Soviet occupation zone The unmanageaer INTERNATIONAL NEWS REVIEW EXAMINER STAFF WRITERS Adenauers overwhelming vlCIOty in West Germany worries who fear that Germany may take over leadership of and becomeArnericas favorite nation In the States the German vote was hailed as victory for the free world and ExPresident Harry Truman called the Party to arms against the Republican Administ rations internal policies London meanwhile seemed up with Western European nations against Washing in the matter of Soviet Russian security GERMANY Chancellor Konrad Adenauers election victory in Germany made it seem likely his country could compete with France for bothl ropcan leadership and American The general feeling in France that Germany might take the of the future Europcan Community from that and also occupy the post of Americas favorite Eur nation Meanwhile observers could com prosperous Germany that becoming an Increasingly pow rival on all markets to other European nations with weak France with its economic diffi cultics social unrest and Weak government based on shifting coalition Cornerstone of Dr Adcnaucrs policy is Germanys return to single country Ills goal is to liberate the 18000000 Germans in immediate result of the Christian Democratic Partys landslide vic tory may be sharp increase in EastWcst tension Whatever the long term result Of the election in West Germany the problem of the European Defence Community treaty which has been hanging fire since May will be in the forefront of French political preoccupations Washington meanwhile hailed West German vote and pre red to reassure Paris Secre tary of State John Foster Dullesl who had vigorously campaignedg for Dr Adenauer from the State Department beamed happily but avoided claiming any credit for the election result The Christian Dcmocrats victory had buried the Communist and Nazi bid for rep resentation and took the United States by surprise It was far more than that country had dared to expect Every effort will be made by Washington to get France and Ger many to build that partnership on which Washington bases its hope for European security and progress The German election was com sidcrcq victory by most of the free world It revives the Eur opean Mfence Community con cept for Adenauer has been Wash ingtons principal ally in advocat ing European lntegratioh Itre verses the trend in recent West ern European elections toward in ternal political weaknesses The nations of the free world can even hope that it will pull East German sentiment toward re unication along lines proposed by the West Moscows Immediate reaction to the election was to charge that it been rigged the voters terri ed and ballots falsied This led to little hope that the Kremlin would accept the Wsts invitation to talk over ways of unifying Ger many Lugano Switzerland on Oct 15 UNITED STATES On the American scene the honeymoon was over Former President Harry Truman set off the Democratic Partys drive for c0meback in the 1954 congress ional elections in ery Labor Day speech at Detroit his rst major political address since he stepped d0wn from the White House nearly nine monthsago He said in effect that it was timefor the Democrats to start opposing more strongly and criti cize the Eisenhower administration more vigorously He denounced GOP defence cuts and accused the administration of serving the pur poses of big business while ignor ing the farmer thcworking man and the consumer Trumans speech was summonsl to his party to be more politically alert It was noncompronmcI attack on the southern Eisenhower Democrats and call to all New Deal Democrats to stand by the New Deal past present and fut rue It was call to the Demo crats in Congress to watch the ad ministration morc closely next term and it was an appeal to or ganised labor and the farmer to rejoin their old coalition with the New Deal He found no fault however with what the Eisenhower administra tion was doing in the conduct of world affairs His warning was that the United States can only negotiate successfully with the Soviet Union from strength and must maintain ILS defence program GREAT BRITAIN British diplomats are lining up with West German and other dip lomats against Washington by giv ing their rst attention to ways and means of reassuring Moscow that it can become more sccurc through negotiated settlement with the West which would in volve the withdrawal of tlic SOV ict army to its own frontiers This British Foreign Office prc occupation has strange and un familiar sound to American cars accustomed for eight years to talk Of security for the West The idea of security for Soviet Russia sounds fantastic and is the last thing in the world which concerns present American policy in Eur ope The reason for British and West ern European diplomats offer to make it worth Russias while to withdraw its Army derives from different viewpoint with regard to