Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1953, p. 3

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mm RESPONSIBLE WOMEN To Learn lieweaving at Home Winn qualied can earn $300 an hour Spare time work at home Ni sellint RRIE EXAMINER Box BA 18990 WW warmussss Wanted for milk bit full or part time Apply Lake view Dairy Imm SWIICHBOARD Operators erably ex ricnccd Apply phone 011cc Oro Station preferably experienc ed excellent conditions good wa ei Appl Prysons Grill Dunlop West Inc 18ttIWF DRIVERSalesman wanted cprtr lance desirable but not essential ly in person or in writing to Co ins Beverage Ltd 18991 GRADUATE Undergraduate and experienced practical nurses for general and private duty Phone Florence Breakwcll 4268 Barrio 18993 pref Telc 189 LADIES Wanted to demonstrate new line of household items Write stating name and address to Box 53 Barrie Examiner 18993 EXPERIENCED Man or man willing to learn mensIretaIl cloth ing business in Orillia IAppiy Brass and Glenn Ltd Barrie 189 YOUNG Lady for icing cakes pret crably experienced Steady em ployment Apply ill person Corncr Cupboard Baker 45 Dunlop St East Barrie 18990 MEN Heres your opportunity to earn better than average income every work of the year selling nationally advertised Watkins IPro ducts in Rural Districtshjicithcr experience nor investment ncccSS ary Training supplied Man be tween 25 and 55 with car prefor rcd For details without obligation write Dept OBSA Wat kins Co 350 Si Roch St MonI treal 1899817 SALESMAN Wanted By Manu facturer of nationally advertised product Mamied mam between 25 and years or age With proven sales ability good oppcarance an leasing personali Must have Pate model car Soggy commis sion and car allowa Give full particulars in letter and enclose aiccent picture if poSSiblc Appli cant residing in or near Barrie pre ferried Position open September 191 or befiire If available Box 50 Barrie Examiner 18890 POSITIONS WANTED WILD DCOK alter cdhildrcn by Is day Phone 4731 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 9P1GS MONTHS OLD Apply mmett Stone Phelpston 989 13CHUNKS also Weaned Pigs 9118811 Con 5Innisl Phone Lefroy 19r24 989 5913ng vSpLingIers grade and rciistre vaccinated andlB tested Apply to Stanley Cairns Bradford phone 57r13 989 Accommgdctim Wanted 2UNFU131IISIIED1 Rooms with kichene Minion hyg Aug 15 Phone 40 II 1139 SMALL Apartment Wanted by Imamwife small children Box Barrie Examiner 117011 MALE TEACHER Christian wants agitation room in quiet home 51 Barrie Examiner 1189 495 ROOM Apartment 01 house wanted by Air Force couple with schoola daughter Apply Box 52 Barr Exanuner 118993 MOTHEILANDVSOII want to rent or roomsunfurnished in Bag sicPhoneMHEMCampbgll 2304 between am andlrpm 1189 28890 MOUSE wanted furnished or un furnished for rent Immediate possession Short or long term It of references Box 48 Barrie Ipniner 118890 WANTED ro spur modern wroom home With dining room stbe in good district or nice rbaggpolrea welli landscaped Ill open ng eastern jBfEIfWIll1195g60d79 fr right home an will sign Apply Box 54 Barrie Ex 113990 admiral To arms at own homeMon ay through WANTED HIGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap Iron Batteries RAD lNDUSTRIAL IRON METAL Dunlo St est Feudal rPhoncwtilirill or 5187 Special High Price Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Price Paid SCRAP IRON hides raw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 llect hone calls accepted LP 32 Barrie Metol olvoge DEALERS SCRAP IRON MEFAIB FURS IIDES BAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest prices paid Special prices paid delivered Phone Barrio Stayner 2983 820r31 98J 9813 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Tiffin St 1180150 LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid Free Collection by our own truck McLAUGHLIN Poultry Dealers Alliston Phone Alliston 