Imamummmsn 111953 Loca Swims Hospital Auxil moron Saturday Sept 19 totrm Rum ale Essa Road Pres byterian Church basement Satur day Oct l0 Auxpices Evening Auxiliary Doors open am 104 Bingo at aldfcllows Temple Collier St every Monday night Sponsored by 100 Cancer Polio and Tuberculosis Fund 104th Ivy Presbyterian Church Anni versary Services Sunday Sept 20 at it am and 730 pm Rev McLarnon Bradford special spcakcr 104107 Bazaar and afternoon tea Baa Rood Presbyterian Church base ment Wednesday Nov from 36 pm Also sale of homemade bak ing Auspices Evening Auxiliary IOi Rummage sale Saturday Sept 19 Collier Street United Church basement Auspiccs Barrie and District Association for Retarded Children Doors open am Any one having donations of clothing phone 3590 for pickup 104407 Miss Anne Marie Hargreaves left on Monday for North Bay where she will attend St Josephs College as resident student Mrs Stanley Brown and her son Christopher left this week for their home in Houston Texas af ter spending month and half in Barrie visiting with her parents Mr aners Fred Cook RR Mrs Brown who is the former June Cook flew home at the end of July and was joined two weeks ago by her husband The family motoredbuck through the United States Mrs Charters is leaving by air for home in Saskatoon to night after spending month in New Brunswick and the United States visiting relatives and in the Barrie area visiting her two daugh ters Mrs Seth McKinley Orillia and Mrs William Reid Painswick after visiting for few days in Orillia Seventyeight years of age Mrs Charters flew from the West by herself and is making the re turn trip akme mcnt PIIsant Today Ideal For Work Sunny And Cool The week to date ins been pleasant and coal with light shower on Loon Day Night have been cool with low of 40 early Wednesday morning sod high Thursday at 77 ideal wuthcr for outdoor work and the prospect to continuance for todoy Temperatures were High Low 8t 62 70 49 45 IR 43 to Sept Sept Sept Sent Sept Sept 74 73 ENGAGEitems Mr and Mrs Herbert Russell Nettleton of 150 Bayeld Street on nounce the engagement of their daughter Helen Irene to Edward Cniwwi Royal Canadian Dragoons son of Mrs Olive Selwyn Tor onto the marriage to take place on Saturday Oct at pm in Collier Street United Church Bar rie 101 Mrs Warren of Toronto wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter Joan Marie Ruthvcn to William Courtney son of Mr and Mrs Basil Courtney of Bar ric the marriage to take place October at Burton Avenue Uni ted Church Barrie 104 Mr and MrsAlbcrt Mow Minesing wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Ruth Frances to William Sanford Rawn son of Mrand Mrs Allan Rawn Stziyncr the marriage to take place at Minesing on Septem ber 26 104 Mr and MRS David Pearson of Thornton announce the engage of their daughter Verna Lenore to William Emerson Camp bell son of Mrs Campbell of Tor onto and the late Mr Campbell the marriagelo take place on Saturday October in Yonge Street United Church Toronto 104 Mr and Mrs Lorne Whiting an nounce the engagement of their daughter Doris Emily to Charles Lindburgh Knapp son of Mr and Mrs Sterling Knapp the marriage to take place on Saturday Septem ber 26 at oclock in Trinity An glican Church Barrie l0i The engagement is announced of Shelah Frances Thompson daughter of Mr Samuel Thompson and the late Mrs Thompson of Ottawa Ontario to Paul Bucth Sims of Kingston son of Mrs Henry Sims and the late Mr Sims of Barrie the marriage to take place October 10 at oclock in Stewarton United Church Ot tawa 104 HILLSDALE Recent Visitors Miss Betty Ball Thornton spent the pastweek with Mr and MrSg FIREIIIEVENTIONWEEK Mr Justice Kellock as deputy governorgeneral has pro claimed the week beginning Oct as Fire Prevention Week through Out Canada Cookstown Fair Board would like to remind the ladies of Cooks town community to bring their donations for the Market Booth which will be at theFair Dona tions ofdairy products eggs home made baking knitted wear and handcraft will be greatly appreci ated 104105 CCF CONVENTION NOV 2728 The provincial council of the CCF has set Nov 27 and 28 as the dates for party convention to pick new leader The Ontario CCF ma been without