the European situation Sir Win ston Churchill has said that Rus sia has right to feel assured that it will not be subject to another attack from the West particularly from Germany This was based on the assumption that fear of Germanys military revival may be the underlying reason why Russia maintains its military preparedness on the Western European border Europe is condent that if the withdrawal of the Russian Army can be negotiatd the shadow of Moscow would recede with it BRIEFS It happened recently Viet Namese Premier Nguyen Van Tam said at press confer ence that Erance and Viet Nam were prepared to consider any concrete proposals from the Com munists for ending the sevenyear civil war inlndoChina Asked about possible peace offer from Viet Minh Leadre Ho Chi Minh Premier Van Tam replied that he wanted real peaccha peace that would not give the Viet Mirth an opportunity to launch the attack on different terrain In Washington military officials said they suspect that of the 8000 American servicemen still listed as missing in action in the Korean war substantial number are be ing held back by the Communists in PW camps rackdown on Irans Com munist Tudeh Party is continuing as Premier Fazollah Zahedis new government arrested 55 members and supporters of former Premier Mohammed Mossadegh Meanwhile joint AmericanIranian com mittee met to decide how to spend the $45000000 United States emer gency aid granted to Iran Forest Firefighting Technique Elie Dorrie ilixami FRIDAY SEPTEMBER I953 for Section 2ches to Barrie Citiiens Band PIan Sunday Concert At AIIancIaIe manna CITIZENS BAND about half the total empl my meiit posed for ExmnEpho Ographf RGdMFaiiro non day morning at Queens Park on the steps of the small bandstand following the Labor Day parade Centre front is Bandmaster Joe McNeillie formerly of the Royal Can adian Navy and Toronto orchestra circles The band is planning Sunday evening concert this united Church WMS Presbyteriol WiII Hold Meeting Here In I954 Mrs Seymour Koll of Churchill opened the executive meeting of the Simcoe Presbyterial WMS of the United Church with the words Brother man fold to thy heart thy brother The president said that she had recently heard man say that Christianity was betting your life that there is God and living on that assump tion Having faith whether you can see something lor not worship servicd was conducted by Mrs George Faris president of Cookstown Evening Auxiliary using scripture from Matthew 16 verses 1328 and based on the theme of sacrice Every sacri ce made for Christ brings happi ness and becomes an eternal poss ession Flowers and card signedby all present were ordered to be sent to Mrs Harvie Johnson past president who for the rst time in many years was not able to be present The 1954 Presbyterial meeting will be held in Barrie at Collier Street United Church it was an nounced nominating committee was ap pointed to be headed by Mrs Brothel Tottenham and Mrs Hughes Collingwood with ve presidents of auxiliaries from Al liston Creemore Waverley and Barrieacting The vicepresidentslrepoiTd an active year of visiting speaking and organizing Mission Band rally would be heldx at Elmvale on Tuesday Sept 29 starting at 1000 am All Mission Band leaders should try to attendevenmg this rally Mrs Newton Bcsse Shanty Bay reported that she had written and contacted 10 groups in Simcoe Presbyterial but had only been able to form one new Baby Band She said that where there was Cradle Roll some churches did not want Baby Band Mrs Atkinson Barrie sup ply secretary reported thatbalcs quilts crib sheets binders toys Hearst Georgina Islands Peffer law the hospital in Angola Afrii ca and surplus to the Fred we tor Mission Toronto and to Mrs Laurie in Barrie Mrs Gorsline Collingwood requested that proper place be set up for the literature exhibit at the next Presbyterial She would like sufficient room to ex hibit the free material in one place the books for auxiliaries in another and the books for fun iors in another The interest in her literature at the last Presby terial was great and the space was small so that the leaflets got mixed up and people could not nd andorder whatthey wanted Mrs Leigh Orillia reported 1200 subscriptions to the Mission ary Monthly and 884 to World Ecstatouaedle the mention fig National Air Show Toronto 19 versatile warming which prov ed its mettle in the South Pacific during the Second World War will be featured performer SepLIQ at the National Air Show in To IUSlLt The Royal Canadian Navy is to Toronto group of engined Grumman Avengers ed for new submarine roie in the RCN These hardy aircraft capable of rig ranges heavy armament loads weather permpjtting on in verandah of near the CNR statidii N4I program will be all request the selections to be made from num bers previously performed this year at St Vincent Park and Queens Park So far this year the band has played at