIEAt the Royal Victulafzvm Thursday it 13 p331 ed 00d Kurdde SOIIWOOd $12 cor Ihusllc also P0181085 Phone 3111 Knight ouch to announce Hospital Iloapifal Barrie onllmvale Community Sales Arena MIX IOVGW lllnrdwood 22 cord Cut and 211401115 or marriage of lbclr daughter Sept 13 1953 to Mr and M1sgpnonr Whltton 102 Elm 51 Houszxmm EEXPERWNCLD saltmm Flew Idcllvcrcd Phone BIOIIOIII Dora May to John Harris sou lcttl Ayolte RH NO Bamagvale 591151 mm 311 9M imnlm WWW 595198 NM 63 3500 angle cord Igojleqg FOR SAIF ml Uf Mr and Mn Elgln lIalrir 113011 OWN St F1 wkml 5pm lammo 80X Bim 31m DELIVERED Cum AW IYWII Harris in Toronto on Sun l1olltr08ANIt 301 311II Ii We Illllllmburl Gmoa womANIoh iIIIOdIgIII 4044118 PHONE 8071 opc 5911 humour allIll 11m toria Hospital Barrie on SeptAucllon Sale of burcbred 8311 tII II nwmnpply um Waghorn ClansBUSINESS mum wool cqullca it II 11 Ir ll I2 313 In Mr Mrs Ed Iard Ihnrn cattIeI farm mgpl 411 L011 boo 581 It ft 1nd 11111v 740uIWAN ED or Buy MI UL Sb App E5 for sum Indy orcornlm 27 Cllillirm Slwlhomfhnld lurniturc Sale at 11 mm lmu wot or sumo 1I lwlmllflhonc 34110 buwrcll 1110 11111 llld room modern housr Apply Buxxfull or picked any quantity llj d3 Men gDSTI Ten cam MI AI MII II Ill Barrie Examiner lllOIlOIblook 227 51 Vincent Strccl Trim igEXGgslmLhe Royal Victoriallsucn Auctioneer 111313 up MIT It 51111 1l1 ZMIRRIFD AIIIIII OIIIIIII Magellan 5057 or 4031 2WIWIOOIPFKERIAhllm Roan leclgrlaI Mammal Barrie on Sept min III Sepemb IAmIIIII FULL 11955 1111151on wwmM 1311111 1111 on on an no mm mom lollmillsr WELDING EQUIPMENT 1111831101 I2 bedmlmerll moral or 25 rats sepl 1951omsmm Mal Ilgflt kinglilislMSThIESQ53121 12133 sillttlt it gmirigaxmsgiyh Plljllj2vgkuLllilllf EVNlminK supplied mmhhm mwnmmddmm mm 00 hushel Bung ownf dermn bplmed In XilliClIlIAVESAt the Royal VICIOTDISIIIIIMMG Comma Oucmm Salli Andrade Sons BIIIIIIIIIIIIII mound 1111111 1111 3037 tunlsmms 11111y Vernon 91 1111 PRIRPF and deal mOllltt of OSPMII Barrie up 59ng 11Iparm Stack and TmpIemmuI UNFURNISHEDO or 15 roomcd SWORD EIHONE wt Fllrlcml 111le Lllcr dalglllflv Limv BUCIIIIWT milIO 5535 IIIlllll OR RENT 3317 114113105 1th OR YOUNG Woman to altf Apply Box 12 Barrio Exnlnlnul suns Liclltltll Shall loop clouuwt JVIIII Richard mum Hosplzal Barrio on Sept 143Ilcdnrsduy8ept IIrllstatc of 11c AND Steering TICVIILIRIQISUSBRHL Apply BIN 4I Bax0 EVI Ontario 10101 llIN1lllIvhlcn to own and opcr Hospital Barrie 011 Sept 110 Amaranth lv rixunlllzrs 31 10111111 AIWWI cd Enquiries conlidcnllul Your 111 WIW IXISSWI Way NPI 14 1953 I933 PL Imd MID CI Imrvcstcr Vllll attachments ock Thanksgtving Room and board AFC Weldlng SCIIOOI 111111 llltlllltll will rcturn you We will think of you tumnrow pllill Baffle bGPI 13 1933 okcr Clerk Chcsccr It Baird man Permanent position good II two miles south Essa Slot pm 371111 AlIlil 77971m Illilllllll address and scrvlccablclclud storey house with rooms 1111111 sisters 105 I951 I0 MI and MW Jdtk PU 101 Allc LARCE Ilouslkccpingz room suit AUTO ELECTRICIAN 1d Car II 2904101Ilyclro lmplcmcnt shcd hog pcnf DHKSUCI away Sum 14 1913 and implements the property of will my Duncan BmS Lmmi cedar and kllchcn Allulls only Illnnc Elsy terms Posscss SO if you how mother FURNISHED Roouu llruly dv largo English white Pigs Apply Lot II jsircd Farm 111 cxccllcnl stoic ofDcar mothcr you are not forvottcn con Tmnsml of 32 FIGS WEEKS OLI lApply CO Cl LIES IIIIIIIIIII ISII