Flne RBCGPNOH To Barrie Band 93 Mon HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WI FINAL DAYS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY DO NOT MISS IT rial IIis lirai III 4t She Uluin of luln mylluy In it in main and torment In low her in II luunlul Dunn1r on El lltx THE BEST IN IAIRIE CALAMA 200 CLOUTERS CARTOON 8c CURTAIN CALL EVENING sows AT 650 pm rouR 000900000oooooococoooooocooogobo min ANN ROBERT NAT KING BILLIE BOBBY COLEBURKEVAN oonocouooooooooooooo TEthcoLon Eve Shows 650 and pm Continuous Sat 230pm JANE om 69 GWGER MILLER Kara Joyous lam town Dugmy lcvlvy Glamor wuh anth tonor NM 919 Colo dam My gti mng PLUS FOX NEWS CARTOON AND LETS ASK NOSTRADAMUS Mans IIII VACATIIIIIIIME MUSICAL lill AIIEFIIESHING PLUNGE INTO ROMANCE AITIS SONGS STARIS MEXF WED AUG26 230 Dan licks as coldblooded killer haunutheir penthousel FERNANDO JACK RIlIIIRSlllllssftllhllll AirwmmMm withWilliam DEMARESI Donna comm CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm Mystrycdmedy it Its best Meet those two swinghappy sweethearts who dishout hot riotoilunl 2nd Hit STARTS FRIDAY EVE SHOWS and 840 pm ALSO 1IHUR FRI SAlf vi burning mg Barrie Citacm Band strong was in 340th Albert Sunday even ing at the invitation of the Cham ber of Cuzzzmerce there and report splendid reception The Large number prcsen at the Community Park enzoyed the var ed program given by the band uni dot the leadership uf Bandmaslcr Joe McNeiillc Numbers Included nmrchcs hymn other selec lions At the close the members of the gladies Auxiliary to the Chamber of Commerce Served to the Liililal musicians Presl dent Gilbell Wiley extended sin cerc thanks on behalf of the band On the way down some of the band members made Sldt trip to farm house north 0ft Bradford ALL ATTENTION IN COIDWATER DIAMOND FAIR The peak of the tourist activityl has passedin Culdwatcr and with the election over the main topic of interest Ls the approaching Diamond Jubilee Fall Fair to be held at Coldwzilcr Sept it and 15 The SecretaryTreasurer Chester Martin has been busily engaged in the past few days distrIbutmg copies of the Gilpage prize list or the 69th fair Huronia Agricultural Society is made up of members from this village and the townships of Med onte Matchcdash Tay and some from North Orillia parade led by Midland Boys Band will start this ycIIrs Show off Monday afternoon Sept Ill Prich will be given for the best graded and ungraded schools of the dis trict in the parade also for best decorated childrens vehicles Dur mg the afternoon there will he sports program and livestock judg Thc drawing match for heavy teams will be feature attraction of the rst afternoon Prize money will be Isl $40 2nd 530 and 3rd 320 with Special prize for the best show team Another stellar event Monday will be the junior tractor driving competition The contest is spon sored by Harry Cowan and Walter Orr Held in conjunction with the fair Huronia 4H Cali Club Achieve ment Day will see the boys and girls of the district showing their prize calves Committeejn charge is Etley Levering cluh leader Beverley Rawson Bill Black Murray Lov ring club officers George Fell Goldwater Lions Club andWalter Orr Huronia Fair director There will be band concert and promenade in the rink the rst night Thehlga events elude motmgportsored bSIaColdwater Old Boys which will be high light of Tuesday afternoon Car man Robinson Fred Brown Lawr ence Devine and Archer Colwill make up the track committee The light horses show with some new entries this year will prove another outstanding feature There will be great many classes on display outside and in the arena The school fair will occupy large part ofthe rink and at the west end the ower show will be presented In addition to good prizes for all winning exhibits great many spe cial prizes have been provided In two pages near the back of the prize list are shown the names of rms organizations andjndivid als making grants or donations of merchandise and cash There is total of 168 names FINE LIVESTOCK SHOW Mgrothan 10000 animals of many breeds and classes mum on dis play in the Horse Palace Cattle Barns Sheep Pavilion and Colis eum at the 1953 75th anniversary Canadian National Exhibition Aug 28 to Sept 12 refreshments man Woods Percy Robbins AUGUST 19 lax Rates 1953 581 Bl Oro lwp Council Regular meeting of Oro CounCIi we held on Aug in the town hall with all members present and Reeve Smith Campbell prostdiug Communications for consideraQ tiqu were from Ludgale Ai Wilson Compan Dcpartmcnti of Education Blair Workl mens Compensation Board Section 2Poges to