Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1953, p. 11

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salient and again the lnspccu Old and New Style Fine Gladioli Display at Flower Show Health Unit Says lKilCllen Key Hydro fPublic Washrooms suit operatorsl 1dr alrd zmlnmm loriet actuinr In 3wa CM 21 tn pubic allchd For molt Ornarla VnuusewlcdsV VVVVV VVVV VV VV VVVVVVVVVVV Du VVV VVVVVFVVVVV elcctrchZys sturrlng rule is in me Eccmff VV VVV VVVV mule me inrm Vikth T4 do Lu 3V 6V WVC 141 Gum ll mag 1mm areas BUldm mi V053 70491 gtfmu Tut iprthnlr of SUllllchl canng um lHydW klltm wlsl Show the many 11an occupying muclr Buy With CM Wm 939353131 Permits 3143 nlilihfrdflj tmzc ill order LTD st Ls zllcncy of The Itvenl Barrie residents just plenty of free mm in amugm ghousewzlk 10 01 0114 MW heft VV VV VV be mmde Wm llltblllllblillt pulpit can from summer trips to the w1th particularly interesting v2 many wreck WLlellWUIlL All be mam JULY mm Battles Lum 151 vb 3mm liyaigdllfngl Elleswcfgglzgh Louie and flnliurs will see an automatic travels on me whogeland cooking range equipped with colorl if Wm fLEVlV VV VhV at lle lbplfcLLUILj vtcrc lISED CAB 01mm They ltft the tour in Preston ed signals time signals and elec 00 NF Wl lwmmmg Ur you Hump my 233 summon rk more but to dual more ref31 mes ll LJI reatdull enthusiastic about ocean voy lfollmvmp and ill CUrllplLllflLi and journe abroad ngland and travelled crl alone to trlc pressure cooker all desrgned VV M155 Mildryed Tomlingnggld Liverpool to visit with fricnds to achieve faster and tastier cook cuuVchVlV ne llrllllllzft2 Urlfiv LDK ll there for three days making full int fUI tldl ClillvtlllllCL $le it DO hone to their jobs with the ll days through Wales by motor 50 324m the mod kWh ar with their hosts The rocky is an Oldfasllund lionHydro kitV VV 59 If um onrc ibil 27 exizgutni age to W3lltffllo lzl inc ll wmcll lic heltll ulnt lyb July repult lrc tillnwlrlg bwl week ago Monday after an of month and three daysV countrySlde of that part of Britain Chen wull all armtiring indoor in cooler sections of the they found me Commit the pump wmd Mk 51 chpan than mam other not other districts through which they and other llcms of cleunmg equip had travelled and consider ths merit chlrllnon to the precrectric VV VV VHVV VV VVV Du 121 an in side trioVone of the highlights of old VVVkVVVV VVVf VVVLVV VVVV VVf VVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV me hVOlldayV The COVCVFed 10 The great strides in food prescr VV VLVVdSVg we ughiw 0f lemlmy WMES Mildred re vzltiorl in tile home through the use menm Md back uebcc on Saturday night Aug on the same ship on which they rllrlletlt made their Atlantic crossing membersV The Seatie NEWS of electric refrigerators instead of if rglllllqdjkll awn from the middle or July the 55 At slaw avert WV plain cupboard storage without Lidl wallwppmuZan milt The bad ill Ihtl 05 is WJWate imperaldm COleOl l5 an it ovt They could see Blackpool me her VVVVVVVVVSUVVVV feature of the kiVVl Vgidpnpzi drum lVllV 5m car on wotks in Britain and France managed to see great deal of 43mm from me resort low cllcn display gunu wk wlll bfullt pounding English and Scottish lake dis Soummn and We mm by the Cleaning the home 215 always 81 Twin will scrltcll huge crowds the beautiful flow pmblem heron electricity but no VVlllelLVVVVVj VVuVlVVlVVn Vhu VVuVVVUVVV were lb it gt idll electric vacuum cleaner ln malty ays may Peoole an in hundreds to thnselcases complctclv replaces tile lullhlllndllll mcltior lllt gt5 gt frlm Quebec to Southampton Vp par an cm 10 01 Com broom dutpln lnd clrrpct delLl mm luwnw mums me mm went dim to London they spent our days before New entermmeft wth band The ECLUW 100 PUliSlWT l5 in accrlmmodlliurm ln LQLlll estim coner dew Chm and SONS lthcr example Of how clrctriClty hasV out on sevcndly tour of the lake district At the begin amusements We dont have if lmken sum 0f the drudgery out 01 MILBURN baa our housekeeping YOUR LOCAL FUEEIEB mg my 35 mining