Beauchesne former clerk of the House of Commons discusses these matters Kep Memories Green lets say youre just back from vacation with sunburn glow of new vigor and handful of snapshots The sunburn will fade The extra burst of energy to say will probably peter out in the face of the 50 weeks of toll before next years vacation But those snaps can keep the memories of your 1953 holiday alive far down the years provided you take pro per care of them After all you probably went to lot of trouble to get the pictures Likely you climbed rocky ledge and clung precari ously to the bushes to get just the right angle for shot of the young folks in the Canoe or missed slipper while tryingto cap ture that sunset with color film When you took the camera along in the boat or on hikes you always were careful to protect the lens from damage by flying spray or jagged branch Now your printsare back some good some fair probably few bad Youve chuckled over some of the scenes of the gang at the beach exulted over the good campfire shot and mourned ovor the twilight effort that didnt get quite enough light Good or bad they are probably all you can count on to remember this years fun by after other holidays have come and gone mud first thing to do and it should be done as soon as possible is to date your snapson the back Ahandyway is to use an inexpensive little rubber stamp and ink pad although pn or pencil will do You may also want to write down the place where the picture was taken and the names of the persons photographed Then for safekeeping the best thing to do with the prints ls to mount them in an al bum Various sizes and shapes of albums are available many of them costing fairly little An inquiry at photo supply store will probably turn up the best kind of ma terial to Stick the prints in the album there are some new types of mounting cement available or you may prefer to use mounting corners pnce you have the album you can place raineoictures on the pages any way you wighilvorking out fancy designs or just ar them by subjectsln neat rows Fill mg the album is an interesting task in itself best of all youll know that next winter orgyears from now you can open your album rcklntlle happy holiday hours that have become part oi your yesterdays sup uniilmlglgclion Often the iederal election campaign jprogressed the various publicitylsgencies referred to certain candidates as MPs That is definitely in error There was no parlia ment at Ottawa and therewas not any until afferyoters selectedtheir representatives on August 10 citwas not generally realized that even the members of the Federal Government the prune minister and his cabinet colleagues until August it were not MPsbut merely private citizens Axleiter to theOttawa Journal by Arthur Mr Beauchesne is the present ProgressiveCon secutive candidate for the East Ottawarid jing but he is recognized on all sides as Canadas bestinformed authority on parlia mentary practices In part Mr Bean chesnes letter states it has alwaysbeen tho practice in British democracies that the cabinetin the period between dissolution and general elections only acts in matters that arelabsolutely necessary for thc ordinary conduct of affairs Olir ministers are not7 now members of parliament for the good reason that there Eis noparllanlcnt They are private citizens land some of the many never sit again in gthe House of Commons In the United King idorn the Administration which happens to pediatrics during that period is called the cacetaker government and its actions are liniited to mere departmental routine doctrine outlined by Mr Beddchesne is of arse well known by responsible part as and basboen respected by champions Sir John Macdonalds time propervmemoryior apolitician is one him what to remember fahd what lint +Vl80ull$ Morley am ubilsbed Mm Nmmp your memoriesof llamas Who Was and voters may be thankful for that 06 191953 WWWM Dissipailng Natural Resources The pulp and paper industry is one of the largest sources of employment in Ontario The province has almost quarter of mllv lion square miles of forested land and pulp and paper already great industry should be in the process of expansion Yet there are indications that there may be no further milll expansion in this industry lnOntarlo One Ohio company which has had forest con cession agreement in Ontario since 1936 is building plant in the state of Georgia rath er than expand its operations in this prov lncc This disquieting trend is said to be the re sult oi two main factors high production costs here in Ontario and provincial govern ment policies that discollrage heavy invest ment in forest properties and pulp and paperl mills The United States principal market for Ontario wood pulp and newsprint is con tinuously expanding market But more and more the US is producing its own wood pulp in preference buying here High wages high taxes and government record of failurg to give guarantee that the industry will have security in its sources of raw supplies are mild Indium1mm My dad say every that get yearoldet on Itay up fifteen mlnutu longer Iigure that when Im 45 your old wont have to go to bed it an For Pam Only video Play