aleader since Aug15 whenE Jolliffe resignod after heading the organ izationsince Aprille The CCF has two members on the Ontario legislature Grummatt memw ber forCnchrane South and Thom vincmbor for Ontario rid ing which includes Oshawa 171 Ito broken cov cocaine orpost govern repatrcd byanexperr ners enrolled Williams Mrs George and familyToronto spent the past week with Mrs Eaton MrandMrs Joseph Ganton To ronto spent the weekend with rel atives here Misses and Turner visit ed on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Robert Hudson at Balm Beach New Position Miss Irene McFadden has accept ed position with the Bank of Toronto in Bar ie At Balm Beach Mr and Mrs Earl Turner and Shirley and Misses Maxine Mc Fadden Marion Martin Mary Turner and Margaret Thompson spentvthe holiday weekend at Balm Beach With Friends Mr and Mrs Bell spent the past week with friends at Napanee and Watertown NY re turning bleochester and Buffalo Vlsitcd Father Mrs Charles Ramsay Vancouver visitedqu the weekend with her father MrMilligan School Reopened School reopened on Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Bell as the teachers There were new begin Weekond Here Mrand Mrs John Raymond St Johns QuebEcggt and Miss Gladys Pledger RCAF at Trenton were among those Who spehtthe holiday weekend with Mrs Pledgeru Broken Lag Carl McBride had themisfortune to have his leg broken while play ing onthestrect on Saturday George Jamleson Barrie spent theweekend with Mrs Chapman and could Thompson Motor Trip Mr and Mrs Thomas Dawes are orra motor trip to Quebec Guests Item Recent gueatswith MrsWilliam Rnwat wharerllflr nnd Mrs Job and JIM LAMONT Barrie was the runnerup in the OntarioQuebec finals of the Lions safcudriving roadeo this year Died Recently Edward Eerlier passed away at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday Sept after few weeks illness in his 83rd year He has resided in Belle Ewartmost of his life and leaves one son Bert T0 ronto and one brother Elias Le froy The servicewas conducted by Rev Luck First Baptist Church Barrie onzMonday at the Funeral Chapel of Lloyd and Stcckley Interment was at Sixth Linc Cemetery Wlth Iarents Mr and Mrs Allan Ptoffitl of Toronto spent the past week with Mrs Pruffitts parents In Hniiburton Mr and Mrs Dalton and sons spent wcck at Huliburton Mrs Hullish and Mrs Quantz visited in Waubaushene with Mr and Mrs Arthur Best last week Here At Wcokond There were throngs of people in town for the last holiday weekend Among the visitors were Miss Ed ith and Mayme Lazenby Toronto with their sisters Mrwand Mrs Rennie Cooksville with his moth er Holiday Kore Mr and Mrs LloydvRuffett and children Wiarton arespending few weeks with Mr Buffetts ipar ents before he leaves to spend year in the Arctic Moving Soon Sgt and Mrs Ernest Baxter and daughter Petawawa arc with Sgt Baxters parents and are moving to their new home in Lefroy very 50011 School Reopened School opened on Tuesday with the regular staff ofrteachers Mrs Norris Mrs Watson and Mr Smith lWeekend At Cottage Mr and Mrs Brown Toronto Spent the weekend attheir cottage to take school busupto Cobalt Mr and Mrs Fraser and fam ily have moved toEspanola Anniversary Services The United Chiirch are holding their anniversary services On Sun day Sept 13 at 11 amand pm with Rev Unstead as the minister Mr Unstead was form erly of Beeton andflis now living at Maple Ont There will be spe cial music by the chbir immune antacid1M MUCH ROUTINE BUSINESS COMPLETED BY Regular meeting of 0m COUMII was held in the Towmhfp Hall on 808 JOHNSON Barrie who was the winner of the OntarioQuebec finals of the Lions safedrivlpg roadco last year WEDNESDAY SEPT Magistrate Gordon Foster pre sided with Assistant Crown At torney John Livingston The docket was very light and tho sit ting was concluded before noon Adjournments The hearing of ch go of care less driving against Arbour will be heard on Sept 23 The charges against Claude LawSOn and Harold Weller JIconnection th taking wood5p itting ma in the property of Bar Be was adjourned to Sept Judg ments in the John TruSsell and Ruthven MacDonald cases will be given Sept 16 Charges Under LCA Two men were convicted for in toxication in