Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1953, p. 8

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honour woosr 111953 Anybody watching TV last night have seen local artist on CELT show shortly after seven oclock Mrs Ken Treadwell of 129 Coll nmwood Street appeared in shots of the Doon School of Fine Arts where she had been doing summer Studying for the last two weeks The ttvilun camera caught Mrs Treadwell iwhose Dorothy Tread vrell signature appears on vivid and striking oils in local shows while She was Sillllig at her easel painting sunflowers with an art class and later focusod on two of her works in the school gall eryHay Wagon and the recent sunflower sketch Several local artists have attend ed the Bonn School this year and during past seasons studying and enjoying summer holiday at the same time in the old homo of thel Into Canadian artist Homer Wat son Mrs lrcadwcl was the only Barrielte registered at the time of the television coverage Among they who have entertain ed for Mr and Mrs George Hook before their deuarturc todav for Pcterborough where they will be making their new home are Mr and Mrs William Garner and Mr and Mrs William Sarjcant Mr and Mrs Garner gave party in their honor at their Shanty Bay cottage and Mr and Mrs Sorjcant entertained for Mr and Mrs Hook at their home 59 Drury Lane At the Edenvalc sports car races week ago woman in the crowd asked member of the Barrie divi San of the St John Ambulance Corps on duty therezHow much do you people get paid by the hour The Edenvalc races and several other public duties followed an extremely busy session for St John Ambulance volunteers who were on duty at all events during Cen tennial Work here Brigade mem bers had total of 327 hours of public duties in Old Home Week covered 28 events and gave first aid to 43 persons People who watched them at work during that time can all be certain that the volunteers received nothing but an hourly rate of gratitude from the public Leather turns up in new placos this autumn There are leather collared sweaters and dresses lea ther coats and leather trimming on almost any item of wearing ap than the last washable white gloves we bought easier to clean or have cleaned 33 mtgJun gamma 7w tiii sugarma Malawi maintains tI Always ready always right when you want dress thats comfortable and flattering You need at least one of these smart simple stepin dresses Crisp collar square patch pockets contrast piping give mutt tailored look Jottern 45191Misscs Sizes 12 14 11618 20 30 32 34 3638 40 42 SIZQIII takes ls yards 35inch at you contrast Thispatterqncasy to use simple tofsew is tested for fit Has com pleteillustrated instructions send THIRTY FIVE CENTS 1359 1L Spins stamps cannot be since for this pattern Print SIZEwNAME ADDRESS LENUMBER niecto ANNE ADAMS TheBarrie Examiner Pub Front St West Tor pnrci including fall cottons and woollen skirts detachable cape skln collar can appear on any sweater or dress you Choosc Pin closed and tassel trimmed it will come in such colors as white red luggage black pink or orange Capcskin can provide bright slice of white over the collar and rimming the sleeve of dark wool dress or leather may turn up in ribbontied peter pan collar and belt on quietly slripcd fall cotI ton On skirt leather form white frame on hip ICkLISIII most cases the leather collar is removable for service clscwlierc Personally weve always had yen for one of those fulllcngth leather coats that lead to thought of going out with the dog to shoot but look as drcssy as you want them lothe white leather coats are wonderfully pretty but we wonder if they would be nnyl Museum Exhibits Imiim by limo Conq Womb Inuitta Gilfords Poplars By ANNIE IIOYIZS Everywhere you look you see poplar trees in Gilford It would seem strange without them part of the landscape especially the stately Lombardy towering straight and high and the sturdy silver loaf with its beautiful fol iagc of dazzling green and white The aspen trembling with the slightest breeze finds place on main and front streets adding their loveliness to the surround ings while few Carolinas are found on lawns The Lombardy was popular in early days and favorite choice for the corner of lot the corner of farm by the roadside or on each side of gateway Evidenccsof such are still seen in the community At the corner of the Owen Bcll home an orig inal planting measures some 20 feet in girth The remains of an old poplar at Frank Steels is an other of huge dimensions Fine specimens of gateway pop lars are at the Gibbons