Equipmenl stated to be the reasons why this great inf dustry may be facing period of decline There is little reason to boast pridefully cf Ontarios great natural resources if we fail to put them to use never knew any man who could not bear anothers misfortunes perfectly Alexander Pope He that would make sure of success should keep his passion cool and his expectation low Jeremy Collierl OPINIONS OF OTHERS Not Even Mentioned Orillla Packet Times One Act of the last Parliament which was kept dark deep secret as far as the recent election campaign was concerned was the passing of the Members pension plan Because all Members oil Parliament regardless of party benet from fhel plan if they can qualify under its generous termsl no one was silly enough to let out whisper about it Yet the fact remains that the passing of thel pension plan constuted one of the most barefaced grabs of public funds perpetrated for some time and an apathetic publicgbarely raised its head to notice what was gbing on Anyone familiar with Etch pension plans knows that to Qualify an employee must serve minimum term and reach certain age and make coiibutions from hwvown lpockohmicm WM The Members of Parliament passedihelr plan for their own benet under terms that will qualify them to receive it after just twelve sessions of the House Because of the recent habit of holding two sessions year an MP could qualify in six years and cer tainly will in lZprouiding he can win two or three elections Nor is there any oor age in which in most plans is fill or 65 Under the MIPS plan they qualify at any age even in their forties as long as they serve the twelve sessions Then too it is possibiefor Member to qualify for the pension without having made contribution to the fund hirhself If he qualifies for the mgr mum yearly pension of $275li but has made no tribution he can start drawing the pension by pay inga lump sum of 44543 He thus recovers his total investment in two years Or if he doesnt wish to lay out the $4543 in lump sum he can still start drawing the pension and the government will deduct from it small sums to make up the $4543 in easy instalments The MPs started with an increase in their sess ional indemiiillies and made part of it taxfree Then came pensions Now it has been rumorcdfthat there lstalk of lowcost but luxury housing for the MPs in Ottawa And all paid for by the public We do not believe that Canada has reached the stage where it wants 265 professidnai politicians at Ottawa drawing their pay as their livelihood and hoping desperately to stay on the good side of the voters until they have put in twelve sessions Cpnada wants men and women in Ottawa whdare offering themselves because they feel they have public service to perform and something to con tribute to theirieilowmemExcuse of govern mentfostered inflation they find it impossible to live on $6000 session $2000 taxfree we w0uld suggest raising them thousand or two year But to askthe public to look after politicians for the rest of their lives through an exiremaiyrgenerous pension planpis asking too much Disenfranchised Financial Post Speeches in the town hall eches in the schoolhodse Handshakes at the vpicn Wilted collars and tired tired cand ates every where summer campaign is hard and gruelin the date August 10 will soon be here By slec it the campaign has beenkept short Candidata As for disenfranchising Canadians on vacation survey of plant shutdowns shows that most workers Will be back on their jobs by August it The vaca ticRpeak is over the week before election day we will be thousands of disenfranchised Can adiaus But dont blamevacstionssickness harvest or other work or theAugust 10 date They will be disenfranchised becapse they are to little concerned about the couritrys wellbeing to tllslllcmseleves from their hammocks and go to the po Look out on your yard with the eyes of small child and an swer this question honestly Is it an attractive place to play No matter how small or large the yard is if there are preschool children in the family or one little child it should have play equip ment Outdoor play is essential to the growth of body and mind and spirit If the yard is spot where the child has happy times he will not have to be sent out of the house he will just naturally want to play there An investment in some play equipment any say childs life or prevent serious injury to him Careful sunny have shown that many children In killed or hurt while playing on roadsand in streets near their own homes there is nothing to focus their attention in their om ysz they just mtnnlly gravitate to danger amt In spite of careful and2 constant morning little child apt to forget the rule sny the mg forms By Nancy Cleaver homemade jungle gym giv cs small childen tilc chance to climb safely Alladdcr at one end and slide at the other are additions These must be stu ly built and free from splinters Swings never lose their popular ity with children The supports should be well sunk in the ground If they are placed in cement or coated with creosote they are noi apt to rot Hang heavy seasoned Manila rope from heavy iron screws or better still attach them to iron hooks which hook