public place Both had pleaded guilty and were ned the usual $10 plus costs of $250 or ve days Two more from Wasaga Beach were tried later also with convictions and incs Not Set Flashlight Toa charge of careless driving on Sept on Highway 27 laid by PC Lennon OPP Cpl Milton Wilson pleaded not guilty Evid ence given by PC Kellogg who was with Lennon was that an accident had happened at the junc tion of Highways 20 and 27 and about pm Cpl Lee was wav ing flashlight to hold back south bound traffic from up the valley north police cruiser with flash er operating wus in the centre of the triangle andtraf$ic nean careful handling Just theanewl ogg said the accused came upfrom the hollow at fast rate almost ran down Cpl Lee then ran to the stop sign and skidded 50 feet be fore coming to stop after Lee shouted warning PC Kellogg said that he had been assisting the photographer who was taking pictures in c0n nection with the rst accidentaud had checked on the Wilson car but found no sign of liquor or of drinking Cpl Wilson 27 single claimed that hehd not seen the wprning signals because of lights facing him from the south but had then noted the parked cars and stopped He had ben driving out of camp in his own cars for ve lumen Numismatic telling Miss Swanson hersliva showing if Shel xing It CBSES Sept with all members presentceminproperty in Shanty Bay as under the chairmanship of Rare Smith Campbell Communications were Workmens Compensation Board Department of Planning and Devel opment Fred Hunter Boys Sea gram and Rowe Wilson and Company Dr Scott Mrs John Powell William Sheridan Department of Finance Stuart Kcyes Department of Highways Packard Dawson 1nd Evans Limited Cameron Charles Warwick and Company Lud gate The clerk was instructed to write Grant regarding road conditions at hispmperty and also Glendinnlng Jarrett and Campbell regarding audit fees Park Cuchkcr The committee reported that Vic tor OBricn had been appointedr caretaker of Oro Memorial Park for the balance of the season request from Boys Seagram and Rowe for permission to sell part of Lot Concession was granted years and was familiar with the road and claimed that he was not icing over 50 miles an hour PC Kellogg pointed out that the northbound traffic from Barrie dir ection was stopped at the time and Wilson was practically alone There is clear view to Dunns Hill from the intersection The Wilson car had travelled 198 feet near the stop sign and had slid 50 feet Mr Livingston observed that the circumstance called for consider able care but Wilson knew no road Magistrate Fosters opinion was that he was not driving with due care and attention when he did not see or observe signs flares or the flashlight and act accordingly He was convicted and ned $10 plus costs of $1450 THURSDAY SEPT 10 Magistrate Gordon Foster presidedbut in the absence of both Crown Attorney Thompson and Assistant John Livingston quite number of adjournments were made on docket of 32 char ges Marine Patrol Members of the OPP water pat rol operating this summer for the rst time on Lake SimCOe have been checking on breaches of the iLCA and on evidence of PC Grant OPP two Toronto menwere convicted The officer stated that on Aug 251they had found three men who had been drinking in boatowned by Tollendal man Search of car later revealed 30 pints of ale and possession was admitted by Haroid Mott 35 mar ried who was convicted and ned $20 plus costs of $4150 In connection with the same case John Russell was also con victed and paid similar ne Other VLCA Cases For possession of liquor car of which he was not the driver on Aug 23 in Vespra on Sunnidale Road Hugh Bessey was convicted and ned $15 plus costs of $450 The charge was laid by PC Rogers OPPanli evid ence given by Cpl And rews Several were convicted on char ges of intoxication in public place with the usual ne of $10 plus $250 but similar charge coupled with theact of leaving ina ORO COUNCIL Protest Camp Site petition protesting the use of was presented by Edgerton Cue boyS and girls summer camp Iand Houston The proposed plan of Lack strum of part of Lot 25 Conceuion was considered and the clerk instructed to write him and to forward questionnaire to the De partment