77W 3671015 25 TO 50 WHITE Leghorn liens or Pullcts wanted your old Mrs Roy Partridge phone 84318 Bar rie 389 SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees wanted for delivery December 1953 Contracts placed now Enquire 71 Donald St 38092 WANTED All types of exterior stucco cement work and block laying contracts etc Free estim ates and prompt service McCartney Contractor phone Min esing 53 collect 38589 SEED FEED SEED RYE for sale William Maw RR No Barrie 108788 AUTOMOBILES CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 181019 GOOD BUYS AT VERY Low PRICE 1952 Studebaker Sedan 1949 Hillnian Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Coach 1936 Pontiac Coupe VIAU MOTORS Hillman Sales and Service 17 Gowan St Barrie 1389 $T 17 MONARCH 5passenger excell ent condition Phone 4282 138789 1946 DODGE Panel Truck good conditionBeSt reasonable offer Phone 2253 1385tf 1929 CHEV Car good tiresBest offer Apply Spragg Con Innisiil Lot 24 138889 1950 FARGO 12ton panel good condition throughout Priced right I01 quick sale Phone 9104 or 4740 1389 1952 PONTIAC Tudor prefect con dition $1800 Phone 4929 1388 39951949 DESOTO Club Coupe radio and heater Phone 2190 138890 38 CIleYSLERSedan goo paint new tires motor job recent done Radio heater and extras In ex cellent condition Phone 2623 138991 g952A1ATQNFARGO Ex ress low mileage excellent condit on heat er Isradio anddetachable rear de livery box Phone 2433 Eddy Big gar 13841 roIIIIIIcquIIIs coyan can uay proThain Jim mom Sundani rnohuiut StdRwdrmlnintumzc pit Insertionlilcswowyminuuumbilc II do word minimum 505 cividhim lubfplonty titees Also unal mui Phone 4837 GOOD BUILDING Lot nett Thornton oriphone and bath for owner FOR SALE Mixed Stovewood $500 per single cord DELIVERED Phone 307m BARBIE 750t1 LINCOLN ARC WELDING EQUIPMENT Everything Supplied Andrade Sons STROUD PHONE 10TH 7701013 COLORED FLAGSTONE GRAVEL C7 FILL TOP SOIL DELIVERY mm DENNIS MORAN 2907 Barrie one 740 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS WINDOWS Avoid delay order now before winter $015 in Estimates at ahy timc tree of charge Write for free literature with full details Koolvent Central Sales 20 OWEN ST BARRIE 771778389 iiAS1ONI lOR SALE Phone 3833 78990 EXTENSION LADDER 3011 new $2250 Phone 3661 78788 QUANTITY Balcd Straw Apply It Hastings Guthrie Phone Olt 1173 789 CHAIN SAW 4it blade 2man saw also Rabbits Apply Johnson Angus 78990 12 RUNABOUT hp Johnson Motor 1952 model Apply Mudge Christie St Leonards Beach 78890 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 69 Toronto St phone 4824 71361 RANGETTE Automatic Junior oven control used Years good condition Mrs George Gohecn Stroud Phone Siroud 18r101II 89 FEED YOUR PIGS Master Credit and contracts available until mar keted No interest Phone53m Stroud Hunters Poultry Farm 7869100 LARGE lNGLlSSchultz house trailer large rooms chemical toilet good nitcs Could be IlilJ anccd Phone 4719 or 5380 after pm 78990 ELECTRIC Washing Machine re conditioned new agitator good working order family size also 10 Cords No dry body hard wood Phone 1r7 Elmvale 789 YOUR MASTER Feed dealer Craig Hunter sells complete line of Master FecdsBaler and Binder Twine Frost Fence and Graham Plows For service phone 53r5 Stroud 786100 JAPANESE Bathrobep Fancy Dishes Bed Chestereld Set Chrome Dinette set Tables Dress ers Rocking Chair Day bed Seal ers Fan Charles Dickens vol umes Encyclopedia Used Lumber Metal Roofing and bricks 3c Phone 6220 78990 PROPERTY WANTED HOUSE WANTED to buy or more bedrooms Box 49 Barrie Examiner 338890 PROPERTY FOR SALE 80x150 close to new school Phone 4750 after pm 108790 LOT 45 330 This lot must be sold Name your price 120Iquget StJPhone 0588 108990 CHOICE BUILDING Lots on Nap ier Street close to school an transportation Phone r5387 114 Napier St 108991 $70005 ROOM HOUSE with utilit room at back5 doors from Codr ngton School