up his largest an mom om mum Serving TIIE TOWN OF RABBI AND COUNTY 8131008 Since 1864 89th YearNo 92 Wainnan hemmho 01112 Barrie Examiner BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY AUGUST l953 KA Iulian II ferusori Wins Election In HON ROWE INCREASES MAJORITY DUFFERIN SIMCOE With an increased majority of 578 Hon Earl Rowe retained has DufferinStmcoe seat at the federal election held Monday when he defeated the Liberal standardbearer Richard McCul loch by 9009 votes to 6496 In the 1910 election Mr Rowe had 7447 as against 5479 for Mr McCulloch There seemed to be little doubt about the outcome of this contest from the time the first results came in showing Mr Rowe estab lishing an early lead In Camp Borden however where there were two polling stations Mr McCulloch took total of 426 votes to Mr Rowes 101 non EARL noWE Mr Rowe gained decisiver in the Alliston wards with 520 votes to 403 for his opponent In Adjala it wasMp McCulloch who had the edge taking poll of 336 to Mr Rowes 208 Amaranth chalked up 432 votes for the sitting member and 274 for his opponent pickedup 785 votes in EsSa ascompared to 697 for Mr McCullochp In Bee ton the Liberal candidate took 99 votes to his opponentszitl Brad ford was close with Mr Rowe tak ing 368 and Mi McCulloch 32 HIS LIBERAL OPPONENT Mr Rowes lead in Innisfil was substantial with 1064 againstbao Mulmur gave Mr Rowe 455 vot es against 222 for his opponent while Mono saw him chalk up 531 against 372 In Melancthon Mr Rowe had 482 against 434 Orange ville gave him 880 compared with 768 for Mr McCulloch West Gwillimbury increased his lead further with 582 against3l4 East Garafraxa gave Mr Howe 320 against 131 East Luther saw Mr Rowe rc ceive 234 votes against Mr Mc Culloughs 138 Grand Valley poll ed 265 votes for the sitting mem ber and 114 for his opponent Shel burne gave 383 votes for Mr Rowe against 233 and Tossorontio 337 for Mr Rowe and 258 for MI Mc Culloch Tecumseth saw Mr Rowe pick up 679 while Mr McCulloch took only 290 Tottenham saw 166 vol es go to Mr Rowe and 138 to Mr McCulloch 1033333 Highway Claims First Victim The new TorontoBarrie sup er highway claimed its rst road accident victim yesterday with the death in Toronto of Manley Lesperance 30 of Mid land Lesperanoe was the driver of car which was Involved In collision with truck on High way 400 near the Camp Bordon cutoff early Monday morning August Altogether seven people were injured in the crash Most seriously injured was Importance whose car was struck Roadside on as it en iiercd the super highway by truck driven byMarIo Well 26 Oakvlllu VWLEhJuoeol thejmmeovm fumed Lespennces car hurl ing the driver and his passen gers to the pavemenb TR AN EXAMINER WANT All PHONE 2414 WILLIAM ROBINSON TAKES EAST RIDINGAGAIN IN FOURCORN leth only slim margin of 11 votes over his Conservative op ponent Dr Eynard the Lib eral member for Simcoe East Robinson managed to retain his seat at the federalclections thday Mr Robinsonstotal Was 07117 while that of Dr Rynard was 8957 Carl Pinkney the Social Credit candidatepolled 530 while the CCF candidate John Lovelace received 1308 Mr Robinson gained consider able edge in the election ght with his return in Tiny Township where he bad855 vote as against 388 for Dr Rynard In Penetang he bolstered his position with 1401 against SMI his closest oppon cm HoWever in Orillla Dr Rynard had substantial lead with 3302 as compared to Mr Robinsons position Mexisted in Drillia Township where Dr Rynard ents 648 ERED CONTEST Town council Lays Down New Policy future Sidewalks Following the recent overthrow By court of revision of Barrie Town Councils decision to charge sidewalk construction on 6040 per cent basis with the 40 per cent being levied against people on the opposite side of the street from which th sidewalk is constructed and now faced with obligations amounting to roughly $7500 coun cil last night endorsed two motions to clear up the general situation The court of revision stated in effect that council had erred in its 191393 it rscomineuded that council might make up this per cent by taking it out of the gen In Orlia Lovelace poll taking 476 otes while Mr Pinkney received