Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1953, p. 4

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Summer Periiig Their Silt Slarl South Simcoe Finals Tonight 56th Game affair Grounds Tues Apparently Aurora did not comgouty lights to be used if required ply with decision of the leagueirhree umpires will be appointed executive to play suddendeathfby the league Schedule follows game axlinst Newmarket for thc Monday Sept 14 pm Barrie south division therelorc Newmarfar NewmHK kct have been Mined winners by Tuesdcy gent 156 pm New default of the South Slmcoe Buscvlmarket It Barrie ball League Friday Sept l8 pm Barrie at Barrie Dangereld GeneralsiNewmtritet north division champs are to meeti Monday Sept 21 pmhew Newmarket for the league champimarket It Barrie ionshlp in best founouhofseven Wednesday Sept 23 ll pm Bar Hnnaln irie It Newmarkct if required further misunderstanding Manager To eliminate any pomiblllty ofi hm Sept 25 pm New gmarket at Barrie if required TIIEBAIIIUD WNXR MONDAY SEPT 14 1953 SOFTBALL PLAY START TONIGHT AT BRADFORD Final for the Barrie Distrch mens senior jotth title end the one Trophy commence tonight when Battle Legion pley nt Bredford Second one in at Queenl Pub Barrie Wed nuihy night If the team split the first two games the third will return to Bradford on Fri dny But If either team win two stnlnt then they will too celnutcr Wednesdcy some for the site of the third It is but ofjive marten sud Ill games are to commence at six oclock slurp Ernle Bennett of Newmarket met Manazer GeorgeBouchcy of the The meeting took place in Broth encrais to set up the schedule or the nals and make any nec ssary decisions before they start ford with League Prtxsidcnt Fra Saturday Sept 26 pm Barrie at Newmarkgt if required Regardless of weather this sched Eule will be followed until one team has not more than two home games MIDHURST At Paulo Field Day Mr and Mrs Walt Mrand Mrs Vcrh Wait and Mr Ellsmerc Mves Siraord DON EMMS sar centre of Buzz ric Flyers Memorial Cup winning team of 196051 who is reported to have signed with Stratford dians oi the OHA senior star for this season Don played for played then adjusted as required samia Sailors the past two years DONNA SMIIII Most of the members of the figure skating seriously for scuson that lasts for six or seven months but there are some skaters who work for almost 12 months your perfecting thcl During the past summer sis pins of Ihcclub have spent mrt or pllv ullllltll vacations attending sumr mot skating school The most am bitious oftth in the amount of time spent at skating during the year is Miss Beth Fugue of Sunniq dole Rood who attended the Royal City Summer School in Guelph on weekends last spring all summer and is returning today for the fall school Another summer sknl or at Guelph was Dounn Smith whose sister Marilyn had on in tensive cightwecks skating train ing at Schunmchcr IlllS sinner Sheila More and Nancy and Judy Craig also took short sessions at summer school this war Sister Ileam Sisters Marilyn and Smith daughters of Mr and Mrs Smith tit Donald Si will be among the Barrie clubs most valuable members when the season opens on October l3 Marilyn who turned IS in August passed her htrd test at Schmnncher this summer and will be working on her fourth test and sitter dance triedal this winter Donna who will not be 12 until Sept 35 tried her second test this summer and gust failed it by few marks She passed her fiesta tango and has inst one more broom dance he tore she starts on her silver tests want to get the rest of mv bronze and two of my Silver says oi her expectations this viii tor Older sister Marilyn says Oh Donna and she grins and says Well maybe one Donna who had solo parts in Barrie skating carnivals last spring and tbeprevious year islie was the Easterbunny who was wheeled in wheelbarrow this wart pzmed her fifSl test at spring SChOal in Guelph She and Marilyn and Beth Fugue all went to Guelph for about so weekends for extra tui on The any skater had only about three hours off day throughout the so weeks of her intensive summer trming skating every lav