Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1953, p. 9

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BARBIE Barrio girls who are nowi sirikeslrickcn Paris are not quite as bad time as tourists in France this sum Miss Joan Saso and Miss Kerr who will be staying another week with Joans MajorxArllhony Scotti SHAPE in Paris and Mrs at their home in St Cloud the outskirts of the city report the strike has not been as bad the newspaper reoprls as far as are concerned parents Mr and Mrs Suso Mary Street were last Friday to rcccive from Lugzlno Switzerland by error to Joan and the followmg message not think everything is well was signed by their Paris hos Mary Scotti to add to the They immediately put in to Paris and six hours later their daughters voice telling that all was finethe wire been an error EXAMINER WEDNESITAY AUG 19 1953 well give up the battle it mayl fake whole year to get us to give in but we weak weak women muttering and sputtering and shud daring just as we did in 1947 rcl member will hike our hemllnes just the same When the upper school examinzh lion results came out last week Several of us older graduates argu ed that examinations must be eas ier than when we were trying them Or else the schools are pro ducing young geniuses when six first class honors just dont mic too highly 1953 graduate in our midst argued that to the con trary exams were said to he get ting harder and harder and actual ly all these young people were budding geniuses She proved it too by producing her set of papers Either weve forgotten great deal or we never should have passed Find the tenth term in geom ctric progression of positive tenns given that the second term is 16 times the sixth term and that the of the strike thcrc has no mail leaving Paris and Scotti thinking that her Can cousins might be worried her mother in Switzer and asked her send wire Do not worry everything well The resulting message had the opposite eifcct to that Joan and Marilyn were hoping see the latter back at The Exam soon arrived in Paris on July and will be leaving next week months stay in the French They have not had any over the transportation as the Scottis have been them around the city and unlrysidc in their car They spent their evenings going to games betWecn the Canadian American forces have been to outdoor bullet at Versaille bingo at SHAPE where the are radios refrigerators and have gone into Paris They had seats for Folios Bergeres too before to sail from Le Havre for They are due to arrive in Quebec on the last day of August and be flying from there There is something fatalistic fashions The Por designer who has been lead us all around by the nez since gave us new look several back is going to win out in long run and you might justas IIIIIIIIIIIIIIE FACTORY AUTHORIZED runs scant DOMEsrlc and COMMERCIAL IIEFIIIIIIEIIIITIIIII llelrigerolion to 118 Dunlop St Near Mulcaster Philla 2059 OPEN FRITlLL pm gt77 HOUSECOATS Childrens Wonk socks annular ruuovan SWEATERS Boys Reg $21m 79e sum of the first nine terms is SIPthat was the rim algebra problemshc sailed through and that was only the beginning Dcsorlbc the systems of govern ment in the French Spanish and English colonim priorlo l750 indi cating their distinctive merits and defects that was easy she con fesses Describe the problems crcatcd by Britains surrender of1 the West the terrilorybelween the Ohio and the Mississippi to the United States in 1783 she ad mitted that this was bit of stinkeri In what respects did the views of Joseph Chamberlain on closer imperial unity the views of Bourassa on participation in the Boer War and the viewsof Borden on naval defence diiifcr from the views of Lauricr on thcscques Lions in the period 18971914 It went on and an She was ask ed to prove that the magnifying power of an astronomical telescope was equal to the ratio of the focal length of the objective to that of the eyepiece and to calculate the mechanical advantage of an inclin ed plane making an angle of 30 de grees with the horizontal We wonder how those poor gen iuses tote all that knowledge around with themor if it will just take short time as it appar entiy did with us to forget they ever learned the binomial theorem or the quadratic function of any thing at all Were now after Grade Eighter to find out what kind of examinations he had and iflve dont do any better well write stinging editorial on the fallacies of education August Bride Enierralned Before Wedding The formcr Marian Dawson whose marriage to John