report the two travellers but by While in London they met two tf id LOU IISRR 33m gm ea 299 Dunlap St Pb 81er2 W9 the time they reached the Scottish Barrie girls Maxine W333 and Saturday Brlde gladioli which he called after his brother the late opposite Cloveflw VTVVrVossachs VlVlrey had beautiful wca Edith LmleV both of whom tr and London weather was former employees of the Hydro Coutts Vespra Township clerk Trlc pale aprlcot blooms Were Repairs Remodelling and puhc 0mm Bldg 15 AYHE 51 Am th 5931 Sh very warm unng eu as and half in the city gig31 sax haech Smnlszog GCT Emlerlalned prfbcCtVbeVVrllslctrery cullnlcuilrcfllgi lnggtflttiengrntll Storagengggingleanm OVVEN DAV VTO SVIumkAyYVz Ammgh my heard more be coming bad to canada Mining Before lzgltllbrglazym Toxin IIirlllprovemellt aSociety Trinity lurish 5mm mi hue you mm Nud mopy down paynm bdndngpvwfofm ornpdnonmnutoropdn approvnlptcnh01m or down plymcnt on homo you bop you cu orthmwmhlPuma Phonootcnmcbmh Nowyoucunnttlntcnhc uwlmwm your auto mptly md dmply Lanna also on Ilamo Drivo it to edict fumitun MMSSOM$1200MSIWMMOUM immunmmmlnn land they liked the English lake her They attended the Queens Phil on Wednesday afternoon and cvcuilw it not unlike Muskoka although two Vismn lYaVelleFS 100k PlC 0f saturday has been entertained tclltlrlll this Vtill and have come winding country They stopped at PM galcs Edith 15 mm mm my will The mill pl milk livm tilt several different mwns their handily Franco brtlxrlmzitemzjgsmlllllgufrli HOUSGWlle Illwullm If 22clinicpurulent l3lfil at Says Heallh Unil liltlitclicz 52 233 55 FOR about the famous lochs of Scot ill September and Edith in Novem country very well also and round garden party on July 23 and thp MN Dumtlly Grant brideelect AAVHH them were more hills and more tures of them as they came out the at WWI Shms hum 31h Some Fault Lies ll colclusrl ln wmc cases mp and at vane Of tea houS They crossed the Channel boat who held miscellaneous shower lhllllllfltll the county Vwill Kenneth Dawc also entertained at Interel 3h parlmm betore sailing for home They 10 mgrceuanewsghow lull or the vczcrlnllzulns time cd that rm nights on Harm Ed the City Parmeumrly as mac or arid the staffof iglzllwsetlAhgl 50m C3505 11 fault found lullllL tile month was Spent Vibll lo trva and 53 Somethm She has been an empyovce mop with milk quality during the sunl lng milk shippers to mtulc that Travelling by coach bus the of the famous Parisian night life th la lh ll bc tamed at shower last Tuesday le mun Lb Jl tic misc plllptl LrllC lll llltltllrlll this Wcrc surprised to find that 75 per as well as Versaille and Malmalson Wm who may have inadequum mg mm 1m milk mm do cent at their fellow ippers were The CFCst were too great in Evening Emilia or Essa facilities for they proper stormy Of live to tile dilllv Durlnll Jill from London There were two parls at that time of year50mc Road Presbyterian Church prc milk during the hot weather eul mull were no milk szlmplcs taken other Canadlans the party an Lona sortth the brideelect Wlth sllvcr till 13 cart in llllliiil VVV my Chung meh COUDIC The tour comnauon the sunddy SChOOI twehers at Ema The veterinarians attached to the milk samples were tested at the gave them two nights in Edinburgh ad Church gave her silver Vdr mm Ch Before leaving Franct they had ndwlch tray health Unit staff have investigated dam for 5c lmCl an and one night in Glasgow With any complaints regardin milk am were RF or thevtram strike by vcmdcnt at the home 109 Essa Road at trous Opera where they overheard two seau tea in honor of her daughlen fellow travellers returning an the Mrs Grant and the bridetObc re same ship discussing the problem ceived the guests my to Le Hill lune Among the 855mm and the sallmg TM 199mg mes ar those helping in the trousscau ranged to have passengers driven by bus the Po and they had 3th lg tlejrllnLhchlmeagrfned WIDE WIDTH SATEEN ll Fm ovey mug Mrs James Excll and Mrs Ken untrysde the ncth Dawa Mrs Hill Miss We were happy with our