Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1953, p. 1

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DAMAGE $1500 AN IN DEVILS DENT NEWSPWI Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SXMCOE Since 864 89th YearKg 103 thymusmadam mu ammoniaomwa Uh harm Emmott +++++++ WNA BARRIE ONTARIO CANADAWEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1953 Two Iniured In Auto Accident At 2627 intersection Alfred lugc 53 of 58 Pcnctangl Street Barrie and his wife BurI otliy ware taken to Royal Victorial Hospital treatment of injuries sustained in car accident in which they werei involved at the intersection of ghways and 27 he accident occurred at 715 pm when southbound cani driven by Jnmcs Daily 24 Toronto struck inc northbound Page auto Duly who was also taken to RVH with forehead cuts was trai veiling south on Highway 27 but failed to stop at the intersection Another car ahead of him had stopped and to tlvzlld collision Duly swung his cur to pass the stationary vehicle on the right hand Sliic As he did so he hitl the Page car Mr Page sustained broken nose chcs injuries bruises and shock Mrs Page received bro ken leg and other injurics It is understood charges havei been laid against Duly CAR ACCIDENT Although infringe in his car was cstimuiudiat $1500 following an ac cidcnt on Highway 11 about oneV andahult milcs north of Guthrie last night no personal injuries were reported when the car drivg on by Wilfred Young of Missi ouri went into the ditch of control ending up in the ditch LIGHTNING HITS FARMERS BARN 0R0 TOWNSHIP Heavy loss was sustained by William McNiven who farms on concession seven Oru Township when lightning struck his barn during the electrical storm Friday night Following the intense heat dur ing the day severe storm passed over Barrie from the west late in the evening bringing heavy rain No damage was reported in town Shortly after pm however Mr McNivens barn was struck by lightning and burst into flames al most iristantly according to neighv bors who saw it The building was soon completely razed being thrown apart by the combustion Mr McNiven bachelor also lost all of his crop and number of pigs some calves and bull The farm is the former McDuff property which he purchased years ago The barn was of ew ry substantial construction F0URFIFTBFWJUNGLE More than fourfifths of the area of the Federation of Malaya is cov ered by jungle on Saturday night for lAM QAccording to police his car skid on the highway and went out ferenttrade unions in Simcoe part lnthe first Labor Day parade to be held in Barrie Monday Sept The deleg ates set off from the arena grounds march ed through the town and then made their way to Queens Park where luncheon was ABOUT 200 REPRESENTATIVES of dif iFIRST soc DAY PARADE HELD BARRIE County took served In the afternoon they were address ed by Russell Harvey AFL Director of Or ganization for Ontario who spoke on the subject of the trade union worker and his place in the cOmmunity This was followed by program of sports and dance was held during the evening in St osephs Hall BEETON MAN my anmrncr Pnulu by Favcro Labor Day Parade Held Here This first demonstration is an indication of what is to come in the future said Russell Harvey AFL Director of 01 ganization for Ontario when he spoke In Queens Park Mon day afternoon at the conclusion of the first Labor Day par ade to be held In Barrie Some 200 representatives of dif ferent union locals from different parts of the county took part In the parade which was sponsored by the Simcoe county and District Trades and Labor Council The parade left the Arena Grounds at 11 am and after march through the town it arrived at Queens Park where lunch was served and an afternoon of sports events was organized Three bands took part in the Back To School After Long Slimmer Midland parade the BaFrie Cilizens Build the Barrie Pipe Band and the Bea verton Legion Pipe Band Union Representation Different union organizations tak ing part were Local Barrie Brick layer Masons and Plasterers Inter national Union of America Local 2480 Barrie United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America LoCaIs 4696 4697 and 3425 Orillia and Penetang United Steelworkers of America Local 1753 Painters and Decorators Bro therhood of Paperhangers Local 2482 United Brotherhood of Carp enters and Joiners Local 1304 Oril lia United Brotherhood of Carpent ers and Joiners Local 599 Simcoe County United Association of Jour neymen Plumbers Pipefitters and Arppretices Local 475 Barrie Civic Employees Local 326D Interna tional Union of Brewery Workers Quite number of floats made up the remainder of the parade but unfortunately the rain started to broiec fall just as the marchers deft the Arena grounds Co nty President Wilf Ron president of the Sim coe County Trades and Labor Coun cil speaking at Queens Park after the parade referred to the early days of the union mokment in the Attracts 1200 Union Delegates county and said that at that time it had been quite struggle to con Vince people tlhat they should ask for union charter Groups of workers did however organize