BARBIE EXAMINER WDAY SEPTEMBER ll 19535 lumbull Hurls lloHiller Port McNicoll lnCopacoi Veteran rightElander Jack LukeI nineinning conlrsz They addudl recorded Drilfliifll no fzve runsin the fifth and singlcl marker in me sixth The longbail hitting pOWcr came Campus norun game East night as Can General Electric clubbored hlcNicull 160 in the first from lurubuli Lamy of the mens C0374 Trophy Graham Crosble and Murray RLciz Port McNgcoll Turnbull was more than cxiraor lic was oniy two batch of perfect mc lie retired the second round of the SimCuci County playoffs with the suddeni first 13 batters in order and an crrorIat first base and walk enabled the Port tbetr lotto hose runners of the ev Tumbull fznishcd the gamc very strong by retiring the final 13 batters Although not officzztl it is believ cdrto be the first ribhitter in soft ball recorded in Simcoc County this 1son Tumbull who is playing his lb season on local diamonds fan nod cich and in the third retired the side on strikes CGE finalists in the Barrie dis trict group played midvseason ball behind Iurnbull They hammered veteran Art Tony Bell of the Ports as if they owned him Three runs in each the first and sccondl innings and four in the iliird prol vzdcd substantial margin for lllL ardson 31 blasting triples ill tilt vlclOUS atzack Arena Manager lCollingwood Boy Wins County Golf Jack Nixon Second shtp Labor Day Col ga our in trtciannual match The HlJClJJl gulfcbldisplaced his club Tom Watson 1952 was not Lop brackels 1215 year llcwsur l2Ld ll3 for 11 holes willing Burr16s Jack lf one stroke for the tzilc There The winnrrs now meet Vascy ml was large enzry from all clubs death comes billed for Queens l0 Claim Park Tuesday evening starting 615 Play Barrie CGE wellknown sportser Globe and Mail Ex Game Sept 19 unique exhibition softball game has bun arranged for Queens Park Saturdayi Sept 19 when Canadian General Electric will play host to the Globe and Mail champions of the Matinee League in Toronto Globe and Mail classified as lntermcdiafc ast several rs such as George Machrfanc the gent who tagged the famed Joe Crysdale for Sonic run in the zhe county Weather was cool and windy FHU Barrie golfers brought home prune Bub MacDonald Dr Haslett Sgt urt Paulsen Corbett and Ken Bulkwill WW iBattle Cup Gvolf Jack Ough club procient ad would into the final for tlic Bat Ul Bub in Cup at Bantu Golf Club by itltillillg ll Rodgers lie will lillilll mch the winner of tho Jack Nixon EN lt1 vs Bill Dymcni swirlfinal match on is in AM Eticrat of tlzr illlrl1 ciatiux lIl illillill to ll it Tram at smcoe kc Un Milwaukee Chiefs of the Inter Xi MWmV dmlSS national Hockey League will train ITw furl MW at Sirncuc Arena this season it B1oi U3I3 nimpmns If 3me announced by Harm WI Mac Elm Loud manager The Chiefs are 59141M Vl Bmlc coached by Louis Trudull former lly of Chicago Hawks and Montreal lCazmdicns They start Oct mu its 1r XIUJJ Fin1s Wastcri private Eighth Active Force Military Bond Formed IiCaxlthAfltlh has autnurW rblllaalnsfl of uni Corps of loyal frli Elam warm bangs to Lgl 131 total hum basis if Azlvc Army Ward at Vrdder Unaslrlg Cilnack home of of military Alll bc near the liqu Canadian School of Mikiary Erzgmccnng 3dpiccc band Lt will be direct Irrf fI NIX Li Mchod hdnmn ljll former drector of muszc fur Vcsteri Command Lt MCIsod is graduate of Kricllcr Hall tin llogai Milgmty Sifth of Music England Army Elcadquarters said that so Rick as pDSilOt musicians for the Wlll be reunited solely from Canadian Cuillrcd ada However potable vacuums will be lllltd by bands ncn rccuiZed in Holland and the Ullllcd Kingdom Only recently hc Army brought approxiznarcly 771 Brits and Dutch bandsmen in Canada to bolster the Canadian military bands RESCUE EFFORT KINGSTON ONT C9 Firo mun works department employeesE contractors and poldiurs joined in rcscu 11 fox