Donna BETH Barrio Skating Club take their their mum thrill in figure skating Donnu is now in Grade at Prince of 11le School rind Mur Wc Ilkt lrcc skirting mid figurcslyn is in Grade 10 iii the Barrie best they my in unison nlthough District Culltitlatt Institute Tht they ltllllll that they are also Itllltllllll hurdly vuit until the skating of dancing on tux The two Smitmcliili sensun shirts after their ouc girls just like skating thats tttlmomh pause in full your of and II has been their dmun Io go skating ton into competitions and become lgold modullists ever since they first started skating with the Barrie club Skating takes up just about all their free time during the your nnd they have little time for any other activities outside of school EWhether or not they want to go ion into touching careers or turn fprofcssional they have not yc dc cidcd There is another Smith girlqmsler lngstblelai lJudy who iu between the ages Jung is enmlmg of Donna and Marilyn but oddlyde me hgh Selma 5tde genmmh dww ukhum Skzw hitchcncr where her instructor ling Shes just interested in hors ics claim her two skating sisters skill Like Free Skating An Ardent Skater One of Bernies most zirdclit figure skaters is Beth Poguc who just turned 16 last week Beth does not believe in even taking one month off skating and is leav ing today for fall school at Guelph During who past summer she passed hcr first and second tcst at Guelph and her preliminary and bronze dances She is now working on can continue her studies this fall at the Guelph school She will try second Summer II take ball of her Grade II sub This was Marilyns second sum ltClS 1b Near mcr at Schumacher and she had Belli WaS at summer School for jas her instructor Sheadon Gallull weeks starting on June 29 lemon who is considered one arias soon as she so out of school Canadas best teachers Shc passedii Ballie If her Skllllg Guelph and her third this sumillkc ll 31 all SCIIGOI She mal mer didnt get my fourthbutiSll ill KllChtmF 101 the Winltl Ill be working on it this winter but at any Yale She wants to retain Marilyn also paged herdsstep test the last bronze dance and mg Club will be working on her silver dance medal in the 395354 seasonfi taller version of her little sisl ter Marilyn has been able to help her out with her advanced train ing Whereas there are only about 40 or 50 skaters training at Goa she was working with about isoimeresei ammlng else ICanadiau and American skaters in Knitting Enthusiast iSchumachers Maclntyre Commonl ity Building this year igroup from Calgary States the Unitedng skirts and gloves mostly ifessiouals who spent the summer lat skating school just to brush up fun their skills had very little time off the ice iweeks at the northern school pcrfoinuuuc But passing tests 15 Beryl Goodman lives so that shot pros her second test at spring school iniSFeSSES as QUICRIN as she would hcr membership in the Barrie Skai IIISI became interested in figure skating Three summers ago when lhmgh the work 15 hard you have Osborne Colson was holding hisla 101 or fun meme In Guelph Almost her only other avid lik Among ihelcrest is knitting She knits skatJlai summer school although she and Ihas been skating at Barrie for the and Toronto were 10 or 1550mm makes skating clothes full golcl medalists some of them projknitted skirts for the other girlsu knit in my spare time she explains although this year sheicontinue through until Nov or Sutherland secretarytrensurg Postponed games will be callcdlalltndcd the potato field day at er Doug Coulson and League cxiby not later than pm on the day ccutlvc George Haskell present got the game and the local radio Games are to be seven inuingslstution advised as soouias possible RCSCC Barrie umvince to join the cruiser IIMCS Quebec on it tlireewceks cruise Prior to coming to Barrie PO Ilnss was member of RCSCC Hulda Toronto from February 14 into to June 1950 nttninlng the rank of AB On his discharge from that Coipshis commanding officer Lder Cumniinc tiltscribed him as very efficient cadet There was dullera bit of activity clnber 1959 p0 made me Armour on Thursday even