SEVERAL STAR MOUNDSMEN BASEBALL THE gun Barrie dates almost 5c and lrilmle fanning an average from the beginning of the which Eell5 ouch game the team wept pality because it is recorded hatito the league championship beat in 1872 the Barrie Hercules wereging Cam Borden in the finals one of the best nines in the prov llhen they beat Thornbury Fem incc But there is little record oflCobourg and Sydenbam in playoffs the games in nmpapcrs of the last rosmg the cum intermediate final century and it is not until around to Milton They started off playing 19 that we git some definite record Probably it was Archie Burton who brought Barrie its earliest fame In baseball because this young man who was brought up on Toronto St and learned to play acrom the road in Queens Park developed in to probably the finest pitcher in Ontario some 50 years ago His cat cher was Cumming Scott and after leading Barrie to wins over every one for miles around they migratc ed to the boommg north country around I908 Archie continued on ll around 1920 as an outstanding 31 player and times form down profssional 1ch Baseball become popular in Bar rie just after WorldWur One hav ing by then displaced lacrosse no the leading summer sport Quite fine Barrie team developed in the early 20s and they won the South Simcoc League championship in 1923 Ilap Emms was the star pit chcr thcn Theres picture on the front page of section nine of this ed ition showing the team We recall the names of George Powell Jack Armstrong catchers Fred Plant pitcher Jolm Dobson Dci Emms Frank Armstrong Joe Gilchrist and Art Copeland infieldcrs Morley Livingston Walter Cooper Charlie Lynch Buster Clark Ross Twiss Chester Carson and Frank Foster outfieldcrs Dr Simpson was president and Joe Milne was the manager with George Gunner Gill as but boy COIIY IRIBBLE Baseball continued as very pop ular game until about 1928 and it faded right out again It remained for John Dobson to get things started again in 1930 and he gathered together small group to enter the new North Simooe LeaI gue This brought the emergence of very fine pitcher Allan Triliblc better known as Cotty who would have gone on to senior ball except for on injury to his am With Archie Thompson as catch lnerore handful of spectators in the fbir grounds the diamond being just to the east of where the arena now stands but by late IAugust and through September the playoff games drew as many as three and four thousand fans Others on the 1930 team were John Dobson Isl base and manager Del Emms on Jack Moore so Gene Butler 3b Ken Walls Char lie Lynch Jack Armitage and Ar chie Marshall outfield Joe Gil christ bank clerk caught some games early in the season Later on Stan Fish Sturgeon of Midland joined the team and played third base The team would undoubtedly have won the championship had not Cotty Tribblcs arm gone dead in the first game against Sydcnham and he was through for the sedson Archie Thompon and Jack Armit age managed to pitch Barrie to wins over Sydcnham and into the finals but they were not strong enough for Milton whereas Trlbhle would have mowed them down For the next three years the Barrie balsaball club won the North Simcoc championship Some of the 1930 team departed or retired Oth ers took their places In came Her bic Hot Doglennings to pitch Adam McKenzie star outfielder Joe McDonald now in Orillia George Scott from Hillsdale heavy hitting outfielder Doug Ramsay nnd number of young players de veloped in the local church league big Bob Crosby from Toronto fil led out the team There were two hectic semifinal playoffs in 1931 and 1932 both lost with North Bay In 1933 Barrie won the county lea gue but lost to Meaford in the first round OBA This was the time when the great Phil Marchildon was developing in Pcnetang and they took the group in 1934 In 1935 Collingwood with Smokey Smith pitching won not only the county but also swept the DEA intermediate honors In 1936 Barrie made determin ed effort to get back in the race and the executive came up with tum southpaw hurling imports not only Smokey Smith from Collingwood but also Wtarrpy Phillips from Mea ford Barrie won the group all right but lost out in the semifinals to Southampton who had the great Lefty Goldsmith on the mound That was in fivegames For the next four seasons Barrie had team in the league but did not reach any playoffs Came the war and base ball folded in Barrie for the dur ation Just in the past couple of years has the game been showing $3 BARRIE ATHLETIC CLUB Row Charlie Vallcau Frank Bemrose Middle Row Chris ValleauBob McPherson Back Row Jim Todd Jack Todd Walter Garton Note the oldfashioned high Jim Todd was jeweller and later prom mom in Southwestern States press office manager in Victdri George Vallcau 1886 Front Andy Carson Scott Charlie wheel bicycle Jack was Ex 80 Char Reg Roach Rated Amongst Top In Track and Field Rated amongst the tops in Bar rics track and field competitors was the late Reginald Roach tall slim fleetfooted youngster with powerful sprinting legs He was naturalborn runner who boasted tremendous stride and undoubtedly his greatest asset stubborn ghting heart Reg began to blaze real career for himself under the colors of signs of coming back There you have it In Barrie the big teams have always been as sociated with star pitchers Burton Emms Tribblc Smith lie Gortons father was one of Barries earl lest photographers almost 100 years ago Frank Bemrose became one of the Contin ents most gdcomplished professional tenor soloists Bob McPherson was clerk in John Woods Drug Store and later had his own stores in New Westminster and Vancouver where he became its Postmaster Member of Parliament and finally refused the offer of Lieutenant G0vcrnor of British Columbia Irom Fred Grunt Fllcs Barrie Collegiate track colors when he won all three divisional titles the junior intermediate and sen ior during his stay He compiled Tudhppe Cup rc cords that will remain standing for several years He holds the intermediate IOUyard dash time of 10 25 seconds the intermediate 220yard dosh mark of 23 15 sec onds the senior 220yard dash re cord of 23 15 seconds and many in Barrie Collegiates own record book After he finished school Reg joined Ace Percivals track and field sports college and competed in 220yard dashes and then con verted to Wyardsprinter It was in the latter that he joined relay team at Western University which boosted the famed McFar land brothers Bob and Don and Jack Perry The fotur captured the Canadian championship At meeting in New York he won his 440yard heat but there was no final to declare an over all winner The Cnnadian cham pionship meets at Edmonton saw Reg run close second in the quartermile sprint to Bill Parnell who was Canadas Olympic rep rescntativc During Hamiltons Centennial celebration Reg won 220yard heat but lost out in the nal plac ing third to the days track cham pron He ventured into softball bas ketball and football too but the gridiron saw him put his speed to good use for many touchdowns in Barrie Collegiate uniforms Unfortunately Reg paSSEd away in his 24th year on Monday Octo bcr 13 1952 which brought to close his proceedings along ath letic paths BARRIES LEADING SHOE Stout ll For Women Dr Locke Shoes Gold Cross Shoes Corey Casuals Joyce of California Casuals For Men Scott McHaIe Ritchie Shoes Vow For Children Brouwers Research Hurlbuls Savage WALKWEL snor STORE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE For liver 22 Yours PHONE 2397 congratulations Town or nunmr upon your wonderful Centennial roan moron comm uponIthe achievement of your Golden Anniversary in business gt Gorbyllfotors modem new automobileshowroom and garage locoied on the Market Square repugentsvihe 9mm made bxslhevautomomc In Lgustry since Fred van Patter opened the first com gaiage in Barrio in 1912 The automobileIwasntvclyfwell known then uneven as late as the winter of 192324there were only cars Iopcraied year round inIBur rieTod2Ity theautomobile is no longer luxury bubs Inceessity in modern living We are proudlo represent The Ford Company whose Iproductsare well krion anh wcll respected cums it so Trucks Motors and Farm Implements and Ilsafd Cursors II yvicedIoIt ac handoutincinpmngmnig popular with and sec colour 551255 rucrou+mucksj usro