Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1953, p. 14

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aucnsuma acton 1011C 6311811018 pay one brother Hilton Murphy CIHPWORDIIONT cp BANFF ALTA CP James of Allistoo live bters Mn Boy Manuel who borne Whittlin MINESING xi 8M Menominme not he is an merged but Mr Dunlop has by the manufacturers We but indie the and cakes mad We shortening my Roma spell caused Iprln uphill Goldwater reservoir been nutty reduced in flow of tut wwwmuncil had no clectrlc refrigerator ting Em dirtrlbutod to each house WI Harvester that he loading all other dealers to Ontario all Iconic At WM Tbtrtym relativa mot at the weekend at Gordon the Farm to greet llrt Bertha Cornell De Ari om who flew to New York to visit her sister in Edward Nich 01m came on by air to Mutton for the ion lettogether Mrs Cornell son Arthur and Miss Sling Walker all of Coldwater at tended ll mmlon which included visitorsfrom Connecticut Ottawa Gait 8t Thornas Palermo Toronto and pandas Guest Speaker representative of the Gideon Society was speaker at the pm service at St Andrews Presbyter lln Church Goldwater on Sun day Cleanup Bee Directors of Huronia Agricultur al Society turned out in large numbers on Monday for cleanup bee at the park in preparation for the 00th Goldwater fair Sept it and 15 Special Prize special prize for the Domestic Science Clasa of thc fair at Cold water Sept and 15 was omit ted in error from the prize list Canhda Packers again offch first and second prizes of their products Mal Wommd at 40 50 60 Get Pep fmtomvoungcrullofllim Dant blame nhiustcd wornout mxmlmvn feeling on your age sands amazed at Vlut little mg up with 0ster Tonic nblctl will ammo tonic hemlc stimu lant often needed Iltrr 40Iw bodice week beam held iron 78 BlOld doc writes too it myself rsultc fine 1mm or netacquainted size on 60 Stop feeling old Start to feel peppy an today At all droughts MomRs ETD mm so BARBIE Jncksonlslleli 50 urgently requesting curtail ment of water use The level of the mob had dropped 30 inches Use of garden base was ordered diacoutinued until further notice Reeve Andrew Dunlop who in spectied the reservoir area on Fri day stated that even if the break in the weather forecast at that time brought substantial rain it would not remedy the situation im mediately He asserted that gen eral improvement in water levels under favorable conditions would probably take month New Store Owner Joseph Bardcn who operated the Port Severn store from Frank Rus sell under lease this season is the new owner of Loverings pool room tobacco store and barber shop in Goldwater Mr Borden formerly of Toronto took over the business on Labor Day from Mrs Stanley Lovcring The latter has been carrying on the business since her husband was killed in motor accident Mr and Mrs Bardcn with their son and daughter will reside in the apartment above the billiard parlor Mrs Lovcring pur chased the former Coultcr resi dence and has been residing there recently Sale of the pool room was negotiated by Lloyd Letherby local real estate agent I45 Pupils Enrolled There were 145 pupils enrolled at Coldwatcr Public School open ing day an increase of ll over last year Additional pupils are cxpcctpd to apply for instruction in the next few days In Mrs Shirley Gleadalls room there are to with 23 each in grades and Mrs Grace Brodeur has 13 in grade and 22 in grade in Mrs Dor othy Phcasants room grade has 15 and grade hasl9 pupils Prin cipal lvor Humphreys began class cs with 12 in grade and 18 in grade Matcheth Regatta silcccssful second annual rc gatta was held at Black Lake on Sept by Matchedash Cottagcrs Association Members and guests including Rccvc Loo Borrow were Welcomedby Paul Wolkc associ ation president Local residents won in tugofwar events against the cottagch and an Ohio team Two of the seven silver cups for first prizes were donated by Mrs Bernice Williamson of Severn Falls The crowd got thrill when Jim Kimbers ciaft upSet in the boat races but he escaped with ducklnc Prize winners were firSts Wilt Hale Al Hart Harvey Benson Paul Gronfors William