III memory WII Ire with Llo gAS YOU alwals iverc beforc TO sell by Public Auction on WWW YOUNG Reliable single man 101mmS hm mourn REFRIGERATORS $100 em Apply Joe Mommy LENNOX ROWE THE FOLLOWING ELECTRIC RANGES IR round cm loymcnt Glod opglor111 fulnlsllru lertllulrl lllllgt 1111 Chcau Apply Lzlcklc phone 50 IACRE FARMI sandy loamI3AH BARRED ROCK Fume rm HARNESS SCI 0f BaCkBald POULTRY anh II excitable IMONDAY SEPT 14 19521 FOR SALE WOOD FOR SALE FRUthvVEGETABLES MARRIED Accommodation Wanted 31131213 of Tillll conllllulu of 11111111 1s lllt1mco 111 whool 11111 5111 cc Apply llov 135 IILllllt lI 11 lilII11Illtllltl JUNIOR PUSIIIOEI Im 30 tuldttd Phone Allislun 113115 IT 10 ill Junior matriculation or Inkhm For office or hardware expertan dcr sirablc Group insurmwc oppor 110011111 Illlllhhlll oo1m11 llmul I0 adlnCC 591015 Mimilgirr modern home ground 111111 lhonc Simcoc District Coopcrallvc Scr 3391 131113I vices Barrio 1101103 BARBER first class Wages $031111 11 02 111 Snood 11 1111 ra1o1d cross Hod Mmm llnl 1111 Lnlhu Mn and MW 1an 130 pm DST jenm 770103 housv nr apartment in llllrrac or II II IIIII VIcIOIIlIIIIIIIuIMI I9 II sumInTm vlmnxICnIlIlore llorIHUIII It undum MII WWI pittt 111111111 on 11 Scull Mm Roland Maude Cam II 343 DI III Si mm 10 ACRES CW W4 WU COLORED FL GSTONE Qlllm COUPLE rcq RH MK MN 11 1933 Mlldrcd Attila lludgms 1933 or 1p 51 IIIIHIW RIHI MINI $135 IWSIHI llll an MmKN 5m or Mrs 111513111 M11und Mrs Allzm Johnslate Arthur Osborne Car013ml SII Permanent position good 11gc 3mm 31 1311133 Ho 1111 Barrio on Sept llSole at 1111 511 II ltEGlalIlllltl No Cornell 593 11011 Illmllll Home Home Scr 1953 CPL and Mr WI nutmeg UILIII3IIIIII WAVTED TO 1mm or um 311 Phone 29117 Barrie II II Wm 5233 per bushel No commercial mu Church Monday Sun Tombhill 1953 10Cpl and Mrs chvlalnc mm ghIlb WI cudln machlncsI on the nulwt II II 11111 on khpletglii lentil111111111i Silhtxlpll1l KANTED ullhltl 111 milv HIKIN FIIFN RICH10S lillllld 346 ASL 1mm 8mm daUhh Thmbday sepi at Vtillll thinking of you today Vera Mcrklcy No Airborne Medlv shun 30 Mum mat1 th and suplicll Brlnr Colmlry Club zlpproxuunlcly 5100 per 11101111 Itlld 11 TH 11 kI IJlll cach day through the ycar to Mr and Mrs Albcrt P1r1c Auctioneen gunmen 1111leth pm CT on 111011 11 11 Lou on an 11 Con s1 or 310IWM wages and working condnnlns cm 33 ti0n salc farm stuck an cur Unless you are in position ydmI Half comma Excellent con Nq RH NU ll Bank ddllluh Imp 11111 lhnw LILU humor servwcmam Pormmwm rbll to 1m 11 15131f hcn housc gurazc Milk route at 011 can only huvc one mother scar Bates Form Stock Implements EH Con Street Sudbury Ontario 6351 15104403 Frida iozl immediately Owner would Cherish her with care samemb 35 Fa 130 11 II glultlvutlon 11t11 blllldllngs 111 goollIThough on earth you are no more On Sunnldale Road miles south 1m hm Clhh r5 cowl In Used Phone Ivy 1911 APPLY To ole123333 by fIITHURsr SEPT 953 MARKET mass work with purebred Holstein cat Phone 4719 warn1113 phonc 59112 Bradford 0103 Ncwlon Robinson Ont SEPTEMBER 1953 HORSES Clyde Mare 12 years 01 Capable mim DJULS 0331 pilllik 4043 I5mlmilt OIL HEATERS IIWW I113 20103I03 inc and Douglas Resting at thcf commlatlon to the right man AilIM ltorpitnl Blrrle on Supt ltf11m11uro and effects for 313 111123 Toomcd llugllvx RH No Barrie 11 5011182111 Barrie No rcrlrvv ltrms Live to Apply PO Box 11 Barrio 51111911cultivation 111 1111 Milo111111 GRAVEL FILL