terrier Elrnvstunc cliff hero Heavy equip truppcd in 21 maze of crevices in 20hour prisoner used in the the lively incur as effort before was frecd particularly in ranks of Champion Old TyIme Fiddler Of Barrie is oc iCoach At Tillsonburg Tillsonburg chionnaircs of the sored by the Junior Farmers and then en tered the Canadian championships at recent Sportswrltcrs KEY baseball game at Vfaplc Leaf Stadium The game will be played in Legion Beat Al Porf Dover Borden Army BlSYA SEED PLANT MK AND SIRS BERT lllLllOLLAND and MOOSE JAW SASK Ci family of Stroud Box was champion old 93 Softball Barrio Legion local senior soft bull champions got in some good practicn Wednesday night at Queens Park before they enter the Idistrit finals and Copaco play downs Camp Bordcn Army brought in an allstar team from the gar rison league and beat them 93 in snappy exhibition game Ron Birnic and Johnny Snache divided the mound duties for Le gion while Melville went the dist for Camp Borden yielding 13 its The two Barrie hurlers gave up just six Leading the winners was veteran thirdsacker Steve Hines who had perfect night at bat three hits for three times plus walk Herbie Thompson had two for two before Shewchuck took his place in centre and the latter got one for one at bat Camp Borden Rockford 55 MacDonald lb Andrews If ONeill 2b ONeill cf MelvilleI Kettle Williams rf McCann rf MacDonald 3b Barrie Legion Wanamaker lf Bowen If Lawrence rf Hines 3b Thurlow ss Hardacre Dundas Perry 1b Snache 2b and Thomp soncf Shewchuck cf Birnie Gorham 29 Umpires Bill Hare and George Miles 11 SeptemBrlPlay ln Golf Season Al Barrie Club Well into September and the golf season has about month to go un less the Weather holds out Tomorrow afternoon the annual ounty southpaw mens tourament is slated for Oriilia course Sunday afternoon file annual ladies entertain men event at Barrie Country Club figures to havc an lBhole twoaball foursome Tuesday Sept 15 at Barrie the annual ladies field day is card ed Wednesday Sept 16 mens county invitational at Midland SatI urday Sept 19 Aurora at Barrih mens return match Sunday Sept20 the annual match at Barrie Golf Club for the Jul ian Ferguson Trophy twoball mixed foursome Sunday Sept 27 the annual mens match for the Herbert Sparham Trophy handicap play COAST 121100 1191155 LONG Norway has coastline of 12000 miles including fjords and the larg er islands cy arrw BY BARRlE MOTOR SALES SOME coats use As Amruu cm or so To GET muo on THEIR Bradlord Oust fennells Nine Meet legion third straight time On home dia imond Bradford won the first game 142 and at Fennclls 102 with Pa iPoland hurlinz both victories Steve Simone was on themound for lBradford in the third game with ifhe finalscore 91 Big Blake Con gstable pitched all three for the losers Bradford now tangle in the dis trict finals against Barrie Legion for the Ralph Snelgrove CKBB Tro phy starting early next week Barrie Tanning Ti Jeanns Coffee Industrial Play myth Barrile tlanning deadlocked Ellie bestin7three semifinal series of the Industrial Softball League last night at one game each when they edged Jeannes Coffee Shop 109 Pitchers Jim Orr of Tanning and Joe Whelan of Coffee Shop had rough evening as base hits were plentiful in the abbreviated four inning tilt Coffee Shop opened with single marker in the first but Tanning scampered for six runs in the sec ond inning for lead they never relinquished Each team tallied four in the third and the Coffee Shop rallied for four more in the fourth but fell one run short Burgess Bruce Kerr Ross Turn bull and Jim Orr were prominent in the Tanning offensive each With two hits Barrie IGeneraIs Await Winneji South Simcoe Baseball League executive meeting Wednesday de cided to unscrambie the Aurora Newinarket dispute by ordering thehape having worked on farm teams to play suddendeath game tonight at Aurora