trip MissHeathcr Cheesman Miss Fern V5 and enJOYEd all we saw VteV met Bun an MISS Dorothy snles Vlth 10 people Who ad hem var Miss Grants marriage to Ken ious countries on the ship and they auseemedtoechosentiments em mm 4314 34 Ba field st Right nowV they want to go back place ln Essa Road Church at three ep one andsee moreof Europe clock tomorrow afternoon school goalas InSflflfl0lISl ouse an undZCan labels from Ken Edith niell Miss Lenore Exell 11 BE ORRIED LRATION Dog Food or WITH SEPTIC TANK Puss in BM cu Food and lV OUTHOUSE TROUBLES LelloY nsmule IIS Special Offer Made To lntr ace 5m Sm modem chem product wall eliminate offen Meets Tues ay gi odorl mama 033 wok Lefroy Womens Institute will Hui mama opruaEwrt Show mVVmemV bers some interesting films of his travels abroad ssa VV 49 3036 Meme areged cme Put PHONES 3533 and my meresmg evemng All visitors are cordially welcome VMVVVVVVV WFEK Ncc MONTREALA cricthcwed Ballad addsVVaV VV Imam 010th meal LelandMIRACLE WHIP Sglllad Drmingyadds the perfect touch to 32gt illidalsllflflnililivailli tilted high with greensVlVlardboiled eggs cold meats gut ouLL rell 5111 in love with these grated cheese eracle Whip gives it extra good7 Yunique Saltyand Pepper Shakers on VVVMV VVVV mess on see can essmg sight Each shaker 15 inches high mb es the lively avou or boled dre ing with to in ss the smoothness of mayonnaise Ask your grocer for itthe fone and and nished in colorful satimsmomh only Mirdcle Whipmade from secret Kraft recipe that cant Plastic The Puppy is soft yellow the be coped VV VVV VV gt mKiuy black and white Theyvre so cuddly and cure on simply cant Jer The Dancejn Qoor do Ml This Your Fm Time for put yOur feet hurt so ting up pickleil resist picking them up They 1001 expensive too But you gem completc Wh 30 el We youll never dance ust again Then buys erV or is set for gigglsi 1511715 gem gt KenL 0g 00 or uss wonderful WP been Pickling wih Y0 for yem heres Boots Cat Food flnlmevoll bllokllidthat ii We make this special offer to intro yon irr duce KenLRATION to thousands ingredient in valuath we of dog owners We want them to open It UEJAYVCom Planters PhenyVV booklet called Pickling success 23 Eggs Egg 331 ngv 31 with twentyour marvelouc re the Can and see the Chunks of lean IEd undemeath the rst really PQSP1SVMV13R9me meatdcjgglvSivithyourdOgndw new medication for com andcnl melding It men for yolk by to famous KenyLiRATIONthe dog luses ml over seventy yearsl In the folks at Heinz therm who Mus testsV Phenyum went to made pickles mow When you Vfood Vmade wnh LEAN RED MEAT Feedlrregularlyfor two weeks If you Work $3blaster and worked 35 buy youthhlVlfly gallon lug of edSueliaslhin whehmfi H131 WHITE VIISEGAVR for are not more than samed whtheV 33 see plekllng you should nd this best news in yars And Im cure youll agree once youvc tried Alt 15M imply to me Exclusive GE Picture Stabilizer mufn with Phenynum Ask Barbara Brent 1411 Crescent St or them at your favourite drug Montreal PQ 1101 your Beautifully Handrubbed Cabinets t5lyrrcrcl or mglpclylul picklt Its myravollrlle Dymmm Speaker my on get recipe for Sliced Scounth Fleklccend lhmw youll Builtin Antgnna Kedwpl shamanm like the results But rst b6 NZ Please send mew and re av warm Plenum Vlunofltt1lENSD Matchins Bases Available MUSTARDW1NDSVOBV COAESElVPICMVJNQ VetsE052 sv SALT4nd PAROWAX for beam 111 the pickles and can labelico resul ourmone willbecheerfull With bothemome feel my Its the booklet attached to the iugV But Large 21 Buckwpaynte picture TubeV Vtefuntzaei VY VVVVV and make the Inow GSIIM $5 mmwmmm will ml 139 DilnlopVSlJ Bcrrie Phong 3121 goodnessrolr youre t0 v1 Bdots CatFood lt flfilttlblastrtlfm llnsllll NonmV illegal tesspoons KN water Let and gaming dramV akaspoons celery see turd taupoona mm mm rS W9 lt Come Representative George Kalleer Representative worm6231 Elllllirsmmlrr3lgeoll minute Ruling from tin and PHONE 4298 pine immediately in atellzod jars and real with 9mm

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