application to join RCSCC Bur ing when about 25 cadets turncdlrd and hasserdgm lhmugh out for the first regular parade ofsmce Fm met gaming the me new seasonvs mulling Fermi xpcct of olficcrs uud cadets alike gt for his keen interest ltlld ability The Rev James Ferguson Cllpqlll the Corps The best wishes of pain interviewed number of Barrie go with him in his d0 prospcctivc cadets andran outline parturc from the Corps ifwhat was cntailc in joining the Corps was described to them NVy NM The expmsibn of Lt borne McGlbbon command the tic that binds sentiment regarding ing officer addressed the cadetsrblood relationship or similarity IOGUE iPresenI Prizes PIan Closing For Sept 26 At Golf Annual ladies entertain men xcvcnt at Barrie Golf Club yester day was thoroughly washed out and will take plllCC later in the Iscusou if powiblc They had plan 1ucd an Sholc twoball foursome Annual dinner and dance clos iug is slated for Saturday Sept 26 Sparham Trophy play for men vill be held that same afternoon iAll events must be cumpleted by tncn as trophies and prize pres cutalions willbe made at the din ncr week fand the same schedule Sunday altcrnoon and evening Bcth took two halfhour lessons la day atlguelph 511 is anxious to keep this hard work up until lshe poses six more tests and be gcomcs gold medalist She also fwants to take her six silver dances and would like to be exceptionally good so that she could go on to her gold dance medal She likes dancing but is an all ground admirer of figure skating lEree skating and dancing she ad gmils are her favorites because Efigurcs are hard grind like skating It is big chal She was l3 years old when sheiimge and 10 work bill you inieet lot of nice kids and even summer school in Barrie she looklmls Summer Skaters had one weeks instruction and sinselpmmcs and birthday Barbecuen then she has found it hard to beland em out to E1013 Gorge few miles out of the city they had Monday nights off to go to the show This was Beths first experience Epast two winters Her fall skating sessions will be gin on Friday Sept 18 and will with Sunday morning off during the evening and spoke of ideals which hold people in about the arrangements for the common bond is generally bk Corps takingpart mthc Canadian licvcd to have been coined for the Legion Appreciation Night parade short chain which secures main which will be held on Wednesday and fore yards to their rcspectlve evening Sept 16 Cadets are again masts rcmindcdto be at the Town Hall no later than 645 pm They will rm scurvy kr 153 be met there by the officers tan cmmyusei phi59 Wm dS mg pan in the march tmctly nautical ormm In the old days of sail and interminable voy It was with great regret that the ages lack of fresh vegetables and Corps received the news that PO clean drinking water made scurvy 2Garnet Bass is leaving RCSCC one of the most drcaded diseases Barrie due to his being over the which beset the dccpwatermcn age limit it was loathsome plague so that the word scurvy is certainly apt P0 3353 13 one Of the Corps when the phrase is used to des OlllSlandlnE cadets being cribc particularly dirty deal cellent example in all aspects ofghat has been perpetrate his training for the other cadets It was tting honor that lastl Today the phrase he knows year he was one of small selectithe ropes indicating that man group of cadets chosen from the is expert originally meant the re llespeler on Thursday Mnny Attend CNE Attending the Canadian National Exhibition seemed to be the order to the day in the past two weeks IIdaS Enjoy Travelogue The Home and School Associa tion on Tuesday evening last en iiovcd it most interesting travel xogue by Mrs Fowler of hcrSLx months trip through the United States There were over 30 mem lbers and visitors present for the rmccting Plan Work Be At Church The ladies of the United Church arc cordially invited to attend iwork bee on Tuesday Sept 15 at oclock at the church United Anniversary Dont forch the anniversary in the United Church on Sunday Sept 20 at 11 and 730 Special music by the senior choir at both services The junior choir will as sist at