Halter Robertson Jr and John Wallin Winners of second prizes of cigarette lighters were Al Hart Bill Cooper Will Hale Sandrin Jr Ed Halter and Paul Gronfors Meet After 33 Years Last weekend James Emslie of Goldwater and his brother John of Boston met for the first time in 33 years The US resident left Aberdeen Scotland five years head of James Emslie and this was their first meeting since Lions Resume Meetings Goldwater Lions Club resumed regular dinner meetings in the par Ish hall with the new president Clarence Ward as chairman ladies night outing will be held on Sept 21 atFern Cottage Or illia with Lions and their ladies from Orillia Washago Cannington and Beavcrton participating Bec ognition for 100 attendance in the past yearwhs given Etley Lov cring Harry Cowan Earl Doble Steve BrodeurL Lloyd Lethcrby Chester Martin Herb Stevens Reg Tipping Clar ence Ward Jack Tippiml and Frank Williams Herb Stevens andKeith Robinson were appointed BARRIE Large stock or BANKRUPT MATERIALS Thou onds IFyards to choose from On sale at frac tional the original cost MAW BLANKETS double bedsize on sale $198 and up LA MnNscounmnnons regular $293 s193 iusrtoTABLE CLOTHS acid resistant regular $298 p19 zombontlns snowria cons regular 731095 15349 bmnlnvsajnznon soars regular 31495 sz95 his uncommontightrorscnooi$3497 tin snowsmrswmrn nvnonuIuonnununuvuut HELMETS buy now liiltlllglllliilliilleilt drop or that chilly morning 180 Jim Borrow Spock Spent Rev Veals and Mn Veal spent the weekend at Kimberley On Sunday Mr Veal gave the sermon at the 60th anniversary of the church which was his first charge and they met many old friends Weekond Visitors Weekend visitors at Leighton Adm included Mr and Mrs John Burke Mrs Mary Swords Stan Swords Patricia Hill Ottawa Ruth Dickey Stayncr Mr andMrs Art Adams and children Long Branch Mr and Mrs Merritt Gait visitE ed Mrs Ronald At Thornton Corbett Adams spent thcwcck end with Wilfred Peacock at Thornton and also visited Gail and Glenn Nelson Mr and Mrs Eldon Young and Mrs Ronson Chatham visited at Youngs on Thursday Mrs Eldon Adams and Mrs Parker spent last week at Mrs Adams cottage at Little Lake Ed Priest St Catharines has been spending few days with his sisters and brother here Here At Weekend Weekend visitors were Mr and Mrs Jack Priest and son Paul of Toronto at Parker Priests Mr and Mrs George Miles and Karen Mr and Mrs Stewart Mr and Mrs Walter Brown Muriel Knupp all of Barrie at Ell Crawfords Campbell and Mrs Carter at Dusios Mr and Mrs Hobberlin and Barbara and Gordon Cummi ford Bradford at George John slons With Relatives Mrs William Henry Barrie is spending few days at the home of her brother Ell Crwaford Mrs Henry has just returned from Flor ida where she visited her sister Mrs William Fields Norma at her home in Miami Car Accident We were sorry to hcarof the serious car accident on Saturday night at Midhurst and houcthat Mr and Mrs Page will show steadyi improvement They have many friends in Mincsing and are frequent visitors with their daugh ter Mrs Arthur Paine Mrs Har per is at piescntwith her grand daughter Mrs Paine Returned Home Mrs Mervin Fralick has returned home after trip to Vancouver and Victoria BC At Brock Beach Mrs Harry Foyston Mrs Jenk ins and their families and Sylva Chappell Crown Hill spent few days at Mrs Foystons cottage at Brock Beach Mr and Mrs Elowright spentSunday with relatives at Au rora Mrs Soilitt Petcrborough spent few days with hersistcrs Miss to supervise operati0n of the Lions booth at the fair The club will make $15 donation to the agri cultural society It was announced that Earl Doble immediate past secretary had been commendedat the Hamilton conventi0n of the Lions for efficiency in his duties Work on Fair Grounds Much work was done at the fair grounds and rink on Sept at cleanup bee in preparation for the fair President Albert Orton was cutting hay on the grounds Sept Suffers Fractured Leg Derek Wigby eightyearold son of Renaud Mrs Wigby suffered fractured right leg on Sept when he fell tom tree onto piece of lumber He is recovering at his home habit of lming in fluted although