Adzlllxx RR No it 11111111 11111110 LmydI 0mm and working Nndltzons cmployccl 111111111 clclulcd trcatcd and hugged VIW Um 515 RUM Pltblllr JpnningSI PMQ 13011 RCAF Camp Clemmg Auction 5313 of him Borllcn son Illllip Haroldl WOMAN for mil1 hmmxwrk mll1 1111111 gt11t1l1lr for silllulllllllrl 3401 m1 mm Tlw Mann $200 Phone Millllc Forms Brad Im Illllllllll Iilllt Univ SilitlpI lingwood 011211110 131114033de 1mm llwl 51m 31 000001 oprrltcd 111 thc United IU 1111 111m ils 11111111111 now cal Section Camp Borden um of implemum and IIOIIIIII phone Mrs Jones Sutton 33 coll otltinllous Tlulion throughout the ups only nI 51an bagIgII 1113 lcollzlcd to have 52500 in cash oblc clav loam soil lcvel undcr Wm VOll filltltl PnIIIWICK SOIL Bruce Amer ployce bentts Apply Duncan hunt in sac to 111001 zlbovc rcqllircllwan plcnsc lion Bunkbarn 36 96 Pressure TRAOEYJII Iovmg 111c111ory of Ibhdmn Lom pm Tum bh 5mg posmon gmd ath and MR pp 11h 1n 111 11m mm west of Ivy Inga 1ll103 stock and im lcmcn H111 Ross Cookstouu pllUllUHonsulcr sulIhng stock and gqurp You Wm never know the heartache Lot can Townshgp t5 and hou 119 Good woran and livan can RANGETTES REGISTERED Purebred Shorthom PM II 2613 43 nr mence Oct Apply stating ref 21m mutt lLmtl ll IIOlllt Burn UNVM RR No Burnt MARK Cumth desk Jerry CUllll plyIWnshts Barber 5111111 11310119 FARMS FOR SALE mull Bord MN LIlillll MIMIC unfurnished soncontained suite Iwm II IAIIIIIIRIWMII ngr Ifeorgv Winstonl INS Salli ll pm if 81955111 or phlmc 3897 1113107 dislrlcl Largo barn and mount 1111111 1or and trig it possible COMMERCIAL Sch Whoa ml mm Mdw JOIINSIONIAtthc Royal VlclorlugAuctionccr 163107 hydro throughout inlnlcdlzltc pm mmm 510le Ehmnlt daughter Barrie Auction 5111 of household DELIVERY ANYWHERE Busncs onunuI H51 10 105 If 111101 IIId $35023 5IIIIII JENN1NSAI the Royal Vlctorlnlfurnlturc and cffccls Terms c21le benets 11v Duncan Bros Lint5M Him IedI 84 IE Hm cmlr rout 11 TI stuck and upkmems mt mqu LEM INKAt thc Itoyal Victorla Marks Hum mgwmmllttl Ilulzc lll BM 13 IILIIIll Iml gdgm Flint 11rd 4131 III10151013 IVIWT mt L1 R05 FKQ live in or out chdcd lilllllnltllt 30 111153an of 35 head of 11111 Mr tuna Status lust Ivcar lrotcctcd ltllb TRAUO4 Imml UWll NEED IIIIIII RlyIIIC cattle ll Loos chLstcrcd Dur WMTRESSES and Sjludg Bur LmCOIn 1L torlcs Personal illtcrvicw urlung 0111 slstcr Vtlll lcnc Tracey Huhplll Bdlllt 5CPI HI hum bull Allls Chalmers lll 111 girl vuntcd llllllltdllxlrl 1111111 AND SONS Wl thought about you ytsterdnv duughlfl hold furnitureI NO 1ng510 as farm II cc 174104406 LIlllll sonsou tcck coursc Ill you PEI LNlland YOUI 011m WM d3 btIIW WI 10 mIIAI Iht RWJI Vllmm 05 sold Terms cash Harold Thc lllgS to possible 51500 to $2000 BATTERY AND Radiator IlcpalrI II hidnday Sept 21120mm Clark NIII 51mm mmm 10114 tirlvcslnwnt sIccurcIdl business 111d111111111111g good virc IfcllccsII ill Ila Iyou 1va 50 WI lIIIIIIIIgIIIIIICWIgIIITIIhOL ROOIIJISXImlgI West Lot 27 Concession Essa my 11 mkIm mm pv1 11111 1cfclcnc0s local 11111 pLllt vclls no aclcs pastulc llllckl lvcl 1cmcmbt11cd va brothcl Bros Limited 84 cditl Street 1111 Sudburgl Ontarl lllllICLT II II VIII III II Sprome Auclwmen 103406 do not rcqucst llllcrvlcw Box s1stcm llttcl ca1llcr mllk hOuscl 10 11m ALLY I10 Thursday 52ng 24 Farm Qtuck Barric Examiner conditions emplwa benets Ap mom No othcr friend in all the world The undersigned has received Sale at p111 DST Terms cash UMBFR