mam our om suns misundemulml mans IN mm momma son mom use sxmmsx WANT A0 Inn of be time in wheat chuni has scored 83 to place third in Slmcoe counf firsu aid class of is She recently Orillla sop MME WWWMWWWwmwwwMwwwww waived be standard first aid car icozdwm II logic from pronto branch of XO the Canadian Red Crock Her chief lCookstom Modern equipment to handle any of your requirements work She is warrantcdcaptam jvzhngwmd MACHINES BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS and 3130 instructs in Guide Work at Eaton BARBIE WELDING MACHINE 60 the Home for locuroble Children Barrie 17 Mulcuster St Dial 374 5m ii 1953 It If LIgIeTBams Popular lawCosi Construc on Sunday Sept 20 School Revamped School commenced Tuesday after YOUNG AT 65 Mans ailcraze lilo spun has in cicnwii that todny man of oil the long mm holidays wim 36in no rurc specimen to bc hungl Suman registered and Miss itip In tho chm will the wornmoi Rubber is our teach gshoeg and the 1th bathing suit illrtucrucm HI iii is indeed outmod Motor Tour zed Mr and Mrs William Wallace szmfl iAlizn Crop and Canyon left for an extended trip by car to Vantouvcr and then to Los Angelas nnd numerous uiercsting plows ti WM Miss Alice Carrutlrers Toronto GENERAL REPAIRS was weekend guest of Mr andl it Mrs rennett In Whoa TIRE INSPECTION ROTATION TRACTOR TIRE REPAIRING REFILLING Mr and ms George Sumden DUNLOP TIRES TUBES and family also Lida Beamish were in Hamilton for the Weekend lIQS ll wxy reajv Rood Selvice my and Mrs Jennett and family vrmntly almond the birthday pa Mm Jenneus Ether cuthrung usiern cedar poles will last for about twenty years on her 84th birthday Sixteen mem wliilc pltSSlllOCICSOICCI pine poles have service life of up hers he lam were N950 proximutclyfilly years Because of the high COSI 0f COYWCH Visits mother miructiou Ole structures all becoming In Mr Group 5911 Bob and mm by C0 ud 50 being used for housing many friend of Chicago vasncd her bro crcusuigly DODII 11 the Jack Kay and mm p51 Maple Avenue POLE CONSTRUCTION Offers It low cost method of troutch building farm structures Using this method farm build ings can be erected which will be wrviccublc for about fifty years Basically they consist of polcr sol in the ground checkerboard fashion to support tho roof and sidewalls Rough lumber can be used tlirougliou uid cutting and fitting reduced to ll minimum This iich shown that 1111 kinds of IIVCSLOCK week Rally Day On Sunday Rally Day will be licld iu the United Church next Sunday at 230 pm Sunday School will prcccdc at 130 Rev Hugh Shannon will be back after months holidays Recent Visitors Recent visitors were Miss Muc Mallock superintendent of Mc Cormick Home for tho Agcd in London accompanied by Mrs Ycallund with Mrs Steph enson Mr and Mrs Aubrey Cald Well and children Orillia at WCuldwells Mr and Mrs Cupal who were returning from their camp at Temagami with Mr and Mrs Gilchrist Mr and Mrs Douglas Gilchrist and family Hamilton with Mr and Mrs Gilchrist Mr and Mrs David Campbell Taronio with relatives here MissB Neilly has returned to her home in Stroud after spending three weeks in Guthrie Miss Eileen Clark enjoyed mo tor trip to Rochester Uilcu Syru cuse Lake Snranac and Lake Placid Mr and Mrs Burt umcsou 51nd Pat and Mr and Mrs Clifford Bessc and family spent last week end in cottage at Fairy Lake Pleasant Motor Trlp Mr and Mrs John Campbell and family had pleasant motor trip to Sundridge Algonquin Park and Montreal returning home by Wayiof Petcrborough Schools Reopen ScIIools have reopened with Mrs Albert Pearsall teaching at Guthrie and Friesan at Hillview WMS und WA Meet Tlle September meeting of the W5 and WA was held at Mrs WcCWalkerls last Wednesday at ternoon with 16 members present MrsN Bessel opened the mission aryincetlng witha Chinese hymn Rollcall was answered by each one naming herfavorite hymn Mn Hall led the worship stvice With four members assist pkumizi lll= omiuul conurcjzuiiun lzil =lllllrll il tiIi Hill Iii llilllil Fulfil Al Illt uilllilSlOn lillllljf lrcfrcsluucnis voru soivcii Slop At Sing 0f lhc Elk Mr lillll Mrs George Slioffii of Clmiori Pennsylvania stoppcd at tho Sign of tho lilk on route to North Buy vlicio llon plunucd to attend llllLlllllZ of lllt Southern Ontario Icdcrutiou of llunlcis and Anglers lair Slicffcr is mcmbci of tho Outdoor Writers of Amcricu and conducts Ill outdoor column Trails and rccl5 in scvcrul newspapers From North Bay llic Slicffirs will ploccccl on to Lnkc Ouupiurg Micro they will enjoy some sport and fishing at the camp of Rolicil Smith Mr Shcffcr is an ardent conscivnlionist who firmly sourccs including fish game soil lllltllllllll limlicv should bc con scivcd and harvested without spoil pr VHSIRLZC 110 has no time for lll fellow who destroys fish