public gatherings parades orconcertrs about 45 times including 14 during Centennial Week EDENVALE Church Service Regular Sunday Convalesoing Herc Wallace Richardson Midhurst is convalescing atmthe home of his daughter Mrs Culham School church service will be held next Sunday Rev Veals took the 60th anniversary services at New England Grey County on Sunday 0n Holiday Mr and Mrs Neil Kennedy and family spent weeks holiday at Ossosanc Beach From Toronto Miss Myrtle Elrick of Toronto spent last week with Mr and Mrs and clothing had been sent the Maw and accompanied them following places the hospital at on trip to Tobermory and Paisley on Sunday At CNE Mrs Ken Gillies EMA number from here attended the Canadian National Exhibition last week Kingston visiting her parents Mr and Mrs George BoWscr Visited Cousin Thomas WilkinSon Willowdale and his sister Miss Gertrude Wilk inson Toronto visited their cousin Mrs Ward on Sunday Returned Home Mastr Daun Miles has returned ind hope he hasa speedy recovery which can be obtained from the literature secretary and to his home in Barrie after spendlt mg the holidays with his grand parents Mr and Mrs Miles Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Harold Gilchrist and daughters Alliston and Mr and Mrs Murray Thurlow Elm vale visited Mr and Mrs Ward on Sunday With Grandparents Master David Maw spent last week visiting his grandparents Mr and Mrs Dobson Centre Vespra Miss Nellie Kirkpatrick Agin court is visiting Mr and Mrs Ward Mr and Mrs Aubrey Giffcn and family spent the weekend at Wood stock and other southern points Schools Reopened Our schools reopened this mom ing with Mrs Partridge in charge at the Westward and Mrs Keith Rewell at the Eastward The East school has been closed for three years owing to lack of pupils Vigo school is now closed and the pupils from there are attending at Edenvalc East Miss June Bates has returned to her homcat Sunnidale Corners af ter visiting her sister Mrs Doug las Giffen in Hospital We are sorry to report thaFDan Luck is in Royal Victoifdospital can Tm EXAMINER Forl PRINTING Some reported difficulties with children of other faiths in the Mis Friends The fall sectional meetings will ion Bands while others reported that in their bands were many top speed approaching 300 miles an hour are now serving aboard the Carrier Magnificent and at East Coast shore bases When the RCN began purchas Ing Avengers for antisubmarine patrol it removed previous tor pedocarrying apparatus and rear gun turret and installed electronics equipment and depth charge racks The Avenger is now bulwark of this countrys antisubmarine de fence The first postwar product of Canadas aircraft industry the small sleek dc Havilland Chip munk trainer wrll demonstrate full range of aerobatics Sept l9 at the National Air Show in To ntu It was the Chipmunk designed 1111 developed by Canadians in whgch the Duke of Edinburgh took no first flying lessons in the Un ited Kingdom The Dulce is now full fledged pilot of tth Royal Air Force Chipmunks built in the Toronto from of the dc HaVIlland Aircraft of Canada Ltd are now being used the world ovenin Britain Aus tralia New Zealand Egypt India and Thailand Models built in Brit Ish factories are serving the RAF by the hundreds as DaSlC trainers Persons attending the National Air Show will etc the Chipmunk slum over the CM waterfront in lisp Iy of InaIIocuverability which has made this little aircraft rcspcctcd wherever it flown combattried veteran of the Second World War the sleek Mus tang fighter will demonstrate on Sept 19 in Toronto that it has not outlived its usefulness lhc RCAF is Sending to the Na tional Air Show six of these pis toncnginc warplanes each armed With full load of deadly rockets The Mustangs will swoop over the CNE waterfront and unleash their rockets at targets moored in Lake Ontario Although the Mustang is no longer considered capable of aerial combat the rockct firing at the National Air Show will Show that it still packs potent punch where ground targets are concerned The greatest concentration of air power ever displayed for Canad ians will highlight the National Air Show Sept 19 presentation overI the waterfront at the Canadian Na tional Exhibition More than dozen types of air craft used by Canadas armed forces will fly in the giant show The Royal Canadian errcels providing its 45 allWeather Fighter Squadron flying 12 of the new Canaidanmade FClOO twin jet fighters SixT33 Silver Dart jet train ers from the RCAF Station at Tren ton will carry out formation fly past group of Harvard trainers from RCAF Centralia will per form formation aerobatics Flying Boxcar will drop cargo by parachute in display of tech niques developed in Korea Britains de Havilland Comet op erated by RCAF Transport Com mand will salute the crowd in lowlevel flypast The F436 Sabre veteran of comi bat over Korea will sweep over the CNE waterfront