and later there were more Today there were many locals representing many trades in this part of the province They had made substantial pro gress There were many Signed ag reements and employers generally had come to recognize that theun ion members were working in the best interests of their industries Principal Speaker In his opening remarks Mr Har vey said he wished to congratulate the Simcoe County Trades and La bor Council on their first effort at Labor Day demonstration He hoped that their movement locally would bear fruit as it had done in other parts of the world Their union movement he said had become great and construc tive world force force that elev ated the standards and dignityI of the workers force for the free dom and preservation of democracy throughout theworld They were opposed to regimentation Part In Community Mr Harvey said they had an im portant part to play in the com munity and it was up to them through the way they met their responsibilities that they would be judged and understood It was only in this way that the force they re Turn to page two please oic PROFESSOR TOURSIOUNIY GENERAL VIEW or INSPECIION HIGH PRAISE IOR FARM wontm By nus Last Friday wetravllcdmover 100 miles of this county on an inspec tion tour of various comparative which have been under taken tilder theguidance of agri cultural representatives and the Department of Agriculture workr Lug with the $0113 and Crop Im provement Association These projects some of which were experimental to ascertain the and the best proportions to use for values of various uses of fertilizers the production of forage crops seed 3edwith nurse crop of spring by cyclic Barrio Grade isW Barrie schools grains Others were conducted with view to bringing unproducd tlve lands back into production by the use of fertilizersand the grow ing of forage crop Professor Tossellof the OAC Field husbandry Department who is in charge oilforage crops wbrk at the college accompanied the glacial agricultural representa tiles Sieiartllagcan quA KancockAlso with the tourwas Craig may of the mm phnnind department of the 019C either through erosion or lack of proper drainage or other causes At Fair Grounds Starting With the plots that havc been growing yarious types of clovers and grasses at the teach the Agricultural Parkthe tour attendants were toldbfthe results and the progress of various kinds of seeds especially several kind of alfalfa and other grasses that tend to make the best growth as forage crops Although the soil there is very light the growth of these grasses was considered very satis ctory the first crop having urn to page two please nave Examiner Door Delivered home from vacation welcomec rcturn to wantdoor delivery saw too by the newswmrccarrlcrs TRAIN FALL ELDERLY MAN KILLED ON Ian tilt and KIAdz my Mum at cm MONDAY wroutsoar and mum 54 single copy I4 PagesTwo Section ROADIling iodine School Is Reopened 0T DNIFE 2A5 School For Retarded Children Through Efforts Pnrenis Council Policy are still waiting or the body of 1mm ho was strulk by car and killcd on Highway ll about 12 miles north of Burric early Monday morning t0 be identified The truth as Slit by cur driven by IRUIZS learnt Toronto who told police that he did not see him until cur was right up to him due to thc Incl that he had bccu blinded by the lights of an on coming vehicle Time of the futility was 215 Llm Iunduy and the puiicc Imvc itcsued the following dcs Iripiiuu of the deceased age Ibout 50 weight 140 lbs height fcct inches dark brown liIir turning grey bald ing hazel eyes The man also IIJLI tIvu upper gold teeth one on the left side of his mouth and the other on the right If had an uldsixinch scar across his throat lie was wearing dark grey vnrk troutem and Iizht zrey SIIIIC brown moccasin type shoes nearly new and grey Stctsun hat With the initials llw on the inside baud Anyone recognizing this des cription is asked to Contact the nearest uiiicc of the Ontario Provincial Police DIES AFTER Awakened by the noise of glass breaking llilsscltlt in CPR passenger lllllll early Saturday morning wokc to find that ano ther man Who had been sitting opposite Illlll had disappeared He pulled the emergency cord and the train shunted back to the spot ircaf iIIZICIIQI about 15 miles from Parry Sound where the body of the other man identified as Earl Richard Barrett 24 of Bec ton was found lying near the track Barrett was removed to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and died there several hours later from in jurics received in his fall from the train ideal Air Cadet Saves Boy From Possible Drowning Don McMartin 18son of Mr and Mrs McMartin Dalton Street Barrie welLknown local member of Barrie 102 Moose Squadron Air Cadets was respon sible for savingVa youngstcrtfrom possible drowning at Wasaga Beach Thursday afternoon McMartin swam to the rescue of Jimmy Martin 13 of Lakview when the struggling swimmer had gone down for the second time and brought him to safety The boy was swimming towards raft when he found himself beyond his depth tried to touch bottom and got mouthful of water he said Then