only 97 In Midland Mr Love lace took 207 while the Social Credit candidate received 91 Mr Pinkneys 1argestpOUcame from Tiny where he had 159 with Mr Lovelace only receiving 57 Luvclncelcame third in the election race with 1308 with Pinkney taking only 530 There was considerable specula tion prior to the election as to the makeLip of the new parliament and with Mr Robinson now haying bceaireturned it Seeems to began erallyv felttlizit howill move up from his post as assistant deputy speaker in the last house to deputy speaker friction by Deputy Reeve Greer in amended form that the $7500 to be put against sidewalks constructed in the last three years by town apply to those people recommended by the court ofreT vision and that this money be tak 36bth the current budget The deputy reeves motion Vort ginally was mine effect thatlhe financing would be done by the is Site of debenturesgAIderman 11111216 made an amendment to the motion that it apply to those cases approved by thefcourt of reviSlon and this was Anothermotlon which wasalso pas laid down councils policy for the future that allsiderwalkst bebuilt on 100 per cent charge oaythe abutting property owners our Conditions Fellow Weekend of Rain Except for to temporary breakdown in IMWQIIhl Sat iquayyperfcol sum mm 11m hive primed the mitotic weather Ina slow 11 325 JULIAN FERGUSON centre successful Progressive Conservative candidate in the Simcoe North riding is seen here being congratulated by Dr Fred McDOWell President of the Simcoe NorthrProgressive Conservative Association Son now returns fothtawa Extreme right is Bandmaste bers of the band are seen in after his victory in Mondays federal election Mr Fergu BARRIE EXAMINER BROADCAST GIVES RAPID COVERAGE OF ELECTION RESULTS MONDAY Federal eleciion results were broadcast for the first time in the Simcoe North and Dufferinimcoe ridings Monday night as The Barrie Examiner wentlon the air to give rapid coverage ofthe locglandinatiomynemum49 FOr almost four hours special election night coveragewas given on radio station CKBB broadcast direct from The Examiner news room where reporters tabulators and Switchbord operators relayed the results to announcer Bill May nard as soon as they came in from the three local tidings Th Examiner broadcast also piTjded listeners with uptothe minutc accounts of nationalclecs lion news ashed to the editorial room through the Canadian Press wire service from CKBB As fast 35 returns came in from across the country over national net works they were heard over the station along with the complete and rapid report on the local elec tionscene Broadcasting fromline editorial office Examiner announcer Bill Maynard reporfed the newsdis cussed the Canadian political steneandgreviewed trends iui the various tidings The successful and defeated candidates Julian Ferguson and Ralph Snelgrove both broadcast over the air from The Examiner office after the Pro gressive Conservative victory in Simcoe North riding became appar EII ELECTIONRESULTS ON AIR Later Art Harrison of CKBB helped handle the broadcasting of election bulletins as they came in over the special telephone lines connecting with the Returning Office for North Simcoe in Stay ner and the residence ofthe Hon Earl Rowe in DuiferinSimcoe rid ing at Newton Robinson Radio listeners heard special news ashes and stories prepared in advanco of the election and on the spot as returns began coming in by News Editor Charles Taylor and Womens Editor Jane Hinds Sports Editor George Storey was in Stayner forwarding returns from Returning Officer AE Cul ham telephoning from nearby grocery store and relaying infor mationfover tb special private telephone line connecting The Ex aminer office with Office Bud Brizckwiell of the adver tising department and Bell were in Newton Robinson at the home of the ProgreSsive Conserva tive candidate in DufferinSimcoe riding the Hon Earl Rowe and retailed news of the riding re turns from Len Burchs store in the village Turn to page two please the Returning FIRST DEATH BY POLIO IN TOWN OF BARRIE Polio claimed its rst Barrie victim with the death yesterday in Riverdale Isolation Hospital Toronto of Donald Tomlfnson 