in demon Located just south or Danie on Cumming maladies thl Home tab held it in Christ Church Wright will have with hint speaker the Rev Col ring retired rector 0d his now living in Barrie Sunday Sept t3 is also bah held as Rally Sunday in Eh churches and Sunday School again starts at Trinity From London Mr and Mrs Ottway spent last Week with Dar sons Atttnd Funeral MI and Mrs Ddison Ind cred to Inkster Mich on to attend the funeral of Mrs Dd sons brother the late Burn yer Again in this column may we extend our sympathy to Mr and Mrs Dobson Sympathy Extended Sympathy of the community goes to Mr and Mrs Donald Cameron In the death of their brotherln law the late James Orok hurst Died Execme The death occurred on Sunday morning in Windsor of David Springer Mr Springer had been in ailing health for several years but death came very unexpectedly He had been visiting friends in and around Barrie only IZLit Friday 1Burial Will be in Windsor Mr and Mrs Pecvor North Bay are visiting Mr and Mrs Wallwin School Again Back to school again and Mrs Bell is again with us The at tendance to start at No 15 will be about 39 And one thing is sure many are quieter today than they have been for two months stratum of speed and mariocuver ability Two types of aircraft used by the Royal Canadian Navy Avenger subhuntcrs and Sea Fury fighters will also fly in the National Air Show Pulp is the name for wood bre Canada depends on her forests Papers are printed on newsprint THE DERII or lllSUllllfle You see Professor Im If perfectly safe INSURANCE risk Lion Tamer might be poor lmnrancc risk but YOU should have adequate INSUR ANCE to cover the usual hu artist 11 you are not care about these risks call us to day for an INSURANCE SURVEY Stevenson CO ma AUTO AND In CASUALTY 80m CI 35 DUNLOP 81 EAST between highway 11 and new Our Inner children of different faiths who worked quite happily together The moment seemed to be to get the parentsto understand that in Mission Band work there is no particular stress laid upon one faith that the children if all The treasrerMrs Carter Orillia reported that $6000 had been sent in to Toronto Confer 51mm which includes game ence Branch and that there was at Barrie on Oct 23 west Sinfcoe balance in the bank of $63154She at Sunnidale comers Oct 22 asked that treasurers of auxiliaries Southgimme at stmud on Oct 23 llm the report forms carefully At the afternoon session the and that they report only the presidents of auxin regwre giv Christian religions age being taught amount which could be sent to en time to ask esuom One to live and work harmonious the WMS after tea bazaar ete asked What is the meaning of together If by tea you raised $100 and it affiliation and what does it email The social committee of Collier cost $25 to run it you would 19 and with Whom Mrs Kell an Street United Church under the port only 515 swered They promise to take leadership of Mrs AtkinSOn Mrs Heslip Colllngwood sec study on missions according served refrwhing cup of tea to be held as follows North Simcoe at Waubaushene on Oct 27 East mm Ty OF iinionmin avert forest firefighting gtechniques wais dernonstiated by planes and helicopters near Geraldtoh recently Forest protection officials of major tltnber and pulp and paper operators andythe OntarioDepart ment of Lands and Forests saw helicopter lay the hose in gthe rstexperiment of the kind ever attempted here It olso executed near pinpoint waterbombing of incipient fireawlthbalvosamplication heavy paper water bombs Exhibition was highlight of weeklong forest safety cdurswmost comprehensive cooperative school ever held Iby department woodsindustry barium and pantie retary of Christian Stewardship said that all auxiliaries had re ceiveda GBA pamphletrand asked that all presidents come to the January executive meeting pre pared to vote on one or two pro jects Mrspo Thompson Alliston reported that she had sent letters to 11 CGIT groups urging them to use the Study Book andtopar ticipate in the missionary project Six CGIT groups had affiliated with the WMS Mrs Gordon Brethet Tottenham secretary of Mlssion Bands re ported that four new bands had been formed to smoking total of bands ianmcoe Press ed that WMS and to give at least 31 per year In group where the WA aff to the prescribed course of the close the meeting iliates with the WMS they do not go through an affiliation ceremony each year as the younger groups do and are free to terminate the affiliation any year they wish to do so One dollar is all they pro misc to give and their promise to study read and pray There is no allocation for an affiliatcdso cietyft One president Iiskc whether there is WMS formalized and was advised that the 0ny Pin available is nf Life Membership Several auxiliaries did not know that there is 13 mmbership card ll Bob Hunter his Band Vocals bx King TsATNITE Boot mm Bartlett Street Dock Every 30 Minutes Dance Night