OF WMIIIIIIII BoaIISIlIIIIIllIIlIOEIIgIlI Thornton Cookstown Will be as truc to you mIsuucuons from Hi Ilold 09123 910310351112111 as golng concern if so 10 Until you nd she isnt there Sunnidale eets for Jam Eh at Waller Slllzlly 81h Linc lhnistll Sunnidalc Comets mmmllr 101L101 FURNISHED Bctlroolns1111lo coll YOUNG Sows Inc to furrow at 130 pm DST We PO REE ROOKIED lf contnlllcd II dltlons On Highua TH BIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII and IIIILI IIIIII 8104105 01d perchemn Mam years on HOGS CATTLE EGGS crenccs to George Paris Cooks town lll101 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES FOR Sznp Iron Metali Batterlel Ragsz INDUSTRIAL IRON METAL Dunlap St West Ferndale Phone 811r31 or 648 3403 Special High Price Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON hides rtw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING II 33 Collier Phone 23111 Collect pliant calls accepted 3233 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METALS FURS RIDES BAGS BATTERIES FEAIHERS LIVE POULTRY olomnwmcanlghm prices paid Special price paid telivered Phone Barn sum mesmm 911129313 IMAX PUSHKOFFI AND COMPANY Yard and OffICe 158 mm 81 3401511 LIVE POULTRY Highest Price Paid Free Collection by our own truck McLAUGHLIN Poultry Dealers Allister IPhone Allistan 77W 3671021 PET STOCK CHIHUAHUA pups male 211231 male registered Phone 6155 SIB105407 WELL BRED Fox and Deer Hound Pups for sale Phone 111m Ivy 4111041115 8WIEEKSOLD Registered German Shepherdlupples for sale Phone 2196 13 Campbell 315104106 $5 WEEKLYUpslair furnislnl hostsd bedrcgtnn1lorking 11111prc Irrrrd Ilwne 5211 lIIOEI FURNISHED Romu central Good residential distrlcl last 11111 11111731 Phone 2714 BEDSITTING Room With grill privileges Suit one or two Cellr ml 10221101 Phone 6382 15101106 FURNISHED BedSitting rooml with lighl housckceping privileges Central location Phone 3275 151051 ROOMED Flat unfurnished with bathroom miles from Barrlc Children welcome Phonc Mme sing 95 15105 FURNISHED Rooms close to bus stop light housekeeping hot walcrl continuous Apply 15 Burton Ave or phone 6304 151104105 WELL FURNISHED front deroom in new home all modern convcmI ences at moderate price Apply 39 Campbell Ave 15104106 ROOM House garage and gar den west of Elmvalc Convenien ces Rcfcrtncc required Wm Lung man phone 50r13 Elmvalc 15105 FURNISHED Quarters for month pcriod Nov lApr Best of ref cresces required Lovely home Signed lease necessary Phone Barrie 5198 151051071 $25 PER MONTH for large un furnished room light housekeep ing frig washing machine privil eges Suitable for married couplIt1II Phone 6600 15105 REAL GOOD Homes rooms healed real good location Very closc in ultra modern home Poss ession to suit See Henry and El Tick Realtors Barrie l1105 GOOD Roomed House 10 miles north of Barrie good well hydro garden lot Al references and stranding months rent in ad vancc $30 per month Apply ox 21 BarrieIExaminLr 15105 WINTERIZED and Furnished Bun galow from Nov to May 11954 All modern conveniences kitchen dinette large living room small bedrooms Apply Rock Birch Cot vlagc Lilac Drive Alcona Beach Stroud 1510540 COTTAGE rooms all conveni ences Located on county road plowed in winter miles from Barrie Access to lake swimming in summer Would prefer retired couple who would look after gar den and do light work for rent Box 69 Barrie Examiner 151031 WES FOR 11111 coluMNS to Copy530 day