The winner will meet Barrie Generals in the nal series for the league championship and Davis Memorial Trophy start irigarly next week The AuroraNewmarket south div ision finals got all tangled up in dispute ahd protest over unfinished games Barrie Generals won the north group by ousting Cookstown Stroud and Everett in playoffs To Coach Brampton It is reported that Harry Morri son who coached Newmarket Spit fires in the DEA intermediate IA series last season and is former Midland junior star will handle Brampton Regents in the junior ranks this year Brampton have now come into the Cleveland Barons system and the Regents will serve as the main junior farm team for Barrie Flych Bradford won the South Simcuc Softball League title and the llon Earl Rowo Tmphy Wednesday nigh as they defeated Fennclls for thc 0llA intermediate series have Tsigncd Bill Simpcll formerly of Midlzmd as playing coach Former pro with Cleveland and other clubs Simpcll has been with Brantford Rcdmcn in the OIIA senior group for several seasons US Army Officers Visit Canadian Army Units group of senior United States Army officers have been invited to Visit Canadian Army establish ments during the first week in September The party will cohgist ofappr0x imately 40 officersngthe rank of colonel and lieutenantcolonel whose military appointments are GEORGE BURCHADI star right winger of Basric Flyris OHA concerned with the movement of personnel and equipment between Canada and the United States and ijunior champions 194349 is remaining in his home town of Port Dover this season l1 manage si ilar duties of mutual militaryI interest the Lakcsliorc Arcna and play for the local team George lins boon They will visit Army Head quarters in Ottawa as well as with Grand Rapids Rockets of the International Hockey League other service centres inzludln several seasons past Toronto Camp Borden and Camp 01 Valcarticr with the object of fam iliarizing themselves with CanI Rmmsio EDCI urcs They will also see some lthing of Canadas productive ca pacity and industrial potentiaLI The group is scheduled to arrive day Aug 30 Two similar tours for US Army ofcers were conducted by the Canadian ArmyIduring 1952 Pal from Blisterl Pelln The govcriimnt seed plant hurc has handed 1200000 pounds of forage crop seed and 3500000 liusn cis of grain sznce illll The lib crop year was its busiest with 200000 pounds of forage crop and 230000 bushels of grain adian Army practices and proced Canada Recommended as prm nix forum on rgpaint iob Chief Of Imperial General Staff FIELD MARSHAL Sir John Harding Chif of the Imperial at Rockcliffe Air Station on Sun Genera Staff being greeted by LtGen Simonds on his arrival at Rockcliffe Airport Monday 31 Aug FM Hard ing will spend 12 days visiting military establishments across BOB WHITE big centre of the Barrie Flyers the past two seasons is the rst player to report in for 195354 duty The Stratford boyl lhas enrolled again at Barrie Disl all summer got chuckle the olhcr Idaynvcr story which said the new pinup boy in Ireland is horse and that Day in the NEW CLUBHOUSE OPENED TODAY IN ALLAN DALE The official opening of the new clubhouse of the Allzmdale NRAA LawnBowiing Club will be held this evening starting with play on the greens at 730 to be followed by the ceremony when General Superintendent Holtrum of North Bay and other officials will be present The club is linked with the Canadian National Railways Recreation Association ofnwhlch Al bert Clifton is the local president Luncheon will be served in the clubhouse by the members of the lungs ladies bowling clubs in the British Isles But the more illflllShY The purchase of Tulyar didnt 3111an After all it happened iri Inland members of Parliament contended $700900 was price for an animal in country facing liberal members won their point ll to 23 that Tulsa was good investment