Extra largelot fruit trees and berries Phone 8220 108991 950008 ROOMED House with hydro and water and garage on extra large lot on Main St Terms arranged Apply Herb Crawie Queen St Tottenham 10891 100 ACRES WITH Implements good buildinsg hydro phone Would consider house deal near Barrie or Orlllia $6500 Apply Box 42 Barrie Examiner 168790 ROOM BRICK House on 27 High wa in Thornton Hardwood floors by ro modern kitchen Moder ately priced Apply Vernon Jen 15r4 Iv 1080 10 ROOM HOUSE good condition garage oil furnace heavy wiring bathrooms apartments rented income $125 per month rooms 500down balance $6000 Phone 740 1689 BUILDING LOTS on Queen and St Vincent Streets 60x165I ser viced1by water and sewer close to school general store and bus route 912 foot Apply owner 13 Flock 227 St Vincent citphone 4031 108193 NW ROOM Bungalow with be insui clad insulated dro hardwood floors inlaid lino cum and builtin cupboards on High way 9015 miles west of Allandals malldownIpayment Easy terms my Fordu soars 10499193 LARGE STONE rancht pa bun alow ready for occupat on large ving room dining room3 bed ido the bath Innuenmcdem its on oil hosted sundry tuba toilet and basin in baseman large lei bung Incarxcodrington thbol Tuck Builderi73 Duodenald 18858091 POULTRY 250 COLUMBIA Rock Pullets for sale about months old Apply Ewart Jennett RR Barrie Phone Stroud 24r22 1189 FARM Eouiymsur RECONDITIONED MILKER UNITS All makes available exception al values These milker units are in Al condition and new parts replaced when needed You musII see these bargains to appreciate them BARRI FARM SUPPLY Market Square Phone 2982 3888107 MH BINDER good re air also Grain Baggcr for thresh ng mach ine Apply Giassford Beeton Phone 51rl2 Breton 3989 LOW VACUUM milking machine in good condition half price Ren frcw electric cream separator Cockshutt 3Iurrow tractor low Apply Walter Hutchinson uth ric Phone Gm 375 398990 Bll POWER McCormick Decr ing and 711 oil both John Deere Grain Binders in guaranteed con dition Ready to work Atend oi season sacrice prices Coatcs RR 3loitcnham Lot CTn Tecumseth 398990 WATERLOO Threshin Machine with new nibbcr drive cltclovcr concave clover mill Pricfd cheap or will trade for cattle or pigs Also McCormick Decring power binder with new canvases Ap ply Lloyd Piidhnm 520141 Stuy ncl 398990 lllRESHER Used Case 32x51 Threshing Machine on rubber ex cellent condition one owner$l095 delivered 2McCormcik Dccring pushbar hay loaders $185 and 9210 respectively latter new condition used only seasons chcrai Mc Cormick Dcering grain binders and range in price from $95 to $200 Buy those now twohorse cultivators $35 each 2horse plow $25 Newoott FArm Implement Supplicrcs PO Box 143 Niagara Falls Ontario 398991 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED Rboms Phone 2718 after 580 pm 158990 BEDROOM Central location Man preferred Phone 3425 4589 ROOMS Apply 219 Bradford St Lavergne 158991 CABIN TRAILER furnished Ap ply 60 Maple Avenue 1589 4I SINGLE Furnishd Bedroom Con tinuous hot water Phone 4719 158990 FURNISHED Large Boom suit able for working girls Phone 5205 158990 SLEEPING Accommodation gentleman for week or two Phone 6206 1589 ROOM Furnished house Imme diate possession Phone 2703 after 530 pm 1589 LARGE Housekeeping Room in return for light janitor serVIce Phone 5300 15891 ROOMED Apartment completelyI self contained Separatecntrance Phone 2770 1589 HOUSEKEEPING Rooms Shit able for business girls Central Phone 2320 1589tf URNISHED Bedroom twin beds easonabie Also single room Phone 2308 158990 HOUSEKEEPINGRoom well fur nishcd central Adults 150 Collier St Phone 4098 158889 SMALL Apartments room or rooms Reasonable Apply 258 Dunlop St East 158991 EUNFURNISHED Rooms Must be abstainers Apply 189 Collier St or phone 158990 FULLY Supplied Housekeeping accordmodation for girls Further information at 6212 158990 FURNISHED Rooms with