for the mcio fun of catching when they could just as easily bc re leased unharmed To Legion onvcnllon Another interesting visitor to Guthrie vzis Mrs Groshaw of London Mrs Groshaw is veteran nursing sisternof both would wars and was on route to the Legion convention in Sudbury Fete BrideElect About 30 ladies gathered in the Sunday School room last Saturday afternoon to honor Miss Jean Huw kins bridecloct The room was daintin decorated with pink cur tains and White bclls in the win dows pink and while streamers pink and white floral centres for thc iablc and beautiful baskets of gludioli SCVClfll contests were enjoyed basket of flowors was presented to Jcanand then Mrs Melton road humorous ad dress Agnes Janet and Shirley Campbell and Eimn Clurk carried in the gifts Joan and her fiance Floyd King of Oshawa cacli thank ed the Guthrie friends for their ow mum of lliuuks vclo Hull Mrs lulkoi ulilwcll hail prcpuI icri Spiciiiiiii Ilivoliouul Sllllfi Ul bclicvcs that all our natural rm ST PAUL Special Speaker Suudziy il 11 um Ioiiu lralick BA Studcut of Divinity at Wy lcliifc College Toronto visited his old home pilllqh uud prcnchcd It is splcuilid cvcut in thc life of any parish when one of her sons prcpurcs himself for the sacred ministry It is an inspiring time when sun comes back with powcr and iiivcs message ablc fund timely St Pauls quish is proud of her son who brings hcr honor and will follow Johns mm mry with hex help and mayors lHAlllNilS iiMIiiIsim Klohu iukcs up parish dutics ucxt Week at St Johns Wcst Toronto as axsistunt lo the Rcv Cross formerly of Trinity Church Barrie Mr and Mrs John Frulick attend ed course providing tiuining in the work of the rural ministry this summer in Missouri He is to give us lecture this fall on that work Dedication Scivlce Sunday Sept 13 ll amBiShop Wilkinson will dedicate thcprgzm in St Pauls Church and preach Sunday school will Ireassemble Ideal BestTasii camyarelfIe M717 blue oall Yes compare any fuel with blue coal the worlds THEFINEST FUEL MONEY CAN BUY The Finest Product of the Mines blue coal is produced from the ricth veins in the nest hard coal areas Its BLUE color is your assur ance of quality and performance Authorized Dealer Service Accept no substitute for blue coal Deal only with an authorizcd blue coal dealer and benet from his nest anthracite Compar it with coal so famous for quality that it is trademarked with blue color for the absolute protection of every user Think of anyroutstanding benets in any fuel you wknow andyoull nd that blue coal gives you all compare 1t Wlth coaIKSO superlor forlyears It has outSold all other hard coal in Canada experience integrity and service ing Mrs Howard Campbell in hospitality dainty salad lunch troducd the new study book eon was served Whereer the Sun and from 21 map she showed five countries whole our United Church mission arle work Five members told of the work in each of these coun tries This was most interesting mg Fhemmes study Plan Congregational Supper The vicepresident Mel Jamieson conducted the meet iu The principal busineos was nblmourkesu Hwy now seem to get good mt They can Ind tauMme iI briefwhoa funny be their kidneys izaflvlbdmn 61m poisons And ones It an thablood If they fail Ind know say In the systemdiuurbed Molten follows If you dont mt well WW Mi vtm no Iyouaniut no Pills jthesb AND MORE COMFORT Unlike somefuels blue coal gives yon cosy livable heat even healthful comfortday and night Every Ton is its own Guarantee Every ton of blue coal is rigidly inSpected andconlsrolled before leav Vblue coal burns steadily all day EHE with minimum of attention SPECI ER Because or its deepmined richnecsrand slow4burning efciency blue coal gives Ion LIIiIIII rm ONLY you mine heating value every tonactually costs you lesf the Illue coal Ovezaieason NOONECAN DENY THESE blue coal FACTSlSo why take AnyMum in 60mm chance on ineIHCIent fuels2 Now is the tinie to provewith every ouu$soo new pound you useeTHAT bluecoal IS BEYOND COMPARE CA TODAY Never before has then beensuch on opporlunliy oslhIleor ony$500 down and such cosy hrmslhutyoullpover miss the puymgnls YOU CAN ENJOYAUIQ MAIIcHEArcomRoroAvAucuiour Save Work Suva Cool Save Money onioy unlformlomporoluro highland idayAcknowlhlslsoslrlcllylimitedofferJ srunruiscourou NOWII Theexpresslon water off ducks bocklrecolls thoIoncllon of tho barbs on ducks feather Individual borbsgrolockedilogotber by tiny hooksiohelp form waterproof surfocolhdl shed woior liken raincoat urqnzhllcoal MAI rIndihmjniuuiung ii Lem Ihlmllod In obtainan iconomlcol Autumn HQoIConlrcMlouououd mofull Chums kiwumk dotIII about III fbluo coul Tomquuier wumLoogtonomf ll NAMEoiIcylaunuuIn imamoouotoouioqnuquuoouni CcmElvcouoctuldugngIluoooiuutqow Indication whiny luiuunuduuuuum Ii