Congratulation 60 Walls Congratulations are due in our director of The Baum Kenneth Wails who president of the mom Newspapers Assotrmtat on Saturday the annual conventgo 81ml eon hymnmayod ZWQ may lcal number on Me giano which In Toronto Aric vat mucn apprrczatw 51ml wy Tough is Hating Murrow trim gave rruew of theg uf Friday aficiuoon gainrlillufl the ACWW livid in 52 Maple Leaf imzm Xublcton vlx Nr Tag mung 33mm in their own Mn Herbert Kant had cur trllmg us the happeni Ham mg in and more inner usual Mn 21 8100 and good slyly After the sailing of NHL mmxmm an the lllttlilig closed alier which me in and Mrs LlujcciLuggetlhuswss by POW Juan HASC um Sun Fraser TUTTI hwgh and Panerson Thursday ms vism wrvrd very timiin luncli ltl pJEcilla ll luliiivz Visits Slate Sluan iiimtiwr Julllz lecling Wt air12 institute mm at tho John Cm ml Tursday mill 2m HlZIIEKELIIlCL 81 Cam Tm plromdrm MrsV Barrm won over Everett 32 on rm Chum Monday evening Al the ball game led by the gingmg on Wednesday evening Sept Ilrs lluilbtit read lilac illerl Mia lvlielcy read the Barric won over Evcrett to Ap pnrvmly ilivio seems to be some mainme man Cluck Young an arm Ir HAVE TS HCVEAAJEHNGC 18mm THE MEANTlME Tg$y 2931 To momch LAZY YCULL BE gmroaNommk mung the girmiuus mowing cornulziintn to why Barriechurged gt writ DJ 12 up mscuswd Miss uulsidcrg 30 cams We mm gaine Al Even 1hey mly Charged JD HE 8085 looms It is the opinion of good gnumbrr if Barrie is going to charge admlssmn of 30 cents after driving in considerable dintance to see the games they will stay home in the future as there should be noi fzivurs shown to any MISS Barbara Jenkins Barrie rc lllllll home after spending CTQRTAGE AND STORAGE LIMI ED erks vacation ILI and Mrs THE WORLD MOVES BAR so DO WE um 55 IIIIT mrlx Ior IlTIll Iul um um riI llic SIIJrIIlHIlIllS 00 By we HERE mitnAT Iouu 9A36ALL 5pm at aming OLD 46 minim IMME ggig Hm MOTEM THENVP 19 Wm Isorri saws ABllAEl mag WW Pecrw WTO pucuM HIP752247 WE DONT WW mmer THEM Kiwi scrum My aw55 EOMETHIN i9 rWlwn Iiml an opporiunii to Iiuy sunn ltIlllt in IN Illllljidll ilirlnl INsllulv IIivrr is Trig illtiman or our prodmls he IlllilIll nI llir mrk tlu and SHELL and at THE WILSON BUILDING Office Phonefm Sim Jmtkim Eilllnt lIu mmpnny run tIIIrunlli Inl my mum lIurr Mi lelrl lllIIllltllI lliuu lIii gtIlllt nl mm mm Minnmquth You may for iliis way ilmul IIH Nimpnny you work for Iml pvrliups ymi tIU HUI Illt vltvn and how to Iiu Tls limirls 0r Shares TgtI 1H ian if IIlt Stlllllllts mm lw Imnglit can gel IIltlll for you if not min loll you iImul EElc srrurilirS ofnllivi grind rumpunilrs Trilr or me NANswell RIGHT 9mm mgr muss mum THEMMS mom yours mammal ANLET 55W Titans ammo HIM EAT couw TAKE as Gi ger Ales Ipliuiw you will lluI Im obligated in any way gt MetronYouquEINaCONpANg cmg fffiggrzgwoj $2211 Wm ning more max NOT grainy artTH MALL Montreal Vonzmiuqr Hamilton New YOltE CHARLESWILSONLIMlTED Tospuro MUGGS AND SEETER WELL THATS NO WAY TO FEEL WRATS YOUR ABOUT IT YOU SHOULD BE speciacularlierlonnance Slandhulgas saving Fargrealersafeiy sensational Studebaker at sensational Inw prce SAvOkAtiPsm awststrrONsi vcu Otis WANTED To Finnour MY gt my A55 2l THINK our WANT 1T WARN see mail took you 95mm WONT 0ch isms NUeSERVIC MY MAMA ALWAYS ME GOTTA COVTEJN TENT MINUTES ME GOTTA gt CWEIIN Trad in yourpresent car 011 new Studebaker Own car that is way out ahead in 1sreysinmtfotmfneeinagconomyih TcTETre injrlghtaWayanclget aisenrsar dime to drive borne your own new Stude baker Your piesent is probably good for big part of the Sensationally low Studobaker delivered price time new Studebaker foryourself cit Coineinand 306m Oraride inafar CaMdlan omfw an almost unbelievable low price ahead 1953 Studebaker Its the greatest and hawkg ease YOu may not have toIput up even airlllautomoblle bargainin Canada longer wheelbase and widgfgreads expanses ofghss for bigfgliity and in snow mole Ridei foreign Oar air in body types Eli in Jonathon models mndovaonriationalocores Jnthe 1953 mistsgtmzn Iay TM now or Ms you we Sludobcltngclshchlonkodmy mm Ruggjgitgpnses of glass KimEdi New Shirk clear Vith arlihon front fendcrs orrnshimqgsignngumedmesa Studebaker visibility is supcrb Stuclebaker outstanding style sunny AlhaacDivcurOvnIrtumwluWmfnlrolt limingme iiicuracy 34qu