house keeping Central Suit business couple Phone 6328 1589 COMFORTABLY Furnished Rooms kitchenette and bedroom 90 Essa Road Phone6795 1589 FURNISHED Apartment selfcon tained very central Adulis 1m mediate possession Phone 3536 1589 DARGE Furnished Housekeeping room also sleeping accommodation for singleminhn Apply 60 Maple Avenue 153990 LARGE Furnished room refrlgcr ator rangette washing machine and kitchen utensils Apply 61 Mary St 158991 NEWLY Decorated very comfort able bedroom Suitable for either businessman or girls Central lacaticn Phonestlaila 158889 APARTMENT rooms and bath unfurnishedp selfcontained oil heating centrally located Adults only Abstainers Phone aging 90 LAROE Apartment bedrooms heatedgon the round floor oak oors Central jduits only 33112 Tuck 73 Dundonald St some 1H PP APARTMENT rooms and bath all conveniences attachedhjestc garage South of Barrio Nd ighway Available Aura1 Phone Mrs Heath 30rl3Stroutt 15791 ROOMS Rouse Ansus partly furnished congrats entrance errront for mindinzv ch while mother works ine Walker 30 Curtis has as WWW uuw SIXFLEX Apartment Ibsen airlinent has on no test ails rooms with gatlI mi era kitchen refrigerator and hot water heating laundry room equipped tilde an trout catches inmates scur can rre V33 for SHETLAND Sheepdog Puppies sable blues and tricolor and months registered iiarr Mor ren North St Barrie 90 SUMMER COTTAGES FURNISHED Cabin with separate kitchen hydro private beach Phone 4902 288889 sUEIMER SIZE Cottage Minets Point 100 tor rest of season Phone enwood 5651 288789 017 EROOMED Cabin furnished in Shanty Bay immediate posses slon Phone 4902 Barrie or apply Mrs Sutton Shanty Bay 208889 CAWAJA BEACH Due to can collation bedroom cottage ncar water electricity Vacant from Aug 23 also Sept $25 per week Mrs Russell Reynolds Cooksiown RR No or phone Beeton 49r12 or Barrie 4628 288990 PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE CT ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehill Drive Barrie Body Conditioning Arthritis Treatment remedial exorcism Scientific reducing Licensed Graduate Masscur 10 am till 10 pm daily Private Appointments Only Phone 814r11 307011 WOULD THE Person or persons who witnessed accident June 27 near midnight on Concession 10 Innistll cast of Stroud and who drove injured boys to hospital kiiidlygcontact Mr Bell phone 3629 5597 308890 MISCELLANEOUS CAMPING EQUIPMENT for rent TENTS CAMP COTS COLEMAN STOVES PORTABLE REFRIGERATORS Barrie Tent CT Awning Co Phone 4314 34 Bayeld St 56810 HOUSE REPAIRSERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs and alterations to houses stores etc Roofing carpentry cabinet work Anything Iin build ing BUDGET TERMS No down payment on most jobs Fast efficient guaranteed service Phone Collect Stroud 47r13 56098 PAINTING DECORATING Interior and service 10 all guaranteed ARNOTT WALTON Phone 6777 141 Collier St 57811 FLOOR COVERING Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Frec Estimates WOLFENDEN 70 Maple Ave Phone 5185 585142 Exterior II Prompt inqumes Work FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own doors Its easy Ournew HighSpeed Floor Sander does excellent work Low rates Complete line of oor nishing materials paints varnishes shell acs llers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new doors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton 81 Phone 5206 59111 Werc as Near as YouiIele1hdnet ALL TYPES or Exterior Stucco Concrete Work Block Laying mascaraIsms MCCARTNEY Phone Minesing 53 collect or write 5891211 WELL DIGGING and Repairs done Phone 6713 58990 MM CONCRETE WORK of all kinds Sidewalks drives etc Phone 0713 58990 IGNS Truck Lettering sold at window lettering Lund sted phone 0482 mil58 FURNACE and Chimney Elem 1235 Phone Battle 25951 or Elmvale Bacon Drinkle 58091 EXPERTBODY and Fourier wdrk Paint obs condos Luchys Body hop 48 Ellen tBarrle 