the up have changed from sharp than to the latest in pocket knitI The habit however in the prerogative of the use But just the other any coated on kitchen doorstep no little mitt deftly which large We on prop pcctlvc 1MB pole and still more coining she was using the port side arm Bernice Young and Mrs John ston Attended Convention Mr and Mrs Harold Boch have returned from Lake Louise and Banff where Mr Bowen attended theCivil Service Association Con vcntion Mr Bowen is provincial president Motor Trip Mr and Mrs Garf Durnford enjoyed motor trip to Timmins where they visited Mr Durnfords sister They also visitedrelatives at Sudbury North Bay and other points Otto Davis has been quite ill for the past week We hope for an improvement in his condition soon Meeting On Thursday evening the Sep tember meeting 0f the Womens In stitute was held at Mrs Stanley Pralicks Mrs Percy Muir gave fine interpretation of the motto Let us be better citizens by keep ing up to date in the things ghat matter She said that we sh uld realize the magnificent contribu tion our forefathers made inthc building and shaping of this our country and it is up to us as wo men of today to keep up those contributions by being better citi zens so that ur influence may be felt With coming of Christ women have been placed on higher plane How impressed we must have been with the ACWW Conference where women from 27 countries who are keeping up to date With the things that matter met together Let us use our fran chise man who had lived be hind the iron curtain gave up sev eral days of his holidays that he might vote and some of our Can adian friends do not take it scri ously enough to go mile or two Mrs Maguirc the converter of the meeting introduced the special speaker Miss Mildred Meredith Barrie She had most interesting topic Women in Jury Service Shetold how jurors are chosen The different kinds of cases speak ing of the difference between grand jury and petty jury jurors must be carefully screened They must be unbiased and remember all tools whether the trial be short or long If called to act on the jury and women are now being included in that schIce it is wise totakcnotes If woman is called and doesnt wish to act she will be wihtdrawn The delegates who attended the ACWW conference gave theiriinj plSSIOllSOf Canada Day Noni mocting will be held week later Funarotorvica HIlm For Mrs Smith Widow of Town Clerk Funeral service for Mrs Arthur Wellington Smith who died at her home 144 Maple Ave Barrie on SaturdayAuz 29 1953 was held at her late residence on Tuesday Sept The former Sarah Edith Sadie Nixon the late Mrs Smith was the widow of Smith form er Barrie town clerk who died on Nov 13 not Born in the Town ship of Innistll she was the dough for of the late Robert Nixon and Mary Jane Moore She resided in Mattawa and Sturgeon Falls be fore coming to Barrie The deceased was member of Collier Street United Church She is survived by five children Dr Harold Smith Mrs McBride Isobel and Douglas Smith of Barrie and Helen and Ruth of Toronto sister Mrs Hart of Barrie and five grandchildren Joan Jill Susan and James Smith and Katherine McBride The funeral service was conduct ed by Rev Lewis Pail bcarers were Dr Little Frank Craig Frank Dutchcr Peter Sinclair Arthur McKenzie and Ronald Kcast Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery Relatives and friends were sent from Toronto Valois PQ pre London and After Long IIIneSs Robert Alfred Murphy Dies At Barrie Home is in England Hrs Harris Sage Myrtle of Sudbug Mrs Mel McCain lurid aroma Mrs Howard Croaaett Marion and Mrs Frank Bemroae Shirley both of Barrie and one son Lloyd of Toronto The funeral on Saturday Aug 22 was from the Lloyd and Strok ley Home where there was large attendance of those who had known Mr Murphy in town and also number of friends and rel atives from Toronto Sudbury AI iiston Elmvale and Minesing The service was taken by Rev Bewcll minister of Cen tral United Church assisted by Rev Clements Beautiful flowers were from rel atives friends and from the Bell Telephone Company the WA of Central United Church and