couldnt get up Eyewitnesses saw the boy go down twice and their shouts brought McMartin to the scene from nearby sandbar rescued FROM BAY WHEN BOAT IS OVERTIJRNED Peter Ward Barrie Toronto newspaper reporter and com panion Beverley Morton of VYonge Street were rescued from Kemp enfelt Bay on Sunday afternoon after the 14foot sailboat in which they wgrc ksailing waslupsetxby sudden squall The accident occurred off Shanty Bay but the plight of this couple was seen by two unidentified men who set off to resauc them Ward and his companion were picked up about 15 minutes after their mat had overturned Miss Morton was taken back to shore in one boat while Ward and his capsized craft were pulled into shore by ahe otherboat tl Stabbed After Argument for your and more and 51 puddle of summer when intent Murray Ftnluyson tlzc coun upcn their school Ill SIplcmbvr fcuunczl VIIO include interesth cit Closed two years ago when tile new Codrlngton Public Sclzcol was built to accommodate elementary pupils in the cast cud of Burric King chr its doors to children yesterday nutm your kit Dunn 0111 Countii for was granted pcruilsaun by tic Bur rzc Public School Board it use room in the old school tIivr ihlrs George II IilrllILll of lilisnimW IDrury Lama was innd on purn wunm than the school or Eiime b11515 and ycsicmny Wile tin13 CW mumps on member i1p tux mostly Murc members for iiicdouuiion of an old victmln doors after tin summer the towns first would for tuziird ucguzi 25 Iiiiziul tui lilny of the parents uh belong to ic newlyformed 3sxiciniiliii had been workng on tzu prnj cxcculivc was set up untilr Prus cil members have been hoping to The 23 charter members of the Irons and voluntccr workers as well as pzircnts has lllCltZlStld to around 30 since the formation of the body and Saturday afternoon 111102 few of these went down the school to prepare for opening day They swept dusted cleaned 1an rcpzilrcd broken Vlllduws and returned on Monday to do sonic more work on the classroom Seven Pupils Seycn pupils in all enrolled on Tuesday morning and ciijoyvd their first mornings instruction This is about the maximum that one teacher can handlexbecausc of the individual attention each pupil requires The council wzll be able towagpmmodziic more pu pils by hiring another teacher or fulltime Instructor Arrangc ments will be made to open 811 other class as soon as there arel sufficient applications At the present time one parent is looking after the transportationf and donations of cqurpmunt will be gc School once again Opened nomiug Iutlzcr short of equipment lays records record lile Cilillbllt dolls toy ulocks tic Time are 11 funds as yet to more cquzpmcnt as the iILllfllli the end of certain2 plriotl grants will be IivailabloiZ in in tin provmcml government Tuesday was back to school Inquest Donations We illscovered this morning that there were no toys for little grls said Mrs Hamilton yester day after the school opening There are no dolls doll beds or carriages doll clotlics or toys particularly for gfris use and the school i150 needs recordsmarches wanna fox trots anything that the chil dren can murch or skip to during the school hours Also badly needed is record player and the schoolis hoping in working condition Such gift would be appreciated as the school tTlllIl to page two please 20ver 3000 PupilsiIIiol In Barrie Schools Hillcresl Overbading May Necessilale Renew OI Boundaries day for total of 3071 stud ents who enrolled in the schools of Barrie at the opening of the 195354 full term This was just about the registration ex pected by the school boards andrprlncipals Of these 2189 were elementary school pupils at the four public schools of town and St Marys Separate School and this year for the firsttime the enrolment included seven pupils attending the class opened in King George School by the local branch of the Parent F811 Contrary to expectations the kin dergarten enrolment throughout town approximated that of last yczir VLIh total registration of 276 to date There was some doubt at the close of registration in Hillcrest Public School yesterday morning as to whether the boundary arrange of the pilpils to the School As mElIlS set up last spring will stand yet there has been no means founch in the face of the schools heavy of transporting the children homcgenrolmentof 042 students 103 after this week whom registered 1n Hillcrests two Since the dcmnltiou of another old pdblicschool Victoria School kindergartens With the opening of six classroom addition at Hillcrat Kinv Georges has been used main this year pupils were moved from ly for storage of old equipment The school for retarded is usmg tables and chairs and has play yard on the old school grounds InnisfiI Schools Are Well Filled By RGS Several pupils who have been at tending the Stroud school and from whose homes tliepupils have been coming there for years were told by thclio School Area Board that they would have to seek ac tommodation from the No Area althoughthe nearest school to them in that area is nearly mile fur ther than Stroud The schools are all filled beyond capacity In fact it