08991 CUSTOM Combine with new MasseyHarris 80 bintype Cecil gloom Shanty ay pone Oro an III nhrut DEAD swoon term romi xi pPhorTeWeoilgt coconuts Li ted panama lor 118 wn Nationalistis Cell htand soar ngwood niIIIIgInons um FOIIOwad Circus Wherever crowds have gathered during the centennial celebration there has appeared upon the scene the amusing spectacle of Moppets the Clown in his fire truck People young and old alike have watched his antics with enjoyment and no doubt not few have wondered about him who he is and where he hails from In real life Moppets is very personable young man from St Thomas named Bob McNea who in spite of his youth has nowhad 11 years experience as profess ional clown and comedy juggler To most people the urge to follow circus is but eeting one but Bob found it irresistible and ran away at theage of 14 For ve years he remained with the circus and it was hErc he beI came Mopprts the Clown the name being derived from moppet meaning child Bob Mcha is still fascinated by his work and is in steady demand This season among other engage ments he played Stratford Old Homechk just prior to the opening of the Shakespearean Fes tival and later will play to thc grandstand at the Michigan State Fair BORN BOlVINAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1953 to Sgt and Mrs George Boivin 34 Dunlop St East Barrie son BYRNEAt the Royal ViCtoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1953 to SSgt and Mrs Byrnc 45 Quebec Loop Camp Borden daughter DUSOMEAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on JIuly 31 1953 to Mr and Mrs Alex Du some 128 Puget St Barrie son DEVRIESAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on July 31 1953 to Mr and Mrs Johan DcViics Little Lake twin daugh ters PETTERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1953 to Mr and Mrs Charles Fetter RR No Barrie daughter FINKBINERAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie onAug 1953 to LAC and Mrs Fink biner 89 Wellington St West Barrie son GRAHAMAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1953 to Mr and Mrs Graham Lefroy daughter Mary Eliz abeth HAYESAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 11953 to Mr and Mrs Albert Hayes Cookstown son KEATINGAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 41 1953 to Mr and Mrs Ralph Keating I37 Sanford St Barrie daugh er McKNIGHTAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1958 to Mr and Mrs Ernest McKnight Angus daughter Brenda Jean McDQWELLMr and Mrs Tel ford McDowell nee Dorothy In gles RR Acton are very happy to announce the arrival of their daughter Bonnie Lynne at the Nursing Home Acton on Thursday July 30 1953 little Sister for Jimmy and Teddy 89 PHILLIPSAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1953 to Mr and Mrs Victor Phillips IEdgehill Drive Barrie daugh er RAMESBOTTOMAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1953 toMrgand Mrs Ramesliottom 211 Innistil St Barrie daughter SHELLSWELLAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1953 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Shellswell RR No Bernie son WRIGHTAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 1953 to Lt and Mrs wowWright RCS of Camp Borderra son Terrance William WEBBAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Aug 41953to Mr and Mrs Cecil Webb 228 Dunlap St West Barrie daughter ROYAt the 130le Victoria lgos 53 pita Barrie on July 29 baby Roy infant sonrofgIlIIr and Mrs Albanie Roy 218 Dun lop St West Barrie FIRIELOn Thursday July 30 1953 at Elmvale Hugh Friel be loved husband of Ellen Mc Tague and dear father of John Hugh Ambrose William Ger trude Mae Mrs ChaptesVick ers Ethel Mrs Laurent For bert Ella Mrs 18vaer Ball and Anne Mrs ArthurGreig accessed Interment St Pat ricks CemteIYIAug IN APPRECIATION WesWish to expiiesls very sincere thanks to all theneighbors and friends