preceding In excevt Sunday vgmm in Bzmmo nan TO omen FROM 3c void minimum 75 COAL and WOOD STOVES WASHING MACHINES TAKE ADVANTAGE OsOUR LoyAway Plan for Childrens Toys Dolls Vehi cles Electrical Appliances Gift Suggestions etc small deposit entitles you to curly choice of any merchandise in our store ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dunlop St East PHONE 2431 151031011 7104106 RANGETTE heavy duty in good condition Fumed oak buffet Phone 5688 7105 BROWN TWEED Fall coat size 16 $5 CGII Middy size 16111 5150 Phone 31103 7105 PAIR LADYS White Skates good condition size 711 Phone 4656 7105 USED THOR WASHER $50 Phone 5804 7l05 ICRESS CORN Salve for sure re lief Your Druggist sellsCress Callous Salve too relieves quickly 7105 LARGE McClary Electric Range oven warming oven drawers steel plates good condition $100 Apply Apt 8C 12111 StreetCamp Borden 7105107 PAIN orl Rheumatism Sciatica Lumbago can be helped by taking Rumacaps Recommended by thou sands of thankful users Ask your druggist 7105 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals re airs Sluicoe Business Machines Toronto St phone 4824 7131 FURNACE forced air oil burner 150000 IBTU used months rea son for selling enlarged building Phone 2317 7104106 LARGE Coleman Space Hleoter food asIncw with pipeline and 00 gallon tank 46 Somme Blvd Camp Borden alter pm 77194405 SMALL COOK Stove bums c551 0IW00d white from andeoven chrome legs pipes included thew mometer on oven Apply 55 Mc Donald St Phone 2797 7104106 BARGAINNew heavy alumin umwarc waterlcss cooking set Dutch oven and quart sauce panli frying pan and riddle Ori ginal pricc $109971 Sa price honc 5314 7104 05 REGISTERED Bred Sows 151 and 2nd liltcrs large English whitc Inc Oct and Nov Scrviccuble ago largo English while hours 1150 Gills months Hours and months Gills Arthur Morrow phone 23113 Stroud 9105107 MISCELLANEOUS CAMPI NthliEQUI PMENT for rent TENTS CAMP COTS rCOLEMAN STOVES POR ABLE REFRIGERATORS Barrie Tent Er Awning Co Phone 4314 34 Bayeld St 568107 PAINTING DECORATING lnteri and Exterior Prompt service to all inquiries Work guaranteed ARNOTT Er WALTON Phone 6777 141 Collier St 578117 FLOOR COVERING Linoleum Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tle Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 70 Maple Ave Phone 5185 565142 WERE As NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE McCartney Sons CONTRACTORS CONCRETE sidewalks driveways barnyards etc EXTERIOR STUCCO BLOCK LAING Moderate Rates Prompt Service Phone MINFSING 53 Collect or write TREE ESTIMATES llNO JOB TOO SMALL I589128 FURNACES AND Chimneys clean ed Robinson and Orr hone 4333 51 4109 SIGNS Truck Lettering gold lent window lettering Lond sml phone 6482 55811 CABINET MAKER cupboards showcases built Free estimates Phon 5105 Dibley 361 Cod 5103105 Tington St Barrie 9105106 brick 1101180 and bank barn trout stream For particulars apply Har old Litstcr RR Hawkcstonc Milchcll Square 8104105 14105107 LOST FOUND 100 ACRE FARM clay loam with LOST98k vallin drawer betwccn spring crcck buildings in good palSWle and Palm Beach on condition hydrothroughoutalsoon Shanty Bay Road Apply Fed milk route silo steel stable water well Painswlck 17105 bowls brick house with bathroom and furnace Box Barrie Ex LOSTLadys gold wristwatch in aminCIII 8104105 Phelpston Hotel washroom on Sept Please leave at Hotel lor PROPERTY FORSALE lll 33 5877 Keeriifols NEW HOUSE bedrooms