32 156 Owen Street Mr Tomlinson who was an employee with con man to Toronto late last week Some time ago his scvenyearold daughterPatsy was affected by polio but after removal to Toronto she recovered and re turned home recently During the war Mr Tomlinson Served with the RCAF Interment took place this aft ernoon in Barrie Union Ceme fiery According to the latest report from the Simcoe County Health Unit there are now 30 cases in the county with 15 in the Immediate Barrie area Mr Tomlinsonls death brings the total for the county this year up to three other victims were young Collingwood girl and Candles man Barrie Polling Station 237 Blake Street 2a 51 Blake Street 2b 51 Blake Street 3a Penetang Street 3b Penetang Street 4a Mulcastei Street 5a Mulcaster Street 5b Mulcaster Street 137 Owen Street 7a 20 Grove Street eveStrreet 4b Mulcaster Street for his third term of office Joe McNeillie of the Barrie Citizens Band which was engaged by Mr Ferguson Mem the background ELMVALE GRAIN ELEVATOR RAZED IN $8000 FIRE Fire of undetermined origin caused damage estimated in the region of $8000 Monday evening when an unused grain elevator at Elmvale belonging to Copeland Milling Company was completely utted cThe blaze which started some time after pm was noticed first of all by Frank Reynolds who has grocery store nearby The Elm vale Fire Brigade was called Out andalthough they worked hard for about hour it soon became evident tha There was no hope of saving the 25 by 25 foot structure They concentrated their efforts on stopping the the spreading to the nearby CNR station about 20 feet away Fortunately there was no breeze at the time or this might have proved impossible store at the rear of the elevator used for stocking honey was slightly damaged by the flames which at times leapt as high as 30 feet in the air Turn to page two please SIMCOE NORIHPOII SUMMARY 1R Snelgrove 94 73 84 143 173 74 87 71 58 82 99 Ferguson 100 103 Elf 8a 10 Drury Lane 8b 10 Drury Lane Parish Hall 10a 55 Duhlop Street 10b 55 DunlopiStreet 11aHillcrest School 11b HincreSt School 12 72 High Street 13 184 Toronto Street 14a 453Toronto Street 14b 45 Toronto Street 15 Elizabeth Street 163 Sanford Street 16b szlnrora Street 17 40 Innisfd Street 18 96 Burton Avenue 193 31 Cumberland Street gooiailgwood 23a 46 Beech Street 23b 46 Beech Street Etta 61 Oak Street 19b 31 Cumberland Street 203 47 Essa Road 20b 47 E853 Road 321 59 Tiffiantrcet 22 Advance Poll Total 3003 61 Oak Street 2621147 Oak Street in 147 OathSiree unconsol Street g126 101 95 79 64 90 68 40 70 92 117 25 103 lt 135 52 127 103 30 103 129 107 98 97 103 121 as 66 19 89 59 35 so 90 158 gso cu mo and unit lumen of ctrulna imcoe MONDAY 135me and FRIDAY single copy 14 PagesI no Section TAKES SEAT BY 548BMAJORIIY DRAMATIC END TO CONTEST RALPH SNELGROVE CONCEDES With few results Still to come in Ralph Snelgrove went on the air during The Barrie Examiner election broad cast Monday evening shortly before 10 pm to bring thecon test in the Simcoe North riding to dramatic end by an nouncing that be had conceded to his Progressive Conserva tive opponent the sitting member Julian Ferguson Final tally showed that Fergu son had taken 8275 votes to Snel grovcs 7727 majority of 548 News Came Dramatically Just after 030 pm while mem bers of The Examiner staff were still in the process of tabulating results in the news room Mr Snel grove came into the office with number of his supporters The election broadcast which was air ed by Bill Maynard assisted later in the evening by Art Harrison was briefly interrupted while the Liberal candidate took over the mike to announce to the radio audience that he was conceding the contest to Mr Ferguson The news came dramatically de spite the fact that the election re turns showed as the evening went on that Mr Ferguson was pulling ahead of his opponent First results to come in from Barrie Grcnfcl and Anton Mills showed that out of 13 polls Snel grovc had slight edge with 860 votes as compared to 856 for Fer guson In Grenfel for instance the sit ting member took 82 votes while the Liberal candidate took 83 Antcn Mills saw Mr Snelgrove take 21 votes while Mr Ferguson