whohei ed wonderfull in the fire thchsverely dangj agedbut home Friday evening Many could hemmed for theirj exceptional effort but it would be union for there Were so mad otherswho worked just as hard but were on n0wn IOUSW8 would like mention the ivy 01 Fire Br ade Georgina W1 son Garly and LiranHP EFOF TOWNSHIP unexpected also rate mile and supply can ALLAN Clerk 8990 Churchill Ont aesc Weather Cools Down FoIIowing Summer Weekend During the weekend 01ch cut summer weather prevailed with plenty of sun but no ex treme but Monty was cooler with the temperature dropping to low of 52 Rain which started early Tucsday 313 continued for the remainder of the day forc ing the cancellation of two of the Old Home Week events the Kinsmen Soapbox Derby and tho Armed Forces Display Temperatures were High Low 82 55 82 58 72 53 74 52 74 56 Au 75 43 Aug 85 53 CENTENNIAL AIT SHOW The Thursday Painters group of local women who get together each week to paint are presenting special Centennial Art Exhibi tion of 64 paintings cachafternoon and evening during Centennial Week in the clubroom at the local Canadian General Electric Co plant The exhibit contains works oIIfthc group witha special Cen tennial avor for visitors The Show will close Saturday evening IN MEMORIAM BlGGARln loving cry of dear father and andiathcr Robert Bigger who passed away August 1952 His weary hours and days of pain His troubled nights have passed And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last Always remembered by Olive Bob and David 89 BRADLEYIn loving memory of dear wife and mother Selina Bradley who passod away Aug I947 Peaceful be thy rest dear mother it is sweet to breathe thy name In life we loved you dearly July 29 July 30 July 31 Aug Aug In death we do the same Ever remembered by husband and family 90 LOVE loving memory of dear sband and father Harry Love who passed away Aug 1950 lt This world may change from year to year Andfriends from day to day But never shall the one we loved From memory pass away Lovingly remembered by his wife Christine son Philip daugh terinlaw Hilda granddaughter Eleanor 89 More than billion new trees grew in the forests of the pulp and paper companies last year PLANTS Er FLOWERS FOR YOUR Gladioli come to Lob lawsBaycld Street Parking Lot or call at 78 Dunlop Street East Also baskets of Gladioll for all occasions Sweeney phone 2865 273990 AUCTION SALE Every Thursday at 130 pm Elmvale Community Sales Arena Phone Whitton 102 Elm vale gt 59th Saturday August Leonard Bishop Lot ti Concession King Township miles east of Noble ton Auction sale of purebred Holsteins and registered Guern seys Sale at 130 pm Terms cash Glenn Anderson tionecr Glenn Atkinson on pe grces 789 Tuesday August 11 Mr Herman Raincy South Half of Lot Con Innisi Township between High ways 27 and 400 next to super highway Auction sale of livestock Sale at 030 pm DST Terms cash Auctioneer Jerry Coughlin phone 5119 Barrie 8891 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having any claim or demands agaimt tho Estate of MARGARET JANE TODD late of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoc Widow deceased who died on or about the 4th day of July 1953 are required to for ward thcir claims duly proved to the undersigned solicitors 101 the Executor on or before the 15th of August 1953 And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets amongst the parties en titled thereto having regard only to soon claims of which he will then have notice DATED at Barrie this 27th day of July AD 1953 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barrie Ontario Solimtors for the Executor 8890 Canadian National Hallway Ccmnsu hereby offers for sale its former ballast nit lands belnv Dart Lot Con IIISnstgp Io 011 County of simcoc arr tario com aches Imote or 1m 15an 354 can may be seen and form of 01 obtained at the oIIICc of the Agelietl Ifgggdian