bath room kitchen large living room basement Apply 196 Napier St 115104106 srx ROOMS and bath storey brick home hardwood oors fire place nowIIfurnace Th1s home is 1n IAlI rbpair throughout Phone 4994 115103105 CHOICE BUILDING lots corner of Cook and Napier Streets all facil ities Close to school and trans 220 Bradford St portation Apply 114 Napier St Phone 5337 16102105 AUTOMOBILES CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors Phone 5430 13109 HOUSE IN CooksiownI Queen SIII 1940 NASH coupe reasonable offer 15 acre good location Apply Mrs Edith Bovill 63 Trillel Avc Tor Phone 2078 after pm 131031f onto phono ME7622 111105107 gimflgcgrwggelgggt SMALL COTTAGE on corner lot East Apt Barrie 13105 in Barrie $2000 cash Box 20 Barrie Examiner 16105 ROOM BRICK House modern kitchen and batlnoom new furn ac excellent condition garage included In Allandale district close to school and transportation Phone 3428 16104107 AVAILABLE mediatelyll rooms all heated overlooking Kempen felt Bay corner lot 88 165 revI enue obtainable over $300 monthly For appointment telephone 2059 evenings 5872 113103105 CHOICE BUILDING 10133011 Queen PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehill Drive Barrie Body Condititming Artbrltlc Treatment remedial exercises Scientific reducing Licensed Graduate MaIsseur I10 am till 10 pm daily Private Appointments Only Phone 814rll 3070t MADAME Henrietta clairvoyant readings daily at 50 Maple Ave Elzlfili3x1632li lierfgl In for Short Space of me only Consult theMadame Read school store and bus serv1ce Flook 27 St Vincent St Barrie at wasaga Beach for 25 years Phone 4031 16101113 $2500 DOWNTotal price $7500 Takcyoul choice of either 51 or 53 Eccles Street Barrie Both bedroom homes with garages WriteI Bell Real Estate Exchange Buildlng Windsor Ontario ROOMED HOUSE nezlt Angus on No 90 Highway Vacant Also snack bar and smallIstore on No 90 Highway near Angus or will sell house Immediate possession ply Jays am No 90 Hallway An 115103105 SIX ROOM Home now vacant in coal state of repair garage Brad ord St Can be inspected any time We have four flvc and up to ten room places available some on very reasonable terms When it is Real Estate consult Henry and El rlck RIeleIltors Barrie 46105 mx FARM EQUIPMENT IRECONDIITTONED MILKER UNITS All makes available exepnn 16103103 a1 valuesr These milker units are In Al condition and new parts replaced when nIeededuYou must er these bargalns to appreciate em BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Market Square Phone 2982 3968107 2FURRQW CASE Plow for power troll cylinder nearly new Stanley Slnton John DeereSales and Ser vice Cralghurst Phone Barrie 860r12 39104406 5le Kenneth ElldC phone 4313 Harn35 Horse CollarsI Cookstown CATTLE Holstein Cow years old milking well due to ffreshen Nov 15 Holstein Cow lycars old calf at side Hereford Heifer years old calf at side Hereford Heifer year 0111 Here ford Steer year old Reg Herc ford Hull 25 years Old SHEEP 16 Good0xford Ewes Oxford Ram years 0111 FEED 1000 Bales Mixed Hay Tons of Loose Hay IMPLEMENTS Cockshutt Bin der 7ft cut good as new Oliver Tractor 66 good as new Hammer Mill good as new Fleury 2forrow Tractor Plow good as new Cock shutt 2furrow Disc Plow McD StiffTooth Cultivator MH Spring Tooth Cultivator McCD Moore in good repair Steel Land Roller Set of Sec Drag Harrows Cock shutt Manure Spreader good re pair Splky Rake RubberTired Special