Wcay months Book Store Interment was in Alliston Ceme tery and acting pallbearers were Joseph Maw Norman Walton Will iam Peacock Thomas Cooper Alex McKinney and John Bern rose INCREASE COPPER OUTPUT Turkey expects to produce 26000 tons of copper in 1953 compared with 14000 tons in 195D Following lengthy illness Rob crt Alfred Murphy passed away at his home no Sophia Street West on Thursday Aug 20 1953 Born on May 20 1878 in Adjaizi Township he was son of the late John Murphy and Jane Ilnn nah The early part of his life was spent in Thompsonvillc He moved to Mincsing in 1910 and had remained there ago when he moved to Barrie to his latp residence He had foll owed farming throughout until the last few years Mr Murphy was member of the United Church and Conserv ative He is survived by his widow thoformcr Maggie Court EXTRA on Oct at Mrs Muirs Host csses Were Mrs Parker Priest and Mrs George Dusto At Thunder Bay Mr and Mrs Harry Fralick and family spent the weekend with Mr and=Mrs Walter Craig at Thunder Bay GOOD SHOOTING SPRINGHILL NS CP The King George trophy for cadet marksmanship has been won by the Springhill Cadet Corps In the 50 years of its history the trophy has been won by Maritime con tingent only thrggtimes and Springhill has taken it twice the last time in 1950 17 Just in time for fall housecleuning superb that suction alone cannot remove Heres the worthy successor to More than 11000000 Hoovers which have made Home the great name in cleaners Master picccol dralgn and colour superb Model 619 represents the lineal investment you can make for the protection of rugs and Iurmrhmgs Features famous Hoover TripleAction cleaning It vats as ll accept as Illfltullll Gets all the dirt everywhere See what dlrrrnrc thcncw Hoover can make onyout own rugs by arranging now for free homFiiial uRoio vACUIIM WW Um00lour CHIN nanoovERi mfmhw Loam Extra trousers 9J9 $1332 1th Bonds 28th Anniversary and your opportunity to save as much as 821 on smartly tailored newBond suitl Choose from hundreds of this Falls newest shades and patternsyarpdycdworsteds pic pics worsted annels auger and blends Yoursuitwill be tailored to your individualmcisurc by Bonds expert craftsmen II twill tlyou to perfection guaranteed to give you complete satisfaction And remember you get an extra pair of trousersforonly 28 centleont miss this remanded value until six years measures DIESnoun willtailor suit to youtiaividuunium in your choice or bridevarietyofzbeniufulnylcs at these saojcl pricesrjilth to EXTRA SKIRT for Stinethglctpi lbtics whitsit 339ml shellp to 42 The first in midst of an ear Septem Burkett the only remaining Isnt her big wave Private Geirge Grit31mm In this area quit has my 11th enjoyed meal of roast beef in August for few wanna and Christmas cake He was onpi as standin for screen actop Drug of the Canadian prisonerssofwar Moreno duxmgfilmin here okanl returned by the Communists inj versallntemabonals picture Sas katchewan ll SIX months WI ie Its pretty picture But for you there must be prot in it too So start building those calf prots right away Make them grow with Blatchfords Calf StarterGrower From one week to six months old feed Blatchtords Calf StarterGrower dry just as it comes from the bag with good bay of course and water too Its as simple as that Blotrhlords Coll StarterGrower assures maximum cull growth and development Remember those rst six months can increase or Reason call natural productive capacity For top production and prots feed Blatciilords Calf StartcrGrowcr Its complete feed BLATCHFORDS Feeds and Concentrates for Cattle llokhlords Call Metal or Pellets BlothlordsCail StarterGrower 32 Dairy Concentrate 14 Dairy Meal Calm that 16 Dairy Mcol Extontiul Minerals Dry and Fnshonlng Ration Steer Fulton Filling and Show Ration Basal Food Blilllllll I20 IRA WILSON Barrie Cookstown ll Rm IIIIIIER wnsoII Utopia Minesing ROUSERS 28 cool Trousers 90K IIIESE SAVINGS Rog $397 Intro Trousers 28 You Save $1322 Silos $4975 Extra Trousers 28 You Save $1722 $597 Intro Trousers 29E Yougcho oath IIIIsstnIIs

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