is likely that some of the halls will have to be turned into class rooms The fifth line school which last year had an attendance of 21 this year has now 39 and the additional pupils from the No Area turned over to them makes this school overcrowded The new school just finished north of Thornttm is already too small and will have to have an additional room School area boards have burned plenty of midnight oil in their en deavor chfind seats for all the scholars Besides this there are many new houses under construc tion and plenty of additional pros pects coming along Codrington and Prince of Wales scnools but about 40 more pupils ithzm expected arrived at the school yesterday morning This enrolment will probably increase as the school year gets underway Hillcrest School had figured on classroom load of around 32 When the school was built the Depart ment of Education whittled the rooms to size recommended for 30 pupils but it could be nudged up to 32 The present enrolment gives Hillcrest an average classroom load of 3369 to room exclusive of the kindergartens and as the lowerrooms in the school take the heavier load of pupils class rooms may be accommodating 38 to 41 pupils The average cannot be kept to even 33 or 34 pupils room except in the senior grades There were 39 pupils enrolled in the Hillcrest kindergartens in the spring but on Tuesday an addition al 14 pupils registered This unex pectedly heavy enrolnient and the 25 or so extra pupils in the various grades may necessitate revicwing the boundary situation Normally reports Principal Bell registration atilllcrest is fin ished around 1000 am on school opening day Yesterday it was lat er than 1130 am before the com plete enrolment had been handled The new wing at Hillelest is ex pected to open in October and until that time the senior grades will be operating in triple shifts in the auditorium At other Barrie public elementary Council for Retarded Child schools the enrolment figures were close to those estimated before opening day Codrington Public School had total enrolment of l20 pupils 52 of these in kinder garten on Tuesday morningbut had already increased to 422 by this morning Only the kindergarthw gisiration is over the maximum by two pupils as 10 more pupils than expected registered and the num bers will probably increase to 55 or 56 kindergarten children in spite of those transferred to Hmcrcst School gt The school is now filled to cap aciry but Principalx Macao nun feels that if things stay as they are the school can comfortably manage this year At King Edward School wherca new room was opened this year the registration is up to 422 also Sixtyone of these pupils are in kindergarten and the classrooms are almost filled Prince of School has lower registration this year than last due to the absorp tion of some pupils by Hillcrest Tuesdays enrolment was 420 pllpliS bringing the average classroomload at the school down to about 37 l8 and 52 in some grades There are 60 kindergarten pupils at Prince of Wales down from last years en rolment of 16 children St Marys Separate Schoolhas considerably higher regiSiiatIon this Tear total 278 pupils on rolled on Tuesday most of in in crease of around 25 pupils in the beginners class of 46 pupils In the secondary schools town the registration was almost exactly what had been expected before school opening The Barrie District Collegiate Institute enrolled 317 students on Tuesday and Principal Bowman expects thisto go up to betweeh 830 and 850 duringihe year Although Grade in WW 294 Pullils registered is Slighyfm ger than last year the schools reg istration is about the same as last year At St Josephs Saparate School 05 pupils enrolled on Tues day which was around the analog ed figure ThreeNew Nurses JoinSirncoe CbuntyHeaIih UniteStaif Concerning Woman Following an argument over woman acquaintance Art Willison 20 of Drillia Was taken to Sol diers Memorial Hospital during the weekend With two knife woundsln his abdomen and groin He was wounded about 230 am Sunday murning at the home of Aaron Ball fullowing nn argument involving the woman according to polich information Ball wasltakn to Simcoe County Jail Barrie charged with causing grievous bodily harm by stabbing Willison was driven to home byfa itfniend Ted Lahay and then taken to hospital by his father Walter Willisom but Everett Lynn patth Onllia Mr Leuty had laid out plan on couple of the projects thatwere Ho offered make of binds impotent ct have In Policcrsaid his had been told the weapon was ac paring kn It with blade between three and four inu Elias long MG EPRODUCE3 An estimated 32374 tons rice was oducedm ileum 1mm mimic wsrskps Three new nurses have recently lowed the stuff of Incsch County Health on itMis Helen Stemnsandmiss Frames Alexander have been working out of the Collmgwood offlc since the beginning 39 August and Miss Eleksgpor Leavenszrls now workingcut oftbe Barrio office Agraduate of Wellsley Hospital Nursing mumonto Mrs Streams ithc county with number or yGMS fiance in general duty nursingnciymn it in tho

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