National Railways Barrie 0n Sealed offers must be distinctl on theIoutside otter for tormoyr Pit Property and received by the under sined not later than 1200 noon on Mon day Aucust list 1953 Each offer must be accompanied by an accented cheque drawn on chartered bank or money order made parable to Canadian National Railway Company or an amount equal to at least 100 of the after sub mitted The balance 01 the purchase LAND FOR SALE price to be paid by the sugocssiul pur chaser making the title Deposits will turned in the cases of offers not acceptzfi Any purchaser will have to provide his own means of ingress an went egress to the The highest or an necessarily be accepted tender mu mt Blaikiock Regional Manager Real Estate Department Canadian National Railways Room 1460 CN Express Bid 20 York Street Toronto Out TORONTO July 24th 1953 5114005 COUNTY ISIieriIII Sale of lands Under and by virtue ofzawrit of execution aiust lands issue the eighth diviswnICourt of the County of Shrigcoe In suit wheielgttiti Bank of Montreal 13 the Plaintiff and AkSel Hilmarsen is the defendant and to me directed and subsequentlyassignd by the said plaintiff theIBank of Montreal to Charles Lane Wilson of the town or Barrie Solicitor have seized and taken in execution all the right title in terest ond equity of redemptiomand the said Aksel Hilmarsen in and to Aniundivided one half interest in the following lands lnihe Town shipof Iossorontio in the County of Simcoe and being composed 012 1IThe west half lot four and all of lot five on the north side of main street according to registered plan number 279 save and except that part of lot five conveyed by instrument number 566 perithe Town ship of Tossorhintio 12 All of lot five on thsouth side ofCentre Street according to register ed plan number 279 All of which said righttit1e interest and equity of redern tion of the said lands shall offer for sale by public subtion at my since in the Courthouse Barrie on Wednesday the ninteenth day of August 1953 at twelve oclock noon Dated atBarrie this 6th day of May AD 1953 DEPARTMENTOF HIGHWAYS Danny Sheriff County of Simcoe HIGHWAY IMIPRostE Taper jliuacic NOTICE incssh upon acceptance and as HEREBY one that pursuant to Section 92 of the Highwa Im MW meat Act and Amendments an Application has been made Ty hibe partment of Highways to the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval or 16 ctloslrig of the foIllowiug roads in the Township of Innisfii in ounIyo Slmc oe are crossed 13 the TorontoB Access mghway OIL Highw NOII 400II arrieControlled 11 Road allowance between Concessionsl and2 Picasso mono beiugenOooeessnns and 3130 allowance IbtiviecniCOnceSSionsand Charribervdnf theCounty Court House in thTownof Barrie th 2nd Day of September 1953at the hour 0110 ocloclfin the genomic Daylight Saving Such application Will behcard by the said Board In the Council Time at which time and lace 21112 cm be interestedor sectcdpiay attend andPbe heard 1311111118 to IEieDhone operator and thelnnis 13y Orderofthesaidoard all persons oIIojeeu torrential or claiming that their imam11 be injuriOusly affirmed by toggles closings must file particulars of such objections or claims with the Property valuator of the Ontario Municipal Board College Street Toronto and wiun the Chief Department of Highways Parliament Build ings Talonto on or before the nineteenth day of august 1959 The Bear ing 01811011 claims will takeplace at such time an place as may be subsequently Itixed bythe said Board IA Plan 275648 showing the portions of roads closed mar beseen at the office of the Clerk of the gagigsino at the entice orthe Department of Hingays in Room 900 East Block01 the Parliament ounce To to hours up to September 2nd1953 gs ran m8 gum DATED at Tomato Ontario this eleventh day of June bronco mumm Minister 0111mm

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