on the screws to avoid rope fricition Bore two holes for the rope to go through the wooden sent to pre vent tipping For preschool children it is hard to surpax the play possibilities of homemade sand box equipped with seats few pails shovels wooden spoons Sifter and mould for sand cakes made from different sizes of tins Sun shine shouldfali on the sand part of the day but in the hot summer vealher some shade must be pro vided new load of sand each mad and mu in the jwm spring is essential No matter how of lraific after ball or toy In rural home tiny children oftervgetl into gar from animals Tiles too need Plat lecithin mama playbtca for the mail has graduated from the playpen but who is not old enough to play without supervision is the posible mfety device for 37 in town or country The mt need not be great Par ents may spend as little or as much money astbey like If thcyijare willing to use time andtilotighte and energy in homemade play equipment they can save much strain on the family budget boy or girl loves to see things happen ing in the home yard child will be eager to help make home play things and will take pride in the equipmenthe has had part in producing Crates barrels box es boards nails rope for aswing all these cost but fraction of2 the outlayneeded to physio achilds injury in even minor accident to sayrnothing ofithesaving lithe parents anxiety EGBERT Mrs Annie Holt Roy and Vin cent visited Mr and Mrs Clar ehce Holt Sunday afternoon Miss Bonnie OHearne Ottawa is spending her holidays at her home here Sunday guests with Mr and Milan Wilfred Broileyt were Mrand Mrs Dalton Lennox Alian Lennox andr Mrs Mildred cook Painswick Miss OHeame Mr and Mrs eorgeiillland Mr Hill and son Richmond Hill vis strictly the No sand throwing rule is enforced it just does grad ually leak away Topievent it from vanishing too fist must be enclosed in large box or surrounded with substantial boards or by sand bags When children approach school age sand pit with more sand and bigger space than the usual sand box will keel men Playing happily for long periods of time JA play house where child can housekeep is fascinating spot little girl will love mothering her dolls there and small boy wil likely climb the roof and pre tend he is on plane Children grow up so quickly Do provide your son or daughter with play equipment which can be eli joyed in the fresh air and sun shine of your own back yard Copyright ll The title sheriff derives from hospital pagiem in Toronto or Mrs Pcncy Franiccom Kimmie vialled her sister Ills Jen nett here one day last week Tarn Barlow Jr who is station agent at Bondsman has been spending his vacstlon with his father and sister here his fathcr bad weekend trip to Or ono and Oshawa lifters Here Mr and Mrs Albert lrwin of Cookstown accompanied by Mrs John Dunn Alliston spent part of day this past week at William Sharpes Mrs Ernest McCutcheon who had Pearl Newton Allislon for recent guest was in Barrie for few days recently in Londlm Mr and Mrs Fred Arnold and Miss Marion Arnold with Mr and Mrs Murray McVanel Toronto spent week of her vacation with lMrs Arnold here Weekend Visitor5 Mrs Fred Grose entertained Jean and Hartley Evans Bradford Mr and Mrs Jack Presser with their Etwo children Wesley and Ruth Churchill on Sunday 011 Holiday Herc Dr and Mrs Fielding of Niagara Falls brought their moth er Mrs Curr for two weeks vacation here with rela tives FromMalt0n Mrs Harold Lawrence and daughter chie Malton returned home on Wednesday having spent the first three days of this week with Mrs Scythes In Tormliospital Gordon Campbell who has been several montlu is now aigAn Campbells here lie has how ever to return to Toronto shortly for further surgical treatment His father expects to be able to leave hospital soon too and is coming to his daughleis Mrs Reggie Reid With Grandpon Little Miss Pamela Carroll Bar rie has been on holiday with her grandparents Mr and Mrsjlernon Fletcher while her NTCHIS Mr and Mrs Earl Carroll hada holl day trip to Ottawa Mr and Mrs Fletcher Ot tawa visited Mrs Fletcher last week Short Visit Mrs Colin ipbell with Miss ililla Wright ll lutoba and Miss Evelyn Willis Granton Ont had short visit with Mrs Carr on their way to Canadian Ksswlck Muskoka World Record We noticed in couple of Toronto dailies last week picture of Earl Rowe MP driving his team of trailers at the Thorncliffe Racc way selling worlds record for rarely conducted feature Celias Counsel and Vola Van eclipsed mark set by an American from Syracuse 35 years ago Aftermath of Election The election with all its excite ment is Over and people can get down to sane thinking andliving again There was considerable ac tivity here throughout the voting day Regular service will resume in St Judes Anglican Church on Sunday Aug 23 at i0 am Mr and Mrs Neville Jamieson and Elizabeth alsoRoss Gliroy of Barrie visited in Aurora on Sull day with Mr and Mrs Eklund Mm tomnlenMy By LORNE LETHERBY Tourist Survey The committee making tourist and industrial survey for the Coun ty Council continued their work this week Dismantling of Tower party of young men completed the dismantling of the tower at Medonte station for