of Planning and Develop morn Hi was also instructed to write the Municipal Grants Divi sport Qttawa regarding Edgar RCAF Station Decds for the transfer of part of Lot 16 Con were presented and ordered forwarded to the Depart ment of Planning and Development for approval The treasurcrs list of receipts was accepted as resented and number of by contracts also were approved Highway Expropriation notice wasreccivcd from the Department of Highways regarding expropriation of part of Lot Con and claim for compen nation was ordered tiled claim from Howard Atkinsozf for payment The road superim woodcut was given ulszructions iwith the treasurer to complete tho import on work done to Aug and to forward petition for interim lsubsidy The report of Road Superintendj Ross for August work was accepted and paSSed for payment ialso various accounts before COUIIy icit Date of next regular meetingi Monday Oct NEW GLASGOW Ns lLll Lady BadcnPowell world cruel of Girl Guides will be guest at luncheon here Sept 24 in connec necuon llIIl rally of Pictuut rent County Girl Guides MEASLES WANING REGINA iCP An outbreak of measles here resulted in 909 cases in seven months this year but the number of cases now is declin ing Last year there were l279 casrs in the same period FAMOUS SIIBIN About 150000 persons annually visit the martyrs shrine at Forh Ste Marie near Midland For genuine CHBYCII PIIIIIS CALL FRENCH MIIWIIS 10 8085 ST Phone 5735 NORN GARRIOCK CBC Farm Broadcast commentator for On tario and Quebec will make his fourth withmicrophonevisit to the International Plowing Match being held in October on the United Counties Farm between Port Hope and Cobourg Working out of CBC exhibit tent he will cover the Match for CBC noon hour farm broadcasts from St Johns to Vancouver the CBC In ternational Service News Round up the BBC and CBC television With the Navy during the war Norn is graduate of GAG and hasibeen with the CBst farm dc partment since 1949 Insurance Custom Made To your needs and your expenditures Ykeane but Your condence in young baby asleep in car while the parents were visiting bever age room brought ne of $20 plus $450Ior the father The charge was laid by Cpl Lackie who had found the in font in the car andwhecked at the hotel near Tom Tunersall CLJJ PHONE 2931 $4 ParksidcDrive Barrie IIIS MES CORNER MAPLEAVEDUNI0P ST wasp fire stone Ettorecum gatanamazlng Mininus your home now ysfii tor lamb killed by dogs was poised TELEVISION AN AERIAL msucmcr SARJEANT LNSLKANCE AGENCY Report From Town Hui KINZIE ALDERMAN sinnarasas Rtpilt AND INSULATING MATERIALS Those worn spots on the roof and walls of your home can cause real trouble when snow and ice go to work on them But you can beat old man winter toihe draw uwiih few minor repairs if owuy Bisco Caulking Com you make them right pounds roof coatings undsid ings are the ideal materials for quick affective home repairs Fleece line Rock Wool In sulation another ne Bisco Product will bring new com fort into your home Fleece Line will pay for itself in lust ii few years with fuel savings of up to 35 sacroua alsco DEALER TODAY 33 BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LTD Plants at PORTNEUF STATION PQ TORONTO and LONDON ONT Warehouses and Branches QUEBEC PO StMcor MONTREAL PC TORONTO ONT muss friends tendcd to our laziltly Monday boys and days attended companieci and Wayne were Wayne Toronto the Rev visited day past dos Monkton tcr Miss visitors weekend primers mm mur Supplies doughtorpimdrhelle Torrance Sudbury Mr and Mrs Lorne Wil kinan and son Toronto Mr andi Mrs Stephen Willtinan Chapleau Mr and Mrs Achesman Hamiltonr and Mr aners1L Turner Colv linawood lnfloronto Mrs Janallarrlaon and Mar5 ley Nixon spent few days with lira Robert Burke in To immune as SoMrrmuosurwr last attachi cg friendship Itainewy and Itcmri3AiilrP it maul iultoriiniuhod in biompapuvquhtwua juglsnm gm livtorroom or den okooilent value It Mr and onto OIierCopeland left on liliondayE 3r0b arrogance Compotifitasionoasteadypotiotmoncuwithunysoiohyhhoto QM 1mm filly idealsde beguiiivliyffinished v9bInOIS activators Eliomnos convenient terms CQMPARE the nice aFITMM homo MIKEOL moon iviih commotion gm am it who or MW mm FURNISHINGS