the morning service Rev Dr Reynolds of Elmvalc will be the special speaker verse In very early days when he knows the ropes was written on Seamans discharge it meant tliache was only novice but knew the names and uses of the principal ropes With Stratford he will be reunitrd with Jack White Barrie teammate of three seasons ago PRINCE RUPERT BC CPJ Alex Leighton 15yearold fisher man battled Ill hours with 1500 pound basking shark which got tangled in his gillnct before over coming the fish and towing it to Shore Half of the not was destroy ed EEIIIHE an entirely NEW IDEA in Sewing Machines Elna sews better darns socks and mends expertly Docs invisible mending monogram sews back wards and forward and in any dir ection For full information call ELNA SALES 87 MAPLE AVE BARBIE PHONE 3482 IIIIIIYS FOR fG I000 HR GUARANTEE ALL SIZES 36 BAYFIELD ST FREE DELIVERY $200 IURCHASE cumin Hotels spend $33567370 in year lor Salaries EShe will skate five hours each Marilyn did about rm hours All ummer long she had to belTuesday and Friday afternoon and lskating 521 day during her eighx0ll the ice at 145 am until 1138evening and six hours on Saturday and Wu 905 More than thirtythree million dollars will be pgidrogjn solories ond lt wages to the employees of the Hotels of Ontario in I953 Thishuge oppro gum gt A1 neeiam thenvon again at 12 noon andgand Sunday 83 mm lsmmhlrjskating was from 10ml to 1155 an01i at 200 pm Back on at Hit She thinks that she would like em each day int Shale III pJII I0 bake Utme career as teacn In Gheiuh and ram 143 Linn and bhe uoul professional Be is Mrs Harmotuii Williams Kitchener in private life The Guelph instructress has been teaching or 14 years She turned professional at the age of 18 and taught at Schumacher balone gum in Guelph in mm Both Donna and Seth though very highly of her mstructinn saddest that they gent ahead tremendousk under Donna skated from 343 to 1136 am everyvmoming and from 115 to 435 pm and from us pm on in the coming stopping before the closinghour of 2038 pm She went to Guelph in the middle of July and returned home ouAug be last week she was sinned by her sister Nariirn whine skating wise at Sahib on hi5 be will to Schumacher so that they can be the summer The two th Goodmadt snoop dancing gyms 1mm nggand then go back at 445 antimskate is in page is day she admits ger rather than going with an ice in you pm and mm 115 2153until 545 pm Her day did notishow because she could keep up lpm andskating from 500 to 7003816 until 1030 pm after she had ber skating for longer period of Em and 73 330 pm my askated for an hour and half each years But dont know It all Eevening This went on six days aidepends Donna boarded out by herself fin Guelphand later had mate and Marilyn lived in Ger1 gmiicry at Schumachcr Started Together Both started skating togetherl when instruction was first availl gable in Barrie Marilyn uwas then labour 12 sited Donna around eight ITS EASY to Tb8y loved figure skating right humane start if Marilyn does not know how highly her instructor thought of her work this summer but she given solo spot in one of ithe pop concerts held ever Tbursday night Donna also ap gpeared ia the regular Friday night imam concertsat Guelph ingmup and dancing numbers The big thing of the year in yamlie for the two Smith girls is not the carnival although they emoy getting ready for the public DIDYOU KNOW beautify those IlItI Floors wilh lIIIIIII nobleman You on do profession nofinishing job with our ampere easytonne Clarke Rental Equipment Save time aml honey and gireyouroorsnewBeautyahdlustrewemmish merit materials and complete instruction ruour YOUR erssnvnrtoris GAME AND ACT III with llrai it is contrame the amendremains to killer molest any deer or moose while it is swimmirg in any waters we ARE AUTHORIZED ISSUEIS or momma name Lordworking men and women to enioy high slondcrdeIrliying and the comforts they deserve for the excellent iob they do The Hotel of Onloriodrebii proud of this contri bution to the prosperity of our Province QKEEIES ukEWlNG OMPANY LIMITED

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