Anderson of Sydney Australia lock place on Saturday was much entertain ed before her wedding Mrs Gcorge Holloway ihcld travelogue shower at her home 88 Cook St in her honor Guests were several neighbors and friends of the bride Mrs Holloway was assisted by her daughterinlaw Mrs George Holloway Jr Mrs Harold Osborne 112 Cod rlngton St aunt of the bride eu tertained at an afternoon tea and shower in honor of her niece The hostess was assisted by her daugh ter Mrs William McFadden Ano ther aunt Mrs Thomas Dunn of Craighurst held family gathering and shower at herbome in honor of the bride and groom and Cen tre Vespra community entertained Preparing for County LL am LLEW BEAVER 0F ors or pastels and one sketch andlsketches must be original 12 months Thirst Quenchers HelloHomcmakrsl Packaged or rcu ytoserve bottled beverages are excellent for emcrgcncics but we know that many homemakers like to make their own thirst quencliing drinks This is particu larly true when we have an abun dance of fresh fruits on hand cold water at the tap and ice cubes in the refrigerator Tlicntoo there is lot of food value in beverages madc with fresh fruits For in stancepress black currants and blueberries through puree and add either cold water or cold milk Do you remember years ago when the water was calcd by pail to the house many homemak ers used tartaric acid and epsoin salts to perk up the avor of fruit juice and probably to make the drink more tart because the water was not chilled with ice cubes in those days Now here are modern recipes for few thirst quenchers LEMON SOOTHE quarts water cups sugar grated rind of juicedf Glcmons Bring to boil tth first three lemons at shower at the home of MrS Jack Wallwin Mrs Harry of the bride Dawson mother entertained at lrousseau tea in honor of her AA woolrayon reg$355 $129 pair $100 COMBINATION UNDanizhit Mens slevlcss long legs reg $298 $198 TTOWELS for 259 uANo mowots for $100 noxaa Shears summation lumnufrnlml Bonuucrs reg $1495 LIGDTER value imam chorus from approx 54 it 54 our courts JEANS Childrens subsoils STOQKiNGSj Childrcds reg unto 50c pair 1TltAINING PANTS childrens 19c 79c retinas reg unto$4915 $1253 Cash Jacksons daughter other home 111 Cook St on Wdnesday afternoon About 55 guests were in attendance centre arrangement of pink gladlt ioli llorets pink candles and stleaincis Bouquets of gladioli decorated the Dawson home Presiding at the tea table were MI Phillips Mrs Douglas Ferris Mls Leslie Dobson and Mrs Thomas Dunn Tea assistants were Mrs Maitland Mrs Wal ter Cook Mrs Harold Osborne and Mrs Roy Newson Showing the gifts in the trous seeu rooms were Mrs Glen Buker Mrsg Kenneth Dawson and cMrs Jordon Dawson Mmmmo smirk Erdlickis visiting his cou sin Garry Fralick Painswick Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Glennmeuby who have dough ter Mrsulkrold Macnab of Stras bourg Saskatchewan the former Bertha Addison of Minesin is visiting her cousin Mrs George DuSIO all The Late Andrew Ronald Minesing mourns the loss of its best loved citizens Mr An drew Ronald who passed away suddenly on Tuesday morning Mr Ronald was lifelong resident of Mine and leaves host of friend who feel the loss of good friend keenly and extend sympa thy to Mrsrkonald and family Dr Eric Johnston Mrs John slori Ricky Blliy and Peter are visiting his farmers aroma Mr and Mrs GeprgeG Johnston Mr and Mrs DonaldCalnpbell Mr and Mrs Gordon Campbell John and Margaret of Toronto sing friends were weekend visitors with Mine Mr and Jack Moorish and daughters of Hampton Visited at Dustos on Sunday committee ofthe Slmcoe County Arts and Crafts preparing for the third annual countywide art exhibit to be held this year in Barrie from Oct 16to Oct 18 Work of artists frOm all over Simcoe County and those belonging to Have in Jesus and annelgmph lgroups affiliated with the arts and crafts association will be hung in the auditorium of Codrington Public School for the three days of the show Entry form may be obtained from Schneider of Barrie who is secretary of the committee Each individual may send in two paintings in oil water 3011 twin good attendance ber lt 45 BARRIE chairman of the art exhibit Association in black and white Paintings and completed within the last ingredients then strain Add 1cm in juice and chill before usmg Serves or 10 Thanks to Mrs Miss ii and Mrs Fillili PUNCH cups boiling water lsps orange pckoe tea tbsps sugar TX3 cup lemon juice ll cups orange juice qt ginger ale Steep tea in boiling Water for minutes Drain into