in the national Life of Tuin is theIrage of the Sunday supplcments This we think could happen only in Ireland country that not merely loves its horses animals and in fact owns one in the person of but breeds some magnicent few months ago the is reputed to be the horse of the century He waslundefeated as ailyear old where racer has to run more than 51 furlongs and with as much as 150 pounds on his back pass tho Bail without an The Conservative luxury an economic crisis Horse breeding So Tulyar became property of the government He he to the lrishvblaon Stud Farm in Tully county Kildare The Irish are individualistic if any race is and they see noth 111CathttuI111tI cum llubricantsparrot 5W 7W Lyme fiddler it the comics at Barrie Aron1 Thursday night of Old Home Week spot CALL llTIlII EXAMINER FOB PRINTING mom 2414 Bililm Gog urrii OUfltld leJCl KEEPS HIGHWAY CLEAR VltTfllllA lCl Legzslaton 11 Hi 31 rum mushrooming lulu nuzarx along tics highways Will be the nrxl lrg slottirc Works Stands STRANGE BONES VANCOUVER Cli Universv 11 of Brsl1 Columb exports are Slllllg two strange animal bonus Elunmi daring tgt21vitions for the uuw Clcvclmd dam in West Vanl Believed lepnilcdillillous ands of years ago in bones were Sliclburne on Aug 78 Cum icy and Minister consilcrcd to large to be from any tduincstc diurnal my AN EXLVIINER wur AD Save wisely TODAY RATHBuu for TOMORROW lSUN UFE or gigp REPRESENTATIVES Police Chief Reporls 170875 MILES or 511nm EXlDC UIfra qurf Battery HERE IS THE ACIUAL REPORT It has lasted ve limes as long as anypreviousbuflery cullnsfed the service life of two cars and run 34875 miles in the fhird DESRSVBP linen recharged Our patrol curs work 24 hours day and have such aim eledrical equipment as sirens ashing lights and two wuy radio Frank Whilien Chief FIRE HAZARD shaving mirrors Icft hanging on trees may focus the suns rays and start forest fires Play and Enjoy Golf at 1111111111111 our nun Snack Bar Club Rentals Creen Fees $125 $15 Good for all day PHONE STROUD 228121 BIG BAY POINT ROAD Painswick RE No Banie Yes when you inatall anExidc Ultra Start battery you can be sure you wont have to buy another battery for long long time Think wlml this means to Your to any car ownerLspecially doctors salcsmcn or taxicab operators those who must have battery that is thoroughly dependable and IIlonIgIcrIlasting mg mysisum in mummmg IuEImIble horse Soulh Portland Maine Police Dcpf imagine the constemationon0ttawas Parliament Hill if some sportingmember advocatcj the purchase of Native Dancer for million or so for the rposecf improving the breed of racing animals inlCanada Bun of course racehorses dont mean so much to Canada as theydo to Ireland InIreland the horse is big business Export of bursa is to Ireland almost what General Motors isto the United States or the gold silver ledd and zmc products to Canada IIulyar the peoples horse will bring many pound info Ireland Not so many as the rlsh sweepctakes net ofcoursa but quite tidy sum you may sure Ask your Exidc dealer togiveyouv afrce battery fest today andto tll you more aboutihemauy new features of therugged IUIgmSnut the battery thats built rolast longerI II 1949MSWIDBLQXE 1947 DODGE SEDAN 1941 KAISER SEDAN TRUCKS 1949 DODGE TON STAKE 1948 rtao zTONsrAKE 1946 INTERNATIONAL Short Wheele AnI American syndicate headed by Jack Dempsey Los An geles insurance man not the expugilist bid pace than million for Tulyar The Moslem Khan may have felt in conscience that the steed belonged Ireland and took cut in price The Aga Shawna criticisedinflow for allowing Noon to get away from him Hence he genslfive about Tulyar Noor was mama and beat Citation every time ont Tulyar is hold to at It was he was knitted on the emuold green 011111 Isod for his finalists wineries Team11W ammonium Dramatqung MI fmI uhmuam mmmcm ohu cakeDistturasimnso nvr1msrunm