the purchas ers of the old landmark Charles Wadge and Mike Devine Inten tions are to use the lumber for construction of cottage on the Severn River son Arthurs was Aug 19 Baker for the Cornell bakery Jimmy Mc Kenzie has birthday Aug 26 Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs John Galbraith Goldwater were 41 years married on Aug Miss Edna Brush assistant to the Coldwatel postmaster is on holiday Hilton Hoyle Matchedash has birthday Aug 19 Mrs Walter Lawson one of Cold waters best known senior resid ents who is quite active and en joying good health willbelill on Aug 24 Honey Output Ken Wells and Albert Kelling ion Medonie Township are among honey producers who are market ing the current output Mosloi the swallows and rob inshave already vanished from the district for another season Unexpected Swim Bruce Watson Toronto visitor at the Cornel home here found the distance gre for than he thought in stepping from boatlto dock on the Severn River on the even ing of Aug 13 and enjoyed an unexpected swim Jubilee Fair Many supporters of the Diamond Jubilee Fair at Goldwater this Sept 14 and 15 are selling tickets on the pedigreed calf donated by Dalton Jermey Jarrett The lucky winner will be decided at the fair Family Birthdays Members of the Cornell family celebrated series of birthdays cioSe together with party at the Cornell summer home Robinell on thefancientsbire=reeves offEnglamf GlanccsterPooloheievern Riv at the end of the 10th century balsam fores ited Mrswilbomas Ollearne and family Sunday Master David Dougherty Tor onto is spending tworweekswith Watson Downer Mr and Mrs Allan Newton and Don Ruse spent one day last week in Toronto Mrs Ralph Solinger Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Hamilton Mr and Mrs Tayf Harold Brennan lor Toronto Mr and Mrs Bren ari remainingfor their holidays Mrand Mrs Lil Holley Bars bareand Bobby of Weston spent the weekend at their summer hume Mrs James Orr and Frank of gravenhurst spent last week with Mr and Mrs Caryin Burns Golfs don Burns accompanied them home for some holidays Wednesday Friday on Miss Kathleen Burns is hell of duvet thehomejroi her aunt Barrie Home From Hospital ay Broileywho has to Royal Victoria Hospital Barr for aweek with an infected hand is home and is much improv nail illuminantSt Catharines smut is mother Thomao an No Service for Two Weeks There willl be no church servife in Egbert UnitedCburch for following two weeks as Rev Mr Martin yore on holidays Momma Bradiord er visitor at the cottage Bill Thompson Pittsburgh had birth could geth day Au 16 Mtg merchdntable size in 40 yelam mells birthday was Aug 17 whiie her my on is building it for rightnow aligns igbidgtobe prettyimliortaotrome sometdcycli And knowshow bnporbntitis to estate properly administeRll nomads liow Milli at present He mayrecCiveadvioc ancl assistance from experienced Trust Ofcers 9d gt dispositign of hiactutecwldloul yobligation writ for five Blllcp For sanctions 9379 gillJIiolll curHlus sullenSq hire Congratulatidns to Mr and It horse Sutton nee Miss Fran Squire of Mitchell Square mm wer married in the llniiedilum here last Saturday Visit in Timmiua Mr and Mrs Edane are visiz ing Mrd and Mrs Ray 32mlle Timmins Confined To Bed We are sorry to report that Campbell Conned to bolt At Phone Switchboard Miss Kathaleen Caldwell is work ing as switchboard operator 0rd telephone office CilARLOlIEiOWN Cpl lnc strawberry sessnn in Prince Ed ward island was one of the best in recent years One new pTOCCSSlng plant at Mount Stewart packed 2in cases day with crows workinl around the clock Pick outa LOAN YOU CAN AiFono illSills cm 162055 int 23 30838 28 52959 no Above loans made onyour own signa ture or on Iurniture or auto Payment include principal charges everythinl on our 15month plan ug to $500 an 24month plan over $50 Yes Its Pamela to be sure Personal intbe way youre treated personal in your choice of plans and no bankable security required phone or come in today Then know why thousands saylts Rmmml to be sure loans $50 to $1200 Employed people married or sine 2nd Fl Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELO STREET Phone 5931 Barrie Donald Fish YES MANager OPEN DAILY TO 5SATURDAY lo 12 ms mild lbmsldtnls of all surrounding lounl Personal Finance ompnny oI anode JlCrovvford Co list1ll1 Immune TORONTO sTOOK EXCHANOI Government Municipal and Corporation Securitiu l9llnunlpo5irgeeLEJgrrio Telephonel allia Evening 2383 olnelwim Illcsa Allin Daredevil Show in Bonpele lilo Againsl lilo her for championship Afternoon Grand Stand 12 Days Mon Aug through Sat gsept 12 CANADIAN cadavere 9ther of huge linden lib Mi NATIONAL titularTron lirononro THE Two in having other mer Marilyn for cousins iwrth Scotti on that as Joans Charles alarmed cubic addressed carrying Do it ltSS alarm call heard them had Because been Mrs adlan telephoned land saying is had desired to incr 27 uflcr capital trouble ikc ving have ball and the played prizes etc nightclubblng the leaving home City will aboutfeminine isian ing he years the is this in steam om littoparktl carcinomas tho 11 Slltldafoiiglalfe mommy as loan Roll Driving All 60401911 Ni lid whatl ngl in no