pitcher and stir in sugar Then add lemon and orange juice Chill Just before serving add qt ginger ale and pour over ice cubes FRUITADE qt water 1A cup sugar juice orange juice lemon cup peach juice lz cup grape juice cup black current juice Heat water and sugiir to disdolve sugar then add fruit juices BANANA lLif SHAKE bananas cups milk 13 brick ice cream Mash bananas andicc cream with bananas until frothy Serve at once Yield glasses MAPLE rizzl V4 cup maple syrup qt cold milk ginger ale Stir maple syrup into milk Pour into tall glasses ohm each with ginger ale 10E COFFEE Using vacuum coffee maker lncasurc water eitherhot Or cold into lower bowl of coffee maker and heat to boiling Adjust lter in upper bowl and into it measure level tablespoons coffee for each cup water Place over boiling wa vterrlwist slightly to make anair tight seal Turn lajric element from mediumlow position to simmer and allow walerto rise into upperlbowl until onlya small amount remains in lower bowl Remove from electric element and stir When coffeehas returned to lower bowlul remove upper bowl and pour hot coffee into tall glasses filled with ice cubes run QUESTION cox Beat uoldml Annual Campbell Picnic is Held Al lnnlslil Park The 19121 annual Campbell picnic was held inanrll Park on Aug During the afternoon sport proglazn was enjoyed and prizes were glvw to the oldest and youngest members attending the picnic Ofcers circled fur the followl ing judl are President Mrs Roy dfclluw Simud is Vicepres ldcnl Mrs Thomas Maycs Cook towu secretarytreasurer Mrs AJ Kell Cookstuwn CLlilclll events of the your werel received by Miss Campbell anal several of the men gave speechesi Friends and relatives from Wyevule attended the reunion Allenwood Mission Band Holds August Meeting at Church Allcuwood Mission Band met at the church on Friday Aug 14 with Mrs C00 and Mrs Spring convcncrs for the meeting Alzn Phillips took the chair as the president was away The meet ing opened with the Mission Band Purpose repeated in unison and hymn Jesus Bids Us Shine Mrs Morton look over the dc votional period by having the children look up several signs in the Bible to help them on lifes journcy Prayer was led by Mrs Morton and all repeated The Lords Prayer story on Bible Day told of Negro girl and her aunt show ing the racial prejudices that still exist in this day and age chorus was taught to the children The Bcst Book is the Bible quiz was then held with the children finding the an swers in the Bible hymn What Friend We on missions in Africa brought the need of the dark people more closriy to them and showed them 5now greatly they need help and prayers Mrs McFaddggl thanked Mrs Morton on behalf of the children for the interesting meeting and thanked Mrs Cue and Mrs Spring for their help The offering was taken and Mrs Spring closed the meeting with prayer bumll was served out sldc and games brought the ailer noon to close alone that of Pulp and paper exports have value six limos Canadas gold production not have our pickling recipe booklet clinched wrilc for Pickling Success to Heinz Company of Canada le FREE If the lug you buy does DopfSPlouminglonOntario hasupwnulul real bargain at pickling time is the biggest thriliiest size Heinz packsth gallon jug of sparkling WhiieVinegur which made Heinz own pickles famous When you buy this package you can cut your pickling costs by Zlz per cup as compared with the smaller containers This crystalclear vinegar guards the natural colours and fresh garden taste of your Choice vegetables and fruits Its mellow ogedinwood pungency odds zest and piquuncy to whatever you are cunning Ila uniform strength makes it an ideal preserving medium FOR 0le weak ONLY Susannsr or SHEER chuoE account PRICE roux swirls Mrs askeriow do you prevent mold on olives Answer Pour little salad oil gently oiltho top jogopened jar of olives Mrs asksDo you measure erries before mashing or after to decide how much water to add and simmer for jam recipe Answer Partially crush then measurefruit Then add amounts of water according topecipe Mrs Me asks Do you prefer brine or dry pack for preparing corn Kniblels for home freezer and what containers do youprefer Allow We prefer to pack the corn nibletg in Biper cent brine that is lisp sclt tad quart water The rectangular box with viny lite liner is the pe vie are using this year We find the rciangular box best dor freezingrvegetables in horne1reezcrxay ran an All rlilsr llurv DENIER 1319 24c

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