WagOn BugEY Gutter FanninglGrade As quoted by First Coopenttve Packers of Ontario Barrie Market Unset 11ch EGGS Large Medium Small an Cracks Pcewecs CHICKENB Over lbs gspecial Grade 42 Grade 35 Grade 24 to lbs Mill Hay Rack ElectricDeLavallGrade 35 eram Separator new 800pounlerade 24 capacity Forks Chains DoubleI trees and other articles too munI erous to mention There will denitcly be no reI serve as Mr PiIfer has sold his farm and ls movmg away Terms cash Grade to lbs Special 36 Grade 30 Grade 20 Under lbs Albert Culham Clcrk Jerryspecialu 35 Coughlin Auctioneer phone 5449IGmde 34 Barrie AUCTION SALE Household Furniture and Effects The undersigned has received instructions from The ElggcutorsIof The Estate of thelale ARTHUR OSBORNE Caroline SfJIBarrie To sell by Public Auction on WEDNESDAY SEPT 16 THE FOLLOWING Studio Couch and chairs Wil ton Rug 7x9 with mat Small Table End Table Floor Lamp Walnut dining room suite consist mg of Itable and chairs buffet 1111 china cabinetL Walnut bed springs and spring mattress Van ity and bench oorlampMe bed springs and spring mattress Dresser Double Cot with mattress Kitchen table and chairsGen oral Electric range with annex heater General Electric rfrigera 101 General Electric washing ma chine Electrolux Flower stand 2IblrdI cages Kitchen cabinet and Ichplrs Phllco radipIHallrack Library table Wicker chair Upholstered chairs metal chairs lawn chairs 14ft ladder Quan tity of dishes and many other househoId articles All Will be sold withoutreserve Terms cash Sale atI2Ipm Sproule Auctioneerphone Stroud 2311 105 66=Toroito$treL Barrie loslGrade 28 Grade 18 Canons 2c over the ab prices BOWL Grade Over lbs 32 29 18 to lbs 3l 28 16 Under lbs 27 24fi 13 3mm rm Sow and 11ch CHOW 306 dayrTl3 sow tron breeding Io farrowilig All and only Purim Imows are pow MicroMix Controlled for Tygtongh Distribution all IngreI dlenls Throughout nllnnmTnllhsunn PURINAI OHOWS FOR POULJ RY AND LIVESTOCK DELAVAL SALES 61 SERVICE Market Square Phone2982r malariaI II 111111111 nuslllrss COLLEGE Phone 4824 m1 CLASSES II It FALL TERM BEGAN SEPT New Students May Register at any Time NIGHT CLASSES Registration night will be Thursday October muster lrlogchana 11 possible shorthand to 1mm huh38 to 1m warming to 10 p111 Tole any one 8600 Any two $800 All lureumo month liming Consecutive Insertions 3c word minimum 750 CASHMTE 206 Word minimum 50 COAL AND Wood Range Wing ham Clipper with reservoir years old ln pcrfeci condition mm incentive Inuttlon like word 56 MW Mlle IM RB $333383 rofffuff mg HUS BE PIA an ric 01 Camp Borden Highway mum unmmmmtoiomuwexm 80W selmlllflos will WWI 11 or on our on Ines AUTOMATIC Wattle iron real ddsb sPTlmwnggs us bargain at $3 4041 xlgnslon lad mo we 5qu dc many new whevmb Class Wm 11 9MW13YS Thursdays for lntenslvfseven months II 39 Hum W50 perfect 00 FURNACE AND Chimney Cloan course be Inning Monday October more ti TI Ma on $29 Al ulcoo miles log repairing also ck and car Examinations will be held for camisoles 035 out Bgycld Sir 009051 Reliance at work done 1y Hazon GM Wm lwlmlm mile 132 Mary 81 phone 6328 III1thr Horns 11min mi spools1a ommmwmmmm 1396110 CANADIANMANUFALWRE IgAlilNG QBIDEEIISI lizfileIese 131d Mgmher 01 the Engine miming mm Gama male human warm of dish realm om man 111 sultan 111111115 In Allka 101le AN WWW IIIPITAIS saws AN swoon 13chle In Cotswold 1961 5195107I

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