received 30 From this point on however Mr Ferguson forged out into steady lead With 21 polling stations re porting his total jumped to 1599 to Mr Snelgroves 1379 The advance poll gave the Lib eral candidate 41 votes compared with 50 for Mr Ferguson At Wasaga Beach the sitting member received 126 votes to 70 for Mr Snelgrove Midhurst saw 139 votes go to Mr Ferguson with Mr Slgrove taking 71 MW With 26 polling stations report ing the Conservative candidate had chalked up 2158 votes in his favor while Mr Snelgrove had received 1780 Interesting Feature One of the interesting features of the election was the factthat while Mr Ferguson took the majority of the Town of Barrie votes 3093 to 2849 it was in Collingwood that Mr Snelgrove received great measure of his support taking 1811 votes to his opponents 1702 Mr Ferguson was leading by 3263 votes to 2840 with 40 polling stations reporting With 51 report ing he stood at 4340 to his oppon ents 3867 As the evening wore on Mr Ferguson remained ahead With 80 polling stations maklhg their re turns he had reached 6932 votes with Mr Snelgrove trailing with 6344 Township was close Mr Ferguson receivcdrtitiil votes while Mr Snel grove took 640 In Nottavmsaga Township the Conservative candi datc took 943 while his opponent chalked up 749 Creemore consoli dated Mr Fergusons position give ing him 220 to 161 for the Liberal candidate In Stayner the sitting member received 352 votes to his opponents 339 Sunpidale Town ship saw Mr Fergulson get 601 vot ms and Mr Snelgrove 566 In Ves r3 Township Mr Ferguson was given 701 to his opponents 612 Hives of Industry Both the Liberal and ConserVa tiva headquarters in town were hives of industry as phone calls brought in the latest details of the polls Mr Ferguson remained close ly in touch with his campaign of ficials from Collingwood and then travelled down to Barrie By Hid time he reached his headquarters here he had heard the news that his opponent had conceded Mr Ferguson then thanke his supporters in brief and expressed his special to Mac Morrison for the valuable work he had done for the organization The Citizens Band which Mr Ferguson had hired turnedioutand played the victorious candxdnle along to Post Office Square where he addressed crowd which had gathered In this he expreed his thanks to those people who had supported him in the campaign Mr Snelgrove who also kept closely in touch with events as the polling results cameinsaid he was very gratified by the support which he had received from Collinxwoods but ballad also learned that it was important for candidate to con centrate on his home grounds The candidate later visited Elinvale and Collingwood before returning to Barbie where he was host to numerous callers at the residence of Mrs Howard Dyment 72 High Street lMarch Through Tm Mr Ferguson hired Greers bust and this packed with hissupport ers and campaign helpers travelr led to Collingwood followed cavalcade of cars On the out skirts of the town Mr Ferguson and his party left their vehicles and marched through the town to the candidates residence Here Mr Ferguson played host fomany visitors who kept calling tofcmi gratulatehim on his success The following isa comparison of the votes polled by Mr Fatima in 1949 when he ran Gladstone Currie hberal nd Withfstpoltinrstationrrewr Reginald Ayresmfmdam ring the Conservative candidate went over the 7000 mark while Mr Snelgrove had taken 6431 by this time Mr Ferguson retained ead and he had 7472 vot his op ponents 6188177with 88 stations re porting The Conservative candir date maintained his lead as the final results cafe in and it was around this time that Mr Snel grove announced that he wasmon ceding The margin of votes in FIGS EXIencls Congratulalions and in this election In 1949 he received aftotal 2493 in the Town of Barrie as compared with 3093 in this elec tion Other figures with 49m total in brackets were as follow Collingwood 1702 19siFlna 663 656 Nottawasaga 961871 Creemore 220 195 Stayueri3521 287 Sunnidale Township 7601 519 Vespra 701 604 Hisitofal vote was 7621 in 1949 as compa r211 with his latest tallyof 8275 His majority over Mr Currie was 1014le it toIIWIiinor