In The West Budding On Watson Commanding Otficcr Oil Edgar RCA Station Department Of Munipral Affairs Dcpartmcntf 01 Planning and Development Wilson Stewart and listen Simi cot County Health Unit County Clerk Frcd Hunter Mrs Heleni McKay Fire Marshal HydroElecI tric Power Commission Ding Schultz and Cunningham The treasurers list of receipts was rccuivcd and accepted as sat isfactory number of Hydro contracts were also accepted The renewal of liability policy received from Wilson Company was approved and ac copied grant of 3300 requested by Stoddart for the Oro Agricul tural Suciclcy was passed AISO present were Roy Phillips and Morrison with regard to the sale of property on Highway ll Con Oro Copies of proposed plan of part of Lot 25 Con were presented and left over or further consid eration and information complaint as to fences to Plan 863 was left in the hands of the committee or investigation Howard Crawford was present with regdrd to drainage matters affecting his property The budget of estimated expen ditures for 1953 was brought in and accepted bylaw to raise levy and collect the taxes for 1953 was also brought in and passed County rate to be nine and six tenths mills township rate nine mills general school rate three mllls together with other school rates etc bylaw was also passed to pro vrde for the borrowing of necess ary funds to meet current expend itures The report of Road Suberhtend ent Ross for work done in July to gether with pay shets vouchers etc was accepted as satisfactory and passed for payment Claims of Wh Brown Joseph Ayers and Leonard OBrien for shep killed bydvgs WPre 11m sented and Order paid at the valu ators estimate number of various accounts before the council were passed for payment The next meeting was for Tuesday Sept Start Construction New Plastic Plant Midland Footwear Midland Free Press Herald Work has begun on the con struction of 10000 square foot ad dition to Midland Footwear Maho facturing Ltd Midland states Sidney Caplan president Contract for the erection of the building which will include about 7000 square feet of factory space for Midland Industries Limitedand large head ofice for the three firms controlled by Mr Oaplan has been awarded to Hugh Blair Midland Total cost of construction is ex pected to be in excess of $75000 Over $75000 of machinery will be Installed says Mr Caplan Much of the machinery for the new unit has been acquired Last Week Midland Industries Limited purchased from the Parker Pen Co atLondon large plastic moulding machine and plastic extrusion machine al All EXTRA ALSO CARTOON AND SPORT REEL Will Stand Again In Siche East Says Dr Rynard Thebiggest blow Monday vias not struck against the Conserva tive party but against democracy in this nation said Dr Rynard onillia defeated Progres sive Conservative candidate in Simcoe East We again have lopsided par liament which is not good for any of us he added However Lam cvinced limit the swing has begun The people ready operating in Midland is now producing polythene pipe FIn Mc Ewen is superintendent of Industries Limited Sales of plastic halite by the new Midland company iISsaid to have exceeded all expectations for the first year of operation Crops May Be Heavy Be sure that your insurance is adjusted 10 cover the inclc3313 value DONT DELAY THE HAY IS GOING INTO THE DARN SCENE SANTIAGO uAn SIIIIIIS mun IMPERIAL Gilli Earn xami it starting MONTGOMERY inn HUNTER It Hummsrconmommam in this riding gave me excellent support and if the Progressive Conservatives wish me to stand for them agaiva am not only will ing to do so but am condent that it will be different story Next time continued Dr Ry nard will pull no punches par ticularly in the west end of the riding It will be fighting cam paign Simcoe East can be won for good Conservative government located Just south of Barrie on Concession tt Ill IIIlII FASHIONABLE cur The most fashionable hair cut for women loaves the top hairthick and heavy in type of natural cowlick radiating out from star point at the crown One or two medusagurlamay be bruslnd for ward over the temples wit31o the back hair is thinned in points to modified ducks tail at the nape of the neck MnlcomsOns Insurance Mandi The Home of anoint54 Sim 1899 41DanlopsDEPhone 3735 Seneca highwayill and newton 1T0llll rm 000101EZ Take Cora oi My JEANNE GRAIN gt LoadedWIth Action and Thrills STORM 0ka Ill7 nAvaou TAKEN gsstufrsMolnar ADVANTAGE ear OIIR ONIENTIIIESTOCK HAWYMARRIAQE AoaItEIItortoligmeIIt for Movie MerryGORountl 01 ll KEIKM niivrrlllrmc mm Blysli Stmlxllwkmryu Minutes All DnmoNixhts