homestead and Miss Bertha Gibbons hopes there will always be poplar at the gate Miss Cassie Roberts favors the oldcustom It adds to the appearance of the place she says The church still in use and the only one ever built in the vicinity stood for years within rows of silver poplars with Lombardy on each of the two gates one for vehicles the other for pedestrians With the march of time fence gates and trees have gone At one time there was row of Lombardies from the saw mill south east of the station house to Woodlawn the farm home of the mill owner now Wilford Neillys which made an arresting pictUre for miles around On the southGilmmLsidc road the poplars have taken possession of the fence rows There they ourish in their natural beauty and many of the silver leaf are thick with foliage from the ground upind present varied pictures in storm and sunshine They look as if they were made of popcorn at times when the wind is blowing says Mrs Doug las Rothwell who admires their close long range of beauty and hopes they will remain and not be cut down Again in the setting sunthcir velvety whiteness reflects the rosy tints and changesthem to an ar ray of pink When strong wind lifts those deafy limbs upward as if in prayer the emotions are stirred with the sublimity of it all TheodosiaGarrlson admired the poplars the Lombardies in partic ularand gives us the following lins THE POPIARS My poplars are like ladies trim Each consciousofher own estate In costume someWhat overprim In manner cordially sedate Liketwo old neighbors met to chat Beside my garden gate My stately old aristocrats Irfancyystill their talk mu be Of rose conserves and Persia cats And lavender and Indian tea wondor sometimes as pass If they approve of me Long may you stand bcforc my door 0h kindly neighbors garbed in greenr And band with rustling welcome oer The many friends who passbu tween Alld Where the limo childrcplilay Look down withgracious mien Prime Minister Presented withCentnniaISpuvenir PRIME MINISTER LOUIS ST LAURENT receives souvenir of the Barrie Centennial On his visit to town during Centennial chk when he spoke to crowd of people at basket lunch picnic in St Vincent Park the government leader was presented Englehari Church ls Selling For Pretty Wedding The marriage took place in Christ Church Englchart of Miss Edith Ada Fraser daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald Fraser to William Francis Pat McCarthy son of Mr and Mrs Charles McCarthy of New Lowell Rev Darlington of ficiated The church was decorat cd with white mauve blue and pink gladioli sweet peas and hea ther and wedding music was play ed by Mrs Hodgson Arnold Armstrong sang Because during the ceremony The bride who was given in marriage by her father wore strapless gown of organdic sheer and erected in L564 41M ctarwithvameutunic of em broidercd eyelet organdie featuring high neckline with peter pan col lar Her veil was of tulle illusion in fingerltip length with tiara of pleated not She carried bouquet of White gladioli stephanotis and heather sent from Scotland for the occasion The bride was attended by her sister Mrs Wallace as mat ron of honor wearing street lcngth frock of mauve eyelet em broidered organic over taffeta with Wreath of matching flowrs She carired cascading bouquet of pink gladioli The bridesmaidsmerc Miss Edna Fraser and Miss Doreen Woollings wearing gowns identical to that of thc matron of honor In pink and blue with wreaths of matching flowers and cascading bouquets of pink gladioli The groomsman was Wal lace andthe ushers Werewllhomas Woollings and Herbert Edwards After the ceremonya reception was held at the home of the bride Bu by ily CLAIM WHEEL CHAIR NO BAR ro SUCCESS VANCOUVER Aug CPITWO Vancouver busineu women have set out to prove that confinement to wheel chair is no ban to suc cess Katharine Cook Limited has been organized to provide businesso men with efficient partedmc stenc graphers Min Cook 26 is presi dent and 21yearold Beverly Thomas is managing director They do all their work from wheel chairs The firm specializes In dispatch Ing stencgraphers to business firms who are without fulltime secretar 185 or need extra help The office is equipped with the most modern electric typewriters and duplicat lng machines the fashion snortr min REMAINS Short hairi will continue to be in Paris during the coming autumn season The latest cut replacing the poodle cut is the corolla which features smooth flat crown fect giving neat cap ef End are shaped and thinned and often swirled to one side rather than turned up or under zthc US when Mrs BANGS THE VOGUE Bangs which became vogue in Eisenhower became the first lady are growing in pooularity in Paris Especially ifavorcd is the half bang or wind vswept fringe over the temples with Centennial Plate by Aid Earl Wil liams right chairman of the town council reception committee Mr St Laurent pro phesied thatthe gift would be cherished in the years to come as an heirloom in his fam wubmuos The brides mother received wear ing gown of deep mauve honey comb nylon and hat of white starchcd lace She wore corsage of pink carnations The grooms mother who also received wore gown of powder blue crepe with navy hat and accessories and corsage of pink carnations Pour ing tea was Miss Hough as sisted by Mrs Thomas Woollings Mrs Herbert Edwards Mrs King Miss Wainman and Mrs Gibbons Later the bride and groom left on trip to Fort William Port Ar thur and the Northern United States For travelling the bride wore winecgabardine suit with white and beige accessories and corsage of white gladioli and hea ther On their return they will livebn 7th Avenue in Englehart Outoftowln guests included Mr and Mrs Charles McCarthy Mrs Maw and Billy and Mr Mrs Ebbert all of Barrie Mrs Ward Huntsville Mrs JL King North Bay Mr and Mrs AI Barstcad Toronto and Mr and Mrs RGibbens London Ont Prior to her marriage the bride was entertained by the Misses Hough and Valley Mrs James Lamb Miss Doreen Woollings and Mrs Woollings ROTARY LADIES NIGHT The speaker at the Rotary Clubs special ladies night supper held at Central United Church Thursday Aug was County Sheriff Hon Drury In his address the Sheriff spoke of the development of Barrie from 1850 to the present day highlighting histalk with many personal reminiscences In addition to discussing the general develop ment of the town Sheriff Drury a1 gave historical notes on the dif ferent buildings in Barrie CALL we EXAMINER ron PRINTING uIIONE 2414 PALEIACETI TOTEM pour matho dadoj KEY 10 FACES Top This man represents The Spirit of ilding especially the building of homes schools roads powelx plants and other developments often Inanccd invested life insurance dollars etontf ffom top Hero is The Spirit of wdleplth as promoted throuin medical reacuriprojects aided by life insur ance companies These projolgsupg rt sclencoa with dguinst polio cancer art diaeascand processes of ageing Ihlrd from top The Spitif of Employ ment is symbolized by this worker He inightlib any of the thousands of Workers With good jobs in aome of Canadas new factories which life inaurance dollars have helped creates lam he Spirit of Life Insurance to preaentod by policyholder is put here Ilocupggwjnuucurtain sense all the otherg depend uponhim It is money from his pretriiums invested by Ilia life in surnnce company that so often helps them serve you in all those useful ways So If you are life insurancepolicy holder remember you are more than mod provider for your family Youre also Very Important Person whoshelping to notice Canadian better IIIIIII to live int YOURSERVICE aim undo III uprolomlm 9M chitin now than nitquid untod StainIII luuurnnc complnloclnzftiudwtll our help you pic for 1w fatally munitij your own ninth In magnetron him on INJANA MONTY TO OPEN CNE At this years 75th anniversary Canadian National Exhibition the opening ceremo es will be per formed by Field rshal Viscount Montgomery of Alam in who will officiate at the Bat hell Friday Aug 28 Unique Wedding Ceremony at Creemore Father and Son Mdrry Mother and Daughter Crecmore Star The home of Mr and Mrs Will iam Hall Creemorc was the scene of unique double wedding cere monyon Monday August 1953 when their daughter Mrs Mabel Hall Hickling was married to John James Dougherty of Wind sor and their granddaughter Miss Ethelbert Christina Hickling was married to John Richard Doughetth the Royal Canadian Air Force Timon Rev Hun ter of Collingwood performed the marriage ceremonies The living room of the Hall home was tastefully decorated for the occasion in pink and white with baskets of summer flowers Mrs Lloyd Hall played the wed ding music and Mrs Stanley Hall sang Perfect Love during the goLthoAcgis Given in marriage by her fath er Mrs Hickling was attired in pink jersey trimmed with rhine stones and pearls and vaswcar ing matching pink lace picture hat Her attendant was Mrs Pearl Broderick who was similarly gowned in orchid eyelet jersey They wore corsages of roses and gladioli Miss Hickling was given in mar riage by her uncle Stanley Hall Her gown was of ivory satin trim med at the sweetheart neckline Eni truism IIIIIIIIIIII In Ia C=5Essnl lllllllllllllml up with Italian embroidery and pearl Her floorlength veil was caught by coronct of pearls Her bou quet was red reses She was at tended by Miss Gayle Millsap gowned in pink brocaded satin and net with rosebud wreath in her hair She wore corsage of pink roses Daugherty was supported by George Ferguson of Orillia and Herbert Hickling ofIoronto was groomsman for Dough crty Mrs William Hall wearing white flicked navy sheer with matching accessories and corsage of yellow roses received about fortyve guests for the reception on the lawn Buy Now Save happy couples left for short honeymoon at Owen Sound Guests were present from Oril lia Toronto Windsor Chatham Gait and Lisle SPORTS ATTRACTIONS Water skiing table tennis arch ery softball fencing Swimming and diving are but few of the many sports attractions at the 1953 ONE From Aug 28 to Sept 312 visitors to Canadas Show Win Mrs George Harvey of Toronto has been the guest of her sister Mtg Dorothy bib for the past week Frank Gill has returned to To ronto and M33 Anne Gill has re turned to London after spending their holidays with their mother Mrs Gill 97 lnnisfll St Mr and Mrs Wouncb and their two children Murray and Kathy of Ridgetown were also recall visitors with Mrs Gill Mrst Wounch is the former Lena Gill social evening was held inithe recreation room at The Canadian Bank of Commerce 123 week in honor oftwo of the st who are leaving rMiss Joyce Howey who came from the Beamsville branch three years ago is leaving for Dublin Ireland to be married The other member of the staff McMicking assistant accountant has been with thisbranch for nine years and has been appointed to Colbome branch as accountant Both were presented with gifts and expreSSed their regrets at leaving Barrie and The Canadian Bank of Commerce Mr and Mrs Fred Kelsey 83 Gowan St and Mr and Mrs Fred Kelsey Jr and family 85 Cum berland St have returned from holiday at Glen Orchard Muskoka Mrs Carter and her daugh ter Joan have been holidaying at Glen Orchard Muskoka Mr and Mrs Roy Grant wish announce the engagement of thei daughter Dorothy Jean to Ken neth Stanley Fraser son of Mr and Mrs Fraser Flin Flon Manitoba the marriage to take place Road Presbyterian Church Saturday August 29 at It p111 04 Mr and Mm Henry Wilson of Bradford announce the engage ment of their daughter Marjorie Effie to Herbert Alfred G055 son of Mrs Goes or Orillia and the late Herbert 6083 the marriage to take place the latter part of August St Mr and Mrs Charles Brooks an nounce the engagement of their daughter Mary Elizabeth Freeh ette to Anthony Jarvis of Birm ingham England the wedding to take place quietly at St Marys Church on Saturday August St FIRST PRESIDENT Mrs Smith of Winona was first president of Womens In stitute in Canada in February 1897 in Saltflcet Township later Stoney Creek branch FO and Mrs John Vincer of St Johns Newfoundland and Mrs Roy Vincer of North Bay were guests over the weekend of Mr and Mrs William Vincer and Mr and Mrs Hinds ROLLER COASTER AGAIN After an absence of many years roller coaster will be back at this years Canadian Na ional Exhibi tion One of the uptodate and safest on the continent the new Exhibition Flyer will add thrills and excitement to the CNE midway 52 cucv COACH LOW MILEAGE SLIP COVERS SPARE NEW AIR CONDITIONING 79500 BUY WITII CONFIDENCE Al DANGERFI ELD MOTORS LTD Battles Largest Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford St Dial 4981 Muldershowerloz confetti tho You save lhll you buy flu ill thrifty gallon up Instnd of smaller dow of the Nation will have an op grLunity to see some of the worlds finest athletos in action Keep yogpr home cooler oy abolUte light control Fambus AIRLUM Vegetian Blinds 54in long with Plastic Tapes SAVE on All snap ALL SIZES WITH COTTON tracks AT LOWER enrolls Choicecflllzsyiiojs 31 ZCuplors Adeodun allmqtoliontliuttionts44 tuitrovhbuhd DuPontinmilI in idly to Install IOIIMOIII Iliflfj Sulfaudjutting tilted chokg of Will INVIGOIIIIII COMPANISI Thats the famous and fabu lous CNEI And this your theres features and attrac tionkgnlore Iho 1253edition ofYConudionuttuvrinngctor Barge Darya andrluliu IIlQ lands and the bnuuty and wondorment of Dancing Wotqnl Theres diamond display hover beforeeshown to the public spineChilling thrllli and fought NI greut nwlMidwayiidet the famous Welsh Guord